
Really makes you think.

I'm serious. This is how most Hillary supporters feel about Trump supporters. They're so brainwashed by the establishment and mind-crippled by political correctness they can't even conceive a world outside their progressive bubble.

>you can look at the same facts as me

Welp, there's the problem.


Huh, should we fuck with this guy?

a lot of it is virtue signaling trash with no substance.

no he's just pathetic already why bother?

I fucking wish that looking into my eyes would overwhelm these idiots

>We need open borders and globalism and sheite.

well if they would listen to what trump actually says as opposed to learning all they need to know about politics from CNN and shills then maybe they would understand trump supporters, and understand the differences and similarities between trump and hillary. that person obviously thinks trump is some kind of mythical demonic creature descended upon this world to bring chaos and destruction, because he never bothered to look into what trump actually does and believes. in fact seeing people like this gave me a lot of motivation to research opposing points of view and see why people believe what they believe.

>literally terrified of a human being because of what box they'll fill out on election day

Liberalism is a disease.

I say this, not in a braggadocios way... that sometimes I'll have days where I get up and go skydiving, then go to the fucking gun range, then go roll GJJ and choke/get choked out.

It's healthy to face your own mortality every once in a while. Prevents you from living your entire life as a gigantic pussy like shit fucker.

I honestly feel sorry for him.

>elementary school tier argumentation

>The entire human project

>Evolution to come to X


Just another brainwashed robot, move along and ignore.

Filth has always filled the world

>these are the types of people I pay a 33% marginal tax rate for

What a baby. I bet he thought he was really clever when he wrote that trite about the darkness in our souls. Over dramatic pussy.

>it's a liberal can't fathom someone holding a different opinion episode.

Just change the name to Hillary and it fits. These people know whats going on and are projecting. Cognitive dissonance at its finest.

>Mom makes 150k a year working as a forensic lab nigger
Gets fired for affirmative action
2000's hit
>Look at Detroit 7/10 Unsolved.jpg

>paying your taxes

Nigga, I paid a lower tax rate last year than I did from a part-time college job. Get a better ((accountant)).

the problem they have is that conservative opinions are facts and lib opinions are jewish lies. they can't see the truth, only what the kikes tell them to see.

>Upon this a question arises: whether it be better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? It may be answered that one should wish to be both, but, because it is difficult to unite them in one person, is much safer to be feared than loved, when, of the two, either must be dispensed with.
Be afraid nu-males, that's just where I like to have you pussy faggots.

Are you kidding me?!?

>hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution


>human project
What did he mean about this?

>Wow I can't believe you. I can't believe you have a different opinion to me. No, I'm not going to explain why you're wrong or even put forth my own opinions; I'm just going to try and undermine your confidence instead of forming a coherent argument

-Social media retards, 2016

>live in the same reality as me

No thanks

>No, I don't think I'm better than you
>I would be able to respect you or look you in the eye for fear I would see the darkness in your soul
jesus fucking christ, it's like he has no self awareness whatsoever

>a long winded version of ARE YOU KIDDING ME
Why should i acknowledge another one of these

>I'm triggered - the post

When you ask these people why they don't like him it is always

>I am voting for the rational candidate not based on fear
>instead of the racist hitler with Russian ties who wants to start WW3

You sound exactly like the liberal in the op pic.

>would never be able*

>I get my political opinions from late night talk show funnymen. If you think something different you must be some FOX NEWS SHEEP

I wish I could go back in time and stop John Steward from being born.

not an argument.

thank you for correcting the record...fucking shills

>"donald drumpf is a racist!!!11!one!"
pick one

George Borjas is a Harvard economist concerned with immigration data. He was a pillar of the old orthodoxy that immigration is always good -- whereas most economists simply say so, Borjas did the work that is the basis for that belief. In the mid-nineties Borjas started to notice a shift in the type of immigrants the US was getting. He eventually changed his position.
When he did so, he found himself confronted by educated morons attempting to quote his own old data to him.

They're projecting they're fears onto a strawman because they are rabbit people.

They have the stunted mind of 12 year old, naive girls. Its this same type of genetic defect that empowers retarded women and unprepared boys to hitchhike and travel through incredibly dangerous countries, believing that nothing bad will happen because everyone is equal.

>I don't think I'm better than you but I assume if we don't reach the same conclusion you're wrong

Good, you should be scared. Your time of having an information monopoly and controlling people with meaningless labels to coerce them into your shit ideology is coming to an end. You have grown up in a bubble where your discussions and ideas went unchallenged and you are now becoming disillusioned to your ideology because people like me are challenging your beliefs and exposing you to facts.

I can't wait to vote for Trump. I'm 30 and this will be the first time I've ever voted. I wish I could livestream it directly to this faggot.

That is an ungodly level of non arguments. Like, he seriously went a whole paragraph and said nothing of substance

Even if he is a shill, he's certainly right about you. You're a fag.

The weak should fear the strong. We are going to replace whiney burger flippers with robots. Niggers don't deserve to live in White civilization.
Make America Great


>same facts
>muh dark soul from bigotry

I can understand different ideological perspectives and not agree with them.... But never has such a inconsistent world view been spouted by these consistently single minded retards.

Someone doesn't understand that politics is nearly 100% a question of values.

Best gawdamn post right fucking here m8. Bravo.