I Think I Attended an Illuminati Dinner

(Part 1)
Hi. I'm new to Cred Forums, but I've lurked long enough to know most of it is shitposting, comparing races and nations, and pictures of Pepe/Momiji. I used to discount most the conspiracy theories, but I had the most surreal fucking experience last night.

I was invited to a private dinner at the home of an older couple with whom I'm friends. They wanted to help me network, because they knew I was looking for a job, and they were having some of their friends over (including a federal lawyer, someone who worked for the WTO). To give you a sense of the people, they can casually have dinner with Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

I thought, "fucking awesome, I can network and meet some of D.C.'s elite." They warned me ahead of time that most of their friends were democrats, because they knew I was more conservative, but I can keep my cool.

Boy, was I fucking unprepared.

The night started fairly normal. Pleasantries. One was a big shot lawyer, one used to be a bigshot lawyer, WTO lady, a lady who works in family planning/feminism in Pakistan, a professor... yadda yadda.

They invited me to talk politics, so I relented and said that, in my opinion, the Libya intervention demonstrated the failure of the Obama administration's foreign policy and Clinton's inability to learn from her mistakes in supporting Iraq. In addition, it unleashed a genocide on the subsaharan africans (inb4 "lol who cares about niggers" - Genocide is bad and I figured it'd be play with lefties, anyhow).

"Who really cares about genocide, anyway?

(Part 2)

"Besides, that's not a reason not to support her." said the WTO lady. "Besides, do you know why they targeted the subsaharan africans? They were Gaddafi's mercenaries!"

Now, I knew Gaddafi hired subsaharan africans, but she'd essentially justified massacring all of them for the actions of a few.

"Eye for an eye. That's how it is in that part of the world. They're primitive," was her response.

I was stunned and kept quiet for a while. Later on, they brought up the topic of climate change. The WTO lady came in again, "I was so proud of [a politician] recently, because he diagnosed the true problem of the world. It's not climate change, it's overpopulation."

Before I could react, the familyplanner/feminist came in, "Oh, yes. That's what we're dealing with. As you might guess, you can't tell these people to 'have less children; use birth control.' That's why we lean on the feminism and 'save your mothers from death in childbirth.' If we just came out and told them to have less children, they would dismiss us. So we have to trick them a little bit. Tell them that it's about family cohesion and keeping your mothers alive, etc."

"That's such a good plan."

"Something needs to be done about Africa. Have you seen the projections for Nigeria's population?"

I finally cut in. Obviously, this might slow population growth, but unless you're europe, the populations are still growing and you'll end up like China with a generation of all-boys. So, unless you're prepared to kill a ton of people, overpopulation will always be an issue.

They looked at me like I said the sky is blue.

The rest of the night was super fucking weird. They talked about how american military intervention is generally a good thing and it should happen more often, how population is the main issue, and how one of them was so proud he was good at investing early in young artists before they were "Discovered" so he could sell their art for a profit, later.

(Part 3)

It was a cabal of leftist, interventionist, eugenicists in the heart of D.C., letting me peek behind the veil into the complete fucking madness of the political elite. In my urge to network (and possibly get a high paying job working for people like these) I'd accidentally stumbled into what seemed like a fucking Nazi secret society (except some of them were Jewish and one was Asian, so they couldn't be Nazis). In public, they say, "we fight for feminism and a woman's right to choose," but in private, they talk about population control. In public, they say, "we must fight for human rights," but in private, they say, "genocides are just the cost of doing business."

I got redpilled by an invitation from the illuminati. Mourn me if I shoot myself twice in the back of the head after writing this.

seems legit

None of this happened, did it user?

They sound pretty based tbqh

Cool story

Interesting crowd op, though I doubt its anything Illuminati related. Just a bunch of over-privileged libs talking about policies that will in no way ever affect them or their families. Because rules are for poor people.

It did. Obviously it's not "actually the illuminati," but I don't have another short-hand for "highly-placed, influential people in the nation's capital callously trading countries and populations and working behind the scenes to manipulate the world under the guise of various social movements."

You shouldn't have posted this. We know now that you cannot be trusted. Stay safe.

Right. "Illuminati" is short-hand. Said the same thing to Homer. I should have been more clear.

i said mourn me

Ivy League student/ 1%er here

not even close. they are typical 1% just within the outer boundaries of the political elite

Fellow ivy league graduate 1%er, where'd you go to school user?

>user meets people who aren't complete retards and have enough sense to see the essential problem of this century (overpopulation) and the necessity of action


>things that didnt happen

Here on Cred Forums we call any secret society "the Jews"

They sound like your standard rich power crew. Devoid of morality and completely insulated in their own little world where everyone agrees.

and one asian*

Did they happen to mention why they are flooding the West with Third Worlders?

wtf i guess the elite really are pro-white then.

I guess all those breeding programs in Europe, all that pro-cuck and race mixing agenda crap is all for the best then!
brb going to let Mohammed stay with us for a while. So glad now that kikes are good

>but I don't have another short-hand for "highly-placed, influential people in the nation's capital callously trading countries and populations and working behind the scenes to manipulate the world under the guise of various social movements."

>wtf i guess the elite really are pro-white then

I think they don't care if your white, brown, or black. Just as long as your dead and not in their way, then everything is kosher. It's just that their little tricks have affected whites more than black and Arabs.

Sounds like you got invited to a bunch of wanna-be tryhards, user. Enjoy that shitty corporate welfare job that you probably won't get.


Spoopy story, OP
Anything else worth mentioning from that evening?

Believe me, I can see where they're coming from. But the way they so callously talk about expending human life is a little fucked up to me.

No no. They still kept the same line of "diversity is good; immigration is good" but they admitted that the places they come from are "primitive" as opposed to "culturally enriched."

he knows nothing

>He knows. You know what to do.

I once felt up SCOTUS Justice William Brenna's Granddaughter Alexandra when she was attending Columbia College in Sonora ,CA..

So can I get in?

Everyone who has been on the pill long enough knows they love eugenics. None of this is new.

The only genetic lineage that matters to them are the rich.Everything else is a designated shitting street.

Another thing I should say is that "more immigrants" means "more likely Hillary will win."

They were all democrats and VERY pro Hillary Clinton. In addition, half of them spoke French and I'm a dirty spic who speaks Spanish/Portuguese, so could catch very little. However, they jokingly admitted to me they were commenting on my ability to verbally duel with one of them.

I tried to test the waters and see how far they'd go by making a serious policy recommendation for 'remove kebab' and 'remove roach.' Essentially, "what do you guys think of using the current Erdogan situation to oust Turkey from NATO, declare war on it, and use total war to wipe out large parts of the population in order to carve out the east and give it to 'Greater Kurdistan' (a new, "secular" ally) and give Gallipoli/Constantinople to Greece/Bulgaria (after killing most of Istanbul's 10 million people), and reducing "Turkey" to a rump state in Anatolia. And they considered it as a valid policy proposal. They look at foreign policy like Risk.

And while I can appreciate the Bismarckian aspect of it... it still kinda weirded me out, because in public they all claim to be socialist peaceniks.

That's just normal rich people. They're fucking retarded and have no sense of right or wrong. Laws are for the masses, they're better than that.

The question is, has he been infected?

And ocntinuing on the Hillary/immigration aspect. They look down on the normal american as a racist moron and need more brown/black stooges to vote for warmongering democrats.

God spare us from more Franken-state meddlers.

What a bunch of literal reptiles

world's overpopulation problem is no politically incorrect you tard

>And while I can appreciate the Bismarckian aspect of it... it still kinda weirded me out, because in public they all claim to be socialist peaceniks.

The greater good.

When you're powerless, you question the state and the authority. You revile injustice, lies and conspiracies.

But only because you aren't part of them. If you were in control, if I was in control, I'd lie, cheat, deceive and do everything in my power to retain image while power-moving the world to a place where I want it.

>I got redpilled by an invitation from the illuminati. Mourn me if I shoot myself twice in the back of the head after writing this.

sounds pretty typical stuff user,

you could ave learned the same reading any number of books written since the turn of the century

I think your comments may have lost you the job, maybe not

>wtf i guess the elite really are pro-white then.

100 million dead dark skinned people over the past 500 years don't lie

Blacks here have no fucking idea how the elites, who the blacks think are standing for them, hate their entire existence...
It always puzzles me how an entire community can be this delusional.
Actually, hate is a severe understatement.

>So can I get in?

depends, did you lick her butthole? if not you don't qualify

It was the shitpost illuminati wasnt it?

>He's made first contact with the influebtial people of the globalist ethos

To them it's about where the IQ cuts off, most if which is irrelevant to what a race a person is. That's what real leftism is about, it's not just the progressive sjw culture a person sees, it's always been similar to the rhetoric the radical right uses, where we use propoganda in order to manipulate the masses. Leftists, on the other hand, don't hold onto our ideas of morality in the same manner. They take "ends justify the means" to a new extreme. In reality, globalism is the left 's new version of communism.

>T. Child of highly political/influential families, albeit I am insignificant.

The illuminati isn't real faggot. What's real is jews and rich liberal hypocrites.

Wake me up when that number is 5 billion and the race-mixing agenda has been crushed.

Yeah, try not to hang yourself from a 50 foot tree with your hands tied behind your back, bag over your head, shot in the back of the head three times and then strangled.

These are the luciferian elite we have been warning people about. They're not human any more.

fuck off you role playing faggot

So how does this explain importing millions of third worlders into Europe?


One world government
One world religion
One world currency
One world leader

Erase the borders
Erase the countries
Erase the tribes

tl;dr, OP is friends with a bunch of Jews

There is literraly nothing wrong with anything they said. Over population IS a massive problem, people ARE too dumb to stop reproducing at an unsustainable rate (eg: Africa, went from 800Million in 2000 to 1.1Billion in 2015, a 37.5+5 growth, and they're dumb as fuck)

Any how, join them if you can, sounds like a good network to link up with. What skills / education do you have that might be applicable to their circle?

>They're not human any more.
This so much. You're not a humane person if you don't want to do inhumane things to our current political&journalist class

>people ARE too dumb to stop reproducing at an unsustainable rate (eg: Africa, went from 800Million in 2000 to 1.1Billion in 2015, a 37.5+5 growth, and they're dumb as fuck

Well there's two tiers of the shitlib intellectual. One is an ivory tower utopian with little grasp on the realities behind race and behavior, many times they are unrealistically greedy and ambitious, and the other is a kind of dystopian genius which accepts race and behavior as reality, but rejects the notion of a cohesive state in favor of a select few high IQ individuals turning the world into their idealistic world.

The refugee crisis, in my opinion, is the result of the former rather than the latter. Although don't think for a second that there is no invested interest in European strife for the gain of profit. Global oligarchy is their end game.

Soon. You have to make people very afraid, and angry, before that level of genocide can occur (see: those nukes on Japan)

Europe is letting in hordes of them now, because it is forcing the native populace to wake the fuck up or perish - The strong will survive.

The chemical, biological, and technological devices that will be utilized for warfare against these unyielding invaders will be something of which the world has never seen before. These subhumans fail to comprehend the capabilities of the Caucasoid mind when it is put to the task of war, and the extermination of those who oppose their views.

Nice fan fiction fampai.

Yeah no shit m8, but have you ever made that suggestion to your average useful idiot leftist?

I would release a super plague across africa if it were up to me

>more like
The elite can switch sides if the want. They'll still be hunted.

This didn't sound like a work of fiction. Of course that is a valid position to support Hillary. The only difference between sections of the alt-right and Hillary is the topic of whiteness.

They should sit down and have a chat with Jared Taylor. Then the left will be going somewhere with their romantic power strokes.

Wait until they start trying to instill Sharia law across countries in Western Europe, and the attacks becomes daily

WW1&2 were in Europe, where else do you think number 3 will be?

>The elite can switch sides if the want. They'll still be hunted.
They've been around for centuries m8, you don't even know who the real ones are.

They vote for Labour/Democrats/whoeverinvitedthemin and keep them in power.

This describes EXACTLY what is happening now.

>Implying we never will.

Do you do this for free? These sit-back-and-wait-they're-going-to-do-it-for-us threads are cancer.

Those are the useful idiot gopher secretary level people of the globalist pyramid but yeah sounds legit, I would avoid contact and plan to visit them post economic collapse for the good of humanity OP.

No 4 is the MacDaddy


What's Beethoven got to do with this?

They just sound like normal people.

I'm from Massachusetts.

If I get cancer or something else terminal I'm gonna at least try to hunt down a rothschild.