Women CAN be comedians

I don't know why Cred Forums is so sexist, but women CAN be comedians. I hear people bitching about women all the time here. They're not funny, they'll ruin your life, blah blah blah. I'm a male feminist and I know women can be just as funny as men.

Watch this clip and tell me Amy Schumer isn't fucking amazing:


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Comedy is kike shit anyway.

Bad ones.

Cancer. Kys



Yes women are hilarious


muh vagina

Their existance is a joke

There isn't a single good female comedian.

The best I've seen is Ali Wong (Netflix), and that is a HUGE outlier.

Like..words can't express what an outlier that is.

Fuck Sarah Silverman and anyone that likes her.

I had to come back to the computer to turn this video off

It was a mistake letting it play for more than a few seconds

Fucking cunt

>Fuck Sarah Silverman and anyone that likes her.

Wouldn't mind that actually.

redpilled blacks will always be the funniest.
see dave chappelle, key and peele, and charlie murphy

0/10 bait

Hahaha! I would fuck Amy Schumer in the every hole while degrading her and pointing at every flaw she contains on that disgusting surface. That bitch looks like lady Fiona from shrek minus the lady and plus on the shrek. While I fuck her I'd look at a picture of Leslie Jones!

How did she get so fat? Her cheeks are exploding.
Women just aren't funny. She does somewhat okay in the roasts, but she acts like a total cunt.
Honestly this, and wong isn't even that funny. She's kinda nasty. I mean she gave a guy HPV and that's a comedy joke? Worst than fart jokes.

>I'm a male feminist

You could have at least left that part out. It makes this bait all too obvious.

that whore was hilarious.
like watching your daughter gasp out her dying breath after being crushed beneath the wheels of a drunken nigger's cadillac.

man, she is a comic sensation.
i look forward to he next show with all the anticipation i usually reserve for the prop comic who takes the stage between acts at a cut rate titty bar.

Of course women can be comedians, they just aren't funny.

Okay, talk about your periods

Good, now talk about your va-jay-jay

Doing great, now tell everyone how stupid guys are

Nicely done

Hey, it's 2016, women are funny, get over it bebe

Women can indeed be funny.

Mostly when they're 50+ year old women though.

makes sense

less bleeding less estrogen less psycho

>yeah guys, Women are funny, get over it.

That episode was great. I'm expecting a lot more red pills this season.


Women CAN be comedians

Yes they are worth laughing at.

>Knock knock
>Whose dare
>Muh wat
>Muh Vagina

>Implying everyone in here wouldn't be stuttering over themselves at the bar trying to buy her a drink.


The only reason I haven't killed myself yet is because one day the headlines are going to read "AMY SCHUMER DEAD", and I want to be there for that.

Looking good in this vid.

I'm sure Amy has great qualities but how am I supposed to look at feel attracted to her? She just doesn't have the sex appeal.

I member that joke!

Fuck no she's hideously overweight

Women are only funny when you find humor in them failing to be funny.