Times you acted like an absolute madman

>mfw I don't stand during the pledge of allegiance

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Negotiated the price of a car down about 5k like a good kike

There is literally nothing wrong with nationalism

I brakecheck crs if they are full of kids

Sides destroyed during forced Invisible Children viewing during high school.

Jewish cat lady took me by the arm and demanded to know "what's wrong with me."

Underage b&


naso naso farthop maloch no masta no fallow pras naso

i had to dont say it outloud

I shit in a bag and whipped it all over my feminist sisters boyfriends car. The best part was it was dark when he left and grabbed the door handle which I smeared the most shit on.

>i'm so great because of things other people did
>i'm better than other people because of where I was born
ya it's not fucking stupid or anything

You are a genetic manifestation of your ancestors.

thats a pathetic strawman. nationalism binds people together in a common identity, it gives them strength and safety


I pleg alliagnce to the flag
of the unite state of america
and to the republic
for whitchitstans
jaun nation
under gaw
with liberty and justice for all.

You accomplished none of your ancestors deeds.
It leads them to blindly follow their governments without question.

Hell yeah. Fuck the pledge. I'd have stood if they played the national anthem every morning during school

Hid all the icons on my co-workers desktop
Took a screen shot before I did this
Used screen saver as his wall paper
Got erection when he thought his computer was kill.


I was at the park and a little girl asked me to help find her dog and she let me ride her big brother's bike around the area to look for it. Instead of looking for the dog I just rode home and kept the bike.

>where I was born
No, it's actually to whom I was born.


Do you know what a nation is?

Lots of people are confused by the defintions of country, nation, and state.

The people are the nation.
The land is the country.
The government is the state.

>Following the government blindly
This is Statism.

Nationalism is having first concern for the people who make up the nation you are apart of.

>not standing during the pledge

there was this one faggot in my class that would say the pledge of allegiance but be silent during the god part

I'm a pretty staunch atheist and I was one then as well, but it triggered the shit out of me because it was probably some gay ass "silent protest" to him. This kid unironically vaped, shilled for Sanders and worked at McDonalds. I was gonna grill the shit out of him at the end of the year but he was a nice guy so I guess I forgot about it.

That's an insult?

Fucked a girl in highschool and then her twin sister and then one of their cousins all wothout telling them what i was doing. Cousin got pregnant though.

"ha every race of people ever has tribal tendencies that they use to overrun and disenfranchise people that aren't them (including myself) but not my race haha not us that shit's gayyyy"

My last name

I don't think I am great because of what my ancestors did. I think they were great.

I think I have a moral and civil responsibility to uphold that same honor and achieve meaningful things in my life like they did.

>cucks think this is an insult

I asked a girl out on a date once.

Heil Hitler dubs. Nice.

>Be me
>Hanging with friends in the kitchen
>M8 asks me to lay on the floor
>I actually do it

and you got dubs too you absolute fucking madman

too zEXY for my dubs

laughed at an RSA ad in school

Why qre there so many dubs in this thread. Is this thread getting Kek's blessing?

Nationalism is still retarded. You don't belong with people hundreds of kilometres from you just because you all were born in a region governed by a continuous state.
