Other urls found in this thread:

>Can you prove that I'm driving?

>I'm sitting hurr

>4:00 spook with nose goop detected

Just dislike the video it really triggers sjw's in the comments

he honestly dindu nuffin.

He was clearly just sittin hurr at Da Ato Zown

I'm really impressed by niggers from america taking care of their teeth, I mean just look at them, they're white as fuck. He must brush them after every damn meal, plus flossing and all.

I doubt most europeans take care of their teeth as much as americans, it's incredible.

Free dental work for being black, as well as the fluoride in the water which subsequently exacerbated his retardation

Do blacks even drink coffee?

It actually where they hide the coke. they removed his teeth and replace it with some kind of hardend cocaine teeth replicas.

how else would wthey get energized for work in the morning

but honestly i think he rly dindu nuffin?

he was just sitting in a car?

Ime noddeven movin dawg
Ime jus' sittan at da autoozoone

>but he really dindu nuffin

Doesn't matter, around blacks..

Niggers are so annoying. The cops are just doing their jobs they don't need some shitlord screaming and acting autistic and making their lives harder.

Cooperate with cops and you don't get in trouble. Acting like a whiny teenager will get you booked for interfering with the law.

Get over it niggers.

>he dindu nuffin

He didn't use a turn signal, you heard the cop.

I would have just shot the nigger then and there.

lol he wouldn't even have been arrested if he didn't just hand over his licence and registration to the cop when he asked

I love how he screams Black Lives Matter near the end of his video. Just goes to show you that BLM movement is full of retards.

"Can I speak to your supervisor"

This is all McDonald's fault for providing too good service / transparancy

>be nigger driving to Auto Zone
>give that cop right there an excuse to pull you over
>get pulled over
>finally start video
>lie lie lie lie

nigs have no problem flat out denying everything to cops knowing damn well the cops saw them doing what they were doing. that's standard MO
but now he's using live streaming it and he can set the backstory to whatever he wants

Coffee shop manager here, my favorite part of the job is that blacks DO NOT drink coffee.

They do got nice horse teeth, though.

Fuck it, let's go.

13 mins and I didn't even get to witness a beating.

11:30 he says "My bond bout to get revoked!"

Is the description true?

>Dallas police officers peacefully resolve a situation with asshole. Dude hides cocaine on Facebook livestream and officer reviews the video after the initial arrest, leading to cocaine charge. Should have just took the traffic warning.

>by low
Fuck that accent is offensive...

>Could have taken the ticket or what the fuck ever.
>got a lawyer.
>Got security camera footage from Auto Zone.
Dont even need a lawyer prolly but safe to get one.
>Proof you was sitting there and its bullshit.
>Surprise I just won a lawsuit and got either cleared or some stacks of money or both.

>Act like a fucking asshole.
>Get arrested for resisting arrest.

I got arrested once illegally, took it to court, won.

This is America and he''s got a right side steering wheel.

This is wrong right?

Am I having a stroke?

flipped video

Is it me or have black people been drinking the sovereign citizen cool aid recently?




Back at you dubs bro.

I also thought it was funny he talked about doing drugs while trying to convince everyone he dindu nuffin.

But the justice system is racist and will convict a black person even when they haven't done anything wrong.


It's because he's still a niglet. The elder nigger's success is indicated by the amount of metal he has replaced his teeth with

>"I ain't wunna deez ignant ass niggas."
>*Revs engine*
>"I do gat shit I gadda hide doe."

The profiling was actually correct in this case...

>arrested for a traffic violation
no matter how dindu this guy is, something like that shouldn't happen




top kek silly niggers



>13 minutes of "CAN I SPEAK TO YO SUPAH VISUH???"

No. Tell me where it gets good.

It's the contrast

Everyones giving you wrong answers.

Black people in the US are descended from slaves where the ones with the less issues would survive. So if they had any genetic disposition to teeth that would easily get infected, theyd just die of infection.

So now all of our young blacks have like perfect teeth.

fuck you

10 minutes in hes talking about how hes glad he didn't get out of the car because he had some shit in his pocket (cocaine) and stored it in the car around that time.

So if he just gave him his license and acted like a reasonable person he would have just gotten a ticket but instead he is going to be busted for cocaine possession?

Niggers sure are dumb

public servant meets public nigger

right hurrr right hurrr hurr hurr hurr this nigger has the most nigger accent i have ever heard

It's like they don't even use their lips to talk

Yes. In the video he even says:
>I got a whole pocket full of shit these nigga's would have took if I got out the car
He also references himself concealing the drugs:
>Good thing a nigga got stash spots up in here

Best part.
That and "He say I ain't collaborating"

>I know my law
Any cop can ask anyone for ID any time & place.

There isn't a single nigger alive who is worse than the libertarian/free inhabitant assholes.

Seriously though, despite this guy clearly being the niggest, there was no reason for the cop to bother him in the first place.
>inb4 some of you faggots try to whine about the turn signal "violation"

Its almost like a form of Puppeteer mouth.

Watch him drink Koolaide and still be able to speak clearly from actoss the room.

Aldo being so close to apes thy need string teeth genes. All niggers eat is hard foods.

Also, In case they need to bite a nigga.

It doesn't matter whether the cop has a reason or not. That's not your call to make as a civilian. Cooperate with them and you'll be fine. Don't cooperate and you deserve what you get.

Classic case of two wrongs don't make a right. If you want to go on with your day you don't argue with the cop. Just take your lumps, fight and win in court.

and the officer had some strange alphabet on his chest

verified for green screen

That's legally wrong though, otherwise cops could arrest anyone for anything and make up the charges later. There are crooked cops who will pull that stunt anyway, but it's actually illegal for them to do that. They have to have reasonable cause for suspicion of a crime to have been committed

>Wud affenz if I'm comi'nn....

This isn't nazi Germany dude, you don't have to provide an ID unless you are detained. Sure, they can absolutely ASK you for your ID any time or any place, but you are not obligated to provide it unless you are being detained.

Driving though, if you are pulled over, generally there is a reason and you are assumed to be detained, plus, you can't drive without a license, so, different story when it comes to driving.

kind of this, when my face is tan my teeth are lookin damn sexy i'll tell ya

>we was kangs
We were gods.

Let's not use this dumb nog as a reason to shit on libertarians.

You should absolutely be aware of your rights, because if you aren't, some cops can and will take advantage of you:

If you are in a car and are stopped, cooperate within the limits of the stop itself, for example, if you know you were speeding, you are only obligated to provide your license and registration and in some states, to sign your ticket if you are given one. If he asks where you are going, what you are/were doing, or worst case, if he requests permission to search your car for some bullshit reason (I smell pot), DO NOT COOPERATE. You are not obligated to say anything, you are not obligated to let him search your car. Nothing good can come from giving up your rights and letting a cop search your car, refuse the damn search no matter what.

>Young lady
Did he just assume her gender?

Niggers don't work

When will these dumb niggers learn just to be respectful and comply?

I got pulled over for doing 90 in a 70 a few weeks ago and was polite and complied and I didn't even get a ticket, he just told me to watch my speed. Took about 5 minutes

fucking stupid niggers, jesus

>you're committing a crime
>violation of-
and they wonder why everyone hates them



thats my wife's dog
idk if she has more, she texted it to me earlier

Where did you get that nonsense from? Get a competent lawyer and you'll take those fuckers to the cleaners. Instead, blacks nig out and get public defenders and act like they're being persecuted.

the officer accused him of not using a turn signal

he was saying he never turned, he had been sitting in the parking lot

it was a BS "stop" because dude wasn't even driving, just sitting in his car

>thats my wife's dog
Im not sure if this is ment to be taken as a variation of my wifes son or not

>my wife's dog
Getting cucked by a dog

do you have pics of her getting knotted?

And you believe the guy who is videotaping himself hiding cocaine?

it's sad how useless this cop is. he has nothing better to do than screw with people's lives. he's bored and wants to harass people. all he has to do is walk away and get over it, but he's impotent.

well he din du nuffin

the cop had no knowledge of the cocaine prior to the stop, hence it's irrelevant to my point

I've gotten pulled over twice, both BLATANTLY my fault
>ran a stop sign i didnt see, it was dark
>let me go and just told me to stop next time

>intentionally went the wrong way past a DO NOT ENTER sign to save 10 minutes of backed up traffic
>cop told me to go back and leave thhe right way, or get a ticket
>turned around and waited in traffic

No ticket because I'm not a disrespectful asshole, I'm just an asshole.

it's contract. Usually black people have really bad breath. I really smell a white persons breaths but i can ditinctly remember smelling shitbreath on the breath of black people I have worked with

Being a nigger is cause enough for suspicion.

>Don't talk to me or my wife's dog again!

>vidya ends
>Chimp out likely
>Dindu Nuffin

When will nogs realize that you can't talk to cops like their your servant. The use of the phrase public servant is the worst thing they could have ever called law enforcement because retards like in the OP misconstrue "servant".



It's relevant to the character of the person giving evidence. So do you believe the cop or the drug addict?

>I'm just sitting hurrr
>By lawl I've committed no crime at all
>You werk for me correct?

Let's make this nigger a meme

I have multiple black friends, more then I can fucking count, only one of them has had a run in with the law and it was over a busted tail light. He was let go with a warning.

The reason why "DEYS RACIST" is cause when they arrest an asshole for selling crack, is cause he was selling crack, it is nobody elses fault that mommy told little Shabanba to sell drugs and fuck da white man but their own.

Anytime a black man makes something of himself and becomes a good person how own kind scream "uncle tom" and banish him from their stupid ass hood.

Blacks keep themselves down.
Dont believe it?

>You are not the same kind of black as me, time to die.

Even to this day
>You made a farm to feed us, and wanna teach us how to make food for ourselves?


jesus christ, english isn't even my first language and I want to fucking crucify this nigger for his atrocious pronunciation.

Fuck cops. I hate them as much as niggers. They deserve each other.

This is why "unarmed" black men get shot. They do everything they can to antagonize the police because they'll be a martyr in their community.

>ay yo das racisss!
>genetics dont effect humans, we all one race but fuck them light skinned bitches amiright?

>Usually black people have really bad breath.
That's like saying all black people have big dicks.

He didn't help himself by being a a nigger about it but getting pulled over for not using a turn signal once is bullshit, especially in Texas since everyone here thinks that turn signals are optional.

I have never once in my entire life seen anyone get pulled over for this shit in Texas. The cop is an asshole or the nigger was doing something else to provoke the cop.

No, it's totally irrelevant.

Not an argument.

how the uk handles this situation

The myth of the "BBC" has actually led to increased rates of depression among blacks since the majority of them have average 5.7" dicks

He's a nigger. Pull over a nigger and 9 times out of 10 he is doing something wrong.

It is the only argument, you mongoloid

that dude, 110% has a prior and probably a warrant.

t. insecure white guy on Cred Forums


>or the nigger was doing something else to provoke the cop.
There's no "or" to consider hurr. Cop was an ass but he had even reason to be one. Quit talking in ebonics, acting defensive, and maybe nothing bad will happen next time.

It's racist to tell blacks to cooperate.

Only whites, Asian and Hispanics need to cooperate.

How dare this officer harass that Egyptian KANG

Enforcing traffic laws are one of the few things police are good for.

nigger, put the phone down and do as your told

>i a'in e'en dunt nuffin e'en ah awe muh nigguh lemmie axed yo dis nigguh.

after watching this can we really blame the police for wanting to shoot niggers instead of trying to talk to them?


>i dindu nuffin
>i dindu no crimes
>SHHHIIIIEEEEETTTT i need me a whole blunt

It's a popular movement among the black Moors groups. It's no surprise it's leaking into the general population now.

Fucking monkey ass nigger shits.
I fucking despise them even more now that they acting all educated and stuff.
Fuck off, you can't learn. Your peanut brain can't learn, why the fuck haven't we deported their asses after they stopped being useful.

> just sitting in his car
Like loitering...?

He straight up says he was caught when he was younger but now "he knows the law."

i seriously fucking hate niggers. this is just another example of why

we should put them in a nation to live in together and watch them burn it to the ground........OH WAIT THAT'S AFRICA

i seriously fucking hate niggers


you really believe that nigger had been sitting there for "10 minnits" like he said? How many other bullshit things did he say during this dumb video? I don't believe him for one second.

Niggers can't be trusted

i hope this nigger was shot and killed by the lord thy police man whitey.

It's called being civilized, white people could learn a thing or two.

That is the MOST annoying voice I've ever heard.

She should have been arrested simply for being an stupid cunt.

they can ask you for i.d. at any time and detain you if you cannot identify yourself until you are identified if they suspect you may have warrants. at least that's what they do in Chicago.

They cannot detain you unless they have reasonable suspicion that you are committing a crime or have proof you have warrants. They can't just grab anyone and go "Sit tight while we run you for warrants".

his instinct was right, dude was up to no good

>they can ask you for i.d. at any time
yeah and unless youre driving a car you dont have to actually give it to them. you just have to tell them your name.


they still do, they'll even take you in until they identify you, they just don't charge you. come to Chicago, their do it all the time. doesn't mean it right, but they do it and get away with it

>come to Chicago

>Come to the murder capital of the country

Yeah nah. Closest I'm going to get is Schaumberg.

If you can understand anything he said, thank your teacher