Blacks vs Niggers

>be black
>complain about being brought to America as slaves generations ago
Do you niggas really want to get sent back to Africa as free people?

As a Hispanic if you want my opinion you should sent those blacks. Back to Africa when you ended slavery....

Any significant concentration of blacks will turn the majority into niggers. It's unavoidable since culture comes from intelligence and "monkey see, monkey do" only works when there are civilized people around to mimic.

They probably thing Africa is a country

Only retards say it. Blacks were forcefully brought here, were slaves and forced to do labor, and have been here since the nations inception

Most of the blacks here have actually been in America longer than many whites, considering immigration policy until 1965. Blacks earned their place in this country, and anybody that says otherwise is just a roleplaying loser that has no actual realistic solution/thoughts on the issue

Lincoln's plan was to print more Greenback currency and to send the slaves back. They were given the choice to stay or leave and they stayed.

Check out Liberia. A vibrant, multicultural paradise basically.

Didn't the blacks cannibalize the other ethnic groups?

Being transported here is one of the best things that could have happened to blacks. And what was the actual number of slaves that ACTUALLY came to the states? A majority of them stayed in the islands

So what if we get the whole group of niggers that complain together and pay them $100,000 each to settle a country in Africa which we give all our Israel aid to in order to build them a suitable country?

>Black Americans (not niggers) still get the choice to stay here though if they wish though

>anybody that says otherwise
Who in this thread is saying otherwise?

Didn't he want to abolish the federal bank after that?
>fuck with the centralized (((banks)))
>get shot

White guy from Louisiana here. I helped research a book on New Orleans cuisine and spent two months in Ghana. Hate me if you want, but Ghana is actually safer than the blackest parts of New Orleans and the people, believe it or not, speak better English.

WHOOPS! My point was that Africa wouldn't want them.

If we took all our Israel aid (38 billion over 10 years just got finalized) and gave it to Ghana, would they accept our niggers?

Yep, that's why he was killed. Same for Ghadaffi, Assad, Hitler, Julius Caesar, Saddam Hussein, Putin and probably a whole bunch of others I don't know about. All these people are on the "wrong side" of the super banks.

Send them to Zimbabwe, they need KANGZ and money.

Honestly, I like staying here and whining about it to you guys.

I'm half-nigger (mother is a coal burner) and I have a lot of mixed feelings about a lot of racial issues.

Slavery is one of them. While slavery is bad, the effects of it in the US mean that there are a few million black people who don't have to live in Africa. Just fucking look at Africa. While a great injustice was committed, you can't admit that "reparations" have been paid MANY times over in the form of not having to live in Africa.

There has to be a place bad enough to be worse than New Orleans, right?
You gotta wonder what this gentleman would do once he steps into Kenya or Gabon or whatever an looks for a gibs.
Oh sorry, I meant a job. Of course.

>JFK(successful shot) and Andrew Jackson(failed attempt)

Why not be proud to be black and make something of yourself brotha?

I hate weak ass niggas that play the victim card like a jew or a bitch.

me and my black friend discuss this all the time, and we both agree that little to none african-americans would take the opportunity to go back to africa if given the opportunity

I'm currently in the process of obtaining IT certs while I work on computers with my father.

Yeah, I play the victim card. What of it?

The best ones (90+ IQ) would leave and probably be happy over in the savanna since they would be the smartest and richest black population in the continent. The worst ones would stay in America and continue to pump out welfare-dependent gangsta babies at ever increasing rates.

It would basically be reverse eugenics.

the only difference between a black and a nigger is 5 letters

>be black
>actually believe that you must have descended from slaves because of your race.

>it's that "blacks and niggers are different" meme again

Yeah. Its still going on in places like Liberia on a shockingly regular basis. African-American """scholars""" will tell you that we taught them about cannibalism, and it simply wasn't a thing in Africa until the slave trade. But I don't think cannibalism was part of colonial policy.

Just means you lack honor as a man. You should be able to go toe to toe with your competition and win fairly. Women and jews lower the bar, honorable men jump higher.

Then they should stop bitching. I never complain about the white man keeping me down.

Only thing I don't like is the jewish producers pumping all that degenerate media into our communities through every damn outlet there is. You can't turn on the radio, watch tv or log on to social media without jewish funded degeneracy blasting at you every fucking time.

Divide and conquer jews fuck off

This thread is not for you

slavery was a mistake desu

Its been that way for a long time though. I didn't realize it was (((sociologists))) that essentially destroyed hard won black patriarchy in America. Almost every sub-Saharan culture was matriarchal, and in that sense kind of fucked. But black America was, out of necessity patriarchal, and functioning until the (((help))) arrived.

wait a minute hol up

so you be sayin we wuz bad niggaz?

Its been that way for a long time though. For a long time, I didn't realize it was (((sociologists))) that essentially destroyed hard won black patriarchy in America. Almost every sub-Saharan culture was matriarchal, and in that sense kind of fucked. But black America was, out of necessity patriarchal, and functioning until the (((help))) arrived. Once they started overseeing public housing and making the intellectual decisions on social structure, blacks kind of became the canary in the coal mine for the rest of us. They destroyed black fatherhood.

Maybe I'm just pessimistic or crazy, but its like they test it out on you, before they try it elsewhere.

If your idea of honor is not recognizing when an atrocity has been committed, I can't help you.


>muh jews
>muh wimmin

A (((big))) one

This guy woke

Now we got tons of hoes and thugs that live to FBGM

You complain about
>muh was oppressed by whitey

Shut the fuck up and go be an honorless parasite to society

That's so ironic that blacks always say they're free from whitneys but in the end it's still white people who gave them freedom. So from beginning to the end there's no contribution from blacks at all.

That's why blacks should decide to be American, or build a Black nation in Africa.

I'm honoring the situation by discussing it with people in my life about it and acknowledging the damage it has caused.

Until a "Meeting of the minds" happens where we can come together and settle it once and for all (which i AM open to as i have no bad blood against any particular race) you're going to continue to experience racial problems.

Most of them are too stupid to have the choice of being American. They need manual labor jobs taken by the illegals to get by. Once those are out, we'll see the ones who actually want to work get jobs and the ones that don't will be looked down upon again.

Ironically whites want to send them back but the proud afro Americans don't want to go. It's funny in a sad way.

I never said we don't experience racial problems. Non-blacks will always have the choice to be superficial assholes, as will every human.

My point is to just let them do that and succeed anyway. Noone who I have had to interact with for more than an hour maintains their racist attitudes because I don't succumb to it and lower myself to their level.

Rise above rather than hit below the belt (victim carding) is my advice, it will make you a stronger human.

A lot of black people in America, especially older people, actually love America and do their best to contribute to society. Tbh it's just the fairly recent rap culture that's fucked up a lot of young blacks

That's why I am advocating whipping those degenerates into shape by giving them a choice:
1. Give em money and remove all the racism(deport to africa and let them "build their paradise" without "white oppression")
2. Stop bitching and be a productive American. Any black man worth a shit can get a job and a woman no problem. Maybe not perfect, but you can give your kids the opportunity to go even further.

We took from white children and gave your children education grants you didn't earn.

Then jobs you were grossly underqualified for.

And still Blacks fucked it up.

No one in the history of the planet has had a softer featherbed of gibs than the American Black.

And the only thing Blacks can produce is excuses.

me. blacks belong in africa

A list that a conference of Blacks made with US Government funding.

Blacks complain that whites are too nice to them.

Get the Clinton Foundation and other exploitive globalists out of Africa too


as a white man, I would like to formally apologize to the entire African american population for slavery. it was an atrocity that white people may never be able to make up for.

now, that that's dealt with, can we talk about the spic problem?

>That is some salty shit coming from COLOMBIA.

Saying "back to Africa" is retarded.

>go back
>implying they were already there once

I doubt hardly any black people alive today have ever been near africa, let alone outside of the United states. Racists are really the most ignorant, stupid people alive.

The nigs where slaves before america bought them. If we didn't buy them they would still be slaves today. America buying them was the best thing for them because their children got freed.

just as retarded as saying that the blacks lving in america today are victims of slavery.

Slaves are still a thing in africa. Even nestle (chocolate company) is on that bandwagon. Child slaves yo

I completely agree. It's just as retarded which means neither is better than the other. The common denominator is entitlement. It's fucking cancer to the mind and some people, especially racists never grow out of it

>Blacks complain that whites are too nice to them.

a small non-profit suddenly means they speak for all blacks

top kek Cred Forums, never change.

It was (((the wealthy elite))) mostly

Slaves were way too expensive for most white folk. They were the hundreds of thousanda that died in the civil war that ended slavery.

We all getting oppressed by this global (((financial system))) just in varying amounts.

weren't blacks the ones who started enslaving other blacks?

And muslims and mainly (((merchants)))

That's why I think niggers (not Black Americans) need to be given what they want: an independent black african country for them to prove that it's whitey holding them down.