Are racists smarter than average?

Are racists smarter than average?

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Not exclusively.

Not necessarily. You get smart ones and dumb shits. Also,

>invalid when testing nogs but dead accurate and indisputable for Bubba and the trailer park clan

How the fuck is Werhner Von Braun not in the top 21 and he was a fucking rocket scientist?

thats what i wanna know

Everyone's racist so not possible.

I'm both the smartest person to ever exist and the most racist person to ever exist.
Being racist is an evolutionary advantage due to eugenics, increased survivability, and the strengthening of community/culture through homogenous solidarity, among other things that are really too many to fucking list here on this bohemian spiderweb-weaving sacrificual ritual celebration event gathering.
So yes.

Was he even a member of the party?

no, actual racist, who hate people because "their daddy told them that niggers ain't no good, and not to be ashamed of our dicks"
Sure the average Cred Forums tard hates black people because he read some bullshit statistic, and thinks to much about black people acting stupid, but he has some info and fact to back up his belief.

>How the fuck is Werhner Von Braun not in the top 21
oops caps

he was part of Operation paperclip

>mfw I am smarter than most top National Socialist leaders

What is paperclip?

Do you into English? Word hards, peoples is racism.

>thinks to much about black people acting stupid
We call this niggers being niggers. See also; BLM, "peaceful protests" that somehow end in blacks destroying black businesses, neighborhoods and a police cruiser or two, and .webm related.

At this point I'd call being wary about niggers commonsense.

And I don't know what to make of this one.

Hold up *smacks lips* let me fix this

>No actual racists , who hate people because "their daddy told them that niggers ain't no good, and not to be ashamed of our dicks" are fucking retard hicks.

>Sure the average Cred Forumstard hates black people because he read some bullshit statistic, and thinks to much about black people acting stupid, but he has some info and fact to back up his belief, so his ideas are some what justified..

i too enjoy taking online IQ tests

Jealous fag

I am intelligent, and while I don't call myself a racist I do believe there are certain traits each races has that distinguishes them as different

IQ is more relevant to the conditions in which one was raised

I am fucking tired of being told I'm Satan for being a white guy though

Niggers are racist. National socialists saw a flawed and corrupt system, destroyed it and created a new perfect one.

>IQ is more relevant to the conditions in which one was raised
nope, its more genetic than environmental

>IQ is more relevant to the conditions in which one was raised

Black people, for instance, score around 80 on average no matter how rich they are, where they're raises, who they are raised by or what culture they follow.

It's almost entirely genetic and the only variables are health related (i.e if you starve as a kid or you suffer any illnesses that effect the brain you're going to be very dumb).

What is it with you ''smart'' people and denying reality? Maybe you're not that smart after all.

Race realists are. Generally the intelligent racists won't admit to being racist, because of their rational self interest.

Intelligent racists reject the entire notion of racism.
You're either wrong about the things you say or you're not. ''Racist'' is purely a buzzword. It doesn't really mean anything. You have to define what it means when you use it or it means nothing.

To me racism is just hating other races, but the race realists don't hate other races. They simply point out that there are differences. Jared Taylor doesn't hate Asians. Richard Spencer doesn't hate the slavs. To call them racist just because they dare point out that black people commit more crime and score lower in IQ tests it's mad. That kind of an oversimplified view of the world is why we're fucked.

I always answer by only labelling myself "a realist". "But are you racist?" People will keep asking when I try to redpill people on race. I just refuse to say I'm racist and just say "I'm a realist". Eventually they give up on the label and don't bring it up. For some reason, all people seem to have this understanding that there are true things about race that are disappointing. When you frame it as realism, they seem to know that that's true.

"I'm a realist"
>But do you believe that one race is inferior or superior to another race?

Do you believe apples are superior to pears?

Not sure what "racists" means, but race realists definitely are.

"I'm not a racist I just think some races are inherently inferior to others"


Oh no, I realize that blacks are much more likely to engage in violent behavior, that somehow makes me a bad person.

I'd say "racists" are more likely to understand that bad things happen in society and the world isn't always a great place, sjw types don't seem to realize we'll never live in a perfect society.

Yeah, they're no more likely than whites of the same income level. Black people are just overwhelmingly more poor.

I wonder what could have happened in recent history that made it less likely that blacks would get wealthy and pass on wealth to their children?


m-m-muh dick

No one hates blacks because of their penises. They hate blacks because they are obnoxious and violent. Even when a nigger is not violent he is unbearable piece of shit that cant behave himself

Intelligence does not equate to wisdom


The last two on the list are average. For a white man, at least;

>they're no more likely than whites of the same income level
Objectively wrong.
Here's a bunch of goys laying it out far better than I ever could.

I never cried racism in my entire life even when i get blamed for USA invading some muzzie land which has nothing to do with me.

So try again nigger

It's funny because cravings for authority define the Democratic Party. Whoever wrote that headline has zero idea what conservatism means.

Accepting that "things are just like they are", and not dreaming of something that won't ever be, is something I would tie closer to EQ than to IQ - though the right arguments with the later, can also get one to the same conclusion.

>recent history

You mean 150 years ago? Or do you mean the 1960s when they already had it well but still whined. Even that was 50 years ago which is enough to recover not to mention all the gibs me dats

Also they have no right to whine about poverty since everything that they have is thanks to living in a white society.

The smartest people rose to the top of an organization with millions of members? What an unexpected event.

Anyone who thinks that picture is a legit argument is dumber than a bag of rocks.

>Yeah, they're no more likely than whites of the same income level
you must be very new

>Anyone who thinks that picture is a legit argument is dumber than a bag of rocks.
I think you would have to understand the image first to comment meaningfully; it went right over your head.

alpha to the nth degree

Feel free to explain then.

The way i understood it is "here's some really smart racists, therefore all racists are smarter than non racists".

Intelligent people are racist just less openly. You will never see an intelligent white male surround himself with blacks or want to live near them. They move to the whites neighbourhood and only deal with blacks on professional level and with the few intelligent ones at that

Hjalmar Shacht wasn't a Nazi

It's not about accepting things the way they are, finding ways to improve the situation we're in and working to make a better life is normal behavior, we just have to realize that world isn't your special safe space where everyone plays nice and gets along with each other.

Look it up on youtube

the US hired ex nazis to help combat the commies in a battle of intelligence and sensitive information

Smart people know what narrative they are supposed to espose

sage in options field

ThatĖ™s national socialist.

How many times was your granny gassed? 6?

He was never a member of the Nazi party.

Hi friend, would you be able to help clean out my oven? You can have a long shower when you're done.

No. The fact that OP even posted this thread (when it's confirmed that racists are dumbasses) further proves the point.

You didnt answer my question. Do you believe in holocaust? Did your parents talk about it as a bedtime story? Are you ugly? Why are all jews so hideous looking?

They aren't


Why do you believe in holocaust when there is no evidence to back it up? Are you one of those conspiritards?

That, was what I was getting at. Having realistic expectations and aspirations, instead of being in lala-land and pushing the blame for your own failure unto others, is related to EQ. Just look at how many college-kids do that blame-pushing, just to feel better about themselves because of their virtue signaling. Are they stupid in an academic format - as in IQ? Maybe, but what is mostly underperforming, is their emotion and character - EQ.

99% of Americans cannot solve that simple IQ test.

What about you?

>Feel free to explain then.
OK. You said:
>The smartest people rose to the top of an organization with millions of members? What an unexpected event.
But the picture has nothing to do with whether or not high IQ people rise to the tops of organizations. The Image in the center is to the cliched leftist clickbait:
>"Racism associated with low IQ"
The joke, therefore, is that the Nazis, commonly regarded as history's greatest racists/racialists, had IQs higher than 98% of the world population. That's a funny image, drumroll, amirite?

Well, you not only failed to parse the humor of the image, but you didn't comprehend it in the context of the question I asked:
>Are racists smarter than average?
In other words, I was posing the punchline as a claim for anons to evaluate. Your reply "hur dur, so wut, smart people rose to the top of an organization, so what, hur dur"

Your reading comprehension is low.
Hope that helps.


Debunked multiple times in the Bell curve.
