W..w..wait. Is Sweden somehow....un...cucking itself?

W..w..wait. Is Sweden somehow....un...cucking itself?


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Doubt it. Even if the Swedish democrats come in first place that will only be 30% of the vote if they are lucky which would mean they would still need 21% of the vote to form a coalition. I don't know much about Swedish politics but I doubt there are going to be anyone willing to form government with them. Same with Germany AFD is never going to be able to form government on its own, at least there is a hope there will be a revolt in the Christian Democrats.

Can we plz talk about the fact that Sweden is NOT the rape capital of the world. This lack of knowledge about statistics is seriously getting retarded

Wow... Is, is this real?


Our generation Z is pretty based.
The first batch of them will get to vote in the uppcomming election.
Millenials and the boomers are still reigning supreme over the country folk tho.

Feminist faggotry is a huge reason why we are high up there, but the immigration sure does not help.


Sweden, Germany are far to gone, unless it goes full NSDAP and commits total genocide, there's no hope of recovering these nations.

So? That fat kike lies directly in your face and your just like "meh doesnt matter"

God damn Sven your really the king of cucks

This, and the degeneracy in Weimar Germany was nowhere near as threatening as a permanent change to the genepool of a nation. This is seriously fucked up.

>filthy anglos thinking they know shit
Get fucked you inbred cunts.

hopefully we will wake the fuck up one day

Danke Sven

We would care, if it was actually important.
We got other shit to deal with. Like the actuall rape that is happening by migrants.
And the stats works in our favour against immigration so yeah, it doesnt really matter right now.

yes goym sweden is totally not the rape capital of the world, everything is totally fine, the guy in the video should stop being so racist, the only problem the country has comes from white xenophobic peopel, we only can solve this problem by importing more doctors and rocket scientists from the middle east

Lost all respect for those fuckers when they didn't help the leftist stop the NATO deal(even tought they first said they would do that).
You now your'e a cuckservative when even the leftist re doing a better job being anti-globalist.
SD also refuses to say what their oppinion on TTIP is.
they are becoming more and more cuckservative and establishment cock suckers for each day

It really is unreasonable that Sweden is the RAPE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD.

Just fucking think about it for a second, 15% sand people population, do you really think they rape 10x more here than they do in their native countries?

>Just fucking think about it for a second, 15% sand people population, do you really think they rape 10x more here than they do in their native countries?

The Quran declares that non moslem womens can be raped how much you want. Yes. Your women are nothing to them but cum dumpsters.

It is still unreasonable, it's not like society is in actual immediate collapse, I agree that they view women as whores, but they are not integrated.

Honestly it's assault rapes that happen more frequently with immigrants, and they are rare, still.

I am not saying there's not a growing issue, but the statistic that Sweden is the rape capital of the world is untrue.

I should clarify, what I mean when I say that they are not integrated is that the vast majority live in non white ghettos, and thus are not in contact with or in relationships with Swedes

>generation Z
You mean the boys. The girls are as cucked as the millenials.

>Not caring about facts because it serves your agenda

You know what that's called? It's called beeing a SJW.

I'm absolutely against Muslim immigration but come on the facts speak for themselfs.

We dont need fake stats by Mr (((Ezra Levant))) who doesnt give a shit about Europe but who cares only about the Shekkels he makes from alt right fags like you.

>they don't rape that much, guys!
>I've never seen it so it can't be true!

>It is still unreasonable, it's not like society is in actual immediate collapse,

Does your society need to collapse before you start to defend yourself? Do you rather endure whatever they do to you? They see how far they can go and every time you do nothing they move a bit more forward and you will move a step back until you are off the cliff.
>but they are not integrated
And they won´t be. A small part of them might accept your values as their own but the majority still want´s Sweden to be like the countrys they came from. To "integrate" into the western values is to them like being a traitor to their own kind.

But Sweden is rape capital of the world because it is considered rape whenever a woman regrets having sex. If she was drunk then the regret is used as evidence that she was too drunk to consent. If she was not drunk then the regret is used as evidence that she felt forced to do it even if she said yes. Women are not required to say "no" and it's considered the man's responsability to make sure the "yes" is not said because she feel compelled.

The rapes he names like gang rapes only happens like 3-4 times per year.

>not place with sharia law
>the answer is sweden


Du siehst den Wald voller Bäume nicht mein Junge

There ARE a lot of actual rapes in Sweden.
But the numbers are yuuuge because fat landwhales called feminists, report you to the police for bumping into them or talking to them in the bar, etc etc.

This is mostly why the REPORTED rapes is so massive compared to other countries.

You literally have no facts to back you up

Yea plus the fact that literally no country counts the actually times someone was raped.

Example: Woman gets raped by a Man every day over the cours of a year

Sweden= 365 rapes
Every other country = 1 rape

Your mentally retarded if you think Sweden is the rape capital of the world

why do krauts always defend the EU

>Wrong thread Pablo

This. People should also be reminded of Löfven's "December agreement" of 2014.

Okay this is insane. I actually want to go to your country and kill everyone in it for being evil degenerate niggers. What the fuck is wrong with you.

Is Sweden seriously considering legalizing pedophilia and polygamy, out of cultural sensitivity to Muslims?
Wow... hard to believe radical left and radical Islam could ever form a stable combination. Something's got to give...

Immigration is a natural byproduct of technological innovation. Globalization is inevitable. Just because your nth great grandfather shot someone else's and took his farm doesn't make you special in any way. Get over yourselves.


Sweden have the highest amount of rapes are not true
BUT Sweden have the higest % of rapes Just because ALMOST all rapes are reported.

why is it allways a fucking leaf?

Cuckboy lingo for were cucks




>Is the train hitting the brakes after it chashed

top cuck

You have much more violent rapes than other civilzed countries. Those are easier to compare than "rapes" where women decide that they were raped.

Swedes should just kill themselves already. Getting tired of hearing about the cucked shithole.

>t. mr.60%

>its a "butthurt europoor can do nothing but say 60 " episode

It's kind of a misunderstanding, user.
Most of the shitskins are concentrated in discrete zones like the urban centers and big cities. Outside of those shitholes, the white percentage can get to 85-95%

>Most of the shitskins are concentrated in discrete zones like the urban centers and big cities.
gee, that seems awfully familiar

" Swedish Police Investigate Over 40 Reports of Rape and Groping at 2 Music Festivals"
" Swedish Police Investigate Over 40 Reports of Rape and Groping at 2 Music Festivals"
" Girls and women at the festival in Karlstad said they had been groped by boys and men"
" Most were under 18 years old, and three were under 15."
" The police have been examining seven suspects, six of them foreigners, whose ages range from under 18 to 35, Inspector Nystrom said; no arrests have been made."
" The Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter accused the police of failing to publicize details about sexual assaults at a festival in Stockholm last summer until the newspaper drew attention to the episode."
" The newspaper also accused the authorities of failing to warn the public ahead of the festival that similar attacks had taken place in 2014 and suggested that the police were trying to avoid an anti-immigrant backlash."


Listen Sweetland, one day, soon, we're all going to work together and deport all the slimes into the ocean with concrete shoes.

Its too late.

everything is rape in sweden, that's the problem.

your condom breaks
your condom falls off during sex
I can go on for ever...

But then the rapefugees came so now there are actual rapes. But nothing like germany and so.

This is a typical american, that has no insight into Sweden. It's embarrassing, doesn't have anything to do that he is a kike, it's that he is an ignorant american. Yes I kno leafkike

Sweden might take a step in the right direction

Then they follow that by stumbling down the stairs a whole fucking floor

>rape per citizen
They mean reported rape per citizen.
It just means that Sweden is actually taking rape seriously.

Since this is pol I don't expect a sane reply anyway.

Fuck no - we pride ourselves on sustainable and responsible waste treatment here. I say we simply dump them into the fermentation vats of our biogas refineries. A whole new dimension to the word "gassing" innit?

>(((Ezra from the Levant)))

You look reasonable.

Tides are really turning?

This! Sums it up

We still have to see Sven waking, and then it's no joke, we have to build a fucking wall not for the fickis but Sven starting into his empire shit again with his eyes on us, his son Valdemar Svenson, Finland, Germany... The world

You're gonna pop Sven, stop being such a tolerant empire builder, it's time to get nasty.
Try getting your cops on your side, hmm I dunno if yours are as corrupt as ours.

But ie if you get a ficki alerting network on, get people to pay attention. Get there before cops, and remove their balls. Here I could get them too ie get a flat tire on the way....... very regional and you have to be really careful, but I can promise you this, your police want it too.

It's time for the men to do, what they can't and they know it.


Might as well get some use out of them.

It is just a natural state of things. It had to happen eventually.

We deport our clean bio fuel to germany and instead buy their piece of shit.

Our E85 should be called E65 instead.

Sweden Democrats is frown upon here by other politicians but everybody knows deep down that only SD are brave enough to speak the truth about these sand niggers.

Deport muslims to other muslim countries.

Not every muslim is a terrorist, but every terrorist is a muslim

That's why refugees should flee to countries with similar culture instead of fucking up the 1st world countries.

Oh and neo-feminism is another factor as well.

>Sweden's anti-immigration party now in first place. Why?
Because no matter how loud edgy kids will scream the opposite, people for the most part aren't retarded.

Says the somalian.

>we pride ourselves on sustainable and responsible waste treatment here. I say we simply dump them into the fermentation vats of our biogas refineries. A whole new dimension to the word "gassing" innit?

fuck I'm starting to get fucking feels.. I've forgot to taken my anti estrogen anti dote after the cure today... shit! god damnit I never forget this

>people for the most part aren't retarded.
Consider briefly how dumb the average person really is. Then try to come to terms with the fact that 50% of people are even dumber.

We also always need salmon pellets Sven, so it's some shekels in you for that

Here comes loud edgy kid.


I'm not edgy; I'm bitter.

The fucking feels... I had a six pack last night since I could drink...

All day I thought I was just hung over or something, but it was the antidote...

Nah only roiders know/remember this one, after a cure on part testo eth, you get to feel how it is to be a woman if you don't take your anti dote. It lasts for a day or two when it's out of your system.
>muh muh muh feeeels
seriously it's so fucked up

your nipples also gets sore as the body produces estrogen to combat you turning into well... a mega northerner on his weekend bender out in the rural areas, that is, outside of oslo.

I was in Oslo earlier today, and was thinking about this.... why do I don't want to go to greenland and try to pick fights with niggers today.. never able to bait those fucks...

Can a Swede tell me what was the point in breaking up "decemberöverenskommelsen"? Did anything really change? Was it just a trick of the right to get media attention?

>people for the most part aren't retarded.
Consider briefly how dumb the average person really is. Then try to come to terms with the fact that 50% of people are even dumber.
I'm glad you finally come to terms with it Sven

>"Get fucked you inbred cunts" he says as he watches Tyrone fuck his sister

Damn I couldn't even green that one right, it was so funny... ah well that's better than dose damn feels. Takes a while to kick in I think.. I don't remember, never do


i m sorry swedish people, there is nothing we can do until things get really bad



the anti immigration party being the biggest means literally nothing as all 7 other major parties are working together to keep them out of ever getting to decide on anything

because fuck democracy right?

unless they get 51% (something that i dont think has ever happened in the history of our humble nation) they're nothing


We must ensure the survival of Sven!

Who would we banter and fuck with on skis if Sven is gone?

Dan is unbantable like us, he just laughs at you.
Sven is funny to rip on because he get trigged(for a northerner). Dan doesn't into skis either.

His son Valdemar doesn't got this from his father either. He just laughs too, I got several of them working in a building right here. And they just kek, same when I was living abroad in (damnit I can't name the fucking ctry it will be enough to fucking profile me in this small ctry) well an eastern european ctry with ruskies which is basically all of them.

Nah some fist flew a couple of times, than we sat and drank and laughed together. He is Sven's son after all. A naughty boy, we like that up here.

But at least he isn't like his uncle and our brother the Vandal with his headchopping. Dan kicked him out for his shit and he went all the way down through shitroop making monuments of heads kek, sacking rome and taking northern africa

norway are you on drugs

we have been going at anti-cucking for a good while now.

we have barely let any refugees in to sweden since the beginning of the year.

try to keep up with the news

Those polls are highly inaccurate, sorry.

They're comparable to those LA Times polls that overinflate Drumpf.

>But at least he isn't like his uncle and our brother the Vandal with his headchopping. Dan kicked him out for his shit and he went all the way down through shitroop making monuments of heads kek, sacking rome and taking northern africa

>head chopping
>wanting to destroy Rome/Raumaborg
>wanting to destroy Constantinople/Miklagarð
>playing with chopped of heads

wait a minute there.... wait....
damnit Sven and Dan, our brother fucking created those shits we see today!

Damn Genserik! He did this, but blended into those semites and produced these goatfucking pedos and head choppers.... We should have just killed him clearly, then again he did destroy Rome!

That's because we call it, and it is, the rape capital of EUROPE.
No one is saying the world. Nice crypto shilling

how could you tell

yeah I'm actually trying to smoke my first joint for some days here now, shitposting, I can't even half of it yet. I started in this thread I think..... I do not remember. Cutting down then quitting now, smoked to much this summer... if you smoke all day n shit you become a stupid stoner.

rather than stayin normal in the day and kick back at 9 o clock... but meh cut it out, expensive too. I think most people here smoke because it's illegal and we hate the state and been told what to do.... as might still stick in your memory of the past, Dan to... he goes..
>Damn stubborn mountain monkeys!
kek, fuck I'm really retarded now too

This be one of dem fickificki offsprings of Genserik here in Norway... Pisses me off because I know EXACTLY where he stands.

I don't bother reading the dox either shia headchopper or Assad deserter, that done some nasty shit. I wonder if it was the guy they found parted up and burned and stacked over there

last sentence is a joke not me and dunno who that is yet. But they got this guy

Don't remember if he came through storskog, nah he should have been locked in up there.

Sweden is lost, no hope

Bumping for some keks.
colored area is where our well mildly put naughty brother Ganseric (the Vandal I use your typings now so you can read your self I am to baked to write all that) came from.

no, Sven is like a proto German, they are both empire builders. They have this extreme tolerance because they want to rule the world... well Sven at least.

Then everyone will be his subjects, that's a tiny bit which actually is under his skin. This is a bit of what you see in this chaos, but eventually he will fucking snap.

Pekka don't take bullshit he fixes it fast as you see.
Dan acts too accordingly
We don't let it go this far either, but we have a problem with our goverment, real problems and people are fucking out with the pitchforks soon

Feels good, Sweden is the best.

>be a full faggot all its life
>final stage of aids, on deathbed
>"I've decided not to take black cock into my ass anymore"
Does that sound like uncucking to you?

Don't worry Goyim certainly this anit-immigration movement won't lead to a futile struggle against the rapeuguees which will then result in them striking out against the Country's government which in turn could only be solved by the EU creating the greatest military force the world has ever seen... I mean Germany you can't even have an army that is worth having what reason could you possibly have to want an EU army that allowed you to not have to worry about your personal restrictions.

This. The difference between generation z males and females is insane. Gen z males make fun of feminists constantly,are casually racist all the time and are pretty redpilled when it comes to Islam. Teenagers rebel,and when rebelling is to be right wing,it is easy to see what happens.

We aren´t?
>tfw your not sure who´s jewing who anymore