I know it says not to but

Redpill me on Climate change

I allways beleved that co2 was on the rise and not really the problem.
However methane is quite a problem
and the world is getting more extreme weather right.
I come here for answers because it likely is found from actual 1st/2nd hand sources instead of news or other media.

Pic sorta related

Other urls found in this thread:, Russia/@74.2443278,98.8318477,6.71z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x5c87ebbaf5e77a3b:0x2c4412982b67464c!8m2!3d61.0137097!4d99.1966559

We're fully fucked.

This planet will be like Venus in a few years.

The tldr conspiracy is the jewish nwo controls climate change meme at the UN to waste money or something.

But it actually is a real problem and we're now fucked. The next phase is called "lifeboat states" where the rich struggle to hold off chaos

is that baby about to get cooked

good thing im 5%er

thats my only bucket list item.
I want to microwave an infant

pls not a white one

if you went to like thailand and abducted one i bet you could wave it without anyone finding out


And the rich will just go underground to their caves, sucking in the remaining oxygen to various holdings until there is none left. Why do you think they are so heavily Fracking lately? It has nothing to do with Oil, I will say that much.

i guess they sound the same

Climate change is just some shit that happens. It has some sweet bennies if you live in some places. We had a warm and wet summer this year, my harvest was fantastic. Plants are doing great, bro. Carbon emissions are awesome.

check out suspicious0bservers

Climate change is real
Human-accelerated climate change is probably real but negligible
The apocalyptic predictions you hear are the result of models that don't mesh with actual historical data

>"next phase"
Try current

Oil companies use lobbyists and pay for scientific 'papers' to be issued so that the oil companies profits are protected.

If you dont believe in climate change you are a literal retard

If you dont believe in man made climate change you need to educate yourself a bit.

man made climate change is a huge issue but no one really knows how to effectively change it at this point. We're fucked.

Ocean acidification is also a huge problem that no one talks about.

the red pill is that a few people (probably jews) are denying man made CC to continue making a lot of money.

That's what I mean. It's called adaptation.

Certain pics send me into seething blind rages and this is one of them
>sit down kid
>mummi will warm your bottle for some reason
>imma use the microwave
>watch mommiiii nao
>inside you go
Oh she doesn't know what's going on

Neck yourself

Can you go into more detail on this? How did you find this out?

Get ready to loot the bunkers !

I can read

What would you like to know more about?

Let me help you .., Russia/@74.2443278,98.8318477,6.71z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x5c87ebbaf5e77a3b:0x2c4412982b67464c!8m2!3d61.0137097!4d99.1966559

Climate change is for useful idiots

Population control and pollution are problems

Get ready for the party

Humans from energy related processes contribute about 4% (about 33 bil metric tons) of total CO2 emissions into the year annually.

The Ocean releases about 41% (330 bil metric tons) CO2 in the atmopshere annually. It works basically like a soda. When the seasons change and it heats up it releases CO2. When it gets colder, it absorbs more CO2.

The biggest contributor to CO2 is basically from living beings breathing and decomposing alongside decomposing plants. Its 55% (440 bil metric tons)

Currently in a renewable energies class. I think renewable energy is interesting but its pretty obvious global warming is bullshit and studies that say its absolutely true are full of shit and bought.

Also I don't know the exact numbers of other gases contribution to "global warming" but I'm pretty sure they are insignificant to CO2.

The only compelling argument I've heard is "ur retard if u dont believ".

I certainly don't want to be a retard.

Please video it, I need some good fap material.

Bullshit #

>And the rich will just go underground to their caves, sucking in the remaining oxygen to various holdings until there is none left. Why do you think they are so heavily Fracking lately? It has nothing to do with Oil, I will say that much.
What is space travel?

There's no oxygen in space, bud.

Methane is much worse

The world is greener and getting better. Co2 is a good thing.

Nothing is happening. It's adjusted data.

cource your shit faggot.

Ocean algae converts the majority of that shit back to oxygen.

there are other chemicals being released that affect climate change.

If you're comparing 1 methane to 1 CO2

Yes. It's worse. But CO2 emissions are so much higher it's insignificant.

Climate change is real but is not infinite license for totalitarianism like Al Gore wants it to be.

All these leafs getting fucking butt hurt real quick.

Sources are out there. Just google it. It doesn't take long to find multiple sources spitting those facts.

show your sources dude or stfu


It's real, but it isn't an issue.

>muh extreme weather
>muh flooding
Just fucking deal with it.

Water Vapor is the biggest greenhouse gas.

Man made climate change is not an issue at all. There is literally 0% change made by man to the climate. All the "concensus" is bullshit cherry picking and lying

Nothing new, OP. For decades the elite members of the secret societies have been trying to push environmentalism as one possible method to achieve world government & world control.

The following list they have tried to peddle, but were disproved every time:

>Global Cooling
>New Ice Age Coming
>Global Warming
>Ozone layer hole hoax
>Oceans rising
>Climate Change

No one bought it then, but more and more people are buying now. Every time one of their scams fails to pick up steam or produce meaningful change, they'll lay low for a few years and then its out with the next one.

And who can argue with the phrase "Climate Change"? Everyone knows climates change naturally so it kind of fools you there.

It wasn't done to you so why not return the favour

Holy shit leaf you got me. Climate change is for serial. In order to preserve the planet from now on you MUST put all your farts and shit in a bag and breathe it all up to help the planet. #godspeed only a few weeks left earth turns into a big ocean.

Yea I could see that. Better start getting rid of clouds. CLOUD BAD. CLOUD GLOBAL WARMING

This guy knows. David Suzuki has been peddling all these for decades. Push the narrative. Get money. Scientists rely on grant money. They'll say anything as long as a they keep getting that funding.

what is water ice

I have no idea mate, what is water ice?

>That pic

I feel bad. I can't laugh at that baby's expression.

Don't worry about it man. Climate change is real, but catastrophic claims being made are more suspect. In any case, the carbon tax stuff the hippies are pushing is a scam, as there is no way it could mitigate the effects on the scale they want it to. Lucky for us geoengineering is a thing, and the disaster is slow motion enough for us to halt it that way.

If you want something to really be terrified about, look at the relatively recent geologic history of cyclic glaciations. It it trivial enough to cool the earth rapidly, but much more difficult to heat it up on a scale that could mitigate an ice age.

The sun increases in luminosity by 10% every 1 billion years. Global warming is natural and humans have had no affect on temperatures including from the industrial revolution to now.