Hate asian women?

Why is there so much rampant hate on asian women+white/black men couples? Is there something threatening about this?

East Asian cultures are some of the few that still have traditional women. Encouraging them to racemix more is just being destructive for no reason.


Please stop using this word every time Cred Forums disagrees with something. I'm sorry but not liking something does not = threatened

The problem is not with the couple itself, but with its offspring.

I wouldn't turn my kid into a surpreme gentlemen if that's what's concerning.
Also perfect pic for that comment

This is the very définition of white genocide. According to Cred Forums and the alt-right, this is injustifiable.
You are probably some white guy that can't get a white girl and that's why you are mad at Cred Forums for shitting all over white/Asian couples.

You either live with the conséquences of racism or you reject it. Can't have it both ways.

> white/black
> not separating this as two different issues
> cancer leaf

I've dated white women, but my longest relationships were with a Filipino girl, and a girl from Kenya. Maybe its just the way they are brought up and taught better life skills there.
Don't worry. We're building a wall too :)

silly leaf, you'll have no kids.

>implying Elliot wasn't half Jew

>racemixing degenerate somehow surprised when someone calls them out for being a racemixing degenerate


Flips aren't Asian.

Why do Christians do this?


Why do Christians worship bones

They are worthless

Its because western women are afraid of actual partner material taking away their meal tickets. Still, don't be blinded by an asian girl's innocent behaviour. Shit like this is all over the planet.

Why do Christians eat Nabi Isa flesh and blood

That is blasphemous

this would be fine in the past, as European "explorers" would often rape the local inhabitants, but they would eventually have white children when they went back to europe.

Now, beta cucks go to third-world gook countries and either stay there and "teach english" or find a gook wife and bring her back to their home country. The latter is terribly fucked up and results in school shootings.

Then what are they? I thought I stuck my dick in an asian girl finally

kike propaganda. White women who date blacks but could obviously get better traction are daddy issues: the relationship.

Buttmad roasties know they can't compete

Why do christians think God causes evil?

Calling them Asian is like calling Indians Asian. It's geographic semantics. In terms of ethnicity, the lineage is completely branched off.

To be christian

Is to be a jew

But why is white so weak they have to go for deone

Why are whites buttmad when their culture is islamic

He was half-jew half south-east asian.
That's like being surprising an half-nigger half-abo somehow isn't the average well-behaved citizen.

Why do you like to cuck yourself

Say you wanted to do that. Do you need a special degree or something to teach English in foreign countries? Or can any joe make a life for himself in shanghai/Tokyo/etc?

Why am I byxantine

Why are you letting insects overrun your cointri

Why must you hate islam

Mudslime propaganda now? WTF, Cred Forums? This place is garbage. Islam is jedaism 3.0 BTW. Arabjewism, christjewism, jewjewism. All the same shit to keep you under the control of the elite.

Why do you let asians desteoy your country

Nigga do you expect us to be able to read this

fuck off cunt

>drugged out degenerate seeking random attention
Kill yourself.

Why are christian cannibal

Why am

chink detected, I can read this easily.

Why are you
Dumb millenial

The doctrine of sola fide asserts God's pardon for guilty sinners is granted to and received through faith alone, excluding all "works". All mankind, it is asserted, is fallen and sinful, under the curse of God, and incapable of saving itself from God's wrath and curse. But God, on the basis of the life, death, and resurrection of his Son, Jesus Christ alone (solus Christus), grants sinners judicial pardon, or justification, which is received solely through faith. Faith is seen as passive, merely receiving Christ and all his benefits, among which benefits are the active and passive righteousness of Jesus Christ. Christ's righteousness, according to th

Chinks destroying malaysia

Send help

No need to be upset. I'm asking a good question.

Why do Christians believe this

Are they mere puppets

I just have bad eyesight, it's the damn anglo genes :(

Why are you a brainwashed Arabjew? I don't believe in christjewism any more than jewjewism. It's all semitic horseshit m8. Haven't you figured that out yet? You're a bluepilled mangina white-knight faggot, bro. :D :D

There's zero of you where I'm at though. No worries for me or my kids ever from you Arabcuck zombies :D :D