Oy vey, the goyim knows

funny facts about auschwitz:

-ZyklonB is a less effective form of cyanide, poison widely used until it was replaced by DDT in the 60's for the purporse of delousing/termite/parasite killing. Used worldwide.
-The only american Gas chamber expert Dr. Frederick A. Leuchter claimed that it was not possible to use the Auschwitz gas chambers for gasing people. After the claim he was discredited by (((media))) and lost his job.
-The word "gas-chamber" was the normal word for delousing chambers(delousing of cloths and objects).
-The chamber construction plan had rooms named "undressing room" and "dressing room".

-Company which build the chambers has a clear instruction to build a crematory+mortuary.
-The chamber who is presented to the Auschwitz museum visitors is a reconstruction, initialy it was a crematory+mortuary. The building was rebuild to a air-raid shelter in 1942. There are many details which point, that the room was never used for mass killings.
-Dr. Leuchter found no traces of cyanide in the crematory plaster.

source: "Das Rudolf Gutachten", written by German Rudolf. After the book was publisched he was thrown in prison for 5 years and all books where burned. archive.org/details/Rudolf-Germar-Das-Rudolf-Gutachten-Gutachten-ueber-die-Gaskammern-von-Auschwitz

I am not through with the book though, if i find something new interesting Op will deliver again.

OP you are bluepilled beyond belief


The Jews didn't invented the holocaust tough.
You did.

Of course it was written by a german you racist!

I dont think you know what that means

You don't have to be bluepilled by Jew propaganda, you can be bluepilled by all other sorts of propaganda.

It happened but the numbers are definitely not six million

I don't believe in the holocaust. There's a reason it's denial is illegal.

how are any of these facts "funny"?

The holohoax did NOT happen. People were put in concentration camps for relocating purposes, not for extermination. The burden of proof lies on (((you))).

>Leuchter chiefly cited the absence of Prussian blue in the homicidal gas chambers in support of his view that they could not have functioned that way. However, residual iron-based cyanide compounds are not a categorical consequence of cyanide exposure. By not discriminating against that, Leuchter introduced an unreliable factor into his experiment, and the outcome was seriously flawed as a result. In contrast, scientifically respectable tests conducted by Polish forensic scientists (who discriminated against iron-based compounds) confirmed the presence of cyanide in the locations and manner in accordance with where and how it was used in the Holocaust. In addition, the report also showed that Leuchter overlooked critical evidence, such as documents in the SS architectural office which directly contradicted him, indicating the mechanical operation of the gas chambers, and verifying the rate at which the Nazis could burn the bodies of those gassed.
Wikipedia's article on the Leuchter Report says that. Is that true?

yeah relocation to madaGAScar amirite

>(((Jewnited Kingdom)))

>Leuchter admitted under oath that he only had a bachelor of arts degree and implicitly suggested that an engineering degree was unavailable to him by saying that his college did not offer an engineering degree during his studies. Boston University actually offered three different kinds of such qualification when he was a student there.[2]:165 The defence continued to obfuscate Leuchter's credentials. When asked by the court if the B.A. he obtained was in a field that entitled him to operate as an engineer, he confirmed that this was so, even though his degree was in history.[2]:165 Similarly, Leuchter claimed that he obtained most of his research material on the camps (including original crematoria blueprints) from the Auschwitz and Majdanek camps' archives, and testified that these documents had a far more important role in shaping his conclusions than the physical samples he collected did, yet after the trial the director of the Auschwitz museum categorically denied that Leuchter had received any plans or blueprints.[2]:165
What did he mean by this?

sweden (((YES)))

Wew lad.

>Zyklon B is a less effective form of cyanide
>Hydrogen cyanide
>LC50 in human is ~107 ppm
Nigger plz
Sure, Potassium Cyanide might be more toxic but must be injected or eaten. Hydrogen cyanide will still kill you in minuscule amounts.

Watch Cred Forumstards ignore your posts for "reasons"

>Dr. Frederick A. Leuchter

he has too much baggage, the Jews constantly use him and the Zundel trial to try and refute general arguments about the holohoax. It's the only thing they have. Leuchter was not an engineer. and that's all that matters to them.

there's plenty of better arguments.

>When questioned on the functioning of the crematoria, the judge also prevented Leuchter from testifying because "he hasn't any expertise".[2]:166 Leuchter also claimed that consultation relating to sodium cyanide and hydrogen cyanide with DuPont was "an on-going thing". DuPont, the largest American manufacturer of hydrogen cyanide, stated that it had "never provided any information on cyanides to persons representing themselves as Holocaust deniers, including Fred Leuchter", and has "never provided any information regarding the use of cyanide at Auschwitz, Birkenau or Majdanek."[2]:166This is
What does this mean?

No one is going to ignore it fag.

the zundel trial is a giant red herring. Where are those documents they reference? the Polish scientists found how much cianide in accordance to what usage?

From what i've seen, what was found in the walls of Auschwitz, for example, was very tiny amounts, that is because the cyanide rapidly breaks down, it does not give any kind of reliable measure of how much was used when and certainly not for what purpose.

>James Roth, the manager of the lab that carried out the analysis on the samples Leuchter collected, swore under oath to the results at the trial. Roth did not learn what the trial was about until he got off the stand.[3] He later stated that cyanide would have only penetrated to a depth of around 10 micrometres, a tenth of the thickness of a human hair. The samples of brick, mortar and concrete that Leuchter took were of indeterminate thickness: not being aware of this, the lab ground the samples to a fine powder which thus severely diluted the cyanide-containing layer of each sample with an indeterminate amount of brick, varying for each sample.[3] A more accurate analysis would have been obtained by analysing the surface of the samples Leuchter collected. Roth offered the analogy that the investigation was like analyzing paint on a wall by analyzing the timber behind it.[3]
Is this real science or is it jew science to discredit Dr. Leuchter?

the same thing happened with irving, he got caught manipulating all his sources and data and has completely changed his narrative since then.
most revisionists still cite his older work though. which revisionist would you suggest i read up on?

If you people proved everything you want to prove now, you would still have three enormous problems.
(1) You lied. You lied and lied for years, and your answer to criticism was to attack freedom of speech. But now you're telling the truth. Okay. Maybe you are. After decades of lying.
(2) You're cynical. Mass murder doesn't bother you in the slightest, and, when there is some political advantage to be had, you are happy to cheer for it. Even if it's your own people, as seen in the Exodus atrocity (Zionists blowing up uninformed Eastern European Jewish refugees who wanted to go to America instead of Palestine). Your moral arguments come from inhuman calculations regarding political goals, not morality.
(3) You put yourself in the position of not only presuming that everyone else will defer to and all but effectively convert to your religion, but now of requiring that.
After decades of lying about secret yet omnipresent hordes of resurgent Nazis, we are seeing a massive and real increase in impatience for your nonsense, unexplained by your incoherent mythological explanations (that the impatience comes from evil white people reading ancient pamphlets), but really as a result of your own opposition to borders.

>Leuchter's opposition to the possibility of homicidal gassings at Auschwitz relies on residual cyanide remains found in the homicidal gas chambers and delousing chambers at Auschwitz.[2]:167 While both facilities were exposed to the same substance (Zyklon B), many of the delousing chambers are stained with an iron based compound known as Prussian blue, which is not apparent in the homicidal gas chambers.[4] It is not only this disparity that Leuchter cites, but accordingly from his samples (which included measurements of it) that he claims he measured much more cyanide in the delousing chambers than in the gas chambers, which he argues is inconsistent between the amounts necessary to kill human beings and lice.[2]:167
What about this? Is this valid or not?

this faggot again.

so you and the JIDF create another one of your red herring threads.


> confirmed the presence of cyanide in the locations and manner in accordance with where and how it was used in the Holocaust
So ...
> We can't find the expected chemical in the "gas chambers".
> We are going to theorize some weird way to use Zyklon to explain what can actually be found on the walls.
> Eh look, the chemical we found is exactly what the Holocaust story told !
Circular logic is such a nice invention.

> overlooked critical evidence, such as documents in the SS architectural office which directly contradicted him, indicating the mechanical operation of the gas chambers, and verifying the rate at which the Nazis could burn the bodies of those gassed.
a.k.a the documents and testimonies created by USSR's propaganda, that needed to divert Western attention from it's own crimes against humanity.

Wikipedia should always be considered as a strongly "politically correct" source.

wtf you talking about faggot. im asking you for suggestions.

>Citing parts of the Leuchter Report article article asking about their accuracy implies being a kike

Why did the walls have cyanide then? Not a science guy.