What you think of Neil? Reddit seems to not like him

What you think of Neil? Reddit seems to not like him.

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Funny how they use to throat him on the daily and meme him into everything.

A fool and a fraud, nothing more than a political pawn like Bill Nye the Shabbos Goy

Attention seeking fuck.

Why? hes entertaining to watch no? Hes also Sagan approved.


He's like that kid who goes ASCSHUALLY even when he's wrong.

>What you think of Neil? Reddit seems to not like him.
What? I thought all of those fedoras loved the guy.

I'm sure he's an alright scientist or whatever but he's tried branching out into history, philosophy and political theory and he's made an absolute fool of himself every time

Because he's a pop scientist who knows very little and yet still acts as a public intellectual.

>He honestly tweeted out complaining that he had to "get a passport just to go meet with others of my own species"

Same as Bill Nye saying there's no such thing as race when his bachelors is in fucking engineering. These people are decent for getting plebs interested in STEM, but they insist on talking outside their expertise and making damn fools of themselves.

'cept he can wrap your ass up, too. He's got the moves to back the bantz.

>le funeh negro science man xD

Tell my I should care about black science guy and what Reddit thinks of him.

He should take his own advice.

I don't think about him at all, but I'm sure he'd seem cool if I was into astronomy or whatever it is he's an expert in.

He's a good science communicator for getting normies interested in science. Even if they only get ankle deep it improves public support and thus funding for real scientists.

He needs to avoid politics and stick to science/astronomy though.

>but he's tried branching out into history, philosophy and political theory

And he's condescending to people with different viewpoints. I thought he was great in NOVA, but afterwards be became an asshole. Fuck that guy.

Unfortunately with the climate change shit, and the huge government funding it means for scientists, true science has been completely tainted. Science is merely being used by the government as a tool to separate people from their money.

That's just an opinion he desperately wants to be true.



He's not deserving of all the praise and worship Reddit gives him, but he's not as much of a faggot as Bill Nye either.

>altright scientist

Not to mention anti-science groups like to quote popular scientists whenever they say something wrong about a field outside their expertise and use them as proof science is dumb/bad or to support their alternative view of the world

Scrolled past the thumbnail quickly and though his flower was pepe.

My favourite is when Richard Dawkins said baby pigs were "more human" than an unborn human fetus.

He clearly meant more sentient, but it made me chuckle.

>reddit is right for once
Color me surprised.

Dawkins is a complete retard when it comes to dealing with everyday people.

I think he's a hypocrite who should take his own advice.

hes a stupid nigger. hes not even a real scientist.

hes a glorified childrens entertainer like bill nye the science kike.

he was ok for a while
now they're advertising on the science channel some show he's doing about how there's more than 2 biological sexes
all respect fucking lost
fuck SJWs

He's a meme scientist who charges exorbitant amounts of money to say nothing in a really cool way to impressionable teenagers.

>waiting in line to renew a passport
>not just doing it by mail
He sure is smart.

Sagan approved? All Sagan did was sign his book.

His autism is adorable.

He's a tolerable nigger.


nice cupcake, jaden

It's easy to make an argument like this if you simplify everything.

>Why is Murder illegal? I'm just relocating some particles.

He's pompous shitbag and the fact that people use his name in the same breath as the God that was Carl Sagan makes me want to fucking puke

A positivist and a sophist. He's a figurehead of pop sci and nothing more.

That's why the Middle East became more extreme in the 20th century. It was all those scientific advancements.

Oh, wait.


I can fap to this.

This election has revealed him as another establishment lapdog like Bill Nye

>What you think of Neil?

He's not what you would call red pilled, because he doesn't get into politics...

But he IS a scientist, and that means that he is rational, and that is a good thing.

Unfortunately, the (((media))) does like to use him as a "token", and I believe this is a great disservice to him and his chosen field of astronomy.

>no commas
Anyways, I agree with you.
And that story about Carl being like an indirect mentor to him is most likely bullshit to sell the "new cosmos" to the fans of the original series.

Oh, and Carl was based as fuck. The original cosmos gives me hope everytime I watch it.

>Carl being like an indirect mentor to him

Carl was an indirect mentor to us all.

>But he IS a scientist, and that means that he is rational

Weeew, highschool and browsing reddit is fun, huh?

He's pretty based and heavily against feelgood PC SJW shit. Keep in mind that the retarded tweets you might have seen are made by retarded sockpuppet NDT fanboys and not by the real NDT. I can't remember the podcast, but I recently listened some podcast with NDT as guest where he talked about outrage culture. It was pretty cool.

Good point, but you know what I meant.

Are you implying the middle east is some sort of bastion of scientific advancement? Didn't they start going crazy after their prophet went mad and started disavowing scientific philosophy?

You're so fucking misinformed, it hurts.

Iran, particularly Tehran, used to be an extremely secular, liberal country in the early and mid 20th century. It had undergone a very fast modernization process with all of the first world's amenities and knowledge at their finger tips. Now look at them.

Russia has only become more steadfast in Christian faith and fundamentalist as their literacy rate and wealth have increased. They too have access to everything liberal democracies in the West can offer.

People who are religious have more children, defend their communities, and are capable of insulating themselves from outside change very effectively. When secularists don't have kids or only one kid, the religious fundamentalist who has two children gets a 100% advantage over them in shaping the future of the country.

Guess what the fastest growing religious community in the United States is, much faster than any atheist growth if it even exists. Behind them is the Mormons. You can see that taking shape within the political arena where Mormons suddenly have Presidential candidates and Governors.

I can see through your lies

You caught me. The jews are behind the Mormons.

He ignores all the country bumkins who were extremely fundamentalist muslim and the majority.

So what did he do to piss off reddit? Because as far as I know, he's still the same shitty pop "scientist" who is usually full of shit

Nice bantz from Andy (((Levy)))

So what you're saying is that scientific advancement does not correlate with liberal viewpoints and those viewpoints can't withstand demographic shifts? Thanks for agreeing with me.

I'd love to hear people argue that the ultra ethno-nationalist Romans prior to accepting barbarians among their ranks were liberal compared to the Celts who allowed women to rule and had poly-amorous relationships.



He literally said that transgenic crops are the same thing as cross breeding.

This is the talking point monsanto has paid scientists to use. (SEE: Kevin Folta)

This guy is an absolute piece of shit.

They just get a charming black guy so libcucks are powerless to criticize him.

Just like milo is a niggerloving faggot, libcucks cant criticize him.

Wonder if it has anything to do with this.

Tyson made a single tweet subtly calling out the violent libshit protesters at Trump rallies. The fedoras turned on him like wolves.


This guy is fucking pathetic. I've seen him try to moderate debates with the great scientific minds of our time and he can barely comprehend the arguments they are making. Yet he hosts a show where he is portrayed as some sort of astrological expert.

It's like watching an elementary student question a graduate student during a dissertation defense.

Oh this is too rich. I needed something good to see today, and this finally brought a desperate needed smile

This thread was supposed to be full of Neil "smoke" DeGrasse Tyson memes

Wait, the guy who said this turns around and says ?

Wait, Reddit hates black science man now? When did that happen?

He called out bernouts

This isn't calling anyone out on anything. This is just semantical bullshit "quips" just like any of the other 10,000 Tyson has posted on his Twitter page.

He's drawing attention to the fact that people who don't want Blonde Cheeto to be president actually just don't want people to vote for him.

It's a really moot thing to say, but so much of what Tyson writes is cutsie, "clever" rephrasings of what everyone already knows, like

>You're so fucking misinformed, it hurts.

a smug faggot


he's pretty stupid man. At least he's a real "scientist" tho, unlike that fraud bill nye

It was done in the aftermath of the Chicago protest. It's pretty fucking clear he's saying they want to disrupt democracy. I know it's hard to believe your favorite reddit meme disagrees with you.

Not an argument.

> Not loving black science man.


he's alright, just needs to stay out of politics and keep with science

he's made a fool of himself calculating the pressure inside a football top kek. And he's supposedly a physicist

Now post his quotes denying races exist beyond skin and pro gun control bullshit

>It's pretty fucking clear he's saying they want to disrupt democracy.

Except he's says nothing of the kind.

Right, he's just saying that anti-Trump supporters are trying to stop free citizens from voting for Trump. You wouldn't believe it even if he came out and called you a faggot anyway.

>You got a lot of nerve telling me what am I
>But it's OK for me to say that trump is fascist and his supporters are racists




He's an annoying faggot

Someone post the rapist quote


Bill Nye is an insufferable faglord.


They hate him because he doesn't fit into their narrative of all blacks being oppressed dindu victims.

And he called them out on their identity politics.

A lot of lefties started hating him when he pointed out that Republicans aren't as anti-science as is generally believed.


I wonder if he got a little redpilled by that? Of course you can't say shit in academia because it's a lefty circlejerk. Even suggesting you put aside your bias and look at the data objectively is frowned on.

I like him. People are too hard on him. He hasn't done any really stupid shit that I've seen. Seems moderately red pilled but doesn't talk about that whatsoever.

wtf I love NDT now

Liar, plagiarist, failed scientist.