Wayne delivers all the red pills at once

Today the 20th, of September. 2016. Gives what we Cred Forums have been saying for years. All in one 2 hour video.

1:06 calls Israel its enemy!


Other urls found in this thread:


I'm hitting home runs

Just wait until more media hea\r these questions.

I don't really like you very much, Wayne

Well, I'm not beyond pandering. Would you like to be an ambassador to any nation?

suck a bag of dicks


I think you'll be sucking dick.


Wayne Lambright has been observed engaging in depraved homosexual debauchery including the use of stimulants while seeking out ill reputed public bathrooms.

And did you guys know that Wayne Lambright is a literal humiliation cuckold? Amazing what you find when you can be arsed to check old archives.


Such low energy lies. You're not even trying anymore.

The fire rise's. its a bright fire.


This video speaks for itself.

I handled all the questions very well, you'll never see Trump or Hillary like me.

>You sounded like a nutcase and the media will never take you seriously.

>t. Reality

Lo, there stands a man for which his name is Wayne. A pouch of flaccid endowments is gifted to thee! Consume Wayne! Consume!

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with Wayne? He seems to think he actually has a chance of winning the presidency and he seems to speak into the void, where no one cares, and yet he never stops. This isn't a lonely author, this is crazed autistic, delusional man that just won't give up.

Basically ChrisChan, but less toys and more politics, right? Someone explain the phenomenon of Wayne.

Mental illness

shave your head you aren't fooling anyone

So I can count on your vote then?

Some donuts for you.

I'm so bald, you're right!

fucking /thread

I tried to message him and ask him about his chance of winning the election and he got very offended when I hinted that he doesn't realistically stand a chance. Then the conversation was basically over. He accused me of being someone else, who he claimed was a troll.

He must have bipolar or something but he doesn't seem manic. I don't really understand. I think our of respect we should try to get him help or point him in the direction to get help.

He seems to buy into some conspiracies too, some of the ones that are probably just jokes on here. I don't think there should be age limits on these boards but he seems too old to be on a board like this. Considering all the tomfoolery that goes on here. I'm sure its not helping his problems.

My guess is that he can't handle face to face interaction very well and the anonymous nature of Cred Forums gives him some comfort to shout his shitty ideas. He seems bright thought... no pun intended and its a shame he wastes it all on here and on shitty overly long, pointless youtube videos that NO ONE FUCKING WATCHES.


Also I like that I am basically the only person who gives a shit about this weird guy on the internet. Its not like I even care that much I just want some answers to what the fuck we are being exposed to constantly. He pops on our board and just shits on it like someones unleashed dog.

We should at least understand why.

>He accused me of being someone else
Kek, let me guess who.

The gay bum's got all the signs of paranoid schizophrenia.

Who the hell is the guy? He always shows up and his views are so tiny yet he acts like he's a big deal.

What happened at that 2012 family event that caused your entire family to disown you, Wayne?

The keywords are: Alcohol, penis, and nephew.

Put it together, Wayne. And why did you delete the apology video if it was nothing?

You're a weird stalker.

The election is over in 49 days. You'll have to harrss somebody else. Such a loser.

We don't know. But hes been around awhile. He wants to be president of the united states. What kind of Cronenberg monstrosity of a universe could allow him to be president over us?

You're a moron.
False accusations. Fucking interview them dumb ass.

You're lies are as dumb and pathetic as your life.

Is it true he is a sex offender? I remember that coming up in the search results.

Because you're a coward and you're not bidding yourself.

Do something with your life, quit being a pathetic pile of shit.

Just because you are pretending to run for president from your webcam doesn't mean you aren't a pathetic piece of shit.

Get the fuck out Lambright, noone likes you retarded piece of shit

No not true. Norway has a hardon for me.

Norway faggot will have to pay the price for his harassment. Mostly he'll have to live with himself being a degenerate liar and scum of the earth. FBI, CIA, NSA will find the pile of shit and prosecut him.

Then why did you delete the apology video? You weren't afraid to show emotions on youtube before I dug it up from your old account and started putting the pieces together.

What happened between you and your nephew's penis at the 2012 family event where you showed up drunk? It must have been something really bad to cause your entire family to disown you and cut off your last gibs.

Yeah, he is a registered pedophile which is the real reason Safeway fired him.



Good to see ya, Wayne.

Fuck you, you're the retard. Post a pic of your faggot fat ass?

>pathetic piece of shit.
You're the poop..

You all had to play game. you're all my bitch.

Not true. Have some proof, liar.

>FBI, CIA, NSA will prosecut
I'd advise you to get pills, they really help for paranoid schizophrenia, but you deserve your fate. I know what you did to your nephew and so do you.

Or what - are you gonna claim you were just checking your nephew's penis for reptilian CIA implants?

>You all had to play game.

What did he mean by this?

If this guy is going to put himself in public like this and basically barf and shit all over the internet... we might as well put the pieces together and figure out who and what he is, and what is wrong with him. There are clearly things we don't know that we deserve to know after being exposed to this guy for... at least over a year?

Did you see the video he posted where he wanted to sue Cred Forums and was banned and never coming back? AND YET HERE HE IS...

You admitted it outright in one those long bs YouTube videos of yours. Of course you deleted it after we called you out on it.

>posting his own youtube video here

I'm not even gonna click it niqqa

I remember that thread, I think it started when user recognized him as one of the people on the sex offenders list in his county

The best we can do is scare this guy off the internet or expose him... and hope that he gets help.

If nothing else the guy is plastering his name everywhere and talking about how evil the Jews are... we could contact his employers and let them know what he is up to.

>You all had to play game

Definitely. You can't sign any higher form of consent to being a public figure than running for the highest office in the land, and basically all libel and slander laws are unprosecutable. You have to deal with being asked questions even if they annoy you, Wayne.

Now tell us what happened at the 2012 family event and explain why you tried to purge the videos after I found out about it?

This is looking real bad for you and it's apparent to anyone with normal faculties.

>his employers

He's been unemployed for years now. Lives off of foodstamps and drippings from the grass.

Uh oh, Wayne. What's this?

Does it have something to do with the 2012 family event that involves the keywords: drunk, nephew, penis?

Or you know, you could ignore him.

You guys get off on insulting him.

Whenever I'm tired of Wayne I just ignore him. WOW IT WORKS!!!

Oh shit, dudes a pedo.

I think he's unemployed. Iirc he lives in a trailer park

I just put that together looking things up about him right now. This guy is on foodstamps and thinks he is going to become President of the United States by ranting incoherently into his webcam about the Jews...

He is basically like Gail Chord Schuler, the schizophrenic woman about ten years older than him who worships Brent Spiner and thinks she is being targeted by an evil agency, has mind control powers, talks telepathically with men on her "marriage list", including Jesus Christ who she talks to on the internet (its a troll).

She writes books, runs a website, puts out tons of videos... its basically the same kind of thing with Wayne... except with her shes a bit more introverted whereas Wayne clearly wants friends and associates and puts himself out there more.

Was he just as crazy back then or did some event back then make him snap? Also i want to watch that. Post it please?


He interests me. I seek to understand. If I can't, then I guess I'll just tell him to suck a bag of dicks.

Guys, when he finally kills himself will we ever find out?

Do you think any of his family care enough to post an obituary?

Or will we just forget about him a day or two after his last post and he'll never be thought of again?

He's naming the Jew and you're suggesting using tumblr tier terrorism to fuck with his life.

What is the matter with you?

What is it about Wayne that bothers you so much?

This nails it, although Gail is basically a good person and Wayne is rotten. I'm not saying that to be "mean" or a "troll," it's just true. I got to know him before I found out what kind of a person he really is because I felt like giving a helping hand to what appeared to be a down and out man.

Got a good video posting site other than YouTube? Another thing about Wayne is he reports anything he doesn't like and sometimes it works.

Dude you're grasping at staws. You have jack shit. So fuck off. If you have proof of any of your allegations, post. But you have nothing just fucking lies.

You're a pathetic human. You're just an agent prolocutor trying to discredit me. You have no proof. I never did any of the shit you mention. You're worthless human.

You just love to lie.

You're satan, we know that.

Norway is some pathetic scum.

I just hope to have him arrested and tried for his crimes of harassment.

He's a professional loser.

The guy thrusts into our domain and tries to play himself off like some kind of demigod, hero of the people, political icon. Are we just supposed to treat him like someones pet that just wanders into our yard every now and again? Give him some food and water, pet him on the head and close the door?

Hi Wayne


WHat have you done with your life? nothing.

"Agent prolocutor" and The Satan himself. I like the sound of that.

But stop avoiding the question. You want to be a public figure, we'll treat you like one to the extent it amuses and/or saves little boys from your predation. Why did you delete the video and why do you report anything connected asking questions about it?

It might be smart to just post it to a file sharing site and not a youtube-esque site. I don't know how big the file is so I don't know what options exist. I googled that title and it came up with a link to his old youtube channel so the title is confirmed accurate. There was only one video on it.


I'm done with this for the night. Norway is a retard.

the mods are not doing there job of blocking him.

I'll be able to sue 4cahn for this shit.

At least I got what I wanted.

>crimes of harassment

What are you talking about?
Why do you even care?

If he's such a loser why are you even bothering with him?

What is wrong with you?

If you don't want him to have attention just ignore him. You guys going out of your way to insult him just gives these threads' bumps.
I actually like a great deal of Wayne's content so it's sad to see so much of it wasted on this shit.
It's a presidential candidate naming the Jew. It's cool for what it is.

Wayne's posting from a different id itt

He deleted the apology video? Jesus Christ. I watched it and he did mention being drunk, erratic, his penis and his nephew.

He's not a professional loser like you, Wayne

Wayne. This is our domain. You have no power here. Go be president somewhere else.


"Sue Cred Forums" for... ?

Best of all

My video is awesome.


You don't see other candidates taking these risks.

FBI, CIA and NSA will find Tumblrisims and get him. The person is a coward. He hides. total pussy.

>I'll be able to sue 4cahn for this shit.
>At least I got what I wanted.
No you're not and no you didn't.

The questions won't go away, Wayne.

Children are innocent beings and basically, you're evil.

I know what you know, or perhaps even more since your schizophrenia has been peeling away your last bonds with consensus reality for half a decade since the 2012 nephew penis incident.

You get totally trashed in your own thread, we threaten to expose you and post a video where you supposedly admit you molested a relative... and you take that as an opportunity to self-advertise again?

Like do you have any shame or... self-reflection at all?

>The bookmarks

Is this a joke?

nice thread

He is so paranoid he keeps the FBI and CIA only a click away at all times?

Did we scare away Wayne?

Is he laying in wait?

Waiting for the next opportunity to drop a link of him ranting in front of an American flag at ultra low volume for an hour?

He'll be back in a couple of days. He's a silly bitch, but he's our silly bitch.


WayneGate 2016

Who was going to upload the confession video? I want to see it before this thread dies.


REVEALED: Here's Wayne Lambright apologizing to his family for showing up drunk at a family event in 2012 and doing something to his nephew that caused them all to disown him. Note how he begs forgiveness and more gibs with promises of "getting better." Note the lack of empathy and true understanding of his sick deed. It's all about his own outcomes, all about Wayne Lambright and nothing else matters. He could be a clinical psychopath.

This video was deleted by Wayne Lambright when he realized people outside the family would find out but has now been leaked by the Norwegian government in cooperation with wikileaks.


Oh shit you came through for us! How can Wayne's campaign continue from here!? "His campaign is over" - Fox News/CNN/etc etc

Its pretty short. Is that the whole video or did you shorten it?

There is no editing. His 2 hour rants and many of his other schizophrenia symptoms came later in 2013 - 2014.

I know Schizophrenia can come on over time but I thought it usually comes on earlier in a person's life. Like teen years.

As far as I know it tends to show up in the 20s, but he would have been medicated. At some point he stopped taking the pills and it exploded.

Thats something interesting to note. He puts himself out there so much but he doesn't reveal much about his personal life, family, friends, neighborhood, pets, bars or social gatherings... We know next to nothing about the actual core elements of what makes him tick and yet hes made thousands of minutes of video ranting.

Well the weird thing is that for the longest time I didn't think Wayne was crazy, I just thought he was kind of odd. Then I realized how serious he was about running for president.

That is classic scizophrenia to think that he is some kind of superhuman and knows everything and should therefore control all of us.

That is probably his core personality right? One that wants to lord over all of us? I mean look at his responses to our obvious criticisms... if he was in charge of a country he would be throwing us off cliffs.

But yeah he doesnt seem crazy but then you analyze the content of what he actually says and you can tell... just like Gail Chord Schuler. She sounds like a very intelligent and upperclass woman, yet shes a babbling maniac.

Wow you're oddly sensitive and no the nsa will not arrest him for accusations on Cred Forums

Wayne in charge would turn into some Charles Manson version of North Korea pretty fast.

I actually have Manson's fingerprints on my wall. Apparently he did some mockups in the 80s to make money and I happened to score it at a thrift store for cheap.

I do find it weird more people aren't interested in Wayne. He is basically an example of going "too far" with Cred Forums. Taking the memes and the jew stuff too seriously and all that.

He is basically the mascot of this board. I would assume others would be as obsessed with him but I guess hes still kinda niche.

Okay so... Wayne apologized in that video but no where in it does he say he touched their nephew? So you guys are just joking around about that or do you actually have evidence?

Weird that I feel like I'm siding with Wayne now.

Clearly SOMETHING happened but it doesn't necessarily mean it was sexual. He could have just made a general ass of himself.

God Emperor stands with Israel so I stand with Israel. Period.

I just went to his official website. He is for reparations for blacks... and thinks that the planes that hit the towers were fucking CGI..


He is shilling himself. He unironically imagines himself becoming president. It kind of pathetic.

Just found this on archives

Hello my name is Wayne Lambright. Help me build a bomb for our government. Its all legal and I know this sounds illegal. This is a legitimate DARPA Project we can work together. $40K to build prototype and $70K in prize money. "

Yeah because if I wanted people to help me build a bomb Id go onto Cred Forums...