I am dealing with kids that are so called un-schoolable, because the normie teachers just don't give a fuck...

I am dealing with kids that are so called un-schoolable, because the normie teachers just don't give a fuck. Those kids often come from poor families ridden with abuse. The way they act, is just a consequence of how they were raised. Everyday it is my biggest goal to make those kids smile. And god it is rewarding when they do. Because then I feel it. All they need is someone they can trust and look to for guidance, it is the soil that makes them grow. I see it as my job to give them a good start. I know this board probably has other views mostly, but to me all those kids are equal and no matter what anybody says, I won't give a fuck and do my best to teach them that way.

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made the neurons fire n shieet

Made me d'awww

Eh. As one who grew up as exactly such a kid, and unfucked himself, I would have appreciated such a teacher.

In fact, there were a couple of them, who seemed to grasp what was going on, but none of them cared enough to actually do something.

This is all part of the plan

>kids get nothing from home
>get their values from government run schools, effectively creating a religion around liberalism

It's awful.

Children are but personalityless piles of primordial putty, to be molded into the visions off the old and dying. Their happiness is not relevant. Life is suffering and this is the one truth that they will learn. To expend effort in making children happy is but a pitiable attempt at reparations for one's own tragic upbringing, for in the end those children will die a dog's death, and in their place will be the amalgamation of experiences, set in place years before they were born, to live lives that will amalgamate and change the world years after their death.

Their future was robbed of them as it was robbed of us, and there is naught left but the whispers of mad gods that demand a sacrifice.

What a dire worldview.


They'll end up in some chocolate bar aren't they?



Sometimes there are things to be learned from suffering. Necessary experiences to build empathy and help a few grow, heal and eventually become leaders that can work to help the world
and prevent the unnecessary suffering and pain of others around them.

>but to me all those kids are equal

What a cuck.

How many niggers could there possibly be in Switzerland?

A very biblical point of view, but indeed quite rational, I agree. It therefore is necessary for us, if we are able to, to lead as examples. Because after all actions matter more than words. In educating the youth, being a guidance through your own deeds, is essential. Ever saw parents tell their kid that smoking is bad for instance but occasionally the kid sees them smoke. Guess what happens? Lead a life like we want the world to be, and automatically you will inspire those who are still at the beginning of their journey. We need more role models that those can look up to.

In my class I have many foreigners that you would call brown, and believe it or not here in Zurich we have quite a few black people in the poorer areas too. I've seen black guys who came from the shittiest places (as shitty as it can get in Switzerland, which is still quite shitty believe me, not in a material way but in terms of isolation) pick up decent honest work to make themselves a living. On the other hand I have seen one being sent back to his birth country in Africa because he robbed a Kiosk. Obviously you won't fix the world in a day. But by leading as an example you can slowly but surely impact a few and so on. If you can spread the idea it will multiply exponentionally.

I'm not religious personally but grew up in a Christian household that mostly focused on Christ's teachings. I still try and live by them to this day even though I don't align with any particular school of thought or religion. I do volunteer work at the primary/highschool I went to as a kid, teaching "art" classes where I get kids for a day and I'm unsupervised. I use this to subtly teach them about things the school doesn't, such as mindfulness, the importance of community, empathy and giving and also gratitude. Children are much more receptive to these things I find. Learning positive healthy emotional outlets at a young age is much easier than Unlearning negative self destructive and dysfunctional ones as an adult.

it's also their diet

Good for you
Keep doing good things you will be blessed

Care to elaborate?

Sounds futile and disgusting. The thing that always makes me laugh about leftists is how they think nurture will triumph over nature, when all of human history and current events are the reverse.

I completely agree with your post. Also this is exactly what I meant with being a role model.

Uhm, what? You are alleging that I claim nurture is the dominant factor, while you yourself claim the opposite. I think the truth is, that both are equally important in forming what lies in the future. Since nature obviously is (still) out of reach of being manipulated easily, where we have to start is nurture, don't you agree?
And last but not least, what do you think human culture, knowledge etc. is based on? It is indeed nurture.

So you're using these kids fucked up lives so you can feel bĂȘtter about yourself?

Nah, it is based on a very deep feeling of doing the right thing. So I am making these kids happy and feel happy through it myself.

I try to apply it to everyone I cross paths with. Most would be surprised at what a simple smile or compliment can do to turn around someone's day. Positive ripples are created by actions not just words. (Like you mentioned earlier) I'm also a big believer in the random acts of kindness/pay it forward concepts

U ok buddy?

Absolutely, this way of practicing compassion, will not only guide others but also bring yourself closer to the truth, of grasping the concept of unity.

I laughed at this

This is very close to my worldly experience. For some reason the macabre world view has cured my depression and aligned my goals in a way that is realistic, makes me happy, and others happy. Although it is sad, happiness can still be found.



I have never looked at it from that perspective, interesting

Yep. Do you have a throwaway email I could message? Would like to connect but this thread may 404 soon. I want to share a lot with you! Here's one thing in the case I don't hear from you. One of my favourite books. The other chapters are linked on the left side of the page. Truth reveals itself in subtle ways throughout many texts, philosophies , timing and synchroncities etc. We just need to learn how to be self aware and rational and able to distinguish the real messages from the other messes

In your case this is another chapter also relevant katsandogz.com/onteaching.html

I wonder if the same kids you teach will remember that lesson in compassion a few years from now when they jump you and bash your brains in for being an evil white infidel.

[email protected]


Coincidentially one of my ex students just invited me for lunch tomorrow, together with his family, who are all muslim. When they came here, they really struggled to integrate and their son (aged 9 at that time) was basically lost here. I helped him find a job as a mechanic and ever since I started teaching him, his family and he became very grateful to me, because they did not wan't to teach him in a "normal" class. Meanwhile, through the help of their son, the parents now actively participate in the community and are a lot better integrated.

Thank you, sent you an email :)
