A new study has shown that if you like this piece of art you are likely to be a democrat while if you dislike it you...

A new study has shown that if you like this piece of art you are likely to be a democrat while if you dislike it you are likely to be a republican.

Painting by a frog? Most "modern art" appreciation is from lib fags. We already knew this.

I like the shapes, but the colors make me want to light it on fire.

>A new study has shown
Ignore it, it's wrong. I hate it and I'm an independent.
Republicrats and demicans are the same thing.

I like your picture of a mixed woman throwing gang signs and reaching for her piece. I'm an independent, voting Republican this year.

>labels labels labels labels

What's it supposed to be and or represent?

I fucking hate that picture so good job your study is right.

Nothing wrong with cubism you faggot.

Eat shit nigger fuck your abstract modern art you faggot stop defending subhuman scribbles

Interesting. Im a trump supporter but I Picasso is also my favorite artist. Since Gleizes has a style much like Picasso I also enjoy this piece of art.

Fuck your study because What if Corn was president?

You seem really upset. Did your daddy fuck you?

Did you....Did you love it?

Just the way you type gives you away.

>hur derp I can't appreciate art if it aint realism

What a normie fucking thing for a frog post you bitch.

Also i hate CONTEMPORARY bullshit like having a period on a canvass instead of a tampon because that shit is just "edgy" hot air. Cubism was before art became MEME ART - the kind of art you see on buzzfeed of pixelated characters from tv shows or movies, or some retard drawing animals on a map with GPS track THAT SHIT IS NOT ART. Cubism is miles above contemporary meme clickbait art garbage

t. Le'monjello Al-Detroiti: Naturalized U.S Citizen

I like it, has good color choice and the artist clearly knows how to abstract 3d forms to 2d shapes. I like it more than Picasso's stuff that seems to just verge on flatness for sake of flatness.

I neither hate it or like it. I do understand it's importance contextually, and respect it as a stepping stone in understanding A E S T H E T I C S.

Applying political affiliation to your innate visceral response to it is literally retarded.

look at all these degenerate marxists defending modern art, jesus christ what a shitshow. Just go away don't you have some menstrual blood to use in your new masterpiece?

You act like a maplenigger on vacation. Were you fucked by a moose? Or cucked by a spruce. It's hard to tell with you, Le'monjello.

>i have no reading comprehension

Nice way to out yourself as a moron, read the goddman post.

It predates modernism. Probably from the 1930's, if I had to guess?

>a new study
From who, professors at MyAss University? Authored by Dr. Bullshit, PHD?

"like" is ambiguous, either way, I do not appreciate shitting in your hand and smearing it on a plate.

looks like shit

pic-related is good art

Cubism isn't "modern art" you autismo.

>fans of degenerate art are degenerates

>predates modernism

Nah, Vermeer is where it is at.

Dutch masters were so good that degenerate weed smokers buy blunts in their honor.

It looks like it was painted by someone who doesn't know how to paint properly.

>democrats enjoy modern aesthetic relativistic "art"
Who'd have thunk?

Despite the claims on wikipedia, Jackson Pollock is understood to be the 'father' of "Modern Art" (as we know it), by the larger segments of the Art Historian communities. That wasn't until the mid to late 40's.

>Dutch masters were so good that degenerate weed smokers buy blunts in their honor.

More like Jackson Bollocks

Yes, liberals love awful uninspired modern art. Everyone knows this.

way to invalidate your shitpost
should have asked
>hey anons, what do you think of this art?
so as to weed out the poseurs