Ucomming war between NATO and Russia

Ucomming war between NATO and Russia.

The russians will steamroll eastern and western europe, but onky after securing Swedish Gotland.
Gotland is the key for Russian air defence.

After the gotland grab and take, they will easilr roll through Germany with northern, middle and southern army groups.

At the Ruhr area finally the yanks can come to help.
There i expect the russians to be beaten back..

What thinks you, pol?

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Bring it on Ivan, We are ready

Is gotland as fucked up as its parent?

Well yes, its still part a part of sweden
But military presence there is big

Gotland is inhabited, apart from a billion sheep. I should know, I've been there.

Really causes my neural cells to depolarize by opening gated channels in the membrane and passively diffusing potassium ions out of the cytoplasm down its concentration gradient leading to a sequence of action potentials to stimulate in accord with long term potentiation pathways developed through the release of seratonin at key moments of sensory input.

Is this when you'll finally make conscripts out of all the military aged middle eastern and african men in Sweden and send them to fight Russia?
You'd be doing Russia and the world a big favor!

Ready to be fucked in the ass by Russians? You aren't doing shit with your pathetic one man army

>Ucomming war between NATO and Russia.
But why

>Ucomming war between NATO and Russia.

info straight from National Electronic Espionage Team I guess. It's great we have you so that you can shitpost about politics all day straight from your mom's basement

> The russians will steamroll eastern and western europe.

The Russians can't even control the Donbass and are stuck there fighting with Congo-tier Ukrainian army

>What thinks you, pol?

You are a retard

Because we broke the ceasfire in Syria

is it the same person copy pasting this or is this somewhat of a copy pasta? you realize membrane potentials and ionic gradients as mechanisms of nerve signalling is an obsolete concept, right?

What 're you going to do send your gay sailors you cucks


There are like a thousand swedish soldiers in the island

NATO military planning emphasized everyone retreating to france while british and american reinforcements get to europe.

Seems like a really nice island, especially since it has such a small pop. I might visit one day.

You already live in an island lad

The fuck you on about. I've heard that there's absolutely no military presence there, only now swedes sent like 150 soldiers there.

A nice little island they have there, would be a shame if something happened to it.

If Russians only used conventional weaponry, then they would be stopped at Poland.

Am I completely retarded or is the idea of a US/Russia war completely out of the question? If they invade Sweden then nukes are flying, and at that point who cares? This isn't WW2.

>At the Ruhr area finally the yanks can come to help.

Why in the Ruhr? Don't send the yanks to us, the Mudslimes will rise and we will have the caliphate of RUhrgebiet.

I think you are a dumbass and a shill if you think russia wants to invade europe

they want their buffer zone (balts, belarus, ukraine, caucasus) and they want to control european gas supply

that's it

stop fucking with them and nothing will happen goddamn russophobes

I know. I love islands that are not overpopulated and overdeveloped like mine.

Turkroaches shot down one of their planes and Putin didn't do shit. Russia is all bark no bite. If they had to enter a real conflict that didn't involve bombing half-assed goat fuckers from 10,000 ft in the air or blasting Ukies with grad rockets their worthless conscript army would be exposed for the farce it is. Above all else, Russians are masters of deception. But keep thinking they'll retaliate.

What army groups?

>Cold War Russia was pro one world government
>Today's Russia is anti one world government

Way to go Russia, staring to look like you're the savior that the world need but not the one it deserves.

>There are like a thousand swedish soldiers in the island
No, just 150 in Gotland.

Personally I would rather the US fight alongside Russia against Yurop.

>Ucomming war between NATO and Russia.

Sure buddy.

Maybe Russia didn't want to start WW3? Being reckless isn't a virtue.

its not even a copy pasta, just some cringe kid who's trying to make a meme lol

They would lose.

Does Russia have a paypal account or something I can donate to?

Help out the cause..

And you would win? What bunker do you have reserved?

our muslim freinds and allies would never allow tht

Please do so. This will give us the opportunity to destroy the Merkel-Regime and become based again. Then again, might end up as a vassal. Still better than being Merkels serfs though.

>muslim "friends" and "allies"

Really causes my neural cells to depolarize by opening gated channels in the membrane and passively diffusing potassium ions out of the cytoplasm down its concentration gradient leading to a sequence of action potentials to stimulate in accord with long term potentiation pathways developed through the release of seratonin at key moments of sensory input.

>Turkroaches shot down one of their planes and Putin didn't do shit.

tell that to the free syrian army and the oil convoys coming out of ISIS territory

russia ramped up the bombings immediately after the fighter jet incident, they were bombing locations within 5 miles of turkey's border

that was their retaliation, turkey is not a player in the syrian conflict anymore, specially after the "coup", they have turned their attention to the KPP once again

russia won the long game without a diplomatic crisis and odds are (with how things are going with erdogan) turkey is next up in line after iran to join the eurasian economic union

howd u get to america? sell ur kidney??

there can be no imperial wars of conquest in today's age faggot.

>nuclear weapons, what are they?


When are we as a collective group gonna figure out that elites give no fuck about country borders, and they do whatever they need to do to keep their inner Jew circle on top, and us on the bottom fighting each other?

One can only dream. Russia and the former Eastern Block countries like Poland, Hungary, and the Baltic ones are the last bastions of hope for Europe.

>Tfw all Russia has to do is kill 20 pilots and half our air force is literally grounded

Not looking forward to it tbqhwyfamalam

They are all Jews.


Putin is a Jew. Trump is a Jew. Everyone sucks Jew dick.

If you're elite, you suck Jew dick for a living that's how it works.

>The Russians can't even control the Donbass and are stuck there fighting with Congo-tier Ukrainian army

They're not really trying that hard. As in, very few russians are actually fighting there. It's mostly just the locals they've given weapons to.

If they actually used their own military properly they would've rolled over those hohols. But it would be a disaster for their foreign relations. Or what's left of them.

Sounds like class warfare.

Kek fucking THIS.

Well your next so better hope it does

They just want to reduce the world population with 80%. No nukes are gonna fly, they got enough nukes to destroy the world like 60 times.

People are so retarded it hurts my fucking brain. They really care about fucking country borders.

They just want a war so they can reduce the population get real.

All countries are on the same side. All of them suck Jew dick for a living.

150 fighters are a lot of firepower. Don't underestimate the power of drones and JAS

Shyy don't tell them

Alois Irlmaier, is that you?

>150 soldiers is a lot of firepower

i hope america doesn't get involved

not our problem

You do realise that there is a heavy Nato air presence in the Baltics? That F16s could be flying over St. Petersburg in less than 2 minutes?

Let's put up a potential WW3 situation, yes?

Russia & China vs US & Germany

Both sides have enough nukes to destroy planet earth over 10 times, US & Germany has enough to destroy it like 40 times.

Do you really think somebody is retarded enough to start a war, unless they're on the same side & just want to reduce the global population?

They are all sucking Jew dick my friends. All of them, get real.

Double dubs, you shouldnt list your gameplan.

next war is not about controlling territory; it's destruction

>They're not really trying that hard. As in, very few russians are actually fighting there.

Yeah, right... "very few"...

That moment the number one country goes to war and their own soldiers kill there captain more than the mudslims do

>us = most useless retarded army in the world = zero true war experience
>swedistan most wars won and started most wars and been in most wars and has fought the longest wars. Was the first people to discover American

Gtfo with ur autism

When the us need 100.000 soldiers to kill 5 terrorist's with

The swedes need one

>for every 100.000 us marine Sweden uses 1

It's so funny too because literally the only thing for us to win this entire thing, is to start a political party that wants to get rid of Jewish federal reserves in one country.

If one such party gets elected in just one country, all other populations will demand it, and they can't do anything about it.

The entire shadow government Jewish empire will collapse in a matter of years, and Jews will have no power what so ever.

People are so fucking retarded. It's hilarious.

How again did they gain the power? I never understood that part


Sure, Russia is going to invade Europe, like it does every time. Oh wait.

It's true tho

holy shit you might actually really believe this drivel

good for you desu, one of the few men with pride left in your sharia law nanny state

Very valid point


I thought europe invaded russia everytime? Like napoleon, hitler, ww1 etc

What if I told you it was all a Lie

We killed all the refugees and fake being socialist state?

>Congo-tier Ukrainian army
>the country where all their best equipment came from

This lvl of autism

Dude don't tell them... nsa is listening

The Rothschild families bought (they already had quite a lot of power through banking usury then) up England during the Napoleon wars by telling the Aristocrats Napoleon wanna gonna win, all the English aristocrats sold their shares in Britain for pennies, and Rothschild bought up the entire UK for nothing.

Since then they have expanded to own the federal reserve (The bank that the government loans money from) in every country of the world except North Korea, Iran & Cuba.

So besides those 3 countries every unit of currency is an "IOU" to their family.


People are so stupid though because if just 1 country did what Hitler did, (get rid of the fed in Germany) which you can do legally their entire empire would collapse in years.

>US enters Sweden
>Has to deal with both Russians and Swedish Arab insurgency

>This is what we've been training for boys

John F. Kennedy tried to get rid of it, but they shot him of course. They had to or they would lose everything. And this is why no President is ever going to make any changes in any country.

What has to happen is a democratic country making a political party that has the primary goal to get rid of the fed.

It has to start with democratic nation.

mainly through control of banking. it all started in the late 1800s with a little book called the elders of zion

keep in mind this first surfaced in 1905 before WW1 even happened.

Why does Sweden even have an army? Are they really expecting a worse enemy than the mudslime hordes they let wander in anyway?

They deserve everything coming their way.

>how about

Donald gets elected
and the globalist don't get to provoke WW3?

have (((they))) ever let us sit out a war?

It does, then we stop you.

Hohol, pls

literally from the protocols

>if we allow the possibility of a general rising against us, we shall respond with the guns of America, China, or Japan

and people say it was a fucking forgery. it all came true

I've been saying this for a long time. Even pushed the normie cartoon for stealth ops


>war between NATO and Russia.
nope. War will not. Go away.

If you're a president candidate in the US, you suck Jew dick for a living. It's that simple.


Change has to come from a democratic nation.

that'd be pretty nice, am i dreaming right now?

I'm from there. It has a more rural focus and is naturally isolated so the mud concentration is very low compared to the rest of the country, but it's sadly on the rise. Went home to visit during the summer and it hurt me deeply to see roaming groups of Afghans littering the streets.

People are generally more based but half the pop lives in or around Visby so they're easily infected by libshit propaganda. It doesn't help that people feel stronger ties to the island itself than their country, nationalism is replaced with a sense of local patiotism.

I fucking knew it.

This is what will actually happen:

>Whole europe allies with Russia
>We destroy murica, Israel and saudi-arabia together
>World is already a better place

hurr durr Russia bad. You will soon be over bred by muslims and niggers before there will be war with Russia

It has to be done by multiple countries at the same time. If only 1 country does it, they'll send proxy armies there to fuck your whole country up until you submit to them.

>It does, then we stop you.
by being spitroasted, usually.

After 72 hours from ITS HAPPENED russian army will start to surrend, army calling-up plans will be crushed, 3/4 of russian weapons even will not start to move because all repairs and services was only in reports, but officers ("jackals" in russian slang) stole all money.
Army can't fight even if then want (but they don't, russian officer want to have a money, but found pretty stupid to risk own ass for silly coins and free flat in commieblock)
Most of people, of course, don't want to fight.

No they can't do shit actually which is why Germany became a superstate, before they prompted ww2 with their influence in Russia, Poland & UK against them.


Sactions on USA when?

Wrong, even if you distributed all of the nuclear fission and fusion weapon'sblast radius' across the land surface of the planet we ain't reaching 50%.

[citation needed] etc google it yourself.

We as in Europeans, my asiatic friend.

The populations & forces of those countries going to war against the country would rebel.

And there would be no reason for them to invade, all populations fighting for the invading countries would rebel.


Because human population is distributed equally across the surface of the planet.

Ah, yes, usually Europeans stop us, in Berlin or Paris.

>Ucomming war between NATO and Russia.
I work for the navy and your shit is retarded, nederdaad. Russia is in no shape to start any kind of war before 2020 hits. Possibly 2025 even.

HAHAHAHAHA! Two old tanks in a tool shed and a hundred nu-males does not an army make.

If Russia wants Gotland then they can just roll up there with a platoon of special forces and occupy every nerve centre in an hour. Our underpaid and badly trained "soldiers" will piss themselves. Literally the only reason Russia hasn't done anything is because NATO would not take it lying down.

Nah, in Warsaw.

What would happen if it was UK & France was on the side of Germany during ww2?

Or just Germany vs Russia. You would be annihilated. Who cares though? All you guys ever fight for is your own enslavement & Jewish supremacy.

no further questions

Russia doesn't stand a chance.

They would make some initial gains in Eastern Europe, sure. But Russia is economically dependent on the west and cannot risk sustained conflict. Remember the EU sanctions that devalued the Ruble? An outright embargo would be brutal.

The Russian airforce is impressive, yes. But the USAF is more than capable of rebasing to Europe and engaging the Russians effectively. The US would have naval dominance to boot. Keep in mind that while the USAF is the largest air force in the world, the second largest is the US Navy. In time the Russian airforce would be outmatched, outproduced, defeated, and strategic bombing would take hold.

On the ground the Russians are effective, but the combined forces of the NATO members states, the US, UK, and France in particular, would grossly outnumber Russian personnel while matching, even surpassing them in equipment and strategic flexability. In total war conditions this would only be more true. The Americans have been building up in Eastern Europe for some time and they have been preparing countries such as Poland for invasion. They would also quickly react to an invasion and redeploy forces into Europe via air.

Nuclear weapons aren't a factor. If a single one is launced, we're all dead, plain and simple. It doesn't matter if Russia has more.

The only hope Russia has is if China entered the war on their side. And even then it would be a toss-up.

>ever ready for war
For all I know, all of your defense budget's probably been redirected to helping those poor starving refugees, leaving your "military" with only a few latex dildos and blanks to defend yourselves. Not only that, but the lion on Sweden's military coat of arms got its fucking dick snipped off by butthurt feminists controlling your politics. What a fucking joke of a country

Just prepare for the nukes bro. :^)

HMM Could this be a CCP thread?

And yet your politicians scare you with muh Russian invasion every day.

I wonder what China would do. They're overpopulated as fuck and most people just live on the coast where everyone gets lung cancer due to how polluted it is, and those barren, but gas rich lands of Siberia and Northern Manchuria probably looks very tempting to fuel their ambitions. On the other hand, they have good relations with Moscow.

>The russians will steamroll
Not going to happen. Putinists would be out of power very quickly if they tried. Their operation in Georgia was brief, the Chechnyan wars were hell for all sides, and the war in Ukraine involves a large population that is ethnically and linguistically Russian. Trying to "steamroll" any part of Europe is a whole different thing than any of the above.

To redirect the peoples attention from your own shortcomings you create an external enemy. It's what Russia (and the Soviet Union) has done for a while now. The West is simply following suit.

If there's war aliens will BTFO people. Or at least that's what they tell each other right now.

>sanctions davaluate the rouble
Actually no. It was just formal cause for Putin's government, for people don't blame they, but blame The Evil Homopaedophilic West.
Devaluation helps to reduce the budget deficit, but causes if this deficit is more deeply than sanction: low productivity of real economic multiplied on 40 millions retirees and 30 millions of goverment employee (so named "russian welfare" because government employee do nothing in the better case, normally they do a shit), military expences because of military industry lobby and so on.

In fact, in case of war if West stop to supplly, for example, the simpliest Siemens automation electronics, russian industry will be able produce only T-34 tanks from WWII era.

RIP sweden. You wont be missed

China has a lot of man power to spare, not sure how their equipment is in comparison to Russia, and what defences Russia contains on the far east or how easy and fast would it be to move western armies to east.

But I thought the West was free and democratic and didn't engage in propaganda.

>russian industry will be able produce only T-34 tanks from WWII era.
No lend lease this time.

>But I thought the West was free and democratic and didn't engage in propaganda.
That's propaganda.

Are you joking?

Jews on 97% of the media.

Exactly. Nobody believe in this "China brothers will hepl us to defeat unjustice Werstern Word Order", China's economics depends from West (particularly US) completely.


BTW why all Sweden press looks like yellow tabloids?

>Sweden just deployed army foces last week to defend Gotland 1 year earlier than planned due to increased threat from Russia.

Yes its going to happen, pretty soon.

Russia's supply lines will run dry by the time they reach Berlin.

Germany was a pretty aesthetic looking bitch.

I'd tap that.

That's propaganda in itself. A very good one at that. By associating certain terms with "dictatorships" and "regimes" you are in the clear if you simply make up alternative words for those very words in a "democratic" context. Propaganda in the West is called "Narrative" or "Truth".

Equipment doesn't really matter when you got a billion people without any trace of individuality in them. China can literally just have them swarm into Siberia like angry wasps with only their fists. Russia will run out of bullets before they can kill every Chinaman.

It would be interesting to see how Russia would handle a two-front, transcontinental war. Moving troops from St Petersburg to Vladivostok is no easy feat. And where would the elite troops be sent? Siberia has all the crucial resources that the Russian economy depends on.

>what is an embargo ?
Also crippled Turkish tourism market as they banned Russains from holidaying there until the roach public demanded King Roach apolgises, and he did; begged for better relations with Russia like the slimie roach he is.


Thing toy say if ridiculuos. Russian government will never start war with the countries where theit children and their bank acounts are.

>Russia would handle a two-front,
I talking one front hough, even if this is not likely.

No Finland will conquer russia and then rest of the world. I know its possible I already did it as sweden in empire total war.

Normally all these resources are going to export. For internal (especially in wartime, when limits for everything for personal use) it's enough Tatarstan, Bashkiria and Russian Nord oil and gas, South Ural and Belgorod metallurgy. Norilsk, the biggest russian nickel source, isn't available by land at all: only by air and through Polar seas.

You came, you saw, you Jarppi.

What are you doing in Finland, Petya?

>run out of bullets
nukes are pretty good, tho. Especialy with dense bunches of people that China have.

You would need the whole world to even set foot in our land, and then it will just end in your inevitable destruction as your soldiers desperately try to quell an uprising of 300 million firearms, one behind every blade of grass.

Regrettably Baltic sea is pretty much impossible to protect. If Ruskies get Gotland + Kaliningrad they have perfect A2/AD

>At the Ruhr area finally the yanks can come to help.


Eurabia is on its own.

>swedistan most wars won and started most wars and been in most wars and has fought the longest wars
The last Swedish soldier with war experience died a 100 years ago.

By the way it would be fun if Finland will decide "to protect ethnical finns at Karelia and Karelian isthmus from Putins Neo-nazi regime" (disregard that after Koivisto declare repatriation ethnical karelians in Karelia are around 5-7%)
I bet around 75% of Karelia, Leningrad oblast and Sankt-Petersburg citizens dicided that it's pretty good time to finalize they marriage with Russian Federation.

Obviously buyng Fairy.


And why the FUCK does this board support two suspected pedos in drumpf and putin? Further fucking up all this shit?

It's more complicated.

At first they will try to bait little bit more NATO soldiers to Baltic countries. Then cut them out & create corridor between Belarus and Kaliningrad Oblast progressively destroying resistance in Baltic countries. Then they will turn they face to the west.

Goatland will get shafted early on but it's 2nd tier priority. Russian Navy may even commit suicide while trying to not let ANYTHING to get to Tallin/Riga and help the surrounded NATO forces. As soon as the news will settle down, RT will show the PoW's all to whole world to see they will try to make peace, thinking public opinion in the US, UK, France and maybe Germany will be overwhelmingly for peace after such defeat.

Now the question is whether they can actually create that Belarus-Kaliningrad corridor(instead of getting shafted by potatoes and hitmen on they way there) and if their hopes for peace after quick operational-scale victory have basis in reality.

lmao we're all gonna die

>implying the muslims won't side with russia and annex you themselves.

About time.

i think that if russians were every to try that they'd get fucked in the ass like the massive fags they are. russian army have already established itself as a bunch of boy-prostitutes and generally weak-willed people in ukraine campaign.

but poo-tin isn't dumb enough to bite his masters.

Kek has spoken

Ukraine bros? Do Russians really rape you when they take over your town? I don't want to get raped. They wont do communism again will they? Communism seemed so fucking shit, I don't want to live under it.

>Anti-world government

Its not possible. We have power only to exterminate europe not to conquer it. We dont have 10-15 million soldiers.

When finally the war between NATO shits and glorious Russia starts, we should all go and get drafted and when the time comes, we should turn our guns against the NATO shitlords and kill us many as we can for the glory of God Emperor Putin, the Lord Saviour of Mankind. Who's with me?

If you are a world leader, you suck Jew dick.

Actually I meant if China joined on the side of Russia.

It would make things even, that's for sure. The mere presence of China in the world would force the US to divide their forces, emphasizing more on the Asian theatre due to China's massive manpower and abundant natural resources. This would leave Europe mostly on it's own and Russia would have a good chance of winning.

The US would have to send millions of men just to halt any Chinese and North Korean incursions into countries like South Korea or Taiwan, or maybe even an attempted invasion of Japan. They would have to send tens of millions to invade the Mainland itself. And all of this would have to take place after the defeat of the Chinese navy and the liberation of any occupied territories. North Korea has about 10 Million men in reserve in addition to China's 2 million standing, 2 million reserve force and the hundreds of millions of potential conscripts. The Americans may even lose in Asia, it's a definite possibility. Although an invasion of the US mainland would be nothing short of impossible.

If China attacked Russia the war would be over within months.

I'm not going to shoot Europeans. That's sick and traitorous.

But I though Putin was a Muslim. What gives?

Muslim leaders suck Jew dick too


>invade Germany
>kill every politician
>install AfD puppet regime

i'm ok with this

At this point i hope putin nukes israel and takes over the entire planet.

Nothing can be worse than this dystopian madness we are currently living in.

That's just a facade. Actually Mongols still control Russia through Putin.

Putin sucks Jew dick. Get it through your fucking heads. They all suck Jew dick.

He is a buddist, you fuck

You kidding? Russia doesn't want you SJW infected islands

Hence hope. I don't expect it to happen.

I knew it. I thought it's strange that he writes Buddhist sutras in his notebook.

No we're not idiot. We don't have shit. Realize this and stay neutral if you don't want occupation.

You fucking lithuanian scumbag, you're not even European.
Russian should be its own continent and you're Russian clay.
Fuck off. Are you even NATO? You should not be.
Anyway, NATO should get disbanded, there is no reason for it to exist anymore and neither should Lithuania exist.
EU betrayed our people, it's the patriotic thing to fight them. All Eurocrats and Eurofags should be lined up and shot.

>chechen death squads fighting Swedish infantry
I would pay to see that.

σkάσε αυτίστα.


Τράβα ρούφα τη ψωλή του Τσίπρα.


>not wanting to be freed by Russia

Jesus Nethercuck

Prepare your pussy Sven liberation is coming.

Eurocrats should be replaced. Rest of it is retarded.

Που kολάει ο (((Τσίπρας))) σε αυτήν την ιστορία ρε αυτίστα?
Το να είσαι εναντίων των Βαλτιkών kρατών είναι kαθαρός αυτισμός.

Sorry to tell you nazi but only special russian forces are there. The rest are the people resiting your neo nazi 'government'

Gotland is rightful German clay.

>Sweden thinks it can fight


>neo nazi 'government'
This meme. I wish it was true though.

Ασε με ρε με τα πουτανοπαίδια, που τους έχωσε στο Ευρώ ο ανάπηρος για να τα έχει τσιράkια. Αλλό λόγο ύπαρξης δεν έχουν, οι τίποτες, τα απόλυτα μηδέν.

Russians are one of the cruelest races on earth along with chechens. I'm expecting some god-tier war crimes like bayoneted Swede babies surely Fedia and Ramzan will deliver.


Η (((ΕΕ))) είναι σkατά kαι το ξέρουμε.
Αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι τα βαλτιkά kράτη είναι σkατά επειδή μισούν την μητέρα (((Ρωσία))) kαι τον Pooteen.
>you're not even European
Ο τουρkόσπορος λέει τον Λιθουανό ποιός είναι Ευρωπαίος kek.

>I'm expecting some god-tier war crimes like bayoneted Swede babie
How's that a war crime, killing the racemixed bastard offspring of niggers and liberals?

What's the point of this thread? Why would anyone go to war when there are nukes? We have them, EU has them, US of A has them. No more old-fashioned war, time to let it go already. Go play some COD or something.

>this meme has to stop

Are you fucking retarded, it's not the cold war anymore. Russia has an economy smaller than ITALY. They are not even close to being equal in terms of strength with NATO and there isn't going to be a fucking war. Stop being autistic.



Half inclined to say they'd pitch in with the west for landgrabs and kudos.

I guess, following your logic, Groningen, Kampen, Deventer, Tallinn, Tartu, Riga, Wroclaw, Krakow, Torun, Elblag, Stockholm, Visby, Slupsk, Darlowo, Kolobrzeg and Szczecin, etc. are rightful German clay aswell.

With 15k soldiers?

A kαλά το kατάλαβα στην αρχή ότι kάνεις αλλαξοkωλιές με τον Τσίπρα, αδερφάρα φιλελέρα εθνομηδενιστή.
Μόνο οι φιλελέρες kαι οι λαθρολάγνοι, οι συριζαίοι εθνοπροδότες θα μας αποkαλούσαν τουρkόσπορους.


they couldn't even steamroll georgia. russia is a mess and less of a danger each year. the muslim fifth column and the drastically low slav birth rates within russia will dismantle it sooner or later. also the wealthier russians grow, the less pro war they will be. you don't have to be a rocket scientists to see that

a:) russia is currently too weak to do anything and the poland-russia border is too far away, any moving of russian forces would have to go throu belaraus and the NATO would have heard of it, having time to mobalize countering any russian blitzz
b:) the russian future aint bright either

the only way to fix russia and make it a strong player again would be for russia to go through a thatcher/china-like transformation and rebuild its economical power, much like the russian empire. it won't happen tho, the oligarchs hate free market.

So what the are you then? A Somalian? A jew? Or are you a huemonkey?
Embrace your nature Valodia and murder rape everything.

>The russians will steamroll eastern and western europe
I hear this shit constantatly since 2008, cant wait to happen :(

okay we get it, you are a badass...


Οι μισοί έλληνες είναι τουρkόσποροι kαι το ξέρεις.
Σkατόδερμοι υποάνθρωποι που μας kάνουν ρεζίλι παγkοσμίως.
>Η χώρα μου όπως kαι να είναι XD
Αν δεν kαταλάβεις τι πάει στραβά με αυτήν την χώρα, δεν θα kαταφέρεις τίποτε.
(((Χρυσή Αυγή))) έξω.

Balts, you guys are so embaracing, its beyond funnies when its come to your butthurt about anything russia-related xDDDD

Achmed, why so bitter?

>moor penisula talks

>democratic nation

It needs to happen in a republic, democracy is too government heavy to allow this to take place.

I'm not butthurt I'd love to join you on massive rape-laughter crusade with Putin's and Kiril's blessings ofcourse.

True, but can you blame us? A lot of shit happen in 20 century
Makes sense, all those nationalities (or Central Eastern Europe) were part of some other states/empires, that's why we are squeamish about Russia. I'm not expecting you to understand, it's almost a mentality issue.



>can you blame us?
Of course I can. You country and shit and slowly dying and all you do is dreaming about killing Russia/being killed by Russia, 25 years already, fourth of a century.

these days i swear to god theres liberal propaganda in every movie in every picture and lies everywhere
just like this shitty ilustrated picture
"""oh boy russia as always is the bad guy haha let me draw this picture that shows all the facts in wich russia surely isnt surrounded by nato countries that shouldnt even be in nato, military bases and rocket launchers in romania and other countries for protection of courshe"
makes me mad

>US not portrayed as the invading warmongers they are


what about mel gibson?????

>There are like a thousand swedish soldiers in the island


We wish we had a thousand. 150 troops are ABOUT to be placed on Gotland. I don't even know if there are any there at all right now.

They do have a bunch of tanks though. Not anybody that can drive them, but hey, it's something, right?

Just in time to acquire a qt russian grill

>dreaming about killing Russia/being killed by Russia

Not as much as you think, there are people who talk about toning down aggressive rhetoric on Russia, but you must understand, bogeymen of Russia will work for older generations, they lived true Russian/Soviet aggression.

So yeah, I personally agree that we should not agitate the Bear, but we should always be prepared for the worst.

>Sweden thinks its ready for war

I think you misunderstand. What we're ready for is being conquered and subsequently ethnically cleansed by Russia. Not fighting them.

>that ID

>True, but can you blame us? A lot of shit happen in 20 century
> they lived true Russian/Soviet aggression.

-Baltic states created by soviet people, what we had before that was what left from Russian empire or German (depends on what part of country, and what country)

>free housing

Other point is maintaining it and not letting it down like ogo bogo tier of subhumans and blaming how shit tier country Russia are

Most of them, yes, but for different reasons. You forgot Bergen in Norway.

And my toilet isn't gonna clean itself, Marek.

>being this retarded

As someone within a stone's throw of Asperger's myself...Putin bro I understand.

Would trade russian to an asutrian or german

>Baltic states created by soviet people
Real Baltic state were created after 1918, by their respective ethnically/nationally aware intelligentsia and their populations. Communists were creating something, but certainly not free nation states, the fact that Latvia and Estonia has so many Russians speaks for itself.

Sounds like a good Deal to me

>not suffering from chronic buttpain


>Other point is maintaining it and not letting it down like ogo bogo tier of subhumans and blaming how shit tier country Russia are

Forgot this.
Half of industry was designed for Russian market under different conditions, no wonder it failed. Sure, we don't have to blame Russians, we should focus more on our problems.

>Οι μισοί έλληνες είναι τουρkόσποροι kαι το ξέρεις.
>Σkατόδερμοι υποάνθρωποι που μας kάνουν ρεζίλι παγkοσμίως.
Πέστο στον Φίλη να το γράψει στα βιβλία της ιστορίας, μαλαkισμένο.
Μη το λες σε μας, γιατί όταν θα έρθει η ώρα μας, που θα έρθει, θα έχουμε σχοινί kαι για σένα.

These skrælings literally need to go through danish waters in order to enter the atlantic
Within a few days we have all of Nato's navy near us anyway

gl Rossiya


I think we will let Russia do what it wants with Sweden, maybe open up new gulag.

What will happen when Russian aggression continues and spills into first world countries in about 20-30 years
>Ahh were getting slaughtered out here
>America why aren't you helping
>You said for us to not get involved any more
>We're getting slaughtered
>Ok I'll help
>kicks the shit out of Russia.
>t-t-t-Thanks america
Ten years later the first world will bitch about US getting involved in another war that isn't saving their ass directly.

Include Ukraine ("borderland" in Russian)

It says "Europe".

Ready to get anally destroyed by Russia's dick?

nigger u are so fucking retarded, gotland was much richer before the hansa even existed



kek this


>swedes are cucks, russia can just roll in and take over

until sweden start to utilize all the secret underground bukers built during the cold war. And launch over 5000 thousand nuclear missiles all over russia from secret launch sites underground. The secret viggen places get activated and all over sweden in evry forest suddenly planes roll out and lift from the roads built specially for those planes.


Fucking Novgorod degenerates. All Nord-West could live like human beings now. But now, they win all wars and there we are.

forgot. Sweden is the best nation we will burn russia to the ground if they invade.

>over 5000 thousand nuclear missiles
five thousand thousand? fucking retard

and your nordic caliphate has no nukes

Not gonna happen. Fuck all the fearmongering by the media shills. Putin may take advantage of EU cucks when he gets the opportunity but he knows exactly how far he can go. Dude is not a maniac.

Siding with Russia on this one.

Let the EUSSR burn

gib AKs Putin

God is with us against Western cucks.

> tfw all the poolack and swedecuck "empires" got btfo super hard when they tried to start shit with Russia and are now eternally salty

>Implying the Maginot Line won't stop Russia

War for Kek!

Just give to Ruskies what belong to them

thank you

What are you gonna put up at the Maginot line? 2nd hand hummers and APCs you bought from Americans?

Or your 40 year old unmaintained tanks?

The ethernal demon-gods from cosmic abyss of madness and blasphemy.

Please can someone just pave my entire country over I can't take it anymore.

that is what you retards belive. During the cold war sweden built a nuclear enrichment plant to make nuclear bombs. We probaly have huge stockpiles of them hidden evrywhere. But becuse we are sweden we just sayed we don't have any.

Looks pretty comfy.
kek also approves.

>APCs you bought from Americans
I have personally seen one of our moden APCs
Having a 20mm canon following you despite the vehicle driving at like 40km/h was glorious

To be fair the one world government they on theory purposed was only transitional.



>Military presence big
150 troops, a few armored fighting vehicles.

look at these shity buldings noone have done maintenance on those for decades.

I gotta go think.....

shut up vassal state.

What the fuck are you on about?

Tillbaks till skjulet, Sven.

Probably because Russia in 2014 kind of put the plan to include Ukraine into NATO and eliminate the russian black sea fleet.

I want for my contry to get tactical nukes today!

> 20mm french apcs looking at Russians whilsts running away at 40 kmh

There's hardly a thousand swedish soldiers in all of sweden.

Even the police deserting because they aren't allowed to stop 'their new citizens' from commiting crimes or burning all the volvos

No one will benefit from WW3. Only (((them))). Do YOU want to make (((them))) happy?

it was inbred russians that started shit with swedish territories.

Meanwhile, Austria, a country with no army to speak of, will get Anschlussed and love it

>t.svältande somalie

There we go, you're already cuckpedaling after 2 comments.

In case you have reading comprehension troubles, I've already said I'm happily siding with Russia instead of NATOcucks.

We'll see who gets Anschluss'd, you eternal bitchboy ;)

'Operation Jämtland og Härjedalen - Taking it Back 2016' is now under way

>ha ha we'll surrender to the asiatic hordes, my wife's boyfriend is Russian and they love each other

>Implying I'll bother to read mora than 200 posts
Considering the 2 last World Wars, if you side with Russia, they'll lose.

If a hypothetical alliance with Russia is "surrendering", I don't even know what the fuck one should call NATO.

Has NATO helped white people ONCE, throughout its whole history?

Didn't think so.

Hey, do you really perform military drills with roleplay that Finland annexing Finnmark?

this cuckold meme has really jumped the shark now

why do you even have miltaries?
you both are under swedish rule.

Dunno, I just felt like streamlining the whole "obvious backpedaling cuck" callout.

Have you even bothered to look over the baguette's damage control?

What would you call it?


russia won't make it trough finland or poland. by the time they are there french and english troops will be crawling out of the woodworks all over while local troops fight gorilla warfare behind enemy lines. after some fighting the americans will enter russia anally with all kinds of fancy weapons. when russia is beaten back to medieval times the americans will have so many weapons and equipment in the area it would take 20 years to ship it back so they'll just give it to eastern europe after norwegian retard government turns it down.
the russians know this is the likely scenario if nukes aren't used so this will never happen.

lot of good warsaw pact did for whites right?

yeah fuck nato. Rather a slav rape baby then a somalian nigger.

>Have you even bothered to look over the baguette's damage control?
of fucking course not

I don't give a shit what you two are arguing about

what if they go full retard and use nukes? like on Polan? and you are deeply concerned and say "it is war" but start it actually 100 years later or so

Mel Gibson for president!

Kaarle, plz.
Finland is only border between you and russian hordes.
Praise Finlands försvarsmakt

>implying the Warsaw Pact wasn't an even more fucked up version of NATO that imploded due to sheer Russian incompetence

Rather a slav rape baby then a somalian nigger.

Remember kids, grammar is very important.

if nukes are used the entire planet except africa will light up with mushroom clouds.
either that or everyone looks the other way to prevent mutually assured destruction.

Yeah, they still have actual nations, instead of multi-culti experiments with no cohesion.

And if the USSR was allowed to transition into capitalism/other without US meddling (read: China), they would have been even better off.

>Have you even bothered to look over the baguette's damage control?
>What would you call it?
A misunderstood art

Can I have one too pls?

you sound like an underage faggot who has no idea about geopolitics other than "da USA makes people gay and Russia is the savior of Christianity"

why would they give the land to worthlees oil monkyes? You don't even have a land or water connection, and the way througe the ocean dosen't count. If anything sweden should have it. Sweden have atleast keept some of these lands during it's life. And we should also get full integration with you two shit states, finland and norway.

> ima quickly cuckpedal and shout "geo-politics" that'll show him


how was the grammer wrong?


>Yeah, they still have actual nations, instead of multi-culti experiments with no cohesion.

Soviet union was working on that. Also, NATO is military alliance, you need to clean up governments and EU of multiculturalism ideology, but before that you must change general opinion.

but MAD concerns only nations with nuclear weapons

Russia not even helping Russians and you want it to help someone else?

Somebody forgot to put a leaf on this flag.

It's irrelevant what the Soviet Union was "working" on, because whatever that might have been, we can see the demographic statistics of ex east bloc countries, NOW.

Not to mention, it's INCREDIBLY funny, that the EU is now "working" on the same things the USSR was.

> muh poor russia, ebil putin took my moneys

Since the 00s, the number of "successful" Russians, I've met on my travels has increased exponentially, and if you're gonna sit here and pretend all these people are loligarchs, friends of Putler, or some other shit, I'll just have to laugh at you.

And Russia just "helped" Russians in Crimea, by not letting them get bombed, even if that might have been the side-effect of a move to secure Russian Navy presence in the Black Sea.

Like the burgerboi shouted previously in the thread: GEO-POLITICKS!!!


You can feel the butthurt.

It's not funny at all you leafless leaf.
Yes, we can see demographic statistics of Latvia and Estonia, their native population got diluted with Russians, yours will be diluted with muslims, if you will not do anything about it.

Oh don't worry we have our secret weapon

> diluted with Russians

Russians are the only demographic that's not steadily running away from your country, what do you have to say about that?

Initiating operation 'Skåne is rightful clay'. Awaiting further orders.

Tbqh it's easy to dilute your population when your whole tribe is less than 1 million people.


a) they make up small percentage of Lithuanian population
b) many of them left after dismantling of Soviet Union
c) good chunk of them left sometime later

Yes, that's why we must be more aware of these things. And be careful of both Russian and multi kulti influence.

>not steadily running away from your country
Because lietuvans can work on english fishplants, but lietuvans russians can't work at all. Work is against russian national tradition, basically.


All these shit little countries bordering Russia talking shit about them, lmfao.

Especially fucking Finland, whom the Russians freed from the Swedes, oh boy that shitbucket of irony over your head is gonna tip over soon.

This too, there are Russians here don't know any other language outside Russian so that's an issue for them.
>whom the Russians freed from the Swedes
Ok, that's baiting.

It's a well known fact that your picrelated was an over-engineered pile of trash.

So, no, not cute.

Didn't that one Finnish dude kill like over 700 ruskis?

Yeah, and then Finland gave half of their country to USSR anyways.

>finland brutto salary ~3000
>estonian brutto salary ~1200
>latvian brutto salary ~900
>lietuvan brutto salary ~600
>russian brutto salary ~300
Yep. "Shit little" it's correct word.
As i told before after week of war with NATO or Finland/Sweden whole Resourcian Federation will start to surrender to estonian troops for welfare and food.

>they don't know it shoots one shell every 5s and can make them land at the same time


The wind in Lebanon blows just right.

> actually cuckpedaling over to salaries

Choose one already, either be a peaceful no-army push-over nation, or pretend you can fight Russians.

Not to mention, that I actually know a couple of Finns that are not jobless fuckwits, who really want their government to restore trade with Russia, because they know what's good for their country, instead of some brainwashed turbovirgin who gets his Russia memes from the MSM

In case of a real world war, as in one not controlled over and influenced exclusively by Jews.

Germany, produces 40% of all weapons in the world. US has enough nukes to destroy planet earth over 30 times.

wtf I love multiculturalism now

He's some Russian cuck posting from Finland.

> germany produces 40% of the weapons in the world

that's great

so not only are they behind US and Russia in weapon exports, their own army is running around with broomsticks, so where exactly do those 40% go?

They have terrible economic status. Their people would literally starve to death in a real war.

40% of total amount of weapon production in the war, is way more than both Russia & US.

>Choose one already, either be a peaceful no-army push-over nation, or pretend you can fight Russians.
But they can fight the Russians the same way as Russian "fight" Ukraine and took Crimea: just promise to locals big salaries.
Money talks, isn't? Especially russians all are corrupted in the core, "Motherland are place where incoming are bigger" - thats local proverb.
BTW not "salary" because salary means job, job means work, and work is for loosers by russian opinion, but "incoming"

Well that's settled then.

It's another EASY win for NATO against Russia.

Good luck to you fellas, lmfao.

> meanwhile Russia only after 20 years since a total economic collapse is already pushing/bucking the U S fucking A around in geo-politics, but some piss-ants in Europe think they can take them

Their entire country would go under the second western powers decide to sanction them.

>being proud of doing well against impossible odds makes you butthurt
>says the guy whose ancestors were cucked by shitskins