Atheists of Cred Forums, what do you think happens after you die and why do you think that Atheism is the right thing?

Atheists of Cred Forums, what do you think happens after you die and why do you think that Atheism is the right thing?

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Nothing, and i just don't care.

Absolutely nothing happens
I wish I was reborn as a white man

When I die, hope to be reborn somehow. Or better, become part with the rest of the universe.

Why i think Atheism is the "right thing" ? Its no thing at all. Atheism is a result of logic.


hurr da durr

you get eat by the cosmic crocodile

the same thing that happened before you were born. stop caring and live your life, loser.

Are you not white now? That must be tough in the land of fins

To be honest, i also see no point to argue about atheism or theism at all.

The point that you ask about atheism usualy means you are believing in something that you call "god" and now you want to argue about it. Next what you bring up, that atheism cant prove god doesn't exist. But thats not the way how thinks work - YOU state there is a GOD so its your duty to bring up the evidence, not vice versa.

I cant also prove that there is no great bleached asshole in the center of the universe, that pooped out everything in existance.

>Atheism is a result of logic

Did i hurt your feelings ?

Remember what it was like before you were born? Death is like that.

Atheism is right, because all the religions of the world are fucked up. Once mankind loses his fear, then we can advance to a higher lifeform.

>something came from nothing
this is why everyone makes fun of you people

Even if every religion in the world were false God could still exist.

prove it

Sorry i dont wear a hat...

I die. I rot. Thats it. Besides from any footprint I made on the world I am gone. And I am OK with it. I just have to make contributions to this world and I have done what I came for.

Kill yourself and report back

Do you have to believe in big bang or any other creation myth in order to be atheist?

I believe in Paul Marmets theories about an enternal existing and truely infinite universe:

Or do you mean the argument ?

I know, logic is only for those who can use their brain.

>>something came from nothing
Implying that the sum of the energy of the universe isn't zero.

I learned science to try and supplement my understanding of the world and i found that whatever your belief system is, including atheism, it is dependent on faith.

Science makes some huge assumptions and there can never be any certainties, but it's the best explanation of the world based on our limited knowledge of it.

As for what happens when we die, who knows, but given that there may be infinite parallel universes, perhaps we live on in some other manner.

Atheists are the ones offing themselves in record numbers. Probably because their worldview tells them they have no reason to live and nothing they do will ever matter after the universe dies of heat death.

An infinite universe wouldn't have time. There wouldn't be able to be a "past" or "future". We have past and future so that theory is discarded.

Logic would tell you that a first cause exists from necessary alone.

I guess you mix atheism with some kind of placebo-religion ? Atheism is no religion or anything, its what it is. A-theism: Theism is the believe in a god/creator/superpower being, and A-theism is the denial of it.

>what happens when you die?
Nothing. Thats how death works. You cease to function.
Life after death is a ridiculous oxymoron.
>right wing
Nothing a bout it entails a particular political stance

Glad you defined atheism correctly. A state of denial.

We know exactly what happens to you when you die, you rot away until there is no "you" left.

Nothing, most likely.What else?
I just cant make myself believe in the supernatural things. I wish i could.

Religion is a denial or atleast a suspension of rational thought

What do you think happens to animals when they die?

So you don't believe/deny existence of paranormal stuff like spirits, curses etc?

Yeah the shit in the bible is pretty wack. How can they think everything came from nothing?

He isn't white the same way you aren't :^)


Funny one. They have no reason to live... how you come to this conclusion ?

Logic would tell you that a first cause exists from necessary alone. What first cause ?

>what do you think happens after you die

Probably go right back to the beginning because time is an infinite loop or some equally miserable shit like that.

>why do you think that Atheism is the right thing?

Atheism describes nothing more than a lack of belief. It is not a claimed certainty or a belief system in itself. If you haven't been presented with any convincing argument that something is the case, then you don't believe it. I haven't been presented with a convincing argument that any deities exist, therefore I don't believe in them. Doesn't mean I'm sure there are none. I don't need to be sure of that any more than I need to be sure the core of the planet isn't made of ice cream in order to disregard baseless claims that it is.

I bet what happens after I die is a lot like what happened before I lived.

Atheism is my default position until I hear an actually half reasoned argument for Gods, or I experience them.

Atheism is blue-pilled.

Why not search for the answers yourself?


>what do you think happens after you die
>why do you think that Atheism is the right thing?
Because based on all the evidence available to me, it seems overwhelmingly likely that there's no such thing as "God" as described by most religions.

>what do you think happens after you die
Like going to sleep but forever

>why do you think that Atheism is the right thing?
I don't think it's the "right thing".

>German Flag
>Uses Rehkitz as image

Junge, whenever you make a thread it has the same Rehkitze/Rehe and writing style and it always ends in shitposting, pick another animal at least next time, i start to worry about the Deers in my Wildpark in case you're some furryfag

Agnostic and I don't fucking know. Nobody knows. I'd like to think we can choose to be reincarnated or be ghosts and explore the world but I don't have proof of it, and it's mostly just my fear of death coming into play.

>one post by this ID in this thread

op stupid af.
obvs they believe nothing happens.

>and why do you think that Atheism is the right thing?

It's the default

They don't effect my paycheck and they don't keep me from sleeping so I don't think they have much actual relevance to my life.

Where did God from then?

checkm8 christcucks

What matters is what you leave behind, Hans.

>makes fun
Only low IQ subhumans that believe in tribal monkey superstition.
>something came from nothing
Thats exactly what religious people believe though. Who created God?
Science tells us we still dont know the exact origins of the universe as they may be extremely complex. The universe may be on an eternal expansion contraction loop for all we know. Our narrow understanding of time and cause and effect may be irrelrvant when talking about the medium that created time itself. The universe likely didnt have a beginning in the way we think cause and effect works.
Atleast science doesnt pretend to know the answer as stopping at "god did it" would be a logical fallacy.
Stopping at God is just irrational intellectual lazyness


>When I die, hope to be reborn somehow.
stop the autism, nothing will happen when u die,
religion was made to control savage humans in a society

I guess you mean red-pill ;)

It's right for me because I haven't found any explanation (eg Creationism, Big Bang) which is conclusive enough to answer the most ambitious question ever. Simply put: I don't know. I would be fucking thrilled if a god created us and was watching over us with some sort of incredible plan that would end in justice for all and joy for the good, the problem is that I can't find any real proof for it.

God is a necessary existing being. God "coming from" something is a paradox. Plato and Aristotle were writing about the prime mover thousands of years ago.

So long as you accept you are without excuse.

"Feeling nothingness" or "in oblivion" are also oxymorons

Nothing happens, and it's not about it being "the right thing." It's simply a matter of the god of the majority of monotheistic religions being a contradictory idea and thus patently false, without even going into the history of how such ideas and myths came to be, which show them as human made and a product of the circumstances of the people who imagined them, built upon older narrations and rewritten over time.

To clarify, atheism doesn't deny the existence of aliens or gods of the superhuman variety, i.e. beings who just happen to possess inexplicable powers, but are not omnipresent, omniscient, existing outside of time, able of conscious thought and knowledge while lacking a subject-object boundary and so on. Those are the beings that require proof of their existence, which falls under general skepticism.

The god (or rather, many definitions of god with subtle differences) of monotheistic theologians faces both philosophical scrutiny, from which atheism stems, and skepticism, which leads to agnosticism. Both are good reasons to avoid religion, but the former is much more solid. In any case science has little to say in the matter, which is why there are so many religious scientists without it being a contradiction, why the big bang is a Catholic theory, etc. The most that science can do is offer explanations to phenomena that used to be attributed to divine powers, like lightning or changing of the seasons, and that is also the reason why theologians don't fear having to debate with people trained only in science - I mean proper theologians, of course, not dumb young Earth creationist rednecks.

>So you don't believe/deny existence of paranormal stuff like spirits, curses etc?
I absolutely do.

Not really an atheist more of an agnostic but either
A) Nothing
B) Reincarnation but with loss of memory (basically consciousness transference A LA Buddhism)
Both equally disgusting and making this life all that much worthless.

>what do you think happens after you die
I'll get cremated and then put into the family crypt in the garden.
>and why do you think that Atheism is the right thing?
Had no reason to assume otherwise so far. Honestly, basing your identity around not believing in stuff is pretty pointless.

Atheism is not the belief in the big bang or evolution or any other thing.

It is the lack of belief in a deity.

Saying dumb shit like ''LOL ATHEISTS BELIEVE SOMETHING CAME FROM NOTHING" is hopefully bait,and not an actual argument you'd try to use to discredit atheism as a position.

As an atheist,I don't know where we all came from, I just think the claim that we were created by whatever god you worship has no proof and I've no investment in believing it.

Nothing, you're gone. There's no such thing as the right thing; there is simply what is, and what people want to be. Whether or not atheism is "the right thing" is irrelevant to whether or not it is true. People being tortured to death every day is certainly not "the right thing", yet nevertheless it happens.

>Atheists of Cred Forums, what do you think happens after you die
Hell. The will suffer forever since they want a life without God and He will give them just that.

Something that, memes aside, really makes me think is that consciousness is a metabolically wasteful thing (even thinking breaks strands of DNA in your neurons), and its slow. In all honesty, we don't need a complex consciousness, and some organisms seem to be doing fine without a complex consciousness. Our consciousness knows it is mortal

Despite all of that, it still drives us to continue living. I don't know if thats what defines willpower, but the fact that we continue to defy mortality by living is pretty cool.

Thats just my view

Hell is a door that is locked from the inside.

Science should never be taken as an absolute truth unlike religions

>God throws you in hell because you don't believe in his existence even if it means you lived a good life
>God is this petty, pathetic and vindictive

Deer are the rats of the forest. Yuk

>were writing
And the prime mover argument has been BTFO by hundreds of philosophers.
>God is a necessary being. Him coming from something is a paradox
No. It's only such in your definition. This argument is literlly moving goalposts. There is nothing apriori that can prove the neccessity of Gods existence or the prime mover argument. There is nothing that says couldnt replace God with a sufficiently complete physical theory about the origin of the universe.
>feeling nothingness is an oxymoron
You cease to exist. You dont feel nothing in the an perceptional sense. You are no longer capable of feeling anything. There is no more (You)

>Live a good life full of sin, never repenting, never seeking God or wanting his presence at all
>God forces you to be with him for eternity

Except the universe is finite.

You either have

A) something exists, has always existed, and will always exist


B)nothing exists, has ever existed, or will ever exist

We exist so I choose A. We live on a timeline so the past is not infinite.

There might only be time in our universe, whereas, a multiverse could be infinite in time and space.

I hope nothing happens

My brain stops sending and receiving impulses and with that my consciousness dies. Then my body decomposes and I will cease to exist. Simple as that. I think it's a pretty comfy idea. No worrying about whether you go to heaven or hell or how you're gonna spend eternity or what you're gonna reincarnate as or any other bullshit.

You've got one life, just enjoy it for what it is.

The multiverse hypothesis was brought about to get around teleology and there is no evidence that it exists at all.

When I die there will be one last unimaginable 15 min trip, that probably feels like hours if not years. That will be the best experience one can ever have.
After that there's literally nothing.

>Atheists of Cred Forums, what do you think happens after you die
Clearly I'm beamed up into the sky to have my immortal soul judged based on the life I lived here on earth by a bearded mam (who's not literally a bearded man). If I did not choose to believe in him based on bad evidence, but I was still a good boy, said soul is condemned to purgatory, where I'll sit with everyone else of my ilk in a kinda nice (but not really) palace for eternity and feel quite stupid.

The alternative is that my brain ceases all function, and I'm gone like the OS on your dead laptop.

>there is no evidence that it exists at all

I think you cease to exist and that's that, and I'm not even an atheist. I believe in a form of creation and in some sort of God, gods or god-like group which ensures the continuity of Life and all existence, but I don't believe in Heaven, Hell or any sort of afterlife (at least for the vast majority of all beings).

I think religion is a form of control. Telling people to be happy with the hardships in their current life and they'll be rewarded with comfort and happiness in their afterlife keeps people from fighting to change their circumstances. Belief in religion and an afterlife sates people's curiosity when it comes to knowledge of the universe, and prevents them from pursuing scientific advancement. Others will even violently oppose the pursuit of knowledge if this knowledge contradicts their religious beliefs. Religion also keeps us divided and fighting with one another, and is just one more thing which prevents the unification of the people of the world and the combination of our efforts in the pursuit of knowledge.

Ultimately I DO believe in a God, gods or god-like group which creates new worlds and perpetuates Life, but I also believe that part of their great plan relies on deception. People need to believe that "the big plan" is inclusive. If they knew that God and his team were moving to another planet to continue life without the rest of us we'd be pretty butthurt. We'd stop mining their resources or growing food for their cities. We might even try to strike out at them in jealousy. What makes them better than us? More deserving of surviving the cyclical catastrophes?

The vast majority of people aren't philosophers. Most of humanity is willing to lay down their life for a greater cause, and if everyone was so perfect and understanding, then the world would be boring as fuck. Our imperfections make Life worth living, but also make deception necessary.

The same thing that happened to you before you were born, nothing.

I also don't think atheism "is the right thing". I don't know if there exists a creator or not, but i know for damn sure that the existing religions are all bullshit.

Exactly. The same people that make fun of religious people for believing something "without evidence" blindly believe in the multiverse theory.

How do you know?

there's exponantially more evidence for the multiverse than for the existence of god.

>most atheist country in yurop
>not filled to the brim with refugees
>even considered "based" by many in Cred Forums

Nothing happens and don't care either.

because there is 3000 different religions all claiming to be right.

Why does the typical atheist waste his life online, playing vidya, and looking at anime if he believes there is nothing after death? Seems like a fucking waste if you ask me.

Whats it honestly feel like to live your life on orgasm to the next? Man that would be fucking pathetic.

It is entirely theoretical, but there is actually logic and reasoning in it rather than sky daddy logic.


Because they reek of bullshit and control. The fact that there are several major religions leads me to believe that they're SUPPOSED to be there, for whatever reason, and there is no such thing as THE DEBIL who did it to confuse mankind and your religion is the real religion.

It's just bullshit, and it's obvious to anyone who isn't indoctrinated to it that there's an ulterior motive.

You're delusional. The multiverse hypothesis has only been around for like 50 years from some neo-Atheist bs.

Not gonna lie, those deer are really sexy.

you are right, evidence was the wrong word.

wasn't asking you

>the existing religions are all bullshit.
I'm sure you studied every single one of them extensively, you fedora tipping edgelord.

>the older a theory the more valid it is

The same as before I was born.

Your consciousness slips into darkness, there is nothing but this is not a lack of something, more a waiting.

After the heatdeath of the Universe and the big crunch another big bang happens, if the correct alignment of molecules creates another version of you then you are reborn in that body, but your first few years where you are unable to speak ad cry alot are because you witness your memories of your previous life being erased from your head.

Eventually you get over it and grow into another person.

This is one cycle, one cycle of an enormous simulation in which we all live and provide data back to our overlords monitoring a computer screen in another dimension.

I'm sure you did.

Since you're American I don't expect you to understand this outright, but look at this. See the trend?

Do you even know why it came about? I know teleology went over your head. When the evidence from the anthropic principle became so overwhelming that it could no longer be denied atheists began to say "our universe appears this way because we are actually in a universe that is just one of infinite universes" forgetting that infinite is just an abstract idea and not a reality.

>See the trend?

Yeah, the most countries east of the iron curtain aren't cucked while most west of it are.

Is it the Americans?

kek, I know old ladies who would believe in that shit

> I don't know if there exists a creator or not, but i know for damn sure that the existing religions are all bullshit.

I think you ought to rethink your logic there. Accepting not knowing, but going further in the same breath to say you know for sure these specific religions are bullshit is pretty moronic.

Only the One True Religion.

No you faggot. The less religious you are, the more likely you'll be cucked.


nothing happens you die
it's wishfull thinking to just believe that you deserve more

Here is a intresting thing about 'order and information" in generala
When you destory the thing that hold it the information is lost.

Imagine you've got a book with a story, take that book and burn it... and spread the ashes in the wind, what happens to the story?

Well you may say it lingers on in your memory or of the one that wrote it...
But the story/information is gone...

Take your harddrive , and blow up it... what happens to all your porn? does it go to porno heaven where it meets other porn movies? nop it's gone , lost , destoryed.

We are the acumulation of our own experience once the structure that hold that information/patterns that makes us us is destory so are we gone.

Beliving that somehow you have order without stucture to contain any sort of information/indenity is just a fallacy.

If that was true , then you could recover your porn file , or the story inside the book after you've completely destoryed the book/hard drive.


I don't know if atheism is right the only that I hope is that bastards who came up with theory of many worlds are mistaken. Cause if they are right everyone will be fucked in the ass and all other orifices by Slaanesh and will have a pleasure of talking to AM.

>No you faggot.
But it is.
Plus, how do you determine who's cucked and who's not? Looks pretty arbitrary to me.

And that religion's name is Islam, mashallah :^)

why not just kill yourself and save yourself all the pain?

I don't know what happens, there are endless possibilities and theories. But that's okay because I'm not afraid of the unknown, it doesn't matter what happens if anything happens.

What happens to you after you die?

Well, your body will rot. Not that you'll be aware of it, because you're dead remember. That's why cremation is the best option in my opinion, rotting is not something I want for myself, even if my consciousness no longer exists to notice it.

I think Consciousness is dependent upon a body working properly I.e. You being alive. Therefore you won't be conscious of anything after your body fails to work properly. Brain death is the obliteration of your consciousness forever. And, I'm okay wIth that.

I think atheism is probably too far a stretch. Plus it's a negative proposition which basically makes it unprovable. The deists are the ones proposing something, therefore the burden of proof is on them. It's because of this that I generally prefer the idea of agnosticism, about the nature/existence of a supreme being.

Spinoza's concept of pantheism, or Theilhard de Chardain's concept of the Omega Point are two of most interesting and logical concepts about the nature of divinity that I've ever heard. I'd recommend looking into them to anyone.

You know it, brother :^)

many here say that all atheist nations are doomed to fall very quickly
so how do eesti and cz stay what they are?
is it their western "christian" upbringing and values?
then perhaps a literal belief isn't wholly required for the preservation of western culture, just a simple respect of your heritage

So how exactly does the origin of a theory change it's validity? The multiverse theory is far more logical than any religion. When you observe nature and the universe, you will never find something that is truly unique or singular. In fact most things in the Universe exist in seemingly endless quantaties and are usually organised in a fractal patterns. So why would it stop with the universe? Isn't it more logical to assume, that our universe is just one out of infinite universes, organised in a fractal pattern?

>Looks pretty arbitrary to me.

yeah, you're an atheist faggot. Tell me Sweden isn't cucked. or Germany. Hell Merkel is from East Germany. There goes your little faggot trend.

>why do you think that Atheism is the right thing?
can people actually stop treating atheism like a religion?
i don't believe in an invisible almighty superhero in the sky. that's it.

Not an atheist, I just don't care. Whatever happens happens and that's just how it is.

>why do my two exceptions stay afloat?

Stop changing the arugment into your own strawman. I never said that. Now address the trend retard.

No. It isn't. The people that came up with the multiverse have an agenda just as you assume religious leaders have their agenda.

>all these German fedora tippers

No wonder Muslims are taking over your country.

> no one punishes sins
> villains are rewarded not punished
> egoism pays greatly
> many gods
> dead people do not resurrect
> chrisitians are cucks

you just decompose

>I learned science
>i found that whatever your belief system is, including atheism,
>atheism is belief
You can't science because you epic failed to learn logic.

>universe is finite
No. Not necessarily.
>A or B
Again nothing necessary about that either. Also I dont really see an argument there. It's all a question of physics and not philosophy anyway.

I found the scientific, physical evidence of "god" (is another story), so I don't believe in God. I know that "he" exists. This is not necessarily: pray, worship to him; "he" will not penalize you for bad thoughts or actions. Although, It's possible to receive damage by his actions. But I remain an atheist and a skeptic against all religious, supernatural, etc. After the death the person of human disappears. If he had a useful or interesting skills, it's as much as possible is copied and stored inside of the organism, which people mean as "god". More specifically it is not skills, but a set of environmental conditions and coding, through which these skills are formed. More specifically, it is not skills, but a set of environmental conditions and coding, through which these skills are formed. This is necessary for the evolution of the human species. In some ways, the most advantageous for "god" a property of human (there may be several, or may not exist any) will develop in other people. God has a plan and purpose, he is forced to manipulate people for to do this. People are used as tools, "hands." Good employees for him are encourag.

I realize and agree with the trend,
I just want some explanation for the exceptions

you can't just ignore them and say they randomly happen with no reason at all


>something came from nothing
Like your made up gods and demons?

This is why everyone makes fun of you people


I'm pretty sure that Germany is cucked thanks to the actions of pastor's daughter Angela Merkel, head of the Christian Democratic Union and her colleagues.

How can you make sense of Estonia and the Czech Republic or Bulgaria and Latvia? My explanation explains those unlike yours.

>No. Not necessarily.
We live on a timeline. If the universe were infinite there would be no such thing as time.

I think nothing happens after you die and I am an atheist because all of the evidence on the subject suggests there is no god.

They are Slavs, it is against the laws of physics for them to be leftist scum

>relating unrelatable things
Isnt it incredible that the most pious countries are usually the biggest shitholes with the worst education?
Really makes you think.

What evidence favors God's nonexistence?

>If the universe were infinite there would be no such thing as time.

>Isnt it incredible that the most secular countries are usually the biggest shitholes with the worst killing fields?

nice rebuttle

Nobody knows what happens after you die, and anyone that claims otherwise has an agenda.

This includes the religious and atheist alike.

>what do you think happens after you die?
I don't, I simply don't know.
>why do you think that Atheism is the right thing?
I don't, right and wrong are relative terms, I think it's the smart thing.

I think what you leave behind, is your after life, your legacy
That's why i wanna leave this world as best as i can leave it
I can't say for sure if there's really a sort of heaven. But i don't get caught up in the idea of it. Im okay with whatever happens.

>correct and incorrect are relative

I think like any other living thing the body decomposes thus completing the cycle

How does that make sense to you? Time is a human concept, we don't know if there is a beginning or an end of time.

I believe that you fade into darkness in those last moments, maybe you get some cool visuals, then you enter into non-consciousness, like going under an aesthetic.

>b-but muh heaven and muh granny

The way I see it, since there's nothing after we die, we should value everything and everyone and the planet we live on even more, as we only get one shot at it.

Perhaps we are reborn, but I seriously doubt this.

Ultimately I think any form of belief in heaven is for idiots and cowards.

The fact that every religion is different and claims to be the only one true faith
Tha fact that it is clearly the result of the cultural borms of that society at that time.
The fact that biology and physics contradict any statements on the origins of mankind or the planet earth. And the biology of all living beings
The fact that its a cultural meme.
And ofcourse any lack of evidence for his existence.
Occams razor baby

Good bait, I almost fell for it.

Considering clinical case where people who have a part of their brain damaged lost the capacity to remember or even make a decision and sentience is actually due to a neural circuit if we have a soul it's should be able to do nothing because it's doesn't have brain allowing choice, sentience, etc...
So I have a really difficult time to believe we exist after death (even if I would like to be the opposite).

I don't think atheism, nothing show me god actually exist beyond any doubt and I don't like ideological dogmatism either religious or political. If religion help people to give the best of themselves good for them.

But I really don't understand people who they would be psychopathic child killer without religion.

Those are negatives. What positive evidence do you have?

Steven Hawking says time started at the big bang. So if it started it's not infinite. It's finite.

Eternal Darkness.

Only joking, you must live a sad sad life to believe this :)

>nice rebuttle
There are multuple theories that could explain an infinite universe. Our perseption of time and cause and effect has nothing to do with the true function of time. Look up 9+ dimensional quantum mechanics.
Besides this is a pointless line of argument because any cosmological argument is rife with fallacies and is laughed upon by scholars nowadays.

>Even if every religion in the world were false God could still exist.
False gods exist because of religion. There have been thousands of false religions and thousands of false gods.

Best not to be fooled by any of them.

>The fact that every religion is different and claims to be the only one true faith

Not strictly true, my man. Many religions recognise validity in (some) others.

And does time really exist or is it just invented to measure rate of change relatively to some arbitrarily chosen standard ?

As a PHD owning physicist I actually cry at both sides lack of understanding

>Steven Hawking says time started at the big bang.


I'm not an athiest, I'm an agnostic. I don't claim to know what happens after death, there might be something, there might not be. We have no way of knowing for sure.

PHD is a meme

The demonstrable origins of the cosmos
The first law of thermodynamics
The fact that magic isn't real
The fact that in spite of the greatest minds in human history devoting their entire lives, to proving God exists, for countless generations haven't been able to produce any evidence, and every experiment to test predictions made upon God hypotheses has come up negative.

I will be reborn as someone else.

>I'm very smart please look at me I have a PHDVD

Fuck off

You don't need to be a physicist to understand that the notion of a God has absolutely nothing to do with time, which is something that applies to the entire universe, not just our little dirt ball with a thin film of retardation on its surface orbiting some humdrum star in some insignificant galaxy.

They are all evidence that religion is a man made concept. In that way they are positive claims.
The burden of proof lies on those making extraordinary claims. You cant proove that an intagible metaphysical concept doesnt exist. If i said there is an invisible intangible pink unicorn in the sky you would not be able to refute that either.

>you are an idiot for believing the multiverse theory
>but let me just use the big bang theory to support my argument
are you for real?

But my book! My ancient book!

Those that are related like abrahamic religions whih are a verry narrow tree. I am talking about all the faiths throughout the history of humanity.
Faith is a social construct.

>tfw spent 9 years studying a meme only to be told by anonymous posters with a high school level of understanding of physics that I fell for a meme and QM actually does prove there is an afterlife

I hope you are crying due to laughter.

I have all the proof i need when I look in the mirror. Something so beautiful didn't just happen by chance. That would require a bigger miracle than a wizard in the clouds.

>God is a necessary existing being.
Necessary only to the feeble-minded. They get comfort in knowing some deity cares about them so much he created a special place for their souls to burn forever.

Just right before we die, our brains puts our minds in some kind of stasis feeling nothing physical, and keeps your conscious from dying, and that will seem like a eternity, and you will dream what ever you want, so you can be in your own universe with your ideal 2d waifu.

or we just die, and get to be with our waifu.


Do you see, though, how this statement is not convincing to me?

So none?

I'll make a list off the top of my head of evidence in favor.

Jesus of Nazareth

Nothing, I imagine it feels like going to sleep. As for your second question, the fact that you said "the right" already sounds like a begging the question fallacy waiting to happen. The "right thing" is what you make of it. If you think that means you can't be an outstanding member of your community, well, let's just say that explains why you're a christian.

This is the hardest red pill for some to swallow, which is that your brain and your body are everything you are. Once your brain dies you no longer have a conscious or subconscious. It's over, there is nothing.

I'm going to be a ghost on spectate mode, no clipping throughout the world forever.

I hope.

For me, I can see reincarnation being what actually happens to an individual after they die. Their are many cases of kids remembering the life of another human that lived before them, and desu this is really the only anomaly that to even help us understand what might happen after we die (unless you believe in witches, of course).

That being said, thinking about a life of nothing, makes me fear more than knowing that hell awaits. Even though I could never believe in a God that would damn a soul to hell fire for all eternity, I do hope for the sake of our souls that a God does exist, or that reincarnation is true, or that other planes of existence exist that we get to try out.

Yes of course, not everyone gets to be a perfect display of wonderful symmetry.

Naturalism is probably the most blue pilled idea ever conceived to cause people to abandon God and worship the state.

K. Then how do you reconcile any supernatural occurrence with the first law of thermodynamics?

>Do you even know why it came about?
Why is one of those questions that 3-year olds like repeating all day long. Ironically, you can tell them any made up answer to shut them up just like the average uncurious theist.

Adults don't have to know why as long as they understand and accept the rational "what".

Theists should concentrate their efforts on better questions, like why a god that presumably loves them throws them in a lake of fire to burn forever if they eat lobster.

I guess QM proves there is no afterlife at all

yet it is a meme, and PhD is a meme too

he should guess why I do know

>logical concepts about the nature of divinity

Your cognitive ability is damaged.

All those arguments have much more solid rebuttals than the arguments itself. Any argument that has tried to prove Gods existence a priori has been debunked, otherwise we wouldnt even be having this discussion.
You citing Jesus as an argument actually made me laugh.

>I found the scientific, physical evidence of "god"
You fell for lies, now you're telling more lies to cover it up.

You might be dishonest to the core, but at least you're human.

Agnosticism is the ultimate redpill. Let's admit we know nothing and we can't know about death and God.

I certainly will not follow the teachings of sandniggers

I hate niggers

where does it say god came from nothing?

>Worshipping an imaginary sky-wizard to cash in your good boy points for an eternity of celestial tendies is red-pilled

Ancient Jews illustrated hell as a lake of fire to symbolize what being away God is like. But if you don't want to be with God in the first place then hell should be what you wanted. Hitchens said heaven would be like hell to him so if he were writing his bible he would describe hell very differently than a lake of fire or outer darkness or whatever. You go where you want to go.

Why would you assume a supernatural occurrence is made up of measurable energy?

Hans pls. Historical records show that Jesus lived, was crucified, and thousands of people believed he was resurrected to the point they were being tortured to death for believing it. Resurrection cannot be accepted because historians philosophically rule out miracles' existence not because the evidence for it is not there.

>Atheists of Cred Forums, what do you think happens after you die
you rot in the ground
>and why do you think that Atheism is the right thing?
because that's literally what happens to everything

If you want to talk about morality, that's a different question. Christianity, Buddhism, etc have good tenets to adopt as far as how to treat others and live your life righteously, but the metaphysical voodoo is a joke.

>can't know
I take issue with this claim.

And not a single piece of evidence was produced in that post.

Tell me about the deer poster, is he a big guy?

Is this TF2?

Shouldn't you be prepping your bull?

Just like you can't know which one of us will win in a game of Chess. All you can do is speculate.

>Why would you assume a supernatural occurrence is made up of measurable energy?
Because they are alleged to do measurable things. Like cure diseases, etch images onto bread, and extend consciousness beyond a physical medium and maintain it forever.

All phenomenon, which can be observed by humans, must necessarily intersect with the classical physical world. Either they do so and can be explained with classical physics, they don't exist and are frbications, or the phenomenon are completely restricted to some nonclassical realm in which case all events which affect our lives are still fabrications.

>Historical records.
Kek. All the historical records have been proven to be written at least 100 years after his death. There is certainly no evidence whatsoever for a ressurection.
Many historians doubt that Jesus even existed.

After I die the same thing happens before I was born. Gar nichts passiert.

Nothing happens

That's not a good comparison. God either exists now/before and is exerting measurable change on the universe, doesn't exist, exists but can't exert change and thus can not be attributed with any miracles or revelations.

The outcome of a chess game is a prediction about the future.

Besides believing he was crucified is not an argument for the existence of god

>60% white

amerisharts, man

You couldn't be farther from the truth. Even secular historians date the gospels at 70 AD. That's 40 years maximum. Find me one reputable ancient historian that doubts Jesus' existence.

I would say either things in the world are being manipulated by an outside force to cause it, or the law is being broken which makes a miracle a miracle in the first place.

>what happens to humans when they die
the same thing that the bible says happens to animals when they die

>think it's the right thing
We don't think it's the "right" thing, it's just what we've got. I don't think a mediocre dick length is the right thing to have but it's what I rammed into your mom last night.

God blew himself up. Boom. Big bang.

>rape capitol of the WORLD
swedecucks, man

So the strongest and most influential nation on Earth isn't a white nation? Cred Forums was WRONG AGAIN.

>Faith is a social construct.
"faith" was a substitute for knowledge. As knowledge replaces more and more supernatural explanations, the elements of faith vanish like the smoke and mirrors they always were.

>a being who never had a beginning bippity boppity booed the universe into existence.

your story isnt any more logical

I think nothing happens when you die and that's why this life is so important. I'm not a nihilist and see some good in Christianity and certainly not a 'leftist' so i'm not arguing about this here.

psalms 90:20 its like you people dont even read the book you circle jerk about,

I think I meet some higher being on a different plane of existance. Atleast that happened during my NDE.
Was actually kinda cool and made me go from Atheist to agnostic.

If that was real and not some hallucination i maybe was the first human to step before god and say "Ah.... shit."

Still think that the big religions are full of shit and only prey on the simple minded to get their bucks and power.

But whatever happens, it really doesnt matter. I dont worry about death, about dying? yes but not death itself. Either I´m done and out of the game permanently or being reborn or go to hell/heaven.
Only thing I can do is try my best to lead a good life and follow my own moral principles.

Thats more then many others do.

If things are being manipulated from "outside" we would at least be able to see the manipulators. Like a supernatural loproscopic probe bridging the physical and ephemeral realm. Where is it?

As for "whatever well just break the laws" that's not one of the options. The laws of physics emerge from observation and experimentation and not from the assertions of autborities. They are said to be descriptive and not proscriptive.

>I'll make a list off the top of my head of evidence in favor.
Despite your painful efforts, there is no rational evidence that any deities ever existed. There is only your gullibility, confirmation bias, dunning-kruger IQ and extreme desperation to make your irrational beliefs seem rational.


Choose one

Find me source other than the gospels of a religion dedicated to him. Again you fail to address my point and try to move the goal posts. Even if he did exist that does not prove the existence of a god. And there isnt a single peice of evidence on earth that proves the nonsensical belief that he was resurected. Having a following doesnt mean anything.

>worship the state.
No one worships the state. That just another false narrative you fell for.

Yep God of the gaps.

Only an intellectual pleb would need a deity to dictate his morals

Well. I'll show you in a few minutes the real "face of God"


this is what started to lead me to a life of faith.

If you have no hope beyond oblivion/the void, why not just stick a shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger? All the pain and suffering in this life is worth nothing anyway if we're all headed the same way.

Probably why the suicide rate among atheists is so high:

The singularity expands and contracts, there have been infinite beginnings. It's a beautiful multiverse.

A frog told me this when I tried DMT.

>shart capitol of the world
amerifats, man

Nihilist agnostic here
Morals are a spook

Max Stirner called this out on other atheist

Consider the claim moral realists are making. They generally claim there are invisible properties in the world not detectable by our usual tools of science, properties of an entirely different sort than the usual “is” facts of science.
These are mysterious “ought” facts, and there is great disagreement about what they are or how we know them.
Now that is a strong claim.
An extraordinary claim, we might say. And extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, right?

So what is the atheist’s extraordinary evidence for this claim? Usually, it’s something like this:
“I experience a world of moral facts. I feel very strongly that rape is objectively wrong, and charity is objectively right.”
“Almost everybody believes in moral facts. It’s just obvious. Until you can prove there aren’t any, I’m justified in believing what people have always believed: that some things are really right or wrong.”

Do those arguments look familiar? They should.

Atheists are skeptical of these arguments when given for the existence of God, but they are credulous and gullible toward these arguments when you replace the word ‘God’ with another mysterious thing called ‘moral facts.’

This was brought up by Max Stirner during a debate with Marx and other atheist and one of the reasons they had a falling out

Pic related
It triggers "moralist" atheist

>where does it say god came from nothing?
Where does it say the big bang came from nothing?

At least the big bang doesn't pretend to know.

Faith can't be a social construct as it is a necessary requirement for society to establish. Read The New Science, Hans.

>You go where you want to go
I want my being to evaporate like a puff of smoke, and I want my molecules to return to the Earth for new living things

also have you checked everything by your own carefully conducted experiment or do you believe in it because your book told to do so or an old man convinced you?

Unless you can prove they are not rational you have no argument.
All those apply to you too

The law of causality
The law of thermodynamics
These are some of the things that give him credit.

I'd like for you to prove "free will" and "morals" exist.

Humanity will become technologically advance enough to discover there is no god or heaven. Making this grim realization will force the market to come up with a solution: when there is no afterlife, humans will engineer their own heaven and make it available for everyone who has ever existed.

A deity breaking the laws is not an option?

I'm not desperate, just go where the evidence is. I'd put necessity as one of the top ones.

The gospels are the most well documented and recorded pieces of writing ever written down. Just because miracles are mentioned you dismiss them. There are sources from Pliny and Josephus about Jesus but you shouldn't even need them. You've been led astray by secular academia that starts with the assumption that God cannot exist then asked to analyze history stating God does exist. Jesus existence alone does not prove anything, the prophecies about Him and the resurrection claim provide evidence. You can't prove anything in this life from the standard you've set. Prove you're not in the matrix for instance.

Leftists worship the state.

I'll take sharting over rapefugees anyday.

That's pretty sad.

I like when papy sky dicksucker go out of their way to write loooong post full of nothing.

Reminds me i'm, at the very least, not that retarded

>The gospels are the most well documented and recorded pieces of writing ever written down.

Incredible. the christcuck delusions levels are off the charts!

it means after the original recording you stupid moose fucker.

1.biological neural network.
>It has been suggested that a bacterial colony loosely mimics a biological neural network. The bacteria can take inputs in form of chemical signals, process them and then produce output chemicals to signal other bacteria in the colony.
Bacteria communication and self-organization in the context of network theory has been investigated by Eshel Ben-Jacob research group at Tel Aviv University which developed a fractal model of bacterial colony and identified linguistic and social patterns in colony lifecycle see moar:
2.the impact on the consciousness. 2 articles with scientific research for example:
A Hidden Factor in Stroke Severity: The Microbes in Your Gut
Microbes can play games with the mind
God is an ancient intelligent colony of bacteria that affect people through the microflora of body and environment. People are tools to interact with the material world. Colonia evokes thoughts, desires, emotions, etc. If desired, voice and hallucinations.,Syphilis/?a=s&p=2 This synthetic biology. Man controlled bacterial immortal neural network through self-replicating nanomachines (microflora)

>it means after the original recording
So, it's well copied and documented shit. Got it.

I'd recommend at least checking the two guys idea's before stating that they aren't logical.

Spinoza's 'ethics' in which he talks about pantheism is essentially a book of logical theorems. And, Theilhard de Chardain thought the universe itself was evolving towards increased complexity, wherein at the end, at the final most complex point of the universe God essentially exists, the universe is God, because for anything to be a THE supreme being it must hold all attributes. Both pantheism and the omega point have been argued in a valid way by more than a few philosophers - it just depends whether you accept the premises or not.


>ignores that I'm nihilist agnostic
>labels me religious and attacks that label with buzzwords
Not an argument

I find in hilarious that self proclaimed atheist dont believe in "god" but are credulous and gullible when you replace the word ‘God’ with another mysterious thing called ‘moral facts" and "free will"

This is the first I've heard of any theory staying an infinite universe cannot have time.

I'm Atheist because I see no evidence for a God. I think it is pretty shit that there is nothing after death but I can't just alter my beliefs to fit what I find appealing.

I'll actually be pretty happy if I die and then end up going to some paradise place, but I'm just not getting my hopes up. It'd be nice if God could stop being a prick and perhaps show himself once in a while- seemed like he used to do it alot in the Bible days...

infinite universe would have to be infinite in the past as well. hawking says that is not the case.

That's what the cult of reason said
That's what the cult of the supreme being said
That's what revolutionary Mexico said
"Calles law"
That's what various communist governments said
"League of the militant godless"
"Red guard"
"Khmer rouge"
That's what modern "atheist" think
"Atheism plus"

History is a good teacher
Humanity is stuck in a infinite loop

I'm sorry, the extreme smugness and stupidity it displayed reminded me of religious tards. I'll respect your pronouns next time

How can you really know that Jesus was resurrected? People could have lied about all of that, hallucinated, or Jesus could have had a twin brother or whatever. Now, you'll probably say any this is unlikely, but just how likely is it that someone ROSE FROM THE FUCKING DEAD? That's the most unlikely explanation of them all.

I just think it's identical as to before you were born.

Relitards spent the last 2 millenia trying to laugh at more intelligent people and gettign BTFO utterly whenever a new wave of discovery happened. I suggest you stop questionning your betters

Not when you have thousands of years of prophecy saying it will happen and thousands of people that saw it happen also being tortured to death for saying that it happened but still saying it.

>imblybing it's not

>I'm sorry, the extreme smugness and stupidity it displayed reminded me of religious tards. I'll respect your pronouns next time
>Ignores the argument and resorts to ad hominem
Seems I struck a nerve
How does this make you feel?

Why can't you prove "morals" and "free will" exist?

Why do you created strawmen and attack them?

Elaborate how my post is "stupid"

The logical conclusion is that your mind goes dark one last time, like when you sleep soundly, and it lasts forever, as if you had never existed. Makes life seem pointless but there is nothing you can do about it.

I don't claim to hold the truth, or that atheism is the "one true faith" or the right thing(I guess this makes me an agnostic atheist) and deep down I wish Jesus would prove me wrong or something, but I have learned to live with this thought and it does not bother me unless I'm hungry.

>Relitards spent the last 2 millenia trying to laugh at more intelligent people and gettign BTFO utterly whenever a new wave of discovery happened. I suggest you stop questionning your betters
Can you prove what you say?
No question begging epithet or question deflection please.

>stop questioning your betters
The scientific method is all about questioning are you suggesting otherwise?


>The scientific method is all about questioning are you suggesting otherwise?

If relitards really tried at it then obviously they wouldn't be relitards anymore, duh

Well, people did "rise from the dead", just google "wake up at mortuary" or something.

There is always something true about most legends(and historians usually agree that Jesus did exist, although Roman historians thought he was just a jewish rabbi IIRC) so it is not THAT unlikely that some dude was buried and then got up 2000 years ago.


>If relitards really tried at it then obviously they wouldn't be relitards anymore, duh
Did you forget the big bang theory came from a Catholic priest?

You seem to think belief and lack of belief correlate with knowledge and lack of knowledge.

Two parralel lines dont never intersect

1)working link
2)People are controlled by bacterial immortal neural network through self-replicating nanomachines (microflora)
3)example Hallucinations and Syphilis
>Personality changes, apathy, poor judgment. About 10% to 20% of people with neurosyphilis general paresis experience psychotic symptoms that include hallucinations and paranoia. Some people display what we think of as the classic symptoms of grandiose delusions. I have met people who thought they were kings, presidents and prime ministers.

To clarify what I'm talking about when I say parallel lines dont intersect

This picture supports the correct definition of the terms, in the sense that one can be anywhere on the gnostic/agnostic line, and anywhere on the theist/atheist line, and they do not influence each other (don't intersect).

>Earth is the center of the universe
Nuh, uh, retarded cucks, we've known it for centuries. Fucking greeks knew
>we gonna burn you. now fuck you

Daily reminder that agnosticism is not a "third" option or middleground.

>tortured to death

You mean the original witnesses were tortured to death?

Nobody seems to understand what Atheism, Theism, Deism or Agnosticism means in these threads. Half the thread ends up as arguing over semantics.

>Nuh, uh, retarded cucks, we've known it for centuries. Fucking greeks knew
Where did I say it was?
Also you seem to have a "us vs them" mentality and don't look at the whole picture

A atheist disproved what you claimed
Because he looked at the whole picture and didn't just parrot what he was told.

Feel free to have a argument any time now

Religion was created as a way to explain the unexplainable. Now that science has advanced to the point where we know why these things happen, religion is obsolete.

The only reason it's not dying rapidly is because parents pass it onto their children.

The world is becoming more religious not less

But it really doesn't matter
Nothing does

You're fucking retarded. When you want to say that two things don't influence each other, you say that they are orthogonal, in that they rapresent independent dimentions. A person is one point in this space. If two lines are parallel they represent the same dimension, so you can't be in two different positions on the two lines

To die is to belong.

In geometry, parallel lines are lines in a plane which do not meet; that is, two lines in a plane that do not intersect or touch each other at any point are said to be parallel. By extension, a line and a plane, or two planes, in three-dimensional Euclidean space that do not share a point are said to be parallel.

Your feelings have no merit
A question begging epithet isn't a argument

Nothing, you fade away from existence forever

Which fucking terrifies me

Everyone in the reply chain to this post is a fucking nerd/virgin

Nah, there are more religious roaches being born ( mostly turk and other mudlslime roaches) than non religious (birth rate have always been lower amongst the educated).
Basically, the dumb are outbreeding the smart. nihil novi sub sole.

Yes. Paul was tortured in Rome. James thrown off a building in Jerusalem. Thomas was killed in India. Nero tared and feathers who knows how many Christians.

In the thumbnail this picture looked like Raggedy Ann in a skirt getting her pussy licked by a mushroom.

Your soul leaves your body and goes to the third heaven where god lives Saturn.

I'm not joking.

See you there fellow believers.

It's not like you're going to feel or experience anyhow.
Like falling asleep, you just don't have to wake up again.

You go to a place in the sky and chill with the The Jesus and bowl all day or whatever the fuck you wanna tell yourself nigger

>Nah, there are more religious roaches being born ( mostly turk and other mudlslime roaches) than non religious (birth rate have always been lower amongst the educated).
>Basically, the dumb are outbreeding the smart. nihil novi sub sole.
Sounds like you're making excuses
Can you prove what you say?

atheism has the highest rates of suicide
A claim
>Subjects with no religious affiliation were more often lifetime suicide attempters, reported more suicidal ideation, and were more likely to have first-degree relatives who had committed suicide than religiously affiliated subjects.
Backed up with a source

>Sounds like you're making excuses
>Can you prove what you say?

Your own article, you fucking mongoloid strumpet.

It's not that I fear experiencing it, because as you said I won't. But the very idea of ceasing to exist, it being an inevitability and me being powerless to do anything about it, is absolutely dreadful.

>Answer one of the questions mankind has been asking since creation
>Get ignored

Because sand niggers breed like fucking rats.

God I hope they get exterminated, they're going to set humanity back hundreds of years, and it might never recover.

It's not. Atheism is a definite answer based on incomplete knowledge.

Jew tits are best tits.

>it being an inevitability and me being powerless to do anything about it, is absolutely dreadful.

Sounds like you need some ambition in your life. Make people remember you, that may make the thought of your demise perhaps a little more bearable.

judging by his flag he's a mongol

Ok, I'll have to do some research on the subject. It just seems to me that an error in history, or dishonesty, would be a more likely explanation than a miracle occurring, but I don't have enough information to make an actual argument on the matter yet.

My article says they are immigrating not breeding and also many are new converts

Do you know what reading comprehension is?

SeeLots of them are natives converting too

But like I said It doesn't matter

Why does anything need to happen after you die? I never understood that. Death seems pretty straight forward. You don't remember experiencing anything before you're born. why is death any different?

>cant prove itself
>it's the definite answer

How are atheist different from the religious again?

Look at my former posts to see what I am before you throw around labels

Appreciate the suggestion pham, but nah. Nothing will make it any less depressing for me.

I'm doing alright though. Happy, on good terms with family, enjoying life while I can etc.


God abandons you if you reject him, you're left with all the depraved souls cannibalizing and ripping eachother apart for all eternity. We need God because we're imperfect, and without him we tend to degrade towards our base instincts, which are wicked and degenerate. Once you experience true beauty, and true depravity you can no longer deny the existence of God, all the beauty and goodness we experience are a glimpse of what God is, and want to ascend towards a higher complexity.

Look, it's fine that you are a mongoloid, but i'm tired of arguing with litteral tards. Your kind is infuriating

fuck the answer to one of the biggest questions ever, tits n ass amirite

You'd be surprised. If you don't reject the existence miracles as a basis of study the evidence is in their favor. All claims of dishonesty such as the tomb was empty because the disciples had moved the body (even though Roman Centurions were guarding it)are an excuse for the tomb being empty in the first place or various other excuses for why it appears something supernatural had occurred at all. For history look to the minimal facts argument.

>1 post by this ID
>4 hours later, thread is still going strong

wew, way to take the bait you dumb faggots.

>what do you think happens after you die

The world goes on. However the biological/chemical processes that make up me seize to function. As such "I" am no more.

> why do you think that Atheism is the right thing?

Atheism is the right thing for me as I've not come across any convincing arguments for the existance of any sort of deity.

My body ceases to function and I'll decompose. Some of it may move on to become food for some other creatures, and though I will not be conscious to experience it, I find some romantic solace in thinking that my remains will travel across the globe through the bellies and muscle fibers of the creatures that eat me.

All the religions I've been exposed to have promised way too much stuff that I have yet to see them back up. They also seem pretty warped like they're the result of some long game of telephone. If I'm convinced otherwise someday, that's cool, but so far there have not been any convincing offers.

Question for theists: If there was undeniable proof of a God that you thought went against all of your values, would you still worship it? Even if he set up a Pascal's wager situation of eternal damnation versus eternity in paradise?

>How are atheist different from the religious again?
Atheism is a religion.

>1 post by this ID
I'm on to you faggot.

>Look, it's fine that you are a mongoloid
More ad hominem and labels
How predictable
>but i'm tired of arguing with litteral tards.
Pot calling the kettle black: the post
You have ignored all my questions and built strawmen and attack those then grasp at straws
>Your kind is infuriating
Questioning is infuriating?

>The religious profile of the world is rapidly changing, driven primarily by differences in fertility rates and the size of youth populations among the world’s major religions, as well as by people switching faiths

Look at the source of the time article, you pretentious cunt.

Yeah, that's what I'm getting

>something came from nothing

Where did god come from, check m8 non atheists.

>I'm actually a catholic
>>no one gives a fuck about atheists, they care about anti-theists.

I die.After a trillion years the exact same atoms that made me combine again.I breathe again but since it's not my kind of environment I suffocate to death.

This goes on for eternity.