Trumptards got tricked

You are fucked, lads.

Other urls found in this thread:

> GerNoMoney
lol OK have fun with those rapefugees cuck
murican on vacation


What happened? Did he say something stupid again?

two nbc outliers fucking up the average
Most polls are within 2 points up or down


I'm glad they finally found the polls to tip it back to Hillary



>Guys what do we do Trump is winning
>I know let's poll the Germans
Fuck off nobody asked you shit about shit Klause

It's like 0.25% it's probably a statistical anomaly.

it was another garbage nbc poll that has hillary up 7 points, while all the other polls are within 2-3 points of a tie

Germans happen to be experts on invading polls

What's funny is that Trump had a +7 in an LA Times poll and each day they knocked it down a point


He defended the cop that shot that nigger when 99% of America thinks the cop pulled a dick move. Either that or they're just (((((((re-adjusting))))))) the polling like they do every time he starts to pass Hillary in support.

The change is so small it's probably part of the margin of error. That's why polls look like an upward zigzag instead of being smooth.

Polls only matter when Trump is winning you dip

who rcp?


>He defended the cop that shot that nigger
He didn't, though? He clearly said it was a mistake to shoot him.

Germans? really? I never would have gassed


>He defended the cop that shot that nigger when 99% of America thinks the cop pulled a dick move. Either that or they're just (((((((re-adjusting))))))) the polling like they do every time he starts to pass Hillary in support.

Dumb cunt polls usually takes couple of weeks to do, they couldn't reflect something that happened yesterday. RCP is an average of all polls, he has hardly dropped at all and a new poll has come in. It's all within the margin of error anyway.

It's literally nothing. Don't forget that Hans and the rest of the Cuck bridage were rubbing our faces with double digit leads not that long ago, just let the faggots have this 1% lead while it lasts, it will make it that much sweeter in November.

They did this shit yesterday with that Survey Monkey poll.

(((NBC/WSJ))) poll (released today)
party identity split:

>pic related
>link related

Gallup 2015 poll *ACTUAL* party identity split

This is simple, they are cooking the polls to oversample people who lean democrat, knowingly, more so than the accepted average of people who lean democrat (even though more people do in fact identify as democrat leaning than republican leaning, it's only about 3% more, they are doubling that to 6+% in NBC's last two polls).

What you see in OP's image is the result of these two (((NBC))) polls over the past 2 days going against the accepted percentages of D-I-R leaning voters. They are increasing the # of D's being sampled by 100%, (+3% to +6%) now, magically, Hillary is +7 when less than 48 hours ago she was bleeding out.


Well, the media has been going into full-shilling mode.
>No goyim it was just pneumonia!
>What about the birther issue?
>That evil green frog!

>Hahaha he'll never have a campaign. He'll drop out in a month
>Hahaha he'll never compete with the real candidates. He'll drop out by the end of the year.
>Hahaha he'll never get the nominee. He'll run for independent and drop out when he doesn't get it.
>Hahaha he'll never be able to stand up to Clinton. He'll drop out in August when his numbers drop.

How does the lugenpresse keep getting away with this? They'd better watch out.

RCP counted two of the same NBC/WSJ online polls that have her at +7

NBC has two of its polls up there at the same time.

Both are pro-Hillary outliers.

Don't be such a fucking pessimist, user.
Believe in KeK.

That's exactly what I thought.
It's like (((someone))) wants to de-motivate the American Trump voters.

Literally two NBC polls. Saged.

NBC becoming desperate as fuck.

that book is the shit faⅿ


really makes you think

>Implying its over

It's not over yet, shills. Think your madam president is ready for the first debate?

Not as fucked as your women hans