Hm, really causes your heartstrings to tug

Hm, really causes your heartstrings to tug.

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah, I pretty much agree with OP's pic, except that I would wait until I was 95 years old before eating the poisonous skittles. That way, I'd have lived a full life anyway.

No, fuck niggers.

>taking the ratio is the shitty skittles analogy literally
>inventing conversations that didn't happen
>...ellipses for... dramatic...EFFECT

I swear to god I see the dramatic mic drop movement he did with his hand the moment he hit send.

Jesus Christ, these cucks have no instinct for self-preservation.

Whites deserve to go extinct to be quite honest familia

>are the other skittles human lives

No its muslims.


But no, they have to implicate all of us in the poison they want to bring in for the sake of virtue signalling. These cucks are first for the noose, the Jews can come second.

They probably wouldn't take a family of refugees into their home.

And this is why Islam will dominate the world one day.

I don't understand what he's saying. He'd kill a million people and keep killing them until somebody nobly sacrificed themselves to stop him?

No he wouldn't
Also, he would be forcing the rest of us to eat poison skittles because of his need to feel morally superior.

The people demanding that we import a shitton of hostile third worlders don't believe that their lives will be impacted.

They are wealthy people who live in gated fortresses with private security. They are entitled white women who have been given everything on a silver platter their entire lives. They are children of wealthy parents who don't know what working a job is like.

So, sure, let's let a bunch of hostile third world refugees in. Let's make those entitled brats 100% legally and financially responsible for the refugees. Let's make them house the refugees in their own homes.

How fast are the SJWs gonna change their stance on refugees when they have Mohammed threatening them with a knife because they violated a tenet of Islam?

No, the real question is why is his life more important than the people I care about?

Virtue signalling fuck boys
Jesus christ.
Forget Democrats, (capital L) Liberals, socialists, jew chomsky, whoever the fuck you think the enemy is, Social media is what is fucking the west.

You faggots want to make america great again, make the internet anonymous again.

Incorrect analogy.

You're not being asked to eat from a bowlful of delicious skittles in which a few in the bowl are poisonous; you're being asked to eat from a bowl of dog food mixed with human shit.

The colour matches a lot better, too.

What if the other skittles were just rapists and not terrorists? What if they were just welfare leeches?

Cucked beyond belief

They do have an instinct of self-preservation, but it doesn't come out on social media; it only comes out when they're about to have their throats slit & be hung on meat hooks.

But why are niggers more important to people than their own safety?

That's the real question. While his argument isn't completely wrong you have to wonder what kind of sicko would put stranger's well being above those of him and his family.

White people gents.

The real question is whether you would force other people to eat the skittles even if they don't want to. If you're fine with sacrificing yourself then by all means do it. Just don't force it on everyone else.

>Fuck borders n shieeeet


Everyone enjoys skittles, goy. Have some on me.

>My life
>MY LIFE ALONE IS threatened.
Unlike the refugees the post is referencing, Terrorist attack victims do in fact include women and children. "Thousands upon thousands of men, women, and terrified children" in fact.

>women and children

People. Who write like this. Need to be gassed. Like. Immediately.

People write this shit for FB likes and pats on the back. In real life, they'd slap the bowl away and tell you to fuck off. The over the top fake passion gives it away.

He forgot the part where he force feeds my kids his fucking skittles and doesn't even bring a single one into his house.

Are you both retards?
Protip- (((Eli))) isn't white. He's a sand person.

actually 100% agree. traitors should hang first.

>Mfw we can start re using trayvon martin images

its very easy to argue with yourself. good training

So what eli bosnick is saying is that he supports rape culture.

>I'd sacrifice my whole country so that some random assholes can fuck it up just like they fucked their home country up.

Violence is the only answer

I was really tempted to post a story about rape in response, you know, fight base emotional appeal with base emotional appeal

I don't think I can take it anymore. Is it time for innawoods?

What do you think the boomers are doing?

I only know two people who support refugees, have volunteered at Calais (one is there now), post on kikebook about the crisis non-stop, vegan etc. the full faggot shebang and both of them have parents who easily take in over £100,000 a year. If shit hit the fan they would have no problem getting to safety. That's what I fucking hate about these upper middle class, uni graduate faggots; they think their mamby pamby mickey mouse degrees and uni hugboxes make them intellectually superior to ordinary working class people like me. They claim to be about equality whilst denigrating me as a racist, despite the fact that I'm going to get the brunt of these 6'2 35 year old toddlers in my area.

None of these cunts have done a proper days work outside of charity volunteering, they have no real life experience outside of buying weed and mandy from niggers in the rough part of town. They truly are the most ignorant bigoted people in my country, the rich kid unayyy wankers that is, and they get away with it pretty much scott free.

Just watch QT on thursdays, the audience is made up of pakis and 20 something fuckwits who twist innane virtue signalling into semi coherent rhetoric. Fucking hate the lot of them.


>failing to realise that it isn'the just you taking the risk in this metaphor
>not realizing that you represent your country
>killing your countrymen for the sake of the refugees
>300 million Americans die so a few million at most refugees can get free Gibs (that no longer exists because the Americans are dead)
>you can't say that your life is worth mare then their lives because that is mean!
>I can decide for the rest of my countrymen that their lives are worth less then the lives of the refugees... and my online morality

This nigga acting all smug after fucking up comprehension that bad, all because he was in to much of a hurry to show his "friends" how much he cares. I'd be embarrassed if I went all in on something like this before I realized what I was actually saying.

>Osama Krayem
>Osama Krayem (born 1992), also known as Naïm or Naim al Hamed,[1] is a Swedish national of Syrian origin and a suspected terrorist involved in the 2016 Brussels bombings.

>He later returned to Europe using a false passport travelling the migrant route from Syria to Turkey to Leros, Greece where he presented himself on 20 September 2015 as Naïm Al Hamed (identified as a Syrian national born on 1 January 1988 and originating from Hama, Syria according to the falsified papers).[15] Under this guise as Naïm Al Hamed, he continued to Europe residing in Belgium.

Turns out. The skittles won't just kill only one person.

I don't care about their lives. We must put America and American lives first. We will no longer surrender this country, or its people, to the false song of globalism.

My life is more important than Syrians. Sorry.

The fuck is 'mandy'?

>But Eli, you dont have to eat them all. Let us sort out the poison ones from good skittles.

>Terrorism Suspects Are Posing as Refugees, Germany Says

Yeah but one brown life is worth ten thousand white lives to cucks like the one in OPs image.

>upper middle class, uni graduate faggots
literally everyone not completely retarded has a university degree, with the rare exception of some trades people.
What is this fucking 1930?
>make them intellectually superior to ordinary working class people like me
It does goy.
don't get me wrong, I agree with most of your post.
But I think the anti intellectual rehtoric and proud ignorance of a lot on the right is why they lose.
The left has plenty of idiots, but they pretend to not be idiots, rather than seeing education or what have you as a negative.

Forgive me. I don't use jewbook.

>implying an idiot who pretends to be intelligent is better than an intelligent person who pretends to be ignorant

This. We shouldn't have to deal with the cultural fallout of elites fucking up stable countries. They chose to collapse those nations, let them fucking burn and start over.

I have family and friends that love me and I love them, and killing myself to save people that arent my own is incredibly selfish to those in your life. I can only assume the guy in OPs pic has no meaningful relationships to speak of and nobody would really care if he was replaced by 500 syrians

Niggas dyin' for dem skittles, son.

Actually, I agree with the author. If he kills himself, I'll support a migrant. Just waiting to see the obituary.

>I would gorge myself on them

Maybe we should put this to the test and see how much of it is the blatant virtue signalling and how many of them are actually willing to back up what they say. Then again what would be the point when we already know the answer.
Anyone can spew completely empty claims on the internet just in the same way anyone can be the toughest person on the planet. I love these hypothetical scenarios they invent so people can give them virtual high fives whereas if it genuinely happened they would pistol whip a Syrian child refugee to death if there was even a small chance they themselves wouldn't instead. I think it's the blatant fakeness as points out that really gets me, they're all complete pieces of shit and I wouldn't trust any of them to even tell me the time.

Turkey is not a warzone. Moreover, Germany and Sweden are not war zones. Taking refugees form these locations does not save them from war.


What kind of faggot forces his own feelings of self-loathing onto the general public?

>is my life worth more than thousands of uneducated sand barbarians
Yes it is actually

I'm going to school and plan to be on research teams to develop new drugs, chemicals, and medical procedures

I don't think Muhammad and Sadiq have come close to achieving the same thing in thousands of years

My mom reposted this shit.

What if the skittle killed someone else? Like your child? What if it exploded and killed like 80 people. What if collectively the skittle increased your rape rate by 300%.

Quit being so fucking selfish that you won't even consider the livelyhood of your friends, family, or your country.


I went to uni, I've got a decent job. I suppose I mean working class in the sense that I rely mostly on common sense and if I was to irrevocably fuck up my life my parents wouldn't be able to financially support me.

I agree that there is a lot of ignorance on the right but it's shut down fairly quickly, laughed at and derided openly whereas left-wing ignorance is given an open platform. It's become almost taboo in certain circles to even suggest that allowing an influx of immigrants into our country despite the shitshow they caused in Central Europe.

It's basically a bunch of wank stains doing a gap year so they feel less guilty about being over privileged except now they get to talk about how under privileged they are because they are faggots.


It's funny because they used this analogy to describe "not all men are rapists" not even a year ago

>if eating these poisoned skittles means I can find a nugget of gold among thousands let me poison myself
>t. liberal logic

it's 'molly' you stupid bongfaggots

The whole point went right over Eli's dumbfuck head.

If you take in a hundred normal skittles, and nothing happens, fine. But once you take that one poison skittle, now your dead, all the skittles you ate are dead, and all the good skittles in the bowl are stuck.

The skittle metaphor generally applies to open door, no restriction immigration. that, without even thinking or looking, you're gonna shove skittles in your fatfuck face.

This is why the whole world is looking at Germany and France and Sweden and just waiting for them to start seizing up and vomiting blood. They're guzzling down skittles like nothing is wrong, and just accepting that they're gonna suffer poisoning now and then, but that's the cost of helping all those poor other skittles.

welcome to democracy.
I would argue it is better in simply one front.
The best idiot is one who acknowledges it and wants to do something about it.
However someone who is proud of it and wants to get rid of the intelligent people, will always be damaging to the intellectuals.

An idiot who masquerades around as intelligent, could one day realize he is an idiot and want to change. Regardless he would also want to protect the intelligent, because, rather falsely so, he thinks he is one of them.

Skittles stock must have gone up.

This is what happens when you start to believe everyone is equal. You think one life is just as valuable as any other. You start to even believe that the lives of some poor dumb arabs on the other side of the world are just as valuable as the lives of your own family.

Fuck all skittles

Poseidon demands all their souls

Whats the problem with answering yes? Why do i have to care about life of some african dude more than mine? Actually, i would have killed op, his parents, his children and his dog and cat to save my life. And if that was needed tosave my beloved ones, i would kill myself after

I don't really care about drug slang you fucking junkie

Yes. I am worth more than them. My life is worth more than the thousands of men, women and terrified children. Why? Because it's my bowl. It's my house. And I'm having a party with all the other people who like Skittles. These people don't deserve to eat any poisoned skittles. These people do not have a choice in what skittles they get. Everyone shares the one bowl. My bowl. Our bowl. These skittles are people, but everyone eating the skittles aren't people? They aren't men women and children looking to have a sugar coma? They don't count? The skittles represent people. Do people go away after they're "eaten"? No, they stay there and they build up. And up, and up and up. Suddenly a lot more than three skittles are poisoned, and it isn't going anywhere. Who will you weep for then? All the people who just wanted skittles, what happens to them? They can't have any, because YOU brought more and more poison. Life isn't a bowl of sweets, child. Everyone suffers in your fantasy world.

"I would kill myself to save 10 strangers from around the world who hate me."

I miss when these types of people were sorted out via evolution.

So, you want to destroy countries, displace millions of people and then poison me, so that Obama and Clinton can wage war and topple evil dictators using a radical Muslim proxy army hell bent on creating an Islamic Caliphate?
No thanks.


>liberals/leftists mock anybody who says you shouldn't lump all men, white people, and straight people together. Also mock AllLivesMatter
>come up with #TerrorismHasNoReligion and say this shit


what kind of cuck retard thinks the answer to that last question is no?
My life is more important to me than anyone else's if that isn't your default state there is something wrong with you, your survival instincts are all fucked up and you lack self preservation. Or he's just a lying virtue signalling little faggot and if push came to shove he would abandon his moral position in a heartbeat like the hypocrite he is.

Later that evening, Eli was found asphyxiated by what appears to be 3kg of skittles crammed down his useless throat. Meanwhile, a manhunt ensues for his roommate Achmed who was nowhere to be found. News at 11.

>Letting in and Taking care of millions people from around the world when we can barley take care of our own

Ompa-Loopa go fuck yourself you commie

But these skittles aren't hurting you they are hurting other people. The skittle analogy is bad because it forgets the people that make the decision aren't the ones facing the consequence. The analogy is to generous to libshits that think that they are being self sacrificial. They aren't they are putting other people at risk for moral superiority.

Lold so hard from this one

Molly = MDMA
Mandy = MDA

>My life is more valuable than 1,000,000 muslims lives.
>At the same time, my life is equal to true patriot and friend of finno-ugric peoples.
>My life is worth less than a true genious and contributor to human advancement.

>I'll make everybody eat the Skittles

"We should move the entire populations of the third world, all hundreds of billions of them, into first world countries, that would fix all our problems"

t. a complete and total retard virtue signaling at maximum power.

t. someone whose ancestors struggled to ensure he exists today would kill out of shame

See, the skittle thing doesn't work for me, because it's rarely the person eating the skittles who suffers the poison. It's more like, if I give you a button to press and there's a chance it will kill a random person in your country or save a random person from another country, would you push it?

And I already know these people would push it, because they care not for their fellow countrymen.

>Rape culture 2014

So . . .
If you let your enemies kill you, you win?

and we crushed that stupid argument pretty quickly replacing men with 'black people'

fuck, you could do it with white people even. Reason did a piece saying what if they used that as justification for gun control?
I have to admit, no matter what your stance is. It's a really stupid analogy.


The irony

The best way to crush an annoyingly stupid analogy like this is just to mock them. That's why replacing men with black people was successful - there's nothing you can come back with that doesn't make you look like an autistic cuck

>suicidal altruism
so brave

yeah but when I mocked Trump jr. on it everyone thinks i'm an ultra progresive.
something about politics takes the fun of self deprivation away from everyone.
You can make fun of anything or anyone, except my candidate.

holy shit this is the same guy that made that autistic "TDRUMPFT ISN"T A REAL BUISNESSMAN BECAUSE SMALL LOAN" post.
What a fucking sperg.



It's just picking sides. You're like Ben Shapiro, ideologically pure.

Most people pick sides, and will use any tactic that furthers their own goal. Leftists have been doing this for decades. Right wingers IE pol have started doing the same.

Honestly I'm over being ideologically pure. I just want to win. Lefties are evil. I'll use their tactics against them, happily.

>I just want to win. Lefties are evil. I'll use their tactics against them, happily.
I mean I could get into how that becoming your enemy doesn't count as a win. and Why i personally don't like Trump cause it's a just a new form of politically correct and whatnot. He is like the president Coin, to Hillary's snow.

But I digress, I don't get why that means you cant laugh at trump? or make trump jokes? or acknowledge sometime he says stupid shit, often times to appeal to idiots, other times because cameras are always on him and it happens. Whatever the case, it happens to all polticians.

>I don't get why that means you cant laugh at trump? or make trump jokes? or acknowledge sometime he says stupid shit, often times to appeal to idiots, other times because cameras are always on him and it happens.

Because people view that as an attack on their beliefs rather than an attack on Trump.

Lefties made this election personal. That was their mistake because now we have millions of people who view an attack on Trump as an attack on right-wing philosophy and the American way of life.

>I mean I could get into how that becoming your enemy doesn't count as a win.
The only way to win is to use Alinsky's rules. Playing nice doesn't work. When one side is forced to play by the rules, and the other side has no rules. Guess which side wins. War isn't nice.