You: I'm a christian

>You: I'm a christian
>Average millennial: god isnt real
>You: Abortion is murder
>Average millennial: Women have the right to choose, you idiot.

>You: I'm a muslim
>Average millennial: I have nothing but respect for your culture and religion and I am pro multiculturalism.
>You: Abortion is murder
>Average millennial: I respect the beliefs of your culture

How do we make them see their own hypocrisy?

You have to do what the Muslims do. Just think, why do they avoid insulting Muslims, but are ok to insult any other religion? What could be the difference? Hmmm.

beta leftists are scared of mudshits and no-one takes christcucks seriously anymore

I never understood the atheism revival

It's so ignorant. It is obvious that most people never actually attempted to understand a religious world view

I blame their parents. Atheism is okay but naive fucking 18th century LOL God is superfluous assumption so much violence xDddddd is not

I am atheist because I grew up in a repressive and abusive cult called the LDS church. Don't fall for the glamour those fucks all need to burn.

Muslims don't care about abortion.

I joined the lds church because I needed help living a good life

Not everyone church is the same even ones with the same denomination. My mom was like you though, she grew up a strict catholic and hated it so much she tried raising me atheist

I can respect that
falling for the cunning Thuringian and his tricks is worse than being atheist

> Atheism revival

You're aware that atheism has been on the rise since probably the dark ages and has never gone down thus destroying the need for 'revival'?

Germany is like 50% atheist but state religion (and the ruling party) are still Christian.
Thing is, only ignorant atheists or ignorant religious folk complain about the other online you faggot.

my parents were atheist communists who couldn't practice their religion or else they get sent to prison or killed, so they passed that on to me

The only real unifying logic is blindly attacking everything that looks like a power hierarchy, which means "respecting" Muslims' barbarism and denouncing Christianity fulfill the same purpose of trying to "destroy the system" so that "a new one can rise from the ashes". Let's destroy society over and over again until we get an equal one.

The thing is, you can take any argument about why you shouldn't feel loyalty to your tribe / culture and apply it to your family. Dude it's totally just coincidence to have been born in their house right? You've just been normalized / brainwashed into liking them from being around them so much. Why are you bigoted against people from outside your family, don't you understand that everyone is equal?

Humans naturally form senses of connection to society-scale in-groups, and this is just as healthy and normal as developing a sense of connection to your literal nuclear family. SOME PEOPLE just want to destroy such senses of cultural connection for white people so that they can more easily sell the country to foreigners.

>You're aware that atheism has been on the rise since probably the dark ages and has never gone down thus destroying the need for 'revival'?
pick up some book you nigger

The Bible says Loving Jesus required
But the Bible says that Loving other men is Gay and Heretical...
so is loving Jesus Gay?

Free speech. Just keep talking about free speech. It was considering freedom of speech that set me on the right path.

Do you honestly think people don't make fun of us too? Also abortion isn't murder if done within 4 months.

Difference between love and sex

first kek of the furrychan visit.

funny bongs you goof

>Also abortion isn't murder if done within 4 months.
you say that like it's an objective truth

what is furrychan? I've been a Cred Forums browser longer than I can remember

>English language only uses one word for love when the Greeks had about four.
They done goofed.

abortion isn't a murder until the kid is about say 2 years old, since that is the time where he stops being an animal and become self aware

so if I shot a retard in the face it's not murder since he's not self aware?

B-b-but the priesthood is rising!

>theist communists who couldn't practice their religion
Now this is hardcore willful ignorance.

>89600445 (You)
>It is obvious that most people never actually attempted to understand a religious world view

Most new atheists today came from religious households, and have read enough of the ancient Abrahamic tomes to understand their position.

Just become muslim then, it's the redpilled thing to do anyway.

>you can't criticize their religion otherwise they're justified in killing innocent people

the love between two straight men is not the same as the love between a man and a woman or a two batty bois

>and have read enough of the ancient Abrahamic tomes to understand their position.
I don't believe that for a second. 90% of all atheists arguments against Christianity are completely ignorant of what Christians actually believe

>are completely ignorant of what Christians actually believe
That the Romans had the power to kill a God?

that's kinda hot

both christians and muslims should be eradicated.

Both are still gay thou

Plz the kj edition of the bible is the only true holy scripture. All others are blasphemy

love between two straight me is gay. I had two sons and I told them when they were young that I would provide food and shelter, but I would never ever love them because love of any form between two men is fundamentally gay

if you unironically believe that brotherly love is gay you have serious issues

>implying Jesus was a God
Thanks for proving my point

Religion is the bluest of the bluepilled. It is literally a way to control the masses.

Christianity specifically was for soft cunts. Islam is a religion of animals who can't control themselves.

Jesus was a Jew anyways.

Religion has clouded your mind. It's reduced your worldview to a small little box. If you can't stop believing in imaginary friends then you're akin to a 4 year old child who refuses to give up their binky.

>90% of all atheists arguments against Christianity are completely ignorant of what Christians actually believe

Christians, like any group of religious faggots, can't even agree on what they believe in.

>I don't believe that for a second.
Considering the all things you do fall for, that's kind of unusual

>90% of all atheists arguments against Christianity are completely ignorant of what Christians actually believe
Like talking donkeys and talking snakes? One problem with Judaism, Islam and Christianity is that no two adherents seem to have the exacts same set of beliefs and there are millions of different synagogues, mosques and churches to prove it.

Atheism of the bluest of blue pills. sorry to burst your bubble but the jews who convinced you to hate Christianity have you fooled

>Like talking donkeys and talking snakes?
proving my point again. Using something Christians don't believe in as a criticism of Christianity.

Sola Scriptura is heresy. The only people who take every story in the bible literally are creationists and atheists, Kind of funny that they have that in common

It is, brotherly love in a worst case scenario always leads to gayness.

I point to the Spartans as my proof. Strongest Brotherly Love, Strongest Gayness.

And you're a 5 year old. Nice progress you made there, dude.

I'm a pro-life atheist, come the fuck at me.

>Jesus was a Jew anyways

The Jews hate Jesus because he gave "Chosen" status to the Goyim and anybody who wants to convert. They hate him.

To make them see that you must make them self aware, which is impossible due to their marxist indoctrination.

That's unusual, and interesting. Why?

>Plz the kj edition of the bible is the only true holy scripture. All others are blasphemy
The Maccabees had dozens of different bibles custom made for each society and culture where they operated. So did the Masoretes. King James rejected the Septuagint despite the fact that it was the least revised.

This is why your KJ version is the most self-contradicting and least coherent.

We don't. We let the Muslims chop their heads off, then we carry on with society. Why defend the life of the illogical? Get this filth away from me.

Jesus came to die for us, that was the whole point

Do you care what a child has to say?
Why would you care what a liberal has to say?

Liberals do absolutely no fucking legwork anywhere, ever.

Let's imagine for once American government turns ultra-liberal with absolutely no conservatives in it.

They vote in a complete gun ban, but how will they take guns?
With military of course.
Who is the military?
The conservatives.

Liberals want more 3rd world immigrants, 3rd world crime, more rapes, more murders.
Who will suppress the riots?
Who will stop the murderers?
The cops.
Who are the cops?
The conservatives.

Liberal votes should just count as abstain on all issues, they're not mentally mature enough to make any decision whatsover.

That's just your perception and it doesn't represent reality. Just reality as you see it. Most people my age that I know, fucking hate Islam because it's a shit Abrahamic religion and promotes rape culture

>Two Jew Groups and a Greek one KJ was a King James has divine right to rule given by God himself, you call his translations "self-contradicting and least coherent", but I say that it's the word of God himself and thus superior to any other traslation.

Yes there are tens of thousands of Christian denominations but they all arose in the past few centuries, one must simply look to the Roman Catholic Church, the original curch which has over a billion members all over the world, the splinter groups are mostly found in the US, even if you add them all up there are still more Catholics in the world, most of those other churches are irrelevant

sure it does , the other bibles leave out the most important text

Be brown.

>"Fuck off, Satan!"
Jesus was a real nigga.

Lol i dont know what the insults means , but it probably does not mean that satan has to go behind jesus to fuck him

he's Japanese, every newborn counts

Hold a Nazi rally but say you're Muslim.

>proving my point again. Using something Christians don't believe in as a criticism of Christianity.

So you don't believe in original sin? The talking snake was an integral part of that fairy tale. The only reason the theists are so willing to shred their credibility pushing creation as literal is to keep original sin as a literal thing.

>Sola Scriptura is heresy
All scripture is nonsense. Faith is fantasy and religion is a smile on a dog.

>King James has divine right to rule given by God himself,

So when the founding fathers rejected King George's divine rule over his colonial subjects, they were rejecting god and religion in particular.

I'm glad someone finally cleared up the confusion religious people seem to have about the decidedly secular origin of the US.

Yes because the religion that teaches you to turn the other cheek, to cut your childs foreskin off and that eating seafood is wrong is so redpilled.


Not an argument. Bring something to the table, or don't speak at all.

So that means that Jesus was the first Jew to start the Jew trickery.

Kill yourselves you deluded children.

We're not in an argument though, faggot.