I'm a liberal. Just heard about the alt-right from CNN

I'm a liberal. Just heard about the alt-right from CNN.

Tell me on your philosophies.

>CNN broke rules 1&2

Basically the opposite of cnn

You are a faggot
The end

Milo is our prophet

If you don't see what's wrong with this picture you'll never understand.

Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew

We are white nationalists who despise people who hate the very people who made the country. (AKA JEWS, NIGGERS, AND REFUGEES) Immigration is fine, as long as it's from other countries who abide by the same rules. The end, op you're a faggot.

Go back to jackdurden.com

Let me tell you about the Jews.

alt-right is just a buzzword for conservatives that aren't cucks. we're not edgy or nationalist like the news would like you to believe. we're more like traditional conservatism. since you get your news from cnn you are a faggot though and won't believe me, it's okay we expected you to be a faggot ever since you mentioned them.

>>I personally believe in freedom of speech it doesn't matter how toxic.

Capitalism is the only functional economic system in the word.

>>I hate hypocrites like SJW and feminist.

>>I hate race bait

>>I believe that Middle East countries values are not compatible with our values of free speech and equality of opportunities.

>>I support equality of opportunities, I am agaisnt equality of outcome.

Our memes shall not be infringed

Memes must be dank

Thou who is without sin shall cast the first meme

1. Ignore anything every liberal ever said about society
2. Gas the kikes race war now

genocide all canadians
that's our philosophy


obvious Canacuck bait

Milos' a fucking degenerate loose assholed cock sucker

Hitler was a misunderstood man who was trying to free Germany from international Jewry. KIkes are the ones who are destroying white countries. They run the media and the banks and are currently working towards subverting all white countries with Marxism, feminism, and the immigration of subhuman sandniggers and beaners. Their plan is to wait for our nations to weaken and have Israel reign over a world dominated by a globalized communist slave state that they control.


>he thinks the alt right is real

>If we remove the jews from top positions in important institutions everything is gonna be alright.

>I'd let him suck it, no homo