FACT: No child is born innately with Racism

FACT: No child is born innately with Racism.

So Why Do You Let Racism Run Your Lifes?

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>Run my life
You mean save it

The body rots, but my hatred will live on.

Most suburban white children act at least confused when they see a black person for the first time.

This guy gets it.

The abominable leaf makes yet another thread

Niggers teach racism.

this is beautiful white racists

>Racism is unnatural, it's learned!
>All of these disgusting racists are just uneducated! If they had gone to college for four years they would know not to hate black people!

It doesn't run my life, but it is a factor

Nice try Leaf:

"The latest evidence for that decidedly unlovely trait comes from research out of the University of Washington that actually sought to explore one of babies’ more admirable characteristics: their basic sense of fairness. In the study, 15-month-old toddlers watched an experimenter with a collection of four small toys share them either evenly or unevenly with two other adult volunteers. When allowed to choose which experimenters the babies wanted to play with later, 70% of them preferred the ones who had divided the toys evenly.

Nice, but there was an exception: when the two adults who were receiving the evenly or unevenly divided toys were of different races and the race of the one who got more toys matched the babies’ own, the 70% preference for the fair distributor dropped and the share of babies wanting to play with the unfair one rose. The implication: unfairness is bad, unless someone from your clan is getting the extra goodies.

“If all babies care about is fairness, they would always pick the fair distributor,” said University of Washington associate professor psychology of Jessica Somerville, in a statement that accompanied the study. “But we’re also seeing that they’re interested in consequences for their own group members.”"

Source: time.com/67092/baby-racists-survival-strategy/

>So Why Do You Let Racism Run Your Lifes?
Niggers blame whites for niggers.

No child is born innately with a fear of knives, yet they are still dangerous.

FACT : No child is born with the knowledge of writing and speaking

>what are in-group preferences
For fucks sake I hate leaves

i know this is bait, but that's not true at all. everyone is born racist. see: all studies on it.

They have a certain smell to them, rather unpleasant

Don't talk about knifes, it will makes the brits feeling insecure

>FACT: No child is born innately with Racism.

I'm afraid that is simply not true. White children react VERY differently to black strangers approaching them than they react to white strangers.

Racism is fun.
Also, that melanin deficient mutant is ruining fine Nubian genes

>no child is born innately with racism

It seems to be a feature of even the most liberal.



Thats even a shit study.

Studies show even new born infants react more strongly to people of their own race than of different races.


My little brother used to feel instinctively repulsed whenever he saw a brown doll.
One time he cried a lot at the sight of one.

Children's opinions don't matter


Even small niglets are racist against niggers.

wanting to protect your tribe is something everyone is born with douchebag.

Good post.

Incorrect, most young children are innately racist but have to be taught to be not-racist.

Objectively not true

Humans are born with a natural tendency for ethnocentrism.


Get AIDS double nigger.

fear of lions and sneaks neither

Ummm, yes it is. There was a controversial study about that back in 2011, I think. Will look for it and post it

remember harry potter?

This is him now

Feel old yet?

No child is born with any innate knowledge.
Is this supposed to be a /BTFO/ thread?

Growing up surrounded by blacks in my city has taught me to be racist because of real life experiences. It does not run my life, it saves it.


Fact: No child is born sexually attracted to other children

So Why Do You Let Sexual Attraction Run Your Lifes?

This. "Racism" is natural.

>No child is born innately with Racism
Yes they are.

some people are just too dumb to let go of their tribalistic animal nature.


They are born with the innate ability to split into groups and get into "us vs them" modes of thinking, sexes by 6 months and race by 3 years. This happens without teaching them it. See the book "the nurture assumption"

and like fear of wild animals, rasism is needed to protect yourself, and the ones you love. it this enougth explaination?

Someone should photoshop the scar

you just made me burst out laughing in class user

>Some humans are too stupid to stop being human

Because the black community has perpetually refused to adapt to society to a point where its damaging our lives. Nobody gave a fuck about a pavement ape murdering another pavement ape until a white person was harmed in the process. Now these things are yelling about how whitey is keeping them down and using coward tactics to try and usurp the eternally unusurpable.

Some people grow out of being non-racist, or stupidity.

It would serve you better picturing a young little nigglet girl, sucking on a young white boy.

4+Cred Forums was right, the thousands of faggots payed in sucking dicks overran this board.


Sorry, I don't give (You)'s to racists.

Racism is learned through interaction with other races.

Why is this never noted?

>FACT: No child is born innately with Racism.

No child is born with language either, nor is a child born with a sense of morality.
No child is born upholding the law.
Everything triumph of humanity was learned, every great thing humankind has ever accomplished was through learning.

So yes, children are born without being able to see failure in the culture and ethnicity of low-bred humans, but they learn this and it rescues our society.

>something you learn.

Yep, you either learn it before Jamal and his gang rob you, or you learn it after.

>No child is born innately with Racism.
Not true, literally every child is born with racism. Racism is a natural mechanism that serves to segregate races. Everyone want to live among their own.


But I thought all white people are born racist?

Yet you give plenty of blowjobs to them blacks racists

This is false, Ethnocentrism to a degree is natural, caused by the same brain chemical as the one that controls love


Now fuck off leaf

>People are born gay
>People can`t be born racist
pick one nigger

>FACT: No child is born innately with Racism.
FALSE: The human animal is tribalistic animal, it is built into DNA.
This is why african-american children growing up without proper parenting are so racistly violent against white, different skintone black and ,especially recently, asian children.


>Everyone want to live among their own.

Then why am I going to breed with a Japanese woman, when I'm a white man?

Triggered. Wtf is this shit?

Every infant I know is idealogically Marxist communist basically. It just makes sense to model our world that way!

Hail Potter

Too damn tired to skim all hos works, but here's the name. Gil Diesendruck. A kike from Israel. He's a psychology prof, and has written a lot of good stuff on ethnocentrism and how kids show that from age 3 onwards

That is because you are racist against white people

I've hugged a black man before, does that make me a non racist?

Cause you're not a fucking child anymore and can make your own decisions

Because i know you are fucking retarded, here if a news piece up your alley.


Over here on mexico we have this ideology, if you are black we can call you Nigger, cause we know if we do so you have the right to Call us Spics
's all on good fun

Natural conquering instinct, they look attractive to you because they are foreign, also Asian women are more likely to be conservative.

>implying you are going to breed at all

>No child is born innately knowing not to touch a hot oven plate

Lets all touch that plate because what could go wrong!


...white children have an overwhelming bias toward white, and that black children also have a bias toward white but not nearly as strong as the bias shown by the white children...
...parents do not talk to their kids about race...
Good luck leaf

How can I teach my children racism? All we have around here is Token, and he's alright. They won't believe it from my mouth, so I need to show them...

>Racism is something you learn
Exactly. When you grow up and find out your pickaninny friend is six times more likely to murder, rape, or rob you than your white classmates, you learn racism.

> mfw have a hard time hating niggers because I'm gay and male niggers are hot

>FACT: No child is born innately with Racism.
>source myself
Nice try leaf

If this is true then how would I benefit from "unlearning" racism? If it's so hard to do why should I try at all?

>Fact: no child is born with racism.
On the contrary, studies of younger and younger children have progressively shown them to display racial preferences, even at extremely young ages. The usual liberal reaction to this is "wow, we had no idea they were being indoctrinated so young!" A much simpler explanation is that racial preferences is in-born. Literally no age group has been found without it (though it becomes increasingly hard to test on the lower end of the spectrum - newborns aren't especially articulate).

So are mathematics, language, and music.

Sorry you sore excuse of a Hungarian, but there is no such a thing as african-american.

Blacks, niggers, ciori, cerveny... you choose it.

Also the tribal societies (kneegrows, arabs, native amerindians, maoris and so on) are natively violent against any other village/tribe living 5 km away of them.

Parenting (not in our perception) is all about it.


Most people "learn" to be racist because a lot of black people out there are subhuman criminals.

The flag and the sentiment match so well. It's art, in a way.


>That is because you are racist against white people

That's not true. I like white men, it's just our women that are insufferable garbage. So, I'm just voting with my dick, similar to the principle of voting with your dollar in a capitalist society. If white women chose to be putrid piles of garbage, I'll take my dick elsewhere.

It's true that people without higher education tend to have more racist viewpoints, but it's not a simple "not going to college makes you racist", come on yo.

If no child was born racist, then where did we learn it from?

look at the fear in the poor kids eyes, all because the parents forced her to hug a monkey

objectively untrue. I have 2 children in a sadly inclusive private school. handful of gooks and a talented 10th nigger or two. No one really plays with them and the teacher is always trying to make sure those non-whites are included.

this is not racism, this is realism.

i just don't understand why white people are being bashed because of racism when blacks are 10 times more racist. I don't know who is sucking up whose butt, but if they weren't racist then the project #blacklivessmatter would be called #alllivesmatter. Ethnocentrism is natural, I have nothing against black people, but if I had to choose i would choose a white spouse because I'm white too, there is nothing wrong with that. You prefer the things you are used to. tribal behaviour, people.

No child is born innately with Mathermatics.

So why do you let mathematics be taught at schools?

i was born redpilled and angry.

>believing in the tabula rasa theory

Racism is in people's genes


I knew I was racist since I was 13 years old. Since I was a kid I did not like interaccial relationships.

Ok now it's fixed.

Prove it nigger.

>Blond haired blue eyed girl with disgusting male monkey child.

I wonder ((((who)))) took this photo.

Race really is a construct. However children grow up and realize that not all cultures are the same. They figure it out quickly if they go to all black schools like I did.


Learn English.

I wasn't born knowing how to do calculus, guess that's something that should just be wiped from humanity too. Fucking garbage logic.

I found out I didn't really like certain blacks just by how they acted in the school yard. My mom is your typical blue pilled conservative and my dad is a liberal cuck. I became the lefts idea of a racist not by my parents, but by how I observed certain races growing up. Thats most of us here I think.

Man, original sin sure has changed since I was a kid.

Fuck off OP, Fags like you give leafs the shit rep we have.

This, I've always felt disgusting in physical contact with blacks too. Always had to rub my hand on my clothes after a high five.

>no child is born initially with a concept of right and wrong
>so why do you let doing the right thing run your lives

This is Implying that racism is an undesired trait. Frankly the liberals have so overplayed the racist card that it has very little impact now. At my work we openly joke about racism and being called racist.

The picture is not wrong. When I was young and dumb I was convinced that we could all get along, then I learned otherwise.


Korean bro is on point with this

Children don't fear fire or walking off a cliff either

Look man, we may not be born with racism, but people are raised in environments that often pertain to the color of their skin and/or socioeconomic status. Modern day racism isn't the hatred of blacks, but the hatred of poor/ghetto/thug blacks, and the vast majority of African Americans were raised in situations similar to this.

>Race really is a construct
how new are you here be honest first day? firest week at most?

go back to lurking this has been proven wrong a million times on this board

oh yeah it's a leaf.
I'll bite.
To be racist is to be honest about race in general.
The word 'racist' has no power anymore in the US and everyone else categorizing every little thing whites do as racist doesn't help your argument either.
Hillary, the media, and obongo have buried race relations for good, none of us will ever get along with other races ever again because there's clear proof that we weren't made to get along.
You're a leaf so I know you're slow and won't understand this but racism is honesty and race realism.

They do and their sweat smells different. I had to work next to a sweaty nigger on a jobsite once and I swear, no embellishment, it was akin to smelling an animal.

thats because you grew up around other white scandinavians im from atlanta and im also a red head ive always known that whites cant mix with niggers i also know that red heads are also separate from other whites in that their bodies work different than other humans same way whties and blacks bodies work differently

This for me. I don't mind black people, but their skin care and hair products (at least the women) give off an unpleasant odor. Maybe it's just growing up in a white household where different products have always been used but the blacks products are off-putting.

>no child is born innately with racism

Try to send a nigglet from South Sudan to a kindergarden in Japan/South Korea

Kids are vicious, they're literally uneducated little human savages. They will bully anything that doesn't conform to what they perceive as ""norm""

Wrong. Many, many studies with babies and young children show humans have a bias towards their own race, even if they never saw themselves.

Humans are naturally racist, its a survival mechanism from a period tribes dominated, someone from your own tribe would almost invariably help/protect you, from another would almost invariably be a threat.

The problem is that the ancient defense/survival mechanism was designed for humans having populations of hundreds/low thousands in each tribe, not millions and all mixed in an interconnect world.

Please educate yourself, I agree that racism is something that should be fought, but to say that its not innate is just untrue.

in the last 10 years liberal have tried to prove this and they all found the babies prefer their own race rather than others. 1st they tested 3yo kids, then 15 month olds, then 9 months old. they all found the kids were "RACIST" lol. then they tested kids who could barely communicate and still babies as young as 3 months old show racial bias, ROFLMAO. they havent found a way to test babies younger than that. its natural to prefer your own race. even mixed race children prefer their mothers or fathers race(lighter skinned race nearly 95% of the time) over other races.








>No child is born innately with Racism.


Asians tend to have conservative values, tend to remain "young" looking later into life (though are probably the hardest hit by menopause of any race) and they are distinctly different, so your curiosity is peaked.

You could also just appreciate Japanese culture, idk, but physically speaking it's normal to be attracted to Asian women on a physical level.

When they inevitably are exposed to rap and other aspects of black culture you should show them the atrocities blacks committed during riots, and point out how most of their leaders are crybabies and narrow-minded pseudo-intellectuals.

>FACT: No child is born with a fear of sticking coins into electrical sockets.

You should be punished for propagating lies and everyone who feed those lies to you should be gassed.
Infants prefer their own race to others.


>you are literally racist your whole life and no matter how hard you try you will never change

So why fucking try?

i mean just look at those two faces together

cannot you tell that one is glorious and the other is an ugly ape?

>Humans aren't born with tribalistic instincts

Really made me think

I agree. It's time that there is more love in the world

Racism is natural.
>Venomous snake bites have nothing to do with snakes
>You shouldn't be afraid of snakes just because some of them are venomous.
>Did you know that the platypus is venomous?
>I bet you didn't, you serpentphobe
>There's a snake that lives in my garden and he doesn't have fangs,
>You should never judge a snake just because it might be venomous.
>If it's slithering up to you it probably just...wants to play

No child is born with innate knowledge of reading, writing, and mathematics. These skills, much like realism, need to be learned. When someone posts a picture of a young white girl hugging a dog, that doesn't make the dog human. In fact, most young children with no knowledge of the world would probably try to hug a grizzly bear ,or pet a hyena. It is stupid, shows ignorance of reality, and might be fatal. Just like believing that niggers are just like us, but with a different paint job.

>visit vienna for the first time with daughter (3-4 yo at the time, can't remember)
>sit in tram
>black woman next to us
>daughter stretches over, woman is all smiles
>let her down to get closer to her, as she seems fine with my daughter
>daughter touches lady's skin
>looks at her hand
>looks at me confused
>asks why the lady is all dirty
>lady transforms into sheboon and chimps out
>try to calm her by saying she's literally the first black person my daughter has ever seen
>spaghetti everywhere
>luckily tram stops and I manage to slide out thanks to the sugo

my daughter was genuinely horrified by that woman and even now I can see a little distrust from her towards dark skinnies (she's 16 now)

my second best friend was black when I was a kid

and then I grew up and realized most of them are trash

actually, i believe they did studies in the 70'-80's that proved toddlers and young children ARE born racist, it's an evfolutionary self defense mechanism against 'outsiders'

HAHA that's awesome, her seeing the woman chimp out prolly scared her more than color

>beautiful racism is something you learn

Stealth BANTZ

My mom told me I also tried to clean off the first black person I saw when I was kid. Mind you he was 7 foot tall black as coal Kenyan and grew up in an all white rural area. This was in Canada 20+ years ago. My mom said he was cool about it when she said he was the first black dude I saw and he thought my curiosity was humorous. Didn't meet a nigger until grade 4. He pissed me off and I called him a nigger and we became friends.

>implying he wasnt your literal blood relative

so what they're saying is, is that its not whiteys fault he's racist and that everyone should stop giving whitey such a hard time about it!

as said, it was mainly out of curiosity with her too
you can't expect a small kid to understand what racism is
so they shouldn't be surprised when they chimp out that easily, people mistrust them

Because I hate Niggers ofc, what the fuck do you think you stupid leaf?

Not because racism
is because whites and blacks are so vastly different in almost every aspect

I can recall being quite fearful of black people as a child I thought their dark skin meant they were evil/filthy

In pre school I actually tried cleaning ones hands and washing him but the dirt never went away

Then explain how the fuck racism began in the first place. Someone saw someone different than them and decided they didn't like it.

>being this mad

It's not about race it's about culture.

Mmm I wanna see that little white girl take his bbc

I agree it's something you learn especially with first handed experiences

i agree, it's something you learn when you get chimped on and culturally enriched for the first time.

fixed for real

No child is born with big fat titties either, but I'm ok with those.

I think this justifies racism even more.

The fact that so many bright impressionable children are ruined from their very own culture speaks plenty.

Scientifically proven false.

i grew up with blacks most of my life
but when we got older each went to his respective tribe then our culture separated us even more than skin color

I went to diverse public schools. I noticed that blacks were often loud and obnoxious probably by 2nd grade. I also knew by 4th that they were on average dumber than the white and asian kids.

So yeah, I guess it was learned. The thing is, "racist parents" don't play any part. It's just experience with them that makes it obvious that they are different and not in a good way...sorry liberals.

a child isnt born knowing that fire burns either he just has to learn

>whites are shown to be the group with the least in-group preference

Yeah, I guess you're right. All those minorities really need to start caring about me and other white people.

Race is not just determined on skin colour you retard

Source on that fact? Most children avoid other races. Those that don't are retarded.

No child is born knowing how to wipe their ass or sit down on a toilet to take a shit. You're raised to better yourself. Also you learn from experience and it doesn't take long to start hating niggers if you've been exposed to them at all. Its funny how most racists only hate niggers and arabs. How often do you hear people mouthing off gooks?

It wasn't until I lived around pakis I realised they were subhuman filth

Because we aren't children

>Learning is bad

Liberals, everyone.

>racism is learned

So is our aversion to a hot stovetop, for instance. Is that wrong too?


Most of them though, sadly

I come from an Irish family. We are all race realists. Even my son. My wife's mother and father took him to church. There was a black woman there....and my little champ said, very loudly, "Hey grandma, why is there a nigger in church?". Good times....

Feel pretty secure on my island tar very muchly Gerrard Grenouillies, how's Calais?

idk, why do gypsies steal, somethings you are just born with.

Why's you brother playing with dolls pham?

>she's 16 now


Children know nothing when they're born.
You learn to avoid niggers just like you avoid getting hit by a car.

>thinking the size of the brain has anything to do with mental capacity
God, liberals are fucking stupid.

Heard a similar story from a teacher. His son asked a black woman if she was made of chocolate.

Not true. The first time I saw black guy I was super racist to him. I hadn't been taught this behaviour, it came from within. Nobody cared.

If no one is born with racism then how did racism originate?

I sure learned racism when I got my first summer job. Fucking gypsies

Childs can't wipe their own dirty asses.
Groups of primates seclude themselves from other races of primates.


FACT: This is bait.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I hate niggers, spics, arabs, and jews.

Growing up we never thought of other races or anything along those lines. People were just your friends, or they ate weird food, or they didn't need sunblock, etc.

You would notice things and ask about it since it was not like you but it was only due to curiosity. Sometimes you made fun of each other, sometimes without mercy or letting up, because we were kids.

Then adults taught us that what we really meant was that we were only noticing difference and making fun of each other because we were racist.

>liberals base their ideologies on being as childish as possible
So, it's officially confirmed now? Why am I not surprised.

On top of that, this is a baseless claim. I was definitely weirded out the first time I saw someone with darker skin than me. Racism is fucking instinctual. There are literal studies that show we are more likely to be generous and caring towards those that resemble familiy members. The more someone looks like us, the less wary we are of them, for good reason.

Fact, puberty changes your fact into opinion.

Blacks are the most irrational, aggressive, and violent group alive.

The paradox here is that I supposedly have life long experience with racism, which should make me an authoritative source on the subject and validate my opinion on racism, but if I assert I'm not racist then apparently im not credible.

Oh god I remember when I was in 5th grade, going from an Asian infested school to one with nigglets in it. Only white and I didn't notice until 8th grade. It's a shit life for me


Fact: racism is learned through the interactions of niggers




Indeed. That's why I follow Satan.

racism is genetic faggot. All who deny it are mental.

>No child is born innately with racism

But they can be born gay, can't explain that.

You're right. No child is born racist.

Yet everyone ends up hating niggers.

What does that tell you?

If nobody is ever born with racism and it wasn't a natural thing to slide towards as humans than why are there anti racism campaigns?


That non-niggers are bigots

This, pretty much.

White kids aren't born racist.

Bingbong children are, though.

And if they're not, Korryn Gaines will teach them to be.

The truth is, niggers are the most racist group in the world. The shit we say about Asians and Arabs and shit isn't half as bad as what a nigger will say when they get on a roll.


Whites are born racist, you racist white supremist.

>No child is born innately with Racism.
They are actually. Children instinctively identify and associate with people similar to them.

>In fact, children are not blind to race.

>Your Baby Is a Racist—and Why You Can Live With That

>'Even babies can be racist'

>‘Racist 3–year-old’ quizzed by police as hate crime figures for CHILDREN UNDER 10 surge

Their natural instincts can only be suppressed by brainwashing.

>Private Manhattan School Teaches White Kids They Are Born Racists

>Inoculating Our Children Against Racism

>Teaching Tolerance: How white parents should talk to their young kids about race.

>Research-Based Advice on Teaching Children Not to Be Racist

When it comes to racism and children, either you want children to act according to their natural instincts, or you want to brainwash them. Pick one, but stop lying to yourself and others about what you are doing.

>not an SS


the human sex drive isnt color blind, so there's no reason why I should be.


Correct. I became racist after knowing black people.

But the niggers are racist as fuck. Do they learn it from the ghettos then? Is that your argument?

Get out shill
Everybody ignore or say to the leaf to get out.
Don't feed the leaf, don't try to convince him, just reject the leaf

You aren't born with an innate knowledge of math either, you learn it and then you understand it better..

Niggers belong in the african continent, i'm tired of their murderous and criminal behaviour.

I'd rather be called a racist thousands of times than being a murder statistic because i idiotically assumed every ethnic group on earth have same behaviour and traits..


>FACT: No child is born innately with Racism.

Actually all humans and living beings in general naturally feel hostile towards unfamiliar things or things that are different from them and then only through familiarity it can recede to comfort.

You're more then retarded.
Believing in Christianity (retarded), and refusing it because muh ebil and edgy side (double retarded)

>FACT: No child is born innately with Racism.

When a black person sucker punched me that
s when I learned it


Babies show racial bias, study finds
Babies are more likely to choose playmates of their own ethnicity in a phenomenon known as 'in-group bias'

racism doesn't exist

Wrong. I did a study on this. What I found is that children tend to stick with their own familiarity. Boys played with boys, Girls played with girls, Whites played with whites, Blacks played with blacks. Which means this:

but liberals are teaching white students that thry're born racist.?

fact : and then they go to school with good intentions and a picture made by the tv where everyone are friends and then they met real blacks and arabs and puff the magic happens

This is actually incorrect. Plenty of children will react negatively to a child that looks so dramatically different to them.

Honestly, BTFO leaf, you libs are not welcome. Fuck a swede while your at it. Cuck.


Because you're a beta male who couldnt get a white woman.

Enjoy your Elliot Rogers and facialabuse.com children.

I hate reading pseudo intellectual American research findings