>inb4 kikebook
They even deleted my follow-up comment which was pretty tame. I called him a crypto-Jew (his last name is Alvarez) and said the group isn't ready for real discussions (it's a bunch of lefties anyway).
>inb4 kikebook
They even deleted my follow-up comment which was pretty tame. I called him a crypto-Jew (his last name is Alvarez) and said the group isn't ready for real discussions (it's a bunch of lefties anyway).
>relatives who survived the holocoaster
How old is he/she? 90?
Why not flip the oppression script on them?
>i had relatives who DIED in the Holocaust
>I find it utterly tasteless when useful idiots are letting a second genocide occur right before their eyes for the sake of virtue signalling
Mention how the boers were genocided. Even though that was fake also
Every Jew I've ever come in contact with and heard the Holocaust come up had a "survivor" of the camps as a grandparent or parent. Every single fucking time.
Dude, peoples' relatives will be surviving the holocaust until the universe experiences heat death.
why do they never have "blacks without college degree" or hispanics without college degree"?
arent they interested?
clearly they just want to call trumps voters idiots... while ignoring the education level of many many hillary voters....
Liberals seem to be good at doublethink. Well, so do many conservatives but it's just very obvious with liberals
Even if spics and niggers get degrees, it's something useless like communications
Ohh god this
>jewish dude is subletting from my room mate who is on exchange
>talking with him about school and get on the topic of our families
>I talked about my great grandfather who lost an arm in WW2 and was sent to a gulag
>he looks at me, smirks and says
>"I have a grandmother that was at auschwitz"
I had to make an effort to not burst out in tears laughing
So, did she died?
>using facebook
How fucking stupid are you
Of course not she "survived"
lmao this cant be (((PURE COINSIDENCE))) can it? It's like these jews have a guide book.
Pre-med biology major nigger here
I usually just casually use "goys" and "oy vey" and "my ancestry" so that other Jews believe I am also a Jew and can't say shit.
Normally I would say you're probably too dumb to get in, but I've seen how the calculators demonstrate how any nigger with a pulse can get into med school because diversity is our strength :^)
>By "genocide" we mean the destruction of an ethnic group…. Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups….
That was said by a Jewish Juror that created the word "Genocide" in the first place and put the Genocide Laws into effect.
Throw that in the kikes face. That's exactly what's happening to the European race in Europe,South Africa and North America. Double standards.
athought technically correct the word 'genocide' is so emotionally charged it's lost its true meaning desu
Happened to me in 2011 when I posted on the Royal Navy page exactly what their interaction will do to Libya if they take Gaddafi out. It ended up being exactly as I described it. 2011 was the year I deleted my Jewbook account. Boy am I glad I did.
Whatever you say man, I'm just working hard to become a doctor. At least i'm doing something with my life that I enjoy.
LMAO: and Jew wonder why they are hated.