New Zealand Bestest

Are your politicians cucks and not brave enough to stand up for men's rights?

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Really causes my neural cells to depolarize by opening gated channels in the membrane and passively diffusing potassium ions out of the cytoplasm down its concentration gradient leading to a sequence of action potentials to stimulate in accord with long term potentiation pathways developed through the release of seratonin at key moments of sensory input.

Minister for children. Minister for maoris. Minister for pacific islanders. Minister for women. Minister to poofs and freaks. All these special interest groups.

So yeah, why no minister for men's issues?

Sometimes I struggle to get on board with David Seymour, but on this he's OK. Wonder would NZs most based MP, Prosser has to say about this.

smashing in here with "Wogistan" Prosser


"I don't like liberals pinching the term liberal any more than I like queers pinching the word gay. I mean, if people want to be weak, stupid, effeminate, erectile dysfunctional, naive, apologist, namby-pamby, thumb-sucking, lefty pinko fantasy-land morons, let them find their own word for themselves, and leave 'liberal' for us genuine freedom-loving, gonad- equipped, libertarian go-getters."


"Do I want the country filled up with Muslims? No. I don't particularly want the influence of Islam here at all . . . We can get all the immigrants we need from 'traditional source countries' and still leave people in the queue."


"I do think the Chinese are coming, and I do think it blindingly obvious that we need to resurrect and maintain effective combat forces and reliable military alliances."


"Our society, New Zealand society, Western society in general, has been hijacked by a conspiracy of Silly Little Girls. They're everywhere; in the schools, in the media, in the public service, in the judiciary, even in Cabinet."


"The hand-wringers and bleeding hearts can say what they like; until society abandons its liberal guilt mentality and demonstrates that it is prepared to get tough, until we are prepared to put the rights of decent folk above those of thieves and low-lifes, the criminal menace will remain."


"Could dog control merely be an excuse to perfect the technology of micro-chipping, to allow its future use on . . . people?"


"I don't like part-Maori hypocrites demanding compensation for injustices that weren't done to them . . . They're wanting me to compulsorily learn to speak Maori. Why? What for? So I can communicate with people in other Maori-speaking countries?"


"Welfare needs to be a safety net . . . not a hammock for generations of those who cannot be bothered."


"The majority of New Zealand can only watch in despair as the South Africa we knew fades inexorably into the twilight of civilisation. The best we can offer is a new home to her refugees . . . South Africans and Rhodesians were always New Zealand's closest cousins."


"If I decide to smack my kids, then that is no concern of other people, particularly those who have never had kids."


"The Green Party, putting the 'mental' back into 'environmental' since 1990."


Fuck off chink and/or jew

There were other racist overtones. He was concerned only with aviation security in the "West" and "Christendom" but not elsewhere in the world. Citing the story of virgins awaiting martyrs in Muslim paradise, he wrote "the only virgins of any interest to me are my babies [his two young daughters], who I will protect until death, so that they may grow up to be the confident, powerful, equal citizens that their Norse and Celtic lineage, and New Zealand's egalitarian laws, have destined them to be".

Thank you user for posting the Prosser quotes.

His word needs to be heard by the masses.

who ever this man is i shall drink a pint in honour of his common sense

Fuck David Seymour and his pandering to his Chinese overlords.

Really causes my neural cells to depolarize by opening gated channels in the membrane and passively diffusing potassium ions out of the cytoplasm down its concentration gradient leading to a sequence of action potentials to stimulate in accord with long term potentiation pathways developed through the release of seratonin at key moments of sensory input.


Fucking Hell, what a boyo.

Is he popular?

no he is a back bencher

we need a minister for westies and south islanders desu but next will be a minister for asians lmao

there already is a Minister for Ethnic Communities

>not wanting foreign citizens of hostile nations to own land and natural resources is xenophobic

The left truly have a way with words.

>Chinese building anything

Yeah, no.

>Your tax dollars go toward paying the salaries of these utterly worthless positions.

If you say "diffusing" it's redundant to then mention concentration gradients.

Also you can stop posting this in every thread.

He's popular amongst sensible people. But the majority think of him as a throwback to a time when women stayed home to raise a family, werent covered in tatts and didn't have purple hair.

He's a list MP, backbencher for NZ First. Arguably the countries third most popular party, usually polling between 10-15%, similar numbers to the greens.

Without being to specific think of NZF as being similar in many ways to UKIP.

As an online MRA, I am working tirelessly in dismantling the feminist establishment by simply using logic and reasoning.

It's actually kind of boring because I'm still a virgin and this is keeping me that way.

Winston obviously