How do we push back against transgenderism in culture? Is the answer in changing education?

How do we push back against transgenderism in culture? Is the answer in changing education?

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gas chambers

They've been around since humanity. Fuck it, let them be ill.

I have always advocated capital punishment for transgenders. It needs to be a high priority global effort to exterminate this nonsense while we still can. Completely unacceptable behavior.

there have always been and there will always be trannies

jesus christ its embarrassing how sexually frustrated Cred Forums is

If your pic is related, then the answer is making transgenderism illegal under a form of child abuse

If the transgendered individual in question is an adult, then it's their own business

False, it's a very recent phenom.

We should quarantine them on an island somewhere.

Trannies shouldn't be accepted in any society, since what they want is the same as forcing a religion on everyone else.

This is bait

>You think this is weird? it must because you never get laid.

Bestiality has probably been around for just as long, but I think it is disgusting because it fucking is, not because I'm not sticking my dick in whatever hole I see, you fucking degenerate.

When you say trannies do you mean transvestites or transgenders or third sexes / middlesexes? Transgender is a recent phenomenon, yes, but the other two have existed since the beginning of time, much less the Romans this board worships

>durr degenerate

Societal spooks your bible belt authoritarian parents hammered into you aren't an argument, faggot. Neither is calling someone a Jew. You cannot prove an objective morality.

kill the jews. Stop the subversion of these degenerate idea get into the newer generation.

Teach more biology

So something is wrong because you say it is?

Compelling argument. Not at all like the SJWs who base their realpolitik off offended feelings and virtues.

Other cultures had eunuchs, and we don't. There have always been effeminate homosexuals, but the Western thing of trannies and especially Jenner style "trans lesbians" is very peculiar.

What trannies want is to force everyone else to pretend they are the opposite sex. We should not accept that. Society owes transgenderism a very large collective punch in the mouth.

>There are no moral absolutes
>Muh-bible thumper
>look how deep I am ;^)

Cool logic bro. Maybe we should make it socially acceptable to eat shit and fuck kids publically because someone out in the cosmos would be ok with it.

It's not about disgusting, it's about biology denial. Trannies are the leftwing version of young earth creationists.

Don't strike the ire of the tranny mods

There's no proof this picture is even real. lmfao

>How do we push back against autism in culture? Is the answer in changing education?

>How do we push back against bipolar disorder in culture? Is the answer in changing education?

>How do we push back against schizophrenia in culture? Is the answer in changing education?

>trannies hurt my fee-fees, how can we bully them?

people like that guy are as reactionary and illogical as the liberals t b h
kys desu
modern hormone therapy yeah but not the phenomenon

the media makes it a meme lately though and mentally ill flock to it. theres always been a small population in cultures tho

Stop allowing hormone therapy. Remind people that this shit is fucking disgusting and parents who try and push it on their kids should be punished.

The only people who like this stuff are faggots who think sucking off a guy with a set of fake tits makes them straight.

Look at the mole. Same person.


He looks like a big boy

>it's about biology!

the argument you used earlier referred to how it disgusted you and you equated it to fucking an unwilling animal.

>cool logic bro
The professor's name? Albert Einstein.


Different cultures have had different levels of tolerance for us, some accepted us and some just killed us, but we've always been there and always will be.
Yes it's a mental illness, but the treatment is transition. I'm gonna keep taking hormones regardless of what anyone thinks, it's your own problem if my existance triggers you.

Yes, the answer would be to change education specifically college professors.

Tell them go stop being faggots.
Bully more of them into suicide.
Continue to prove they are mentally ill.
Shove it in their faces until they quit being attention whores.
Just all around intolerance.
The only way to remove it is to not tolerate it.

Doctor determines sex at birth.

why are you cucks so triggered by the trannies anyways

>pic kek worthy but unrelated

>go raid "purr"

>transgender in culture

In the 1800's moms used to punish their little boys by putting them in petticoats

no we dont, we push it as further as we can until we hit pedophilia and zoophilia after which the pendulum will swing the other way

Why bother with real women when trannies are just better in every way?

What is your home address?

The fuck are you talking about?

You can't "transition". You are just a mentally ill man pretending, unconvincingly, to be a woman. A responsible society would show you it's okay to simply be who you are, not indulge your delusions.

I'm pretty sure if someone wants to cut off their dick then they're a natural born faggot. Why do you want to change this? It's degenerat, I know, but FFS, some people are just born this way. SpongeBob didn't make the poor kid want a boyfriend. Get over it.

tranny here, I have a friend who was born with a vestigial penis and a vagina
they scooped out her uterus and vagina and sewed it up
she is now an adult, went through male puberty and started transitioning
turns out she has XX chromosomes

sex isnt black and white, theres a brain component that determines it and sometimes its fucked up

People shouldn't be allowed to push it on kids, but there isn't any reason to ban hrt besides the fact that it's gross.

I believe in the right to make retarded decisions.

It's like with a dumb kid, if he's banging his head against the wall because he thinks it's helping him, you don't support him doing it, you tell him it's fucking dumb and to stop before he damages himself more.

>Albert Einstein
Yeah, lets have an Autistic Jew lecture us on how to establish morals.

Shoo shoo aids ape.

Sorry but if all trans looked this passable I don't see the problem.

> sex isnt black and white, theres a brain component that determines it

No there isn't.

Sex is totally black and white outside of developmental abnormalities.

Fuck off and kill yourself tranny.

> sex isnt black and white, theres a brain component that determines it

No there isn't. There is no "brain component" to the definition of male and female.

Sex is totally black and white outside of developmental abnormalities.

Fuck off and kill yourself tranny.

Because shit dick.

If you want to exterminate us that badly you need to learn how to track us yourself.

K. People treat me like a woman and call me by my name and my correct pronoun, so I'm happy, especially when it triggers bigots like you.

>Sex is totally black and white outside of developmental abnormalities
>he mentioned a literal developmental abnormality

Could that one picture be the greatest devastating image that Cred Forums has ever encountered?

We push the trasnigger meme. Blacks will have a massive knee-jerk reaction calling it raycis.

Since race is only "skin deep", how much less trivial is being a trans-nigger to being a a transgender. We can play the blacks, who hate trannies and gays mostly, against the trans movement.

If we could legitimize it via trolling, that is turn some dumb wiggers into actual transniggers, then we could actually cause some real damage. At the minimum we need to have some videos on youtube of whites in blackface pretending to be transniggers while saying race is only skin deep.

On the other side we need to be playing the feminists. Hard. They should be mad that those evil men can pretend they are women, and that (honestly) being a woman is a holy, singular experience. Have some faux feminist twitter accounts begin to express anger at men pretending they can encapsulate the experience of being a woman through wearing women's clothes.

Even kike anthropologists like Montagu made the mistake of promoting feminine superiority- play them against themselves.

I forgot about this faggot.

You gas them.

implying this is not just a natural adaptation to overpopulation on cities where males take the form of infertile hot females.

This is literally the best thing it can happen

>no there isn't
there literally is though
biology is a cruel mistress
whats more cruel than being trapped in a body opposite to the one your brain is expecting

this is all we know about trans vs cis peoples brains

transfag here
>inb4 kys, inafter gas chambers
hurr so edgy guise, it's like I'm really on a forum with 14 year olds

Actual transgender people hate this fucking bullshit as much as you do.
My opinion:

>Must be 18 or older (fuck muh puberty, if you can't pass you can't pass, shouldn't have worked out so much in HS)

>Stringent mental health screening,

>Make possession of male and female growth hormones without prescription a felony with a HEAVY fines, and a heavy prison sentence if fines can't be paid. No questions, bust them like crackheads. These drugs kill people when not taken with medical guidance.

>Arrest parents who force tumblr gender ideology on their children (and arrest furry parents while we're at it), put the kids in CPS (in a perfect world where CPS actually works)

>Deny HRT to anyone who has no hope of ever passing as female.

There's a tiny fraction of the population that actually does suffer from gender identity disorder, actually goes through intensive screening to be diagnosed by legitimate and respectable doctors. The media shitshow is the worst thing that's ever happened to this community, tons of hipsters flock to free clinics to sterilize themselves without ever being diagnosed with GID, then off themselves 10 years later because they hate what they've become and know they can never return.

Cred Forums is right, it's literally a mental illness. Any decent, passing, rational transperson knows they have a mental illness with no known cure, only symptoms alleviated by transition.

I'm not gonna bother sticking around to listen to your canned ridicule. These are solutions that would please both REAL transgender people and anyone who isn't a le hipster ironic 1/16 cherokee "nazi".

its fine, more horny chicks for me

No one outside one or two especially retarded tumblrite sjws would take it seriously. Transgenderism has some biological basis as a mental illness at least.

Post pics

Kids born intersexed may be the only real transexuals, everything else is mental illness.

I support transgender rights just so I can fuck and emotionally manipulate unstable trans people. It's cute watching them degrade themselves for me.

>On the other side we need to be playing the feminists. Hard. They should be mad that those evil men can pretend they are women, and that (honestly) being a woman is a holy, singular experience. Have some faux feminist twitter accounts begin to express anger at men pretending they can encapsulate the experience of being a woman through wearing women's clothes.
Those are called TERFs, they have always existed and are dwindling quite a bit in modern day in the current transtrender culture. Good luck reviving their movement.

i want to push back transgenderism into that tight asshole along with my dick

gender dysphoria is arguably intersexuality of the brain


true, but lets just forget about the huge increase of comorbid mental illness along with gender dysphoria and astronomical suicide rates

You have no idea how stupid people really are.
All you need is a fake documentary- a white boi living on the streets
"Every since I was young I identified wit the black community, all my friends were black, I always hated white culture"
"I never identified as a white man, I never will. One day I realized, I rap. I live on these streets. I feel the struggle. I am a black man inside, a true son of Africa. I feel those African roots coming out from those false white shell. So I knew what I wanted, to embrace my blackness. Everyone worships light skin, white features, but to me black is beautiful. That was the beginning of my journey."

People will swallow that shit so fast m8.

And the brain is plastic, so these people can make peace with their biological genders.

You don't

>>Must be 18 or older (fuck muh puberty, if you can't pass you can't pass, shouldn't have worked out so much in HS)
>>Make possession of male and female growth hormones without prescription a felony with a HEAVY fines, and a heavy prison sentence if fines can't be paid. No questions, bust them like crackheads. These drugs kill people when not taken with medical guidance.
People with shit parents shouldn't be doomed because some retards might take drugs they shouldn't.

But the transnigger meme already exists and gets literally no attention. SJWs would probably tear apart a while male trying to appropriate black culture.

All we have to do is setup some "genuine women only" facebook pages and start from there. Make dumb image macros "only a woman knows the feeling of her baby in her belly" or some period jokes. Spread them out, push it hard Mother's day, then begin posting it to anyone who supports a transgender.

Old women are on facebook, 2nd gen feminists who would undoubtedly grasp and support this.

I think we have to really push for more qt traps. The ones in reality aren't attractive. This one would give me a secret boner if one of the kids brought her/she to dinner one night. I would reenact American Beauty in my head while I munch my meatloaf.

not if the sexes are hardwired to the brain which seems to be the case

As a MEME. We need to make it real. Fuck, maybe we can troll Shaun King into discussing how he feels black inside, make him feel vulnerable and open so he even begins to adopt the transnigger meme.

Report every parent who makes their kid dress as the wrong gender to child protective authorities. You can report anonymously and they absolutely have to check on every case.

I think this is a terrible thing to do if there is no abuse, but I sincerely believe this is a very traumatic thing that will ruin your child for life.

don't change them at all,most of these trans kill themselves later anyway so let them do their thing so only mentally healthy people remain

And the left would go fucking rabid at the blatant transphobia. Literally, whenever someone says that shit non-ironically they get triggered to high hell. The transgender glorification is set in too deep, they'll only react against it at this point.

Old women sure, but no one gives a fuck about old women.

1. i say we just let them be girls, what's the big deal

2. there's not more trannies, you just hear about them a lot more because the media is eating it up as the new gay rights

any increase in trans people is just 13 year old girls saying they're nonbinary or demigirls or even boys for attention. don't you remember how every girl in middle school claimed to be "bisexual" ? it's the same shit. women will do anything for attention.

im kind of biased though since i have a soft spot for trannies since my gf is a tranny girl. in fact, im gonna go slam her boipussy right now.

We gotta do what we gotta do man, even if we only win some women over at least those are a few less trans supporters.

It may be the case, i'm still skeptical, though. It's hard to place a lot of stock in the 'science' of it when it's become so politicized. I got over my homosexuality through therapy - it was all just an aversion to women - stopped fucking twinks years ago. I think when people think their preferences or whatever constitute some essential part of their 'identity' they are much more resistant to changing it. I don't think anyone knows 100% for sure what the truth is, but my own experiences and research lead me to think that *most* cases of gender dysphoria could be resolved with the right therapeutic approach. The Brain that Changes Itself is a great read.

Just gonna leave this here.

the truth is, the left is obsessed with the feminist idea of gender doesn't matter more than they are with actually helping transpeople
its currently "trendy" to be trans, while people who suffer from gender dysphoria are being thrown under the bus

>I got over my homosexuality through therapy - it was all just an aversion to women - stopped fucking twinks years ago.
Tell us about this experience in more detail.

I don't care

are you sure you're not just bi?
but I'm glad that you were able to work yourself out

i'd suck its dick

Don't you miss those tight little assholes and hungry mouths? Are you abstinent or have you fallen into the saggy titted loud mouth cunt routine of the normies?

transgenderism is fucking retarded

some bullshit propagated by pussies who couldn't handle what life handed to them, and now are supporting kids to express their "true gender" before they can receive any sort of identity.

This is a bunch of horseshit. It makes no logical sense.

First, sex is not defined as anything to do with your brain. If you are a man, you can feel any way you like, and it will not make you less male.

It makes no sense to say you "feel trapped in an opposite body". How would you know how anyone else feels?

The "brain studies" you're citing show differences that reflect combined effects of homosexuality and hormone treatment. They also develop after puberty, yet this goes against the "trans kids" claim.

The onus is on people who claims "trans" exists to show they are "trans" and not simply "differently cis".

A more convincing theory is the Blanchard hypothesis. Transgenderism is a combination of people who are uncomfortable with sex stereotypes, often homosexuals. And for male transgenderists, a large proportion are autogynephile sex fetishists. Transgenderism has a huge sexuality component that trannies usually deny.

Trannies are fine if you think about them as fuck dolls while their young.

They shouldn't cut off their dicks though because when they get old and ugly they will inevitably switch back to man mode.

There is no such thing as "transition". You can't change sex, and most trannies can't even disguise themselves convincingly.

What it comes down to is a demand that other people pretend you are the opposite sex. This is why I hate trannies. Not because you are mentally ill or sex fetishists, but because you are forcing other people into your bullshit games.

Kill yourself.

transgenders need a sexchange to be whatever gender they want to be

Yeah, and don't get breast implants. Stay skinny and fuckable as long as you can pull it off qt trans ladybois.

You don't have to talk to trannies if you don't want to.

If I refuse to lie about a tranny's sex I can be charged with a hate crime.

Trannies are a threat to freedom of conscience.

As well as that, tranny-ism is contagious, and harms kids.

We need to round them all up, quarantine them, and put them on an island somewhere.


Looking at him dressed up like a trap you can tell on his face that he has sucked some dick. He has that when I succ face as a trap.

>New York
There's your problem.

Tranny shit is getting trendy but even tumblr transtrenders aren't retarded enough to take actual hormones.

>What it comes down to is a demand that other people pretend you are the opposite sex.
I've never once done that.

No pedo but the one on the right is a serious improvement.

I was a late bloomer, didn't lose my virginity until i was 20 - I'm 25 now. First time was with this mongrel chick, half mongolian half pakistani from singapore that I met in Germany. She came onto me, I was too timid toward women - and honestly she wouldn't have been my first pick anyways. She was gross, hairy nipples, and afterward started crying telling me about how her father beat her shins with 2x4's and called her hideous and shit. It was fucked up. Even before then I had this negative perception of women from my mother who's this shallow stay-at-home housewife chick. My dad definitely married for looks. And for most of my life I just had this perception that women were these parasites that took advantage of a design-flaw in men that made them weak to their trickery. I felt pretty depressed that I was seemingly the only one who could see this and was immune to it. I listened to a lot of FDR and now I have a better understanding of women and why they are the way they are and I just understand now what femininity and masculinity are all about. My mom comes from a broken family and didn't know how to mother well, I blame that for the most part. And, also, in my experience, literally all the gays I've met have issues with their mothers. It's too small a sample size to be sure, but from that my feeling is that 40% of gays, at least, are that way out of psychological trauma rather than 'born that way'

oh I fully agree that children shouldn't be put on hrt, at the very most delaying puberty with blockers should be the maximum step taken until they are 18 and can make their own choice

his hypothesis was before the brain data came to light

>those links
all opinion pieces, half by feminists
no data

>The onus is on people who claims "trans" exists to show they are "trans" and not simply "differently cis"
imagine being a teenager in the 90s where trannies were made fun of in ((((hollywood)))) movies and you both hated yourself for wanting to be a girl and for starting to grow into a man, your entire life is miserable because you cant shake this feeling, you feel like if you told anyone your life would be ruined, you get older and manlier and want to die more with each passing moment
thats basically me, I started transition and feel happier but because I didn't have the ability to delay puberty I'm just a freak

I mean, what's great about it is i still have all the vampire-powers that go along with being gay. I have an excellent read of body language and my gaydar is superb. I can flex that to my advantage when it comes to my gay-ish bosses or whatever. But i really feel no lust toward guys whatsoever anymore. Looking back on it, it all feels like assisted masturbation rather than sex. It just seems very mechanical and utilitarian more than the connection I feel with sex now.

The entire tranny movement is based around demanding other people pretend they are the opposite sex. From the pronoun bullshit, to forcing their way into women's bathrooms and locker rooms to "validate" themselves. To demanding that lesbians sleep with them. To changing birth certificates. Every. Single. Tranny. Demand. comes down to forcing this pretense on other people.

Think about it. If these trannies looked like women, they wouldn't be making a fuss about bathroom laws. It's the large majority of male trannies who look nothing like women, and want to force society at large to play their little pretend-game so they can get their jollies off. Must be real exciting when they can masturbate in their panties while listening to women taking a piss in the next stall.

Fuck trannies. I really do wish we could round 'em all up.

Just caught up with All That Jazz TLC show, IMDB 4.9, almost 300 reviews. Page only show TWO 10 star reviews from August of last year. Hmm, wonder why... TLC is picking it back up as Life of Jazz for a seconding season, where we "get to watch """her""" grow up before our very own eyes"... cool, so hopefully we can watch her eat her own handgun in a few years as well.

i liked this



also to add, even tho pre puberty HRT produces some fine, succulent boipucci, giving HRT to your kid is child abuse and should be severely punished. its fucking absurd to me that people wont let children with zero life experience, factually underdeveloped brains, incredibly poor decision making skills, that don't even know who they are - haven't even fully developed into a human being get tattoos but its encourage by a large swath of society to pump them full of pills that chemically castrate them and irreversibly fuck their body up. its literally insane. but i guess so am i for wanting to stick my dick in them

I don't miss the occasional shitdick. I did have a 9/10 gaysian boyfriend for 3 years, that was about as good as it gets. I was dating this chick for the past 7 months who just gave the most stellar blowjobs, like wow, I have a whole new fetish for BJs now - but we did a 23andme, and her clan comes from Iberia and she has 0.7% north african ancestry - so had to break up. Also psychological issues that I can't help her with. Weirdest thing, the day after breaking up I had this blonde, blue eyed 17 year old coming onto me hard, a friend of my younger brother's - and she wants a big family too! So, I think Kek has spoken. Gonna pursue this route and see if I can't get 8 kids out of her.

>How do we push back against transgenderism in culture? Is the answer in changing education?
how do you push back? you push back. and yes, part of the answer relies in changing education. Andrew Breitbart was correct when he said politics is downstream from culture. Baby boomers and genXers dropped the ball and allowed extreme leftists to sneak in and have undue influence.

>jesus christ its embarrassing how sexually frustrated Cred Forums is
yes, sometimes it is. It is also embarrassing how trannies obsessively sexually fetishize being the gender that they are not. Basing your sexuality off of photoshopping penises onto images of women is not a healthy place to be.

Yes the answer is in education. It's obvious that schools are left as fuck and that is what is truly promoting the lgbt/sjw type culture in our youth

I didn't go to public school until high school and all of a sudden I was in school with a bunch of faggots who dressed like the opposite sex and acted all fruity and retarded like. At first I was like fuck this but eventually you have to just learn to live with gays and lesbians, as they are (unfortunately) relatively common considering how messed up their sexuality is.

My little sister started going to public school in grade school and now she is like 12 or 14 or something. She used to just be normal (although she was young so it's not like she was that opinionated) but now she is a feminist and sjw in bloom. It's saddening, the way that public schools can somehow, through their environment, the teachers, the curriculum, or just the other students, force this type of mindset on children.

However, like I said, accepting gays is unfortunately just going to have to be required as they are pretty much real in all aspects.

Trannys, however, are not real. There are people born with multiple biological sexes or whatever (hermaphosomethings) but they are extremely rare, and always have serious health issues. This is because they are a health issue, being born a hermaphothing is like being born with down syndrome or something, it is a physical and mental health issue. They should not be promoted, and I think that if the leftist mindset was not pushed on kids in school then we wouldn't have any of these people wanting to switch over.

Trannys are mentally ill. If you took the time to read this, thanks, because I'm not that smart and this rant is the extent of my unresearched opinions.

Blanchard's hypothesis is supported by all the data that's come to light since. The brain data has mostly been misinterpreted to support tranny politics. Of course, we still don't understand common things like depression and homosexuality, so it would be surprising if brain studies had really given the final word on tranny-ism. They certainly have not overturned the definition of male and female. We know that tranny claims are false and delusional, the interesting question is why, and Blanchard seems to be correct.

All those links I put there had links to studies, so you're just being dishonest. No surprise, as you are mentally ill and delusional.

New MRI studies support the Blanchard typology of male-to-female transsexualism. (2011)

Moreover, a highly controversial line of research has suggested that homosexual and non-homosexual MTF transsexualism are etiologically heterogeneous (Blanchard, 1989a; Blanchard, 1989b), which may be associated with differences in neuroanatomy. Therefore, future studies that take into consideration sexual orientation will not only further reveal the underlying determinants of gender identity in general, but also possibly advance our understanding of different transsexual subtypes.

The difference is that being gay does not require medical intervention and hormones or surgery, and forcing everyone to pretend biology is not real.

This is all correct. I'm a PhD in hard sciences, I've studied this question a lot, and you've said nothing false about tranny-ism. It is a fashionable delusion that for some reason Obama decided to force onto the rest of the country.

By redefining female as a feeling, Obama has fucked women and girls across the country. This should come down to the judiciary, and at some point, common sense will prevail on the question of whether a woman can have a penis. Right now tranny-ism is worse than young earth creationism for flat out biology denial.

Thanks for sharing your experience. The left doesn't want to admit people like you exist, but it's only natural that people who have issues with the opposite sex will experiment with different sexual behaviors, especially when it's so socially acceptable, without actually being gay. Like you said, I think it's a lot more common than anyone is willing to admit. Good for you that you were able to get past that.

That said I do think there are people who are genuinely homosexual naturally, whatever the cause.

Listen, I hate illegal immigration, I hate SJWs, etc etc. My social views prety much fall in line with the typical conservative.

Dont take that away from me. I want to fuck that girl so goddamn bad. I need a generation of traps. Dont ruin this for me.

Pretty hard to masturbate with a flaccid, shrunken cock after orchiectomy destroys the sex drive.

>tranny movement
Are trannies writing this bullshit legislation, or are leftists doing it to undermine society. Think about it, are .1% of the population able to vote with any significance? Of course not. Who among us have a hand in any of that. We're merely used. And if it wasn't us, it would be someone else.

If you asked me what I actually want, it's the government recognition of a third gender, like they have in Pakistan. Why? Because I know I'm not a woman. My physiology is unique. I don't take HRT. I'm running on 5% of the levels of sex hormones of a normal man or woman. So I don't look like either.

The pretense of a tranny literally being a woman is not mine. Woman-like? Sure.



Why do you say "girl" rather than "woman"? This suggests that pedophilia may figure into the reason you want to "be a girl".

What does "wanting to be a girl" mean? What can you do as a girl that you can't as a man? You cannot change your sex, but that doesn't limit you from doing anything else.

Trannies should be made fun of, as they are pathetic and delusional, and a threat to other people's freedom of conscience. Actually, it would be better to make sure the concept of tranny-ism is kept out of the media altogether.

Yeah I think the same - I've always been a top, but my suspicion is the more submissive ones have some kind of hormonal thing influencing their sexuality - whether that's an ongoing hormonal issue or something that was present in the womb, who knows. I do think, though, given the plasticity of the brain, many of these submissive types could still be brought around to heterosexuality if they had a realistic perspective of the male/female paradigm. They may be into having a finger in their ass during blowjobs or whatever, but they'd still be straight. It's really a shame that the closet doors have been blown open, because the gay population does have a higher than average IQ and it's dysgenic for them to be pruning themselves from the genepool like this. I'm all for the dumb ones going on doing what they're doing, though.

>All those links I put there had links to studies
I honestly didn't see them
there are other, newer studies that I have linked that have conflicting data
bao & swaab for example

the google doc I linked had them all listed
all of these are from this year,

>Why do you say "girl" rather than "woman"? This suggests that pedophilia may figure into the reason you want to "be a girl".

You sure you didn't break something doing those mental gymnastics?

It's like .02% of the population....who fucking cares?

>I need a whole generation of mentally damaged men in order to get off from my sexual perversions.
no wonder trannies hate their chasers.

> Pretty hard to masturbate

I've seen eunuch forums where they describe intense thrills from being castrated. Men will go a long way for their fetishes. That said, few trannies actually get castrated. They'll take hormones, but they keep the dick and balls. It's part of the fantasy.

There is no such thing as "gender". It is a postmodern nonsense word. There is sex and there are sex stereotypes. That's it.

You are a man, and it doesn't matter what hormones, surgery or makeup you wear. You will never stop being a man. It doesn't matter if you fit the stereotypes of being male or not. You cannot change being male.

What has happened politically is that a small, concerted group of trannies took over gay-rights orgs. A tiny proportion of the population who are very committed can be quite powerful. Look at the Jews.

Trannies are the Jews of the gay-rights world, and like the Jews, you people have fucked the rest of us over.

>I'm a PhD
the scientific method never fails

Try responding to what I actually said. Obama is responsible for the weird obsession with tranny rights. That is just inarguable.

yeah you're right. people with shit parents shouldn't be doomed. But they are... cause of their shit parents. kys

>There is sex and there are sex stereotypes. That's it.
That wasn't true in China. It wasn't true in Byzantium. It's not true in modern Indonesia, or India.

The human condition creates malcontents. There's nothing contemporary about it. You have no vision of history.


Different cultures had different stereotypes about how the sexes should act. That is exactly what I said. People who didn't act the way they were supposed to, got treated differently: as a 'third sex', shunned, or perhaps turned into eunuchs. There is no basis for any of it. Sex stereotypes are just that, stereotypes, and do not affect your biological sex.

I just pointed out that your reasoning doesn't make sense. Obama hasn't helped things, but to say that he is single handedly responsible for it is fucking retarded
transgenderism is a cultural force now, the focus on PC and safe spaces plus many younger people's attitudes of "I need to be protected from things I don't like" has spurred the rise in transgenderism, not just Obama.

>turns out she has XX chromosomes
shouldn't they have checked that beforehand?

This. Bullying is underrated. Nationwide schools have programmed kids to be idiots

>Why do you say "girl" rather than "woman"? This suggests that pedophilia may figure into the reason you want to "be a girl".
you have a sick mind, it was an innocent comment
>imagine being a teenager in the 90s where trannies were made fun of in ((((hollywood)))) movies and you both hated yourself for wanting to be a girl
teenager, girl
teenage girl
get it?

>What does "wanting to be a girl" mean?
it means, I want to be of the female sex but I am not and its not possible for me to be so.

>Trannies should be made fun of, as they are pathetic
yes, we are

He isn't the only party responsible for tranny-ism but he has been the major force behind its legal march of late. Forcing men into womens locker rooms and women sports by fiat is unquestionably an Obama push.

>People who didn't act the way they were supposed to, got treated differently: as a 'third sex'
And that's all I want.

I said the same thing

>citation needed
I see no proof to back up your claims

Given that +50% of white males won't be reproducing anyhow why does it matter?

Well, I've wanted to be female before. I think females have a much easier time than males in our society.

That doesn't mean I am claiming to be female, or that I'm taking hormones, or disguising myself as a woman. None of this will make you female, so why would you do it?

As I said what trannies seem to actually want is for other people to pretend they are the opposite sex.

There are only two sexes and it's wrong to force people to lie. I'm not going to make shit up about you being a woman or being anything else. You're a man, fucking deal with it.

interesting, so how long have you had these feelings of wanting to be a woman?
>As I said what trannies seem to actually want is for other people to pretend they are the opposite sex.
maybe tumblr
all actual trannies want is to be left alone and wait for medical science to cure us, one way or the other

>I've wanted to be female before.
Well now we know why you've got a stick up your butt.

They are the solution themselves. Evolutionary dead end, those genes lost the race of life

Haven't you heard?

Literally everything you said is correct.

I'm a tranny who is fully willing to admit we are delusional, but I just *like* living as a girl. I get fairly depressed about the idea of being a guy and if dressing up in cute stuff, growing tits, and just living my life that way is what I want to do, I don't really care what anyone thinks or what political groups think. I am just living the way that makes me happy and that's all anyone should really be concerned about. Been on hormones since my late teens and don't regret a thing.

This isn't Obama's fault you fucktard.

We don't have to do anything, the faggot fucks kill themselves.

A large portion of it is king niggers fault. But he's just a puppet to the Jews.

Why do you people care so much? Got nothing better to do?

Bless you child. You are a beacon of light in this den of despair. Show us the way, blessed one.

you need citations that the Obama administration has recently been involved in court cases with several states trying to force schools to regulate restroom and locker room access on the basis of gender identity rather than biological sex? just google it m8.

I think most intelligent people sometimes consider what it'd be like to be the opposite sex. I'd also like to have been born rich and pretty, but I didn't get that either. There's no point obsessing over what you aren't and what you can't change.

Actual trannies are delusional fucks who demand Orwellian style brainwashing of everyone else to participate in their sex fantasies, and we need a concerted effort to wipe them out.

transgenderism has been around for literally forever.
biologically speaking our gender dimorphism is the least of the primates, which are some of the least dimorphic of mammals. That's why we wear sexualized clothing and genderize hair length.

What is fucking retarded is the concept of self-created genders ala tumblr. That is what your rage should be directed at. Not people stuck with an unfortunate disorder most likely caused by whacked out hormone levels in the mother for any number of reasons.

Scientifically, brain development and genital devleopment is 6 or 7 weeks apart, and a massive change in hormones (lots of medication and food can cause this) could easily lead to a brain that thinks it belongs in another body. It's not all that quacky when you're aware that male fetuses do receive estrogen, and female fetuses do receive testosterone.

>But he's just a puppet to the Jews.
There we go, now you have it. Also, these laws/regulations have to pass the the house as well. So it truly isn't just Obama's fault.

There is absolutely no evidence that being a tranny has anything to do with development. Many trannies, like Bruce Jenner, developed tranny-ism late in life, likely as part of a sex fetish. Most male trannies are autogynephile sex fetishists and tend to be hypermasculine (military or athletic backgrounds). You could say they love women so much they want to be them.

You know why Muslims are oddly okay with trannies even though they like to stone gays to celebrate taking a poop? Because they've been around so long, that the king of sand niggers himself, Muhammed, put his dick in one and was like "hey, this feminine eunich is crazy, but not half bad. would recommend"

Educate yourselves, imbeciles.

> unironically citing trannypedia

No shit, link related

Are you implying Jews don't control the world?

Obama and his admin. tried to interpret the law in a way in which it wasn't intended by the congress. He was trying to change the law by fiat to force his agenda over that of the people. So it really IS Obama's fault for those lawsuits.

Same with Alexander and Bagoas.

wow I would suck her dick, amirite fellas?

Oh there isn't much too it. Just don't drink the koolaid and do what makes you happy and you'll be fine.

Yep. It's unbelievably underhanded. Obama attempted to redefine male and female into meaning nothing and bypassed the courts.

I'm old enough to remember Caitlyn Jenner being a weirdo long before the Kardashians. Was probably always a tranny. Transitioning wasnt really an option for most people until after 2000.
Jenner is insane and scary because hiding transsexuality for that long does that to people. Young transsexuals (like op pic) tend to adjust very well.

Most ancient cultures that embraced homosexuality, for the record, embraced it more as we treat transsexuality today. They couldnt do hormones and stuff clearly, but gay couples in antiquity were always living strict gender roles of male and female.

This actually persisted well into the modern era in North America.'wha

Two-Spirit is real. Tumblr has just spun it out of control because thats what happens when you let teenagers write your zeitgeist.

Encourage Islam. It'll destroy black activists, women's rights and homosexuals

Stand with Allah

Source and/or proofs?

>That said, few trannies actually get castrated. They'll take hormones, but they keep the dick and balls. It's part of the fantasy.
well if so few do it, that's anomalous as the person you're talking to and I have both had orchiectomies lol

>hiding transsexuality for that long does that to people.
I've noticed that older trans people treat it like multiple personality disorder, like by repressing that part of themselves they end up splitting up their mind. It's honestly kind of weird, that's why I think it's super important for people to transition as soon as they know it's what they want.

We're a right bunch of harem guards. Maybe we should convert to Islam; at least there are fatwas acknowledging and accepting our existence. Not like the West, where every little thing is (((pathologized))).

You might be the coolest tranny in existence. I'm actually 100% cool with you and I ducking hate trannies. Thank you for being a beacon of hope. Enjoy your life.

>320 million christians getting beheaded is a small price to pay, amirite guise?

Nope. Tranny autogynephiles only figure it out late in life. These people are straight and what used to be called cross dressers. For them it's a sex fetish, that developed after their teens.

Most young male trannies are simply effeminate gay men, who try to be female because of conservative environments. Most "trans" kids will simply be gays and lesbians, if they are not railroaded into being trannies. That is why there are so many black trannies.

EXACTLY the mechanic that happens. It's a form of compartmentalization.
Long term compartmentalization of parts of your personality will literally turn you schizotypical if not full blown schizophrenic.
The same happens in people that live one role online and something else in real life, which is why so many of the forum-dwelling trannies (deep in safe spaces) end up equally batshit. They adopt mannerisms in their online behavior that aren't followed through in their (neglected) real life behaviors, and the outcome is a further distancing of their idealized self and their real self.

>You might be the coolest tranny in existence. I'm actually 100% cool with you and I ducking hate trannies. Thank you for being a beacon of hope. Enjoy your life.

>ducking hate trannies
>didn't link correctly
Someone's phone hates them.

Y-yeah, maybe we can join Iran and be fluffer for the Revolutionary Guard as they crush ISIS.
Omg I want to now.

I think it's super important to euthanize these degenerates before they spread their diseased agenda any further than their own twisted minds.

I want to get an orchy but I cant afford it
I want srs but I cant afford that either

anyway jesus was down with eunuchs.
Matthew 19:12
>For there are eunuchs who were born that way; others were made that way by men; and still others live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.”

>That is why there are so many black trannies.
niggers are WAY meaner to trannies than white people, gays are better accepted by them than trannies. You can be downlow gay, its hard to be downlow tranny.

I think you and I are basically the same person, ily

>I want to get an orchy but I cant afford it
I'm gonna make some people mad when I say it but my insurance covered it lol
I don't really know how the surgeon managed to pull it off, but it was cool. It was like $4000 and I paid $500.

>I think you and I are basically the same person
You can't be a tranny on Cred Forums without a sense of humor.

>I'm gonna make some people mad
yep, now I'm triggered... and they told me Cred Forums was a safe space.

thats good that you're doctor was looking out for you
when it comes to tranny stuff, straya lags

I suppose that's mostly true, but I could imagine hons arguing for days on here, too
But I mean to have the casual tone this conversation is having, totally

I'm sorry user :(

Stop letting dumb 'hip' people be parents.

best set of anti-tranny info ive found so far

>photoshopped picture for tumblr
oh boy get back to your faggot board

>It was "okay" before so it's okay now!

hating us because obongo uses us conceptually as a tool to divide and conquer is literally playing into his hands
don't be anti-tranny, be anti-sjw.
real trannies can handle a little banter. we're not as fragile as tumblr thinks.

>oh you're schizophrenic? Don't worry, you're actually 3 different people, not one mentally ill one that needs to not indulge their illness

>oh you've got bipolar disorder? You should embrace your mood swings, not try to minimize them!

>oh you've got anorexia? You're actually too fat and you should really eat less instead of getting better!

This is literally tranny logic

This. It's child abuse and the more people report it and demand authorities to take action, the more likely they will. We have to act if we want to save these kids from their insane parents.

hmm, that made me think

on the one hand i don't care what you do with your body. on the other hand i care that we live in a society that pushes mentally ill people to treat themselves with hormones and mutilating surgery instead of getting proper therapy.

That's the fucking point idiot. Some gays cannot downlow.

If you're an effeminate black gay you will be beaten to death by niggers. The only thing they can do is go tranny, because with all the tranny promotion, nigs will put up with that.

So this leaves the black gay trannies needing money for "transition". What do they do? Become prostitutes, a dangerous job.

Meanwhile white tranny SJWs cry crocodile tears about "black trans lives" so perverted crossdressers can get their jollies off in women's toilets.

Fuck you. This will not be tolerated for any reason.

>on the one hand i don't care what you do with your body. on the other hand i care that we live in a society that pushes mentally ill people to treat themselves with hormones and mutilating surgery instead of getting proper therapy.
the thing is, there is no proper therapy for us, people have been looking for a long time.
giving trannies testosterone doesnt work, it just makes us kill ourselves.
giving us antidepressants doesnt work (just in general, antidepressants are noted to have a greatly diminished effect in trans people, no one knows why, probably because we're cripplingly depressed to an existential degree from birth :,^))
giving us hormones and letting us wear cute outfits (or frumpy ones, w/e floats your boat) and putting a penis in our bum makes us kill ourselves less frequently. So thats our therapy.

>If you're an effeminate black gay you will be beaten to death by niggers. The only thing they can do is go tranny, because with all the tranny promotion, nigs will put up with that.
You obviously don't know anything about real niggers. real niggers don't care about the law. thats why they get shot, stupid. black trannies are 90% of trannies murdered, and theyre murdered by other blacks, because blacks hate trannies more than blacks hate cops.
The "black trans lives matter" stuff you hear isn't part of normal black people or BLM rhetoric. They want their ghetto culture that lets them beat up LGBT saved from white oppressors. Black trans lives matters is literally just black trannies being like "omg please help us we're locked in here with the hounds"
being a black tranny is one of the worst things you can be born, no one would choose it over being a black gay (they don't kill their gays as much anymore, they just only talk to them on holidays and don't click like on their statuses on facebook)

All the cool shamans mutilate their bodies. It's a way of bridging and transcending the false dichotomy of pleasure and pain. Mocking your own form is the single most self-actualizing thing you can do.

>proper therapy
Why does Cred Forums of all places place such an undue emphasis on a Jewish pseudo-science. I never understood it. Only when it suits your arguments, right?

Transgender is a mental disease. The belief that you'll magically turn to the opposite sex by surgery is asinine. You are biologically one gender. No matter what surgeries you undergo, you'll always be that gender. It's in your DNA. You can still love the same sex without the procedure, but teaching children that they will be able to change their gender is idiotic and outright dangerous. It's no wonder suicides are high the transgender community. They still won't feel complete because their promise made by the left is that they'll become what they always intended to one day be. This is a false promise.

No, black trannies get murdered because prostitutes get murdered.

Effeminate gay black men do choose being a tranny over being gay, all the time. Just like all gay male trannies do. Just like Iran forces gay men to get sex changes. They think that being effeminate equals being female, and they can't think of anything worse than being gay. Just about all these "trans kids" have conservative parents who hate gays. Funny, that.

>must be 18 or older
This is a horrible thing to say. You are basically condemning people to not being passable, and thus not getting husbands and so killing themselves.
The sooner they are given the correct hormones the better. I'm actually helping with research into uterus transplants, and the goal is to do it when they are young so that the body can grow with it and adapt.
Having to wait until adulthood would destroy any future possibility of trans people conceiving children.

Seems like you kill yourselves no matter what. Maybe that's it.


>The belief that you'll magically turn to the opposite sex by surgery is asinine.
What if I just believe that taking estrogen for the past 10 years has made me grow boobs, and cutting my balls off has made me lose my testosterone and most of my body hair and made me grow a bubble butt and fatty hips.

Do I have to say all of this every time I refer to myself? saying I'm a tranny is so much easier.

Do I have to tell everyone in public what i am even if they have no idea because Im fully clothed and don't look abnormal? cuz I feel like that would be the prosyletizing that we get accused of but dont actually do. I ain't tellin people shit unless theres a good chance theyre gonna be putting their peepee in my poopoo.

You're a dumbass. You think you're going to put a uterud in a man and he'll be able to bear children? Fuck off, you sick bastard. What makes you think these people should be reproducing? You think they're going to produce eggs? No. Their bodies are not made to bear children.

I hope you die. You are the problem.

lol you're talking about drag queens, stop

What's wrong with trannys?

Alright, Dwight.

>what is in vitro fertilization?

They have a mental disorder where they can't accept their body's reproductive system or the roles they imagine to be imposed on them.

Also, can't knock it till you try it.

It's too late.

The the US/UK are on track to become Brazil 2.0's.

Just embrace it.

>I feel like that would be the prosyletizing that we get accused of but dont actually do.
Oh no, I refer people to emperor Julian's Hymn to the Mother of the Gods constantly.

Is anyone interested in some literature? Attis died for you. Let me tell you why. Please answer the door.

It's unrelated to transforming into a woman.

Honestly as much as I selfishly might want to have a kid I dont think this is where science should go.
I think of being LGBT as a safeguard by mother nature against human overpopulation alongside the kin selection theory, and I don't think there's any good reason for transwomen to give birth, and I am one. There are too many orphaned children on this planet already. We are evolutionarily tasked with caring for the orphaned or for our siblings children. More than that is selfish.

I was on blockers in my teens and started estogen on my 18th birthday, by the way.

Exactly. If someone is gay or transgendered, that's a pretty big biological statement against being good genetic breeding stock.

On the news just now they said that our government funds 2 gender reassignment surgeries a year.
The waiting list is 40 years apparently.
10/10 government trolling.

Yeah like we can make great parental figures, just please stop trying to make us literal genetic parents. Thats really not a good idea when no one really knows how deep the genetic component of our existence goes.

I thought there would be some sort of Wizard there in the shire or something that could do it for cheap.

The whole gender confusion issue has it's root in endocrine disrupting chemicals found in plastics, detergents and food additives.

They are introduced in utero and forever destroy the natural testosterone balance in both males and females.

Continued exposure exacerbates the problem and keeps the body from healing.

It's not just a harm to men, who become gender confused and have increased testicular cancer, women with low T become fat, moody and emotional (psycho feminists) an have higher rates of breast cancer.

Couple this with the NWO plot to reduce the population and you understand why they are pushing trans-gender acceptance.

Hormone therapy renders children sterile for the rest of their lives.

thats new zealand, straya is mad max

We do have a government-endorsed wizard (his name is Ian Channell), but no doctors in New Zealand are qualified to do gender reassignment surgery.

yeah because there was SO much plastic in the water in ancient Mesopotamia or in the time of Mudslime Prophet

disregard this Im retarded

ROPE and Tall trees

literally such a fucking woo-hat, ey lay off dem budz laa

I'm only 5'4" user, the tree doesn't have to be very tall.

We need to stop normalizing mental illnesses altogether, not just gender dysphoria.

Disagree.... it must be SEEN from distance..this is why a Tall tree is necessary

Are you fucktarded?

There will always be mutants but guess what the first sign of toxic dumping in a waterway is?

Hermaphroditic frogs.

This is not a cultural issue, this is a toxic exposure issue.

Best moments of this discussion are 4:00 when the triggered presentor says "you were not being respectful to the pronouns!!" and 5:30 when the transfemale acts very male suddenly and makes personal, physical threats to ben shapiro, who then ends up cowering behind a police report later. WWF of our times.

Can I be hung from a palm tree? That always seemed nice in my head back when I wanted to die.

Really, so NZ is more or less tranny free?

I might have to give it another look.

>made me grow a bubble butt and fatty hips.
there's something so achingly pathetic when Trannies talk about themselves like they have sex appeal. It's like those overweight black women who have absurd amounts of body confidence despite being objectively disgusting.

Can't you just burn us at the stake or something. I don't want to go out like a little bitch.

I think my boyfriend finds me sexually appealing
I wasn't speaking that way because it sounds "appealing" (does it to you??) I was just being a cheeky tranny, relax.

oh but my cheeks are cute.

>my cheeks are cute
Which ones?

whichever ones you want, baby

> mainlines potent female hormones at high dosage for years, altering physiology to display physical markers associated with healthy levels of estrogen which male brains are evolutionarily programmed to observe as markers of attraction.

> "lol my boyfriend thinks I'm hot"

> genetically male.

I think we've derailed this poor thread.

My name is Ozymandi, queen of queens:
Look on my girlcock, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal sack, boundless and bare
The lone and level spermatozoa stretch far away.

Hello. I'm a tranny car.

disgusting delusional tranny

Scooped out uterus. Delicious.

What do you think about biological essentialism? I have been told that trying to found gender in a biological origin is 'problematic' (I was never given a clear reason why). What do you think of this idea?

Thirsty men are in surplus. Even trannies can afford to be picky. I had zero problems finding a boyfriend.

you know theres such a thing as a XX male right? you can have a mutated X that carries the SNY gene which is normally only in Y. An activated SNY gene makes you regardless of XX or XY, which is why there are also female XY when the SNY gene never activated.

>I was never given a clear reason why
Because most mammals start off as neither gender (although closer to female than male for ease-of-making-a-vagina-vs-making-a-penis reasons)
they become a gender through exposure to sex hormones in utero, but the problem there is that the brain begins developing at 4 weeks and the genitals begin at 11 weeks. Between these two points in time, massive hormonal fluctuations can cause all sorts of weird things to happen.

The more older siblings a child has, the more likely they are to be gay or trans because older mom means more hormonal problems, and because of the mothers body developing a sort of resistance to testosterone

Ill try to dig up a citation on that last one if you want

My phone hates me but that is because I browse Cred Forums on it all day.

er activdated SNY gene makes you male regardless of whether your male or female

also no human being has ever been born with both types of gonadal tissue working

there are plenty of thirsty gay men, I agree

Yeah sure go for it. So do you or do you not see gender as rooted in biology?

I would say yes precisely because it is the biological factors that determine that development. I believe I was actually accused of biological essentialism when I said that sexuality and gender are determined at birth during pregnancy, very much what you were describing here. Even though we can say that this is itself something that can be changed I would still claim that just because it can be changed does not mean that it is non-essential as that biological make-up plays a fundamental role in how you identify with the gender you are socialized with and how you see yourself with regards to it.

of course its rooted in biology, its just not dichotomously rooted in biology, at least not completely.

The whole topic of essentialisms is just so redundant to me because I'm intersex and trans so my whole lifes experience has been different, even from the norm of being different
idk if I just communicated that well, Ive been drinking

It's only gay if the balls touch, and I don't have any. Checkmate.

with every passing day, I want to die more

When you say it is not dichotomously rooted in biology what do you mean exactly?

>warhammer memes
>gay if balls touch but I dont have any joke
we are literally the same person ty multiple personality disorder
I hope we haven't been caitlyn jenner all along

I really wanted what you said to be true but I can't find anything that said that their prophet fucked one.. Just spared a trannies life for being Muslim.

What a waste.

I mean that the dichotomy, the belief people have that the sexes are 100% seperate, is definitely not biological because the starting form of the fetus is genderless with a genital that is like halfway between a vagina and a penis

its so easy to prove that human sex isn't black and white for that reason. I mean, what do most guys think that line on their scrotum is from? :3

absolutely degenerate

yeah I was exaggerating a little because I mean come on he had like 50 wives he probably did sleep with his eunuch friends too. Obviously the Quran and hadiths have been whitewashed a little, Islam is hardly the world's best documented religion lol

We already have hamdogs though. A real hamdog is pic related.

please, my penis is actually really freaking adorable these days, I don't even feel bad about it. Testicles are so unattractive looking. Smooth is best.

$20 and I'll whisper Psalms into your ear suggestively.

Oh mate, if he was ok fucking a 9 year old 'bride' I'm sure he had no problem dicking a bearded 'lady' or whatever they liked to call them.

Yes, but classical trannies were temple prostitutes and slaves to powerful men.

guaranteed replies from degenerates because truth stings

enjoy your miserable, depressed lives as long as you can, you bug chasing losers.
Your families hate you, even if they tell you otherwise

>slaves to powerful men
yes, daddy, some desires never change

Trannies love to claim they are intersex, but they are too insane to realize intersex disproves trans exists.

Intersex people can only be intersex if male and female are defined by genital development. So trannies first claim that male and female are genitally determined (true), then they switch to claiming being male or female is defined by some kind of 'brain sex'.


Interesting. So to clarify simply, you would say that while gender may have its origins in biology it leads to a plurality of genders as opposed to the binary. Correct? However, I am still uncertain whether or not you see biology as essential even though it is rooted in it (I would use the terms 'rooted' and 'essential' as synonymous but when things get on to gender words seem to take on a different meaning.)

You said the whole topic of essentialisms is redundant to you because of your identity which is interesting to me because it seems like you accept the existence of a set of norms, even what is considered the norm for being different. So you can recognize norms and there being some biological root for the genders but still not feel a part of it. Now I conversations I have had with some trans people is that they reject the entire notion of there being something as normal, what do you think about normality?

the middle one has balls like me.

that said; i'd feel bad for the tranny that has to stuff those fuckers in a pair of panties. they get in the way all day just as a man wearing boxers.

Actually intersex proves the validity of transsexuality *unless* you have spiritual beliefs about the human brain. Its just a clunky organ like any other one, but it happens to dictate our sense of self which is important to us as humans for existential reasons.

So if you think intersex people existing disproves transsexuals then you probably believe in spirits and ghosts and all other sorts of interpretations of what our brain contains and not very in tune with the scientific and obvious fact that the brain is just a self-aware gallbladder.

Trannies love to claim intersex because intersex people are more likely to be trans than people with normal bodies (what a shocker) so many simply are, and because it lets some people cope.

You don't. You focus on actual problems in the world.

Denying normality is stupid. Averages obviously do exist. The average person is obviously not trans, etc.

What you're seeing in conversations with other trans people is an artifact of them being handled too much by the left :/ "there's no such thing as normal" is a classic lefty response to calling something else weird or abnormal. There obviously is such a thing as normal, it's just okay and sometimes unavoidable to individually fail to live up to it.

you can push them up into the two canals above your pubic bone where they were before they dropped at puberty. I dont think healthy males usually can because theirs are too big, but hormones makes them shrink and they pop in really easily. Thats how you deal with them.

They still occasionally creep down sometimes if you're wearing skimpy underwear though. That annoyance is honestly the main reason I got an orchi besides getting rid of testosterone. One of mine was really tiny, shriveled and basically invisible, and the other liked to hang low ~_~

It's trannies who believe in ghosts. They think there's something called "gender identity" which makes you male or female.

To say someone's intersex you are agreeing that male and female is determined by their genitals, and their genitals don't match that. The entire definition of intersex is genitally defined, and assumes a biological definition of sex.

Trannies agree with this, then switch definition of male and female to their bullshit about gender identity. They are of course just mentally ill.

pictures of mythological creatures will be used when the furries can use gene therapy to have animal parts and demand to be accepted

otherkin were always part of society shitlord!

OH I see, you're some pushover who's too financially reliant on your parents to get emancipated. Get a job loser. Pay for your own doctor visits. Stop being a beta human, cucked by your own parents.

Jesus you're pathetic

literally gibsmedat

oh yeah, I get that there are methods. I'm talking about feeling bad specifically for the tranny in that photoshopped pictured I was quoting.

My buddy growing up had 'really tiny, shriveled and basically invisible' nuts. it was a topic of much discussion since he also had a big pair of tits and was truly concerned he had hypogonadism/low-testosterone.

Also I think he was kinda jealous because in school we'd all whip our nuts out as a shocker when bored and no one was watching and he wasn't able to participate like everyone else. lol.

pic related. a constant threat :(

Why contain it?

>To say someone's intersex you are agreeing that male and female is determined by their genitals
I'm done talking to you until you actually finish reading the wikipedia page on what intersex disorders are lol

while I really hate the stupid "trannies are like furries" argument (because like...human fetuses dont have the potential to develop into other animals, but they can sure turn into either gender from the base of 0)
...I'm also not really opposed to this. Can you imagine how awesome it would be to have minotaur cops to keep the coons subjugated? Yes please.

Trannypedia undoubtedly calls trannies part of intersex, because it's edited by a huge tranny cabal. Their page for Women can't define what a woman is. Wiki is absolutely worthless for anything trannies want to distort.

Oh shit

>Can you imagine how awesome it would be to have minotaur cops to keep the coons subjugated?
Sounds like somebody's been watching Zootopia.

Men do not have the potential to turn into women, you dumb fucking tranny.

But children can turn into adults, should we accept trans-age as a thing as well? Hey, you fucking perverts might actually get all the way to legalizing pedophilia with that argument.

make a vocaroo

>My buddy growing up had 'really tiny, shriveled and basically invisible' nuts. it was a topic of much discussion since he also had a big pair of tits and was truly concerned he had hypogonadism/low-testosterone.
was he tall? he sounds like a posterboy for klinefelters or something lol

>tfw klinefelters fucked you on height but your skeleton and shoulders are skinny as fuck so it doesn't really hurt your passability
I was gonna say feels good man but then I remember osteoporosis lol

Dipshit knuckle dragging tween didn't even read my post. Stick to collecting frog pictures and posting them on a pink website for anime fans kiddo.

It's literally a mental disorder, and people who can't convincingly pass as female shouldn't even be allowed to try because they all wind up killing themselves anyway

The media is putting a megaphone up to the Bruce Jenner types who look like fuckin cavemen.

Transwomen are not women, we are sick people being treated for some sort of dysfunction whose causes are still being bickered over.

Chances are if someone is "true trans", they already have some sort of hormonal imbalance. If they have to *demand* being called their "preferred pronouns", they're not trans. Nobody is forcing you to accept anything. There's a fraction of a fraction of the population that has GID and you've likely only seen the loudmouth cro magnon estrogen apes on social media. Sorry you're unworldly and uneducated, have fun being a fucking retard who can't even read a shitpost on Cred Forums.

I hate repeating myself, but you're so fucking

By teaching the right type of androgyny.


Seriously though, it should be treated as the mental illness it is. If you want to chop off your genitals you have serious problems and enabling it is the worst thing. Of course it's all about destroying masculinity and warping ideas of gender.

Degeneracy always existed , but there are always some people against it

That's cool it's a pretty common fetish among trannies

sauce? would bang

I never said they did lol
I don't care about convincing you I'm literally a woman, I just care that "woman" is what most people assume me to be when I'm not prancing around naked in front of them.
You can use whatever pronouns you want to use on me, but at some point you look really autistically stuck to an argument when you're the only person saying "he" you know?

if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and likes to get raped like a duck...

the darkness outshines the light

Interesting. Now we are getting into the realm of politics, particularly the progressive-left and its identity politics. I have noticed that almost all trans people I know are necessarily left-wing where you could be forgiven for mistaking that you cannot have one without other. Do you think that the left is the only wing of politics that advocates for the wellbeing for trans people? or do you think that it has distorted, even trivialised the gender by making it being synonymous with a political stance?


Lets make threads about sicko trannies which make up less than 1% of the population and ignore things like the TPP, immigration, jew bankers!

Go fucking kill yourself for actually suggesting that trannies should be hung before jewish bankers.

You need your fucking priorities in order. Jews first, then muslims and niggers, THEN white degenerates.

>was he tall? he sounds like a posterboy for klinefelters or something lol

Nah. He ended up being borderline for hypogonadism and low-t, but from what I was told the risks associated with medicating him out-weighed the benefits.

The tits were from diet and lack of exercise, which was also partially blamed for the low testosterone.

We called him 'baby balls' from then on.

You beat me to the duck argument. I was going to say that I don't believe I'm a duck, I just play one on TV.

> people who can't convincingly pass as female

i.e. 90 to 95% of tranny males

> If they have to *demand* being called their "preferred pronouns", they're not trans.

No true tranny! That's what they all fucking do.

>Nobody is forcing you to accept anything.

Except the ENTIRE FUCKING POINT of the ENTIRE TRANNY MOVEMENT is to force the general public to lie about the sex of particular individuals. There is no tranny demand that does not boil down, in some way, to "I want to force others to lie about my sex". Because that is the nature of what being a tranny means. Being a tranny means that you are a full time impersonator, and every interaction is a lie.

Every one of you is fucking evil.


Fuck off. You're just fashionably mentally ill. It's a contagious fad, like the goth movement of the mid-2010s, that affects people with personality disorders.

That's cool, I'd be on board with that.
It's personal approach to it.

The proble is when they make it a thought crime to refer to you as "he".
And that is definitely happening, at least the way things are going.

I think the left is currently using LGBT people (trans in particular in the past 2 years) in the way that they used black people in the 80s and 90s.

Most LGBT people are left by default because most hateful religious people are right by default, but I think a lot of LGBT people are also down with the "alt-right", rainbow gadsden flags are real etc

I don't fundamentally like to align myself to the left or the right, I consider them economically polar. Attributing social rights to the left or the right is politically ignorant. Social rights is down to freedoms vs authoritarianism.

Authoritarian leftists scare me with their plantation mentality. Libertarianism is the value I was raised on, whether it leans left or right depends on the current economics.

There is no difference in the brain between male and female

> there is a difference in brain between a male and a female trapped in a male body

Hum great science, one of them has to be false though

When will leftist realize they can't have it both way ?

LG has absolutely nothing to do with T. The T parasites insert themselves into gay rights orgs.

If anything tranny-ism is homophobic.

No Canada. Plenty of people who transition at 18 and up pass. They're called actual transgender people, but Canadia is at the forefront of trying to turn tumblr into law.

Until there's a 100% identifiable physical characteristic that can prove in a child's brain if they're trans, stay the fuck away from kids you sick bastard. People will actually start physically taking up arms if you keep pushing it so hard, and using my community as a meat shield. You're putting us all in danger

>No true tranny! That's what they all fucking do.
I have literally never told anyone what pronoun to use for me. It's fucking obvious lol.

Kill the parents. Light them on fire as there trangender kids watch. Btfo. If the kids dont learn light them on fire as well. Your all going to burn in hell anyway.

You mean they can see you're a mentally ill man pretending to be a woman and they are playing along out of politeness/fear.


No thanks, I don't want to live in some nightmre world that's like some /d/ thread of oblivion sex mods where everyone's some sort of deviant abomination.

I don't believe thought crimes exist. its ok, Im on your side user. most of us that aren't completely crippled by being coddled by the left are. We know what its like to be treated that way.

I live in fucking Alabama so which do you think is more likely;
a) everyone just assumes me to be female like every other person wearing womens clothing
b) my state that still probably lynches people sometimes is really, really at the forefront of identity politics

Zyklon B

Fair points, I agree with your politics. One final question, can you solve the problem in pic related? It has been bugging me for a while.

>Do you think that the left is the only wing of politics that advocates for the wellbeing for trans people? or do you think that it has distorted, even trivialised the gender by making it being synonymous with a political stance?
The leftists advocate their narrative, not ours. Together with Jewish shrinks and the media, they control what is or isn't a proper gender non-conformist. Basically erasing our voices. You want access to medical treatment? Better jump through these hoops, coon. Better tell us exactly what we want to hear!

Fuck that. I never claimed to be a woman. Never corrected anyone's perception of who or what I am. Do I have male chromosomes? Yes. Does being a eunuch make me a pear shaped weirdo? Also yes.

I've mentioned it before in this thread, but they pathologize us. Whereas in ancient societies, there were presumptions made regarding the mores, taboos and place of third gender individuals. I don't care if I'm in a low caste of society. Being recognized at all is affirming. Mainstream transsexuality is not recognition. We're being shoehorned into the role of a real and natural woman without any regard for the facts.

hate trannies


So since you never claimed to be a women would you describe yourself as trans? as the name implies a movement from one gender to another and not something that could constitute a proper third gender as the name implies it is transitory. If not, would you even describe yourself as such conventionally as it is the main word used?

On that note, how many genders do you recognize?

>On that note, how many genders do you recognize?
Male, female and just fuck my shit up senpai.

I'm what you call a male to just fuck my shit up senpai, or MtJFMSUS for short. So yes, trans does imply a movement in that scenario.

You have become one with memes.

I call myself a woman just because I more closely identify with them than men, not because I believe myself to be one biologically. It's just semantics. English doesn't convey.