We now know that George HW Bush is voting for Hillary. Why is this...

We now know that George HW Bush is voting for Hillary. Why is this? Does anyone know if he's implicated with the Clinton Foundation?

they all belong to the same Satanic cults...

> Yes the Bushes....

I've just been theorizing that he's implicated with the Foundation somehow and he's voting Hill to save his own ass. I doubt it's because he bullied poor little Jeb around.

>implying anyone likes the Bush family

Trump is not a globalist traitor. That is why

most definitely


Neo-cons love Hillary, how is this news?

I'm just trying to figure out why they'd entirely go against the party and its values.

when trump wins it will be the first time in 60 years a clinton nor a bush in the white house

Because those values are just their façade. They believe in the Luciferian agenda. You have been played.

use your brain OP


chickenhawk supports a chickenhawk

it's really not a surprise
it's been going in a downhill spiral since Eisenhower and even he admitted it.

I looked at the /cfg/ docs and I see that the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund has donated between 1-5 million to the CF. This is the extent of the lead I have on it.

The top of both parties are in bed together dumb ass. How is this hard to understand? Did you really think we had a bipartisan system?

Because they are controlled by the same jews.

>implicated with the Clinton Foundation


She will give these assholes the wars they want.

Well, The Bush family were involved With The CF When The Haitian earthquake rally were in full spin. When Only 4% of The 13 billion dollars collected went where it should have. They are in The same boat

> tfw can't wait to leave this stupid rally and go rub guac on my willy

these are minor details imo.
all of these fucks are linked together...have been for ever.
my advice would be to use your head to work out who's the good guys and whose the bad guys, every link beyond that is irrelevant unless you are trying to take them to court.

its good vs evil and Bush is obviously the later.
i know thats a bit vague but I honestly believe thats the important bit, details slow us down.

or this - to be more to the point lol

God: I'll give you a giant snake penis, but you will grow a cat head on your shoulder.

Me: Hrm...

Nigga some Senile old man made a comment to a Kennedy's grand daughter, to appease her from saying a bunch of garbage to him, about how Hillary is sooo Progressive.

Bush just sat there and smiled as she snapped the photo, and then proceeded to add the Caption "The President is voting for Hillary" and all he wanted to do was be left alone....

I guarantee you, he is not voting for Hillary.

There isn't a Clinton in the White House right now though.

Obama is a Clinton Pawn you fool.


Jebbers is cranky pants so what?

Everything started going to shit when Reagan left office.

There's a reason for that.
Bush's and Clintons have been batting for the same team.

Exactly. They are all in bed together. The two party system is a facade.

Wait, Jeb used to be a chick?


Do you even know what a chickenhawk is? GHW Bush served honorably in the US Navy in WW2, flying 58 missions in the Pacific. I don't especially like the guy, but he did not shirk service and then send others into harm's way.

I'll just leave this here