Is this the most blue pilled country on earth
Is this the most blue pilled country on earth
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Canada is blue pilled as fuck but we don't see mix propaganda on TV yet so I'll say slightly below Sweden.
At present, yes
It's pretty shit, OP.
We're pre-Brexit Britain tier.
Yes. 100% yes. I fucking left that frozen shit hole when I realized that their greatest exports are apologies, lack of achievement, and talented red pilled Canadians.
No top companies.
No top universities.
Not even their hockey teams are good.
Fuck this place.
It is the vanilla ice cream of the western world.
Plain. Boring. Inoffensive.
Turn on the CBC son, and you will find 24/7 Syrian Refugee promotion, with Trump-hate, pro-globalist stories, anti-Russian stories, and SJW tear jerkers thrown in for colour (a woman got harassed today, a native experienced racism today, etc).
Canada is blue pilled as fuck.
No, UK and Sweden are more bluepilled
No because they have the excuse of being a New World country. If Canada gets flooded by Chinese, so be it, who cares? But if France gets flooded by Algerians, it's a disaster for all mankind.
>Turn on the CBC son
Something that no-one in the country under 70 does, so the state-sponsored propaganda is hardly Canada any more than MSNBC is America.
Pls. It's Sweden or Germany, we don't actively import Syrian men, and our refugees were capped. It's nothing to be proud of, but there aren't a million undocumented Arabs here that weren't here in 2014.
>Dr. Filthy
My niggle.
>Chinese: State sanctioned extermination of whites
>Algerians: Whites left to form community based on trust, hopefully to retake France against wandering african tribesmen
i don't watch any of the canadian news stations
>no top unis
>U of T
I fucking hate Toronto and u of t but they're consistently ranked top 10 in the world.
top companies are a thing of the past, I'll give you that. but the other reasons are subjective.
Being the Scotland to your England is a good thing if you're content with the social safety net stopping you from bottoming out also restricting you from achieving great things.
It's a place for people happy just to get by. That's not necessarily a bad thing. It is uninspiring but it'll still be a white country when all the immigrants fuck off b/c it is too cold and poor
>our flag red
>your flag blue
fuck off
No, that would literally be North Korea. You gotta think boy.
but france is a cucked pussy shithole
Sweden and Germany is far worse
Being tied to the anglosphere actually keeps us relatively purple pilled because we're still tied into things like Trumpism. We're probably overrepresented on Cred Forums too. Along with every other english site.
No, Sweden is much worse.
We speak and read english so we can access American alternative media. Swedes can't and so they largely don't.
Just as we shitpost on /pol, JT shitposts in the world.
>Pretend to care about refugees, only take 25k families, women and children.
>Legalize weed, set up another large export to the US once it becomes legalized.
>JT literally on vacation most of the time.
Seems pretty redpilled to me.. also good standard of living here.
Canada is cucked
But not as bad as Sweden or Germany
We voted for Brexit and are building a wall before even Trump did it. Fuck you, leaf. You may not be as bad as Sweden, but you aren't as uncucked as Britain is right now.
Perhaps you're on tier with London as a city.
>1,200 square foot house, 3 bed 2 bath selling in Vancouver for 1.5 million on average.
>same house sells for $700,000 in countryside.
>gas is 40% more expensive than in America
>good standard of living.
The Canadian measurement for good is sickeningly pathetic. Your country is the living embodiment of the word "average."
Fuck your unambitious, slothful, status quo'd frozen shithole. Seriously.
>france want ban the burkini
>all the people on britt news chimpout
ok ahmed.. pretty sure london will be sharia law by 2020
>implying I live in China 2.0...
For 700k, where I live, you would get 5-10 acres, with a 3 bedroom home. and I'm 50mins from Toronto
Also forgot, I live 15min from Six Nations, meaning I pay 20% less for gas than the city lol
Sorry, but the (((media))) represents entire countries now? When did this happen? Am I still on Cred Forums or was I redirected somewhere else?
They also lost their shit over Brexit, Trump, and the Calais Wall. Fuck them. They'll all die in the Trump persecutions of 2017.
Mate, atleast they'll have to fight for sharia law in London. Your PM wants to implement it.
Nope. Justin Trudeau is very smart. Let them hear what they want to hear, and do the opposite. As I mentioned earlier, he is all for refugees, while he only accepted 25k of them, and they were only families, women and children. No single men. Everyone thinks he's the good guy, while we didn't accept any terrorists. Win win win.
Also he is legalizing weed, that's the very opposite of sharia law lol
Not today leaf. Not fucking today.
No you fucking nigger. Holy shit you're the reason why 90% of Cred Forums wants Canadians banned from Cred Forums.
>British education
I fucking posted a coherent reply faggot. Maybe you will understand it better if I fucking swear in your fucking ugly face you dumbass nigger. fuck you are dumb, you deserve to be assraped by ahmed
The Brexit was a gimmick, you are the multiculturalim land of Europe and you know it.
90% of /pol are beta faggots who wouldn't do shit to stand up for any of their beliefs except posting of Cred Forums behind memes.
praise kek btw
No one else covers Canadian news stories though. If you search for canadian news on the internet it is indeed pro refugee propaganda by CBC.
Brexit is the reason I didn't blow my head off at the end of June.
Not today leaf.
k ahmed. enjoy bongdon
Says the the country with a BLUE CROSS vs our RED BARS AND LEAFS
Oh, I will sir. The tides are changing here. Britain is becoming more redpilled every day since Brexit.
If Trump wins I'm moving to America.
>24/7 Syrian Refugee promotion
This. It's been this way since last year. Start with gunfire and shit blowing up. Quickly pan to poor family refugees. Then snap to children only
I have to had it to them, it was some brilliant propaganda, that really attacked peoples consensus and guilt. It called "Opening Peoples Hearts"
From what I read on Cred Forums
>Britain is kicking out white Polish families
>Mayor of London tells refugees they don't need to assimilate
not today bong
>quietly waiting for the Toronto Happening
I can only hope that Canadians being really naive and kind will convince them to deviate from Islamic scripture. :^(
London is cucked, I already said that. The North, the Midlands and Wales is where the revolution is happening.
Of course not.
>Not even their hockey teams are good.
Except team Canada. We just beat you again tonight. Step your game up Jimbo
Not today bong, not today.
Yea, because no one gives a shit about hockey but canada
The 36 Americans who saw the game are probably really upset right now.
No, Sweden is. The leafs come close but they're not as gay.
Also, every communist or socialist country should br considered blue-pilled.
Guess what, we are building a ditch, a grand deep ditch, along our northern border, and making canada pay for it
>Not filtering the leaf idiot like the rest of us
>Actually starting a topic about the leaf idiot
Fuck off new fag. Back to Redshit with you.
Who talks about zionism the only problem there is, like we do? Coming from a board of luciferians ask me if I care
When most of your entire continent does.
I know you being isolated on that island and walled in by ahcmeds and soccer balls.
Do brits not like to skate?
Meanwhile in Charlotte, USA.
Fuck yes, not so much on guns though. Well no 'salt weapons but gun ownership isn't demonized
>top universities
You know all they are is for the rich right? They are really shit
Algerians are fine i wish we had them
Everyone in canada watches it everday
>5 rifle rounds, or 10 pistol rounds
No fun allowed for gun nuts tastes. But even Canadian government thinks you should be able to own a Nugget.
bomanville? lol
That's what I mean by no 'salt weapons
A little past Hamilton, near Caledonia
what fucking degenerate watches CBC except for Hockey Nihgt in Canada??
>implying Swedeistan is still a country
Just stay out of toronto and most of quebec you'll find plenty of non cucked people.
All the sheepie? That's what matters they're the ones who are voting
>most of quebec
AKA Montreal and it's region
>probably overrepresented on Cred Forums
Say that to the 2000+ Canadian proxies
I've stopped watching TV altogether, it just makes me sick
Holy shit you're retarded.
hey thats my area code!
yes. I cry about it most nights
did you miss the part where they plan to increase that number next year ( all this is aside from the 50,000 pakis a year they're flooding Canada with)
>Justin Smart "If you extinguish the fire, it wins"
If you don't implement sharia it wins
also "it's 2015" Good joke bud
>attributes /pol meme to Justin Trudeau lol
When they ask stupid questions, give them stupid answers.
Shouldn't you be doing ladyboy things?
Shiks are bro-tier. And from my knowledge, they just want more family, women and children refugees.. Again, taking 25k more of the same is great, America alone will take over 100k.. This strategy keeps the SJWs off our backs, and makes us look like the good guys.. I mean, would you rather be like Germany? Even Poland is getting attacked because they won't accept any, this way we win.
I don't think Germany is quite as blue pilled as it is made out to be. Merkel cucked their country and now most of them hate her for it.
Sweden is just fucking pathetic though.
Red pilled is just right wing indoctrination.
Blue pilled is just left wing indoctrination.
None of you are interested in truth.