FDA approved ‘stomach tap’ let's obese people empty their gut after eating


Self-discipline? Who needs it? This is America!

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And to think that Trump said the American Dream was dead.

How the fuck is this not a GUARANTEE for eating disorders?

The FDA nazis will approve this shit, but Kratom is "dangerous"? WTF?

I've never felt so proud of my country.

Romans did it first

All we really need is fat jail.

Anyone over 400 lbs will go to prison and be forced to eat proper foods and taught how to make them.

Once you make it below 160 lbs then you're free.

Damn, this is the kind of shit you'd see in a dystopian parody back in the 80s.

Fuck I'm gonna try this... I need to lose 20 pounds and eating just 1k calis a day STILL isn't doing it

I'd kill for a rootbeer float just about now.


This is more hedonistic than a roman emperors wildest dreams

>I need to lose 20 pounds and eating just 1k calis a day STILL isn't doing it
you're not counting properly if you're eating 1k cals and not losing weight.

switch to 1800-2000 calorie diet and start walking.

Fuck this gay earth.

With this device the predigested food can be given away to impoverished third world countries to end world hunger!

how about you just eat less

>What is a Chinese "Health Camp"

am i sexy for u

Why doesn't this exist yet?

I feel like China would be able to make something like this.

But can you drink booze in reverse through it?

>below 160 considered healthy
Manlet detected, I'm 6'0 and "healthy" for my size is approx 185 give or take maybe 10 lbs.

One of these is a surgery that your doctor has to approve.
Another is an addictive and harmful unregulated substance.
And yes, it is harmful and yes, it is addictive. Actually do research into it and not just "KRATOMLOVERS.ORG/FAQ"


you can change the numbers all you want but thats the basic idea.

also you're probably fat at 185 6'0" unless you post your body fat %.

What do you typically eat?

Is this not essentially the same thing as bulimia? Why is this acceptable?

>find fatty
>slip them date rape drug
>open their stomach hole
>pour salt, garbage, poopoo, and live bugs in the hole


Medicine is truly miraculous sometimes. Disgusting creatures


There's literally nothing wrong with this. Technology will always step in to fill the gap left by human error.

Ever used a microwave? A vacuum? A washing machine/dryer? TV? Computer? Modern medicine? Then you have benefited from technological advances. Technology is supposed to free humans, not place upon them arbitrary difficulties.

Try to prove me wrong and despair as you find yourself unable to.

if I was 160lbs I'd nearly be a skeleton

You know there's a simple, easy answer to fat people and being overweight.

It's called alpha-methyl phenethylamine.
AKA amphetamine.
Methyl alpha-methyl phenethylamine, aka methamphetamine, is also useful.

And a lot cheaper than surgeries or diet programs.

> appeal to authority fallacy
> straw man argument about a biased blog source

CTR does big pharma now too?

found the fat ass

It's bulimia without the vomit.

I'm not 185 anymore, that was like 7 years ago, I have let myself go for sure, but back then I was 185 at maybe 12-15% body fat and I looked fucking awesome, had just gotten out of Army basic at the time too.

ITT: butthurt gymrats

>let's come up with a way to waste food

Well played mart sharters.

kratom sucks dick.

makes you fucking ill for several hours and never want to do it again. the thought of it makes me wretch.

still should be legal


It does exist and it is in fact in China


tfw your wildest imagination is on point every time

This is so fucking wrong. Why not just give them a liquid that makes them throw up like in the hunger games.

Lmao fuck off

This is Roman Hedonist-tier degeneracy.

Ayy I'm 6'0" 185lbs as well. Spookies and manlets should be put in health camps as well tbqh

Hello Mr skeleton


inb4 stomach tap porn

> appeal to authority fallacy
Are you saying you know better than somebody who spent 10+ years studying medicine and then practicing it?

> straw man argument about a biased blog source
Go ahead and show me a study that says "Kratom is totally safe guys"

>Dismissing a fallacy with a fallacy fallacy


After they use the tap wouldn't they simply feel hungry again because their stomach is no longer full? They'd just eat even more to refill their stomach, only to purge it out, etc. These people would turn into 24 hour eating and purging machines.

It would be better for scientists to focus on the brain and the signals that make them think they are hungry and try to disrupt that.

mutilating yourself to insert a drainage pipe into your stomach isn't something that should be encouraged, even if it is possible.

Jesus fucking christ how do you even become this self indulgent

>actually defending the stomach valve because the FDA said it was fine

Lol. I'm so lucky in that even though I weigh closer to about 250, I have a face that doesn't hold fat, it's all in my gut and ass, feelsgoodman.

Im a 5 10 let and 185 I don't even lift that much just got big shoulders

plz be my skele gf

for normal people the anorectic effect lasts about 3 weeks. personally amphetamine has never suppressed my appetite

You are a fucking liar or delusional. It is impossible that your body requires less than 1000 kcal a day. If you arnt loosing it's because you are eating. Get your shit sorted you disgusting fatbody.

>X is ok because it falls under umbrella Y
>some things in umbrella Y are good
>therefore all things in umbrella Y are good

Or simply discipline and self-control. People with the mindset you describe should be euthanized. They are broken machines.

Binge for two weeks on a-pvp.
Burn off all of your fat. GO NUTS MAN!

> Microwave
>Aides cooking and food preparation, nessessary parts of being a human
> Stomach sump pump
> Allows you to eat 20 bags of Doritos a day and still not get fat.
Yeah, totally the same thing...

>The FDA nazis will approve this shit, but Kratom is "dangerous"? WTF?

Kratom doesn't make the kikes money. Being able to spend half your income binging on expensive processed foods does.

The fast food jew is a 560 Billion dollar a year industry, and now you can eat all the chicken tendies.

They identify as a meat grinder and should be able to get purpose-reassignment surgery. Stop beeing so toolophob!

There are some devices that do just that. The one that I know of is to stop graze eating. Which is just eating small things like crackers constantly.
These can be implanted in the stomach and then attached to the nerves of the stomach to send false signals to the brain, telling them that they are full or rather not very hungry

>These people would turn into 24 hour eating and purging machines.

Consume, goy.

>medical meth


160 is a bit rough. My lean body mass count is around 180. I would probably die if I ever hit 160.

>that gif

Wow you must be short. I am 6ft5, skinny at 200lbs

Big corporations have to keep going getting big money, goyim. If people gladly become walking stomaches, it's only for the better.


> How the fuck is this not a GUARANTEE for eating disorders?

well.... how are "sex reassignment surgeries" not just reinforcing and validating serious mental disorders??

have you not noticed the trend?

and to think... there are some of us who are so fucking obtuse that they deny the reality of a deliberate, concerted assault on humanity

This is so fucked up that it's beautiful.
Our future is going to be like Wall-E, except far more graphic and dystopian version of it.

People are going to scoot around in little fat scooters, stuffing their faces with all kinds of crap, while having a VR screen strapped to their face and a stomach drain sucking out the excess content.
Then they'll just roam the earth, constantly eating and jacking off or getting themselves fucked by a machine pussy attached their chair.
Throw in the longevity treatments that start appearing at some point and we're going to have two hundred year old fatsos rolling around and just consuming more and more.

Wouldn't bat an eye if that happened.

your body is in panic mode, since you are only feeding it a small amount of calories. its storing it as fat to ensure survival.

i weigh 158 and im 6'0 scrawny ass guy what the fuck




>The stomach-churning device, which is already available in some European countries, involves a tube being placed into the stomach in a short surgical procedure. The end of the tube contains a valve that lies flush against the skin.

>The stomach-churning device, which is already available in some European countries,

>already available in some European countries,

All the America haters have failed to realize that we are actually trailing behind Europe in such great innovations.

It's one of those philosophical things, m8. If something happens outside of America, does it really exist?

>I'm 6'0 and "healthy" for my size is approx 185 give or take maybe 10 lbs.
Stupid Burger. 185 is overweight, barely so, but still overweight. I'm 6'5" and 185 is healthy for my size. You need to lose 25 pounds

Can I fly you out for study? I'll compensate you with 1 billion dollars if what you say is true. It's marvelous that your body can defy the laws of thermodynamics.

Sometimes I wish this was all just a bad dream

if you're still in the thread and are interested, i can tell you how i lost 75lbs EASILY.... as in, easy as falling off a log. no effort whatsoever. i also got off all my prescriptions, too.

Fucking true.

I was 6' 175, looked a bit overweight -- had a pudgy stomach and face.

I lost 30 pounds in the last few months after dieting and exercising and am back to 145 which is what I weighed when I was in college. Now I look lean and handsome as fuck again.

Whatever you say fatty



>200lb aka 91kg

Are you fucking retarded? This nigger is a god damn spoopy skeletor

Too much money is made off of 400lb hambeasts to do that. Only way I could see a fat prison working is if they intrinsically incorporated a mentality that encouraged rebounding after being released.

>tfw lazy fat fuck
>tfw probably get this surgery

Hey im clearly flawed and have no self discipline. However I can now be that and not be a fat fuck thanks to a belly stoma.

Frankly i'd like to be healthier at any cost, except actually working for it.
Stoma here i come.

Couldn't fatties just, you know, not eat as much?


You have to move around. You can eat nothing but apples, oranges and lettuce but if you don't exercise, you're gonna gain weight

If you're not doing any intense physical activity you won't lose any weight. Your glycogen stores are completely topped out so all carbs are being converted straight to fat. Do anything with high intensity for 25 minutes at least 3 times a week on top of that caloric deficit and you will lose weight.

>has a safety feature within the valve that means it can only be used three times a day

6' 145lbs????????
Hello skelly



dystopian slaves alllllrrriiiiiigghhhtttttttt

time to open up a buffet chain

lets just throw fatties in prison. Feed them proper meals 3 times a day, make them exercise... If they don't have access to a fridge 24/7, watch the weight just melt off

they will be too lazy to open the tap

Kill yourself piece of shit shill

A curse on your soulless being

The romans did this

Holy shit isn't this frome Dr Steve Brule?

>Are you saying you know better than somebody who spent 10+ years studying medicine and then practicing it?

are you saying that still isn't a fallacy?

does consent exist?

Guy on the left is 6 145.

vagus nerve stimulation

I am on adderall right now with the objective of curving my appetite! I can confirm it works, I have been able to lose 5lbs a day per day I take adderall and eat next to nothing. It requires will power to not immediately gain the weight back and refill your fat stomach.

Honestly, whatever works. If this can actually stop the country from being full of amerifats it's a small price to pay.

yeah keeping yourself at that bf% isn't exactly healthy

I find it hard to believe the person on the left in that photo is
>6' 145lbs
Yea you're not fooling me, that person on the left is definitely not a guy, and definitely isn't 6', and probably doesn't weigh 145lbs.

Adderall made me lose like 25 pounds when I was taking it as a teen it's crazy effective. my doctor was actually worried because I was losing so much weight i was down to like 130

All this kind of shit really pisses me off. Even as a fat fuck it pisses me off.

I know I need to exercise and eat better. This is just fucked.

Weight alone is not a good indicator of obesity. Bodybuilders can get pretty damn heavy.

i disagree, i was at that bf % when i was in the army, strong and healthy and ever. still pretty lean but added a few % since

Lol holy shit why is this real?

>Just get super ripped
>Burn more calories by existing merely because of muscle density
>Eat like a fat cunt
It's not that hard. Then again it's not like obese people are constantly hungry, it's that they eat excessive amounts of shit tier food every time they have a slight twinge of hunger.

It reminds me of a film I once saw for some reason.

I want to vote Trump now more than ever.

Never understood fat hate. I don't really exercise and eat pretty much what I want. I've literally ate an entire pizza myself, washed it down with beer, and snacked on chips and tootsie rolls the night. I'm clearly out of shape, but I'm also not fat (5'10 roughly 145lbs). So why should I sperg out on fatties for literally doing what I'm doing?


Holy shit I always think about this while enjoying all you can eat pizza! Now it's a reality!

read "the obesity code" by Jason fung

tldr, your body is in panic mode. eat around 2000 cal in two large or three smaller square meals. cut carbs to 20% of diet and make sure they're complex . eat 45% protein and 35% healthy fat

Avoid food that are high glycemic load

exercise won't affect you as much , since body adjusts metabolism due to diet, but keep fit and lift a bit to look good

reply if you want to know more

Fatties don't do what you do. They eat even more than you. They eat all that shit everyday and then some. Fatties who claim they don't eat that much just don't know how to count calories. Admittedly its pretty difficult to do properly but fatties way underestimate what they eat. As an example, a 25yo male that is 400lbs needs well over 3000kcal per day to maintain that weight. Exercise does not change this number much at all unless you do a shit ton (fat people do not).

Fucking manlets.
I'm 6'5" you nigger, at 160 I'd be a skeleton

of course jack whatever you say

Fat privilege vs fat shaming! The Left is inventing medical procedures to help them eat themselves!

>No Stephen Miller

Point kinda stands though, I eat what I want, when I want, don't exercise unless you count my shit post on Cred Forums. Why should I hold some one to a higher standard than I hold myself?


That is bullshit. The body doesn't store fat when it's low on energy, it starts to use the stored fat because the intake of calories is not enough. Even the way you worded (survival) it is illogical which should fire up your neurons.

"There were bodies everywhere, and then the explosion" heodonismbot

>sucks dick.
>makes you fucking ill for several hours and never want to do it again. the thought of it makes me wretch.

i dont want to know what you and your dad do when moms not around

>not building muscle through endless calisthenics, running, rucking, biking and swimming for the coming wars to come
>pic very related
>being weak and smol because being le fast is all you realy need in a fight instead of a well rounded fitness background and basic surival skills
>autisms everywhere
>weight lifting is fine i guess but muscular endurance is built with body wheight

Why on earth would this be allowed? It's nonsensical. That's what those stomach reduction surgeries are for.

People who are obese have eating disorders, its why theyre so fat in the first place. This is replacing a bad habit with a less bad habit.

I miss tcap streaming rooms, so comfy.

use % body fat as well, its not hard.

I wonder how bad it smells.

So why did I run 2.25 miles today? I'm such an idiot.

Do you think the girls would mind a food hole in my stomach as long as I flush out all the chicken nuggies and keep my body in top condition?

I am

Wasting food is degenerate.

I hate fatties so much.

not bad

What the fuck did he think was going to happen here?

right but you live with a hole in your stomach. Makes you pretty easy to kill


>Once you make it below 160 lbs then you're free.
Nigger, as you grow older, you put on muscle. Man muscle. This weighs more than fat. You are at the early stages of your development (maybe permanently, you peter pan lookin little boy) if 160 is your target weight.

Take Heracles as ideal.

Fuck outta here.


Slaanesh approves

Artificial second stomachs! Cinco did it first!

Tell em Stevie sent ya

He fucking fortold the future.


top laffs

>R I P
R / F P H
> R / F P H

Kek we Romans now. Where's the gut plug room? I need to empty my stomach for another round of burgers.

Isn't this from a tim and eric skit?

'Merica, FUCK YEA!

These are the real questions.

Male equivalent.

Yes goyims buy my food and then buy my device to not gain weight and be healthy! Once you get hungry again come back for more food! Good goyim!

Luck has nothing to do with it you fat fuck

>fat at 185 6'0"

Are you fucking high? I know dudes who don't even juice who are shorter than that and more than 200.