See these two black people? They're the same as all the other black people, right...

See these two black people? They're the same as all the other black people, right? Genetically different from whites or asians, but very similar to other blacks.

Other urls found in this thread: Cardova/

Wrong. These are Melanesians, not black people. (Africans)

Melanesians are actually the most genetically divergent population from Africans. That is, the genetics of Melanesians are more different than any other group's from Africans.

Melanesians are the most non-African group of humans on the planet.

So, Cred Forums, I'm going to ask you one question: Do races exist?

That's right. Not whites, not asians. Melanesians are the furthest you can get from Africans.

If you're white, you're actually more of a black person than this guy, my fellow Cred Forumsster!

These people will grow up to be less African than Donald Trump.

That's right! The Donald himself is more genetically African than these people.

I don't see their civilization.

Therefore they are dumb.

Therefore I don't give a shit about them.

Africans have little civilization as well. You're more similar to Africans than the Melanesians, and the Melanesians are more similar to you than they are to Africans.

Europeans are more similar to both of these populations than the populations are even to each other. Maybe "civilization" (whatever that means to you) isn't genetically based?

>Melanesians are actually the most genetically divergent population from Africans

i'm gonna need proofs for that statement my leaf friend

>Chapter 2, "Race and Intelligence: Separating Science from Myth", Jefferson M. Fish, PhD


Having dark skin doesn't make you african, race is not just skin deep.
Once again Canada confirms its status as worst poster.

>Having dark skin doesn't make you african

This is true, and part of the original post's message. The original post poses a question, hoping the answerer to make a false conclusion, as I've seen done much before.

Many people would take a picture and file of a Melanesian-American person, read it over, and without an ethnic/genetic profile assume that this person is a "black" person, where they are in fact the farthest thing from. It is evidence that many closely held racial prejudices are baseless.

So they're a non-African race that happens to look like Africans and has made a similar impact on the progress of humanity, that is to say, none at all.
What's your point?

If race X is unintelligent and uncivilised, that doesn't automatically mean race Y is not unintelligent and uncivilised just because they aren't race X.

What evidence do you have that "civilization" is a racial trait?

The fact that the vast majority of discoveries, innovations and values that we associate with civilisation come from Europeans.

Or, most likely, blacks AND Melanesians are shit.

Just because they're not African doesn't mean that they're automatically good.

The traits that lead to success in a civilized (city based) culture are different from those in a hunter gatherer culture, over the course of millennia different breeds arise.


This cuck reminds me of a canadian located italian nigger lover that posted by the user name raziocinante, about a year ago.

At least he had data istead of greentext.

This raziocinante posted as Enrique cardova in his Amazon book review account, and used the same name in his egypt search forums.

Yeah. Data from egypt search and """dr""" Clyde Winters.

No serious egiptologyst abides to their negrocentric bullshit.

Anyway, if melanesians are genetically far from niggers, but are as black and as dumb, convergent evolution might be responsible for their ape-ning.

That or they descend from a diferent baboon, which in no way means they are an evolutionary suceess.

Ayo hol up, hol up

Did i tread on something?


This raziocinante posted Pepes.

What would he say now that Pepe is a decided anti-kang figure?

Doesn't this just prove that blacks are useless and we can indeed use skin colour to tell who is a retard and who isn't?

They are black though you fucking retard, they're just not African.

>printing press
>first to discover america
most likely asians
>overarching societal philosophies
>effective means of bureaucratic governance


>le out of africa theory


native americans, which actually facilitated the population explosion of europe during and after the age of exploration

middle easterners

middle easterners

If by asians you mean ancient negro pharaohs, you are 110 percent right.

Just see that negros invented peanut butter, how can whitey compete.

I never said Asians weren't smart or capable of civilisation.
Though, comparably, Europeans have always made much better use of their innovations than Asians have, which is why we are living in a Euro-centric world.

Different genes can form similar phenotypes. It's called convergent evolution.

So should we re-populate africa with Melanesians?

Genetically different in what sense? Do they have stomachs for eyes? Can they shoot acid from their finger tips? They sure look like porch monkeys to me.

Then why do they look like niggers

>>printing press
Was shit compared to gutenberg's, child play with little societal impact, same for gunpowder
>>first to discover america
>most likely asians
only if you mean ancient siberians crossing the landbridge

corn is not a fucking discovery it's just something that happened to exist where they lived. Sailing to a different continent to get it might qualify as a discovery/innovation.
>implying a (terrible) religion is a discovery Cardova/

Forgot my pepe.

Melanesians and Abbos are genetically more distant from Africans than Whites are because Whites have got only Neanderthal Admixture while Melanesians have got Denisovan admixture along with Neanderthal Admixture. Which means this genetic difference has occurred due to mixing and not due to evolving. A species becomes more superior if it has more recent evolutions. Whites were isolated in harsh conditions of Northern Hemisphere, in which more intelligent whites survived. Therefore Whites have more of recently evolved genetics which makes them better for survival, while Melanesians have more of Archaic human admixtures which makes them even more undesirable. So yes, races exist.

>Whites were isolated in harsh conditions of Northern Hemisphere, in which more intelligent whites survived.

Tell me why cold lithuania have the same iq of sierra leone.

According to this map Sierra Lion which is West Africa has an average IQ in the range of 70s. Therefore your source must be flawed. And average IQ of middle eastern and some white countries may have dropped in recent centuries because of inbreeding. For example Islam has tradition of cousin marriage.

It really is sierra leone that's unusually high for an african country. Literally every other entry in that chart confirms the theory.

By the same logic everyone north of italy should be smarter and that's why switzerland, germany and norway or fricking iceland score lower.
It's a lame 19th century theory, only on Cred Forums people give credit to such old debunked stuff.

Yeah it's not that simple, but all the top countries are eurasian and all the bottom countries are equatorial, you can argue about what's the reason for that but not with the facts.

According to me its because after reaching the threshold of average IQ of 90, the Ancestral North Eurasians who moved to Italy settles there and due to its good soil and irrigation sources they were able to produce more surplus crops and because of which they founded Roman Civilization. In a civilized societies person with higher IQ is more successfully and is able to have even more kids than in Barbaric societies. This may have caused even further rise in the IQ of Italians.


No they are cousins of Abos, the reason they have dark skin is due Indonesian latitudes having lots of UV radiation you fucking retard.

>what is Lewotin's fallacy?

We really were farmers, city builders and conquerors, are you retarded?

Yes race fucking exists. You just happened to find a type of human that might be its own race.

That's like pointing to an Anglo and a Scott and saying "well I guess whiteness is a social construct"

Ban canada


Read the whole post of the indian guy, lmao.

Which part seems wewuz to you?

You didn't notice it's the old aryan invasion/nordicism trope?

Europeans didn't sprout from the ground they really did come from the east after mixing with neanderthals. Which is what I think is being talked about here, see:
Indo-aryan migration is something that has to do with language and culture tens of thousands of years after human races were defined, and it's far from being discredited, see:
It's precisely nordic and indian nationalists that are opposed to the idea of both cultures/peoples coming from the caucasus

I used the term 'Ancestral North Eurasian' and all Caucasoids even including us Indians are children of ANE. Nordic people are even more recent who are a product of mixing of ANE and other people present in North Europe.


It's in no way debunked. It's the very truth of our lives.

