Really makes your grey matter jives

really makes your grey matter jives.


not just syrians tho

If I had a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken and I told you just one piece would kill you. Would you still want it?

That's your african American problem

Why equate this shit with Trump?


It's supposed to be an argument liberals always use. Now that it's used against them they're crying foul

>you will never be a tasty skittle

I thought of this as well, but then I learned it initially came up as a feminist idea: Not all men are bad, but if there was a chance to meet a misogynist wife-beater, would you still date one?

>yfw all this shit does it give skittles free publicity

Skittles fucking deserve it, mang. It kills negroes and prevent muslim invasion

>Why equate this shit with Trump?
his son posted that meme on twitter

It's funny, because the liberal version actually includes this;

Since, I assume, "men" encompasses men of Syrian origin.

>feels sweet man

You can't really count on liberal arguments. If there's such a thing.

Reminder: You're eating skittles wrong.

So I suppose we should ban all white men from schools and theatres too incase they shoot them up?

reminder: you're autistic

fucking millenials I tell ya

Reminder, you're acoustic

>A horrible

but true

>point about refugees

Skittles were never better than Starburts.