Thomas Sowell is pro TRUMP!

>"My own take on this election is that the voter is in a situation much like that of an American fighter pilot in World War II, whose plane has been hit by enemy fire out over the Pacific Ocean and is beginning to burst into flames.

>If he bails out, there is no guarantee that his parachute will open. But even if he lands safely in the ocean, he may be eaten by sharks. If he comes down on land, he may be captured by the Japanese and tortured and/or killed.

>In other words, there are huge and potentially fatal risks. But, if he remains in the plane, he is doomed for certain. To me, Donald Trump represents multiple and potentially fatal risks. But Hillary Clinton is a certainty of disaster. Her vaunted "experience" is an experience of having repeatedly made decisions that turned out to be not merely wrong but catastrophic." - Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell has finally comes to his sense and is now supporting of Trump!

Other urls found in this thread:

Johnson is pretty underwhelming.

t. Ancap


I knew he would come back home


Doesn't seem like it's a support of Trump. Just being against Hillary and realizing that Trump's lack of political experience is a pro as well as a con. I think I can agree with him though.

Why do blacks make such good economists?

>i have gauges

From dealing drugs

Sowell is based. We were both #cruzmissiles before Ted dropped. Great minds think alike I guess

>Blacks make good economists/Blacks are based
Got a lot of dumbass people on Cred Forums today

Thomas Sowell once again showing why he is the most based Blackman in America.

>great minds

Pick one

Thomas Sowell is an all time great. kys

Don't you have a dog to blow, justin?

>implying Thomas Sowell wouldn't BTFO you

Well said.

Based black economy guy does it again. Praise Kek!

i really think it undermines how great Sowell is by subcategorizing himself as a black man. he's just an all-around great American.

>her vaunted "experience"
Fucking shit, experience letting fucking Americans die everyone always leaves that part out. At least someone doesn't


>He hasn't read Sowell
In an ironic turn of events, you're the nigger here.

Thomas Sowell recommends red-pilled books for you in this column:

>you haven't read plagiarism: the nigger
wow color me lost

That's one hell of a red pill.

Praise Kek!






That's the essence of most Trump support desu, if you generalize beyond Clinton to the status quo

Based Sowell picking the lesser of two evils

He's the country's best political commentator and one of history's greatest economists. You should really read some of his books and articles.


I like the analogy.