Adderall should be recreational

Wouldn't a society of energetic and focused people be a good thing?

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Addicts everywhere, sweet.

How is adderall different to speed?

Never tried adderall.

Less jittery, more focus. Like being able to sit and watch paint dry for hours on end and not lose concentration.

Isn't that stuff pretty much just crystal meth without the toxins? I'm not a chemist but seem to recall something like that once causing a stir a few years back. Nothing to find on it now.

I agree, OP. I believe all drugs should be legal, simply because of the moral stance that people should be able to do as they please unless directly harming others. If you contribute to society, pay taxes, and aren't a degenerate, shoot dope in your spare time for all I care. That's your prerogative.

However, be careful with adderall. Yes, it's great for increased productivity, but an entire society using a neurotoxic drug is recipe for disaster. Much like any other drug, the beauty of drugs is that it's like any other hobby. Some like it, some don't. Some try it, some don't.

Despite being a recreational drug user myself, I see the obvious problems that would occur if everyone used them. They shouldn't be illegal, and having them legal wouldn't skyrocket the use rates. If cocaine was suddenly legal, for some reason I don't see my neighbor doing keybumps every night.

Sounds actualy nice. Speed is nice for clubbing and stuff but bad for everyday use.

As far as I'm concerned Adderall is speed, unless you equate "speed" to meth. Adderall (or Dexedrine) is effectively raw amphetamine, whereas methamphetamine is modified to potentiate its effects.

>Also, legalize recreational Addy and let natural selection do its thing.

>2 pill under the tongue and an 8 hour fap session

No, it certainly still has the toxic properties. Literally (in simple explanation) the only difference between methamphetamine and dextroamphetamine is that meth is far stronger on a mg:mg ratio. The effect profiles are essentially the same.

Yes, we really do basically pump kids up with meth.

aderall vs ritalin ?



Dumb junkies who don't have the capability to have self control will be weeded out, and those who can exercise discretion and function will not be penalized for their dim-witted counterparts.

literally no one gets through college without abusing stimulants like this

If youre from one of those "worker" societies.

>how rude

Can confirm am on 20mg twice a day.

I was prescribed adderall for my adhd, it really has signifigantly improved my quality of life. That is why i want it to become recreational.

>Less jittery, more focus. Like being able to sit and watch paint dry for hours on end and not lose concentration.

This is the correct answer.


OP just tried adderall for the first time. I get 90 IR a month, 100% legal. Feels good man. XRs are trash.

That is a serious waste of drugs.

Just remember to eat, user. It's very easy to have suppressed appetite and forget to eat regularly, which can have some pretty ugly consequences. Amphetamines speed up bodily processes, I eat at the least 1500 calories when I'm on a regimen, just to ensure that I don't become malnourished or underweight.

It'd be nice. Then I don't have to worry about scheduling appointments or counting my pills. I could just easily keep on my 2x 20mg without any worries or concerns and just do my work and study my school shit.

>Wouldn't a society of energetic and focused people be a good thing?
Energetic and focused? Yes. The problem is most people who take adderall become essentially meth-addict tweaker scum because they take way too much and they think it will compensate for their shitty mental processing and lack of cognitive control over their executive functions.

Just having more energy is what manic people have. Being "excited" and "energetic" does not equal intelligence or quality.

I can come up with better ideas inside a single minute than an average person could with any amount of adderall. It doesn't make them smart, it just makes them jittery meth heads.

So no, adderall should definitely not be recreational, because most people are disorganized scum who would waste their potential.

Fuck. Each day the world gets darker.

Someone I know is taking that shit now. Do you have some sort of source that I could point them to?

Smoothies w/ cashews, peanut butter, protein powder before dosing every day. Great gains, completely eliminates the appetite problems too.

>should definitely not be recreational, because most people are disorganized scum who would waste their potential
Well, it's a damn good thing most people wouldn't suddenly start doing drugs just because they're legal.

>shitty mental processing and lack of cognitive control over their executive functions

So you mean ADHD, which adderall is used to treat?

>Weeded out
>Will inevitably endanger innocents on the way through crime or negligence.

Sounds like a great strategy for social improvement.

i thought i was the only one

What about for those of us that actually need it to function at an efficient level due to physiological problems? Like, I my parents ignored the fact that I was ADD, and I didn't even think to look into it until another doc thought it was an issue.

I get medicated and four years later, I feel no more anxiety or paranoia over any little thing, I'm not socially retarded anymore (god looking back at the shit I did before being medicated makes me wanna die), and I'm able to actually focus on work and not laze around looking like a literal retard with half closed eyes and a dopey smile.

Would be nice if those of us who require it could get it a bit easier (and not sell it or something cause that's just fucked).

It's better than weed or alcohol, anyway. Also, "street speed" and other shit made in clandestine labs should be destroyed.

He means taking it won't make you smarter, just more energetic and focused.

If I just posted an article condemning it, I feel your friend might write it off as banter. It'd be much more profound if they came to the conclusion on their own.

Luckily, that's pretty simple. Just look at their chemical structures. The one single difference between them is a methyl group. Otherwise, identical.


Wow i can fucking hate myself with my brain running at 200% activity.

What makes you think it would endanger anyone else?

If someone robs, kills, etc. we punish them, just like we do now.

Since when did we start punishing crimes before they even happen?

At 10mg daily, as recommended, yes it will help somewhat, but only if the patient has the cognitive skill and will to focus. No amount of drug will ever compensate for a person who simply doesn't want to work or learn. In reality, most people who do adderall and get addicted are using upwards of 80-100mg a day, which is indisputable tweaker status.

>most people who do adderall and get addicted are using upwards of 80-100mg a day, which is indisputable tweaker status.

You have any source for this bullshit?

The problem is that productive members of society will start taking addy and then get addicted and overall be less productive in the long run.

Heart attacks everywhere
Great idea OP

>tfw they don't sell Adderall here only a shitty and dangerous replacement

I understand why you would think that, so please refer to my post here: Please read it in it's entirety before writing it off. I'd like to have civil discourse

tfw had a script for 40 mg xr a day, never taking it again.

got moody, couldn't eat, lost 30 lbs.

This. I love adderall. Though I think it would be slightly more fitting to say

>able to watch paint dry for hours without losing concentration and loving every moment of it

Anything I do on adderall is the most enjoyable thing I've ever done. History research project? Might as well be at a theme park.

i always thought adderall was just some average american drug for headache or some shit but now i read some bulgarian article that a lot of NBA players use it

what the fuck would they use it for in basketball? what are adderall's effects?

Adderall + phenibut = god mode cheat

how can I get a prescription? I like to use at parties and it's expensive

modafinil is much better

I get really ANGER when I take Adderall
My moms the same way too. Halp

Ritalin always made me feel like shit after it wears off, it also gave me more cotton mouth than adderall.

80-100mg A DAY???? Holy fucking shit, I'm on 45mg a day to do work and school, have 0 interest of ever going to like 55 or 60, let alone fucking 80 wtf even happens at that point?

Trump is way ahead of you buddy. Gotta use all that speed to keep HIGH ENERGY. Amphetamine addicted leaders make the best leaders, learned that from Adolf himself :)

I prefer to stick with the easy route - caffeine, NAC and acetyl L carnitine give me about 50% of what Ritalin did, and I'm fine with that.

Is it not already recreational? Fucking everyone uses addies to "study" or focus for "sports". I grew up on the ritalin jew and subsequently adderall in high school, it's a helluva drug desu, sure it helps you focus but it's euphoric at times. Also, completely fucked up my diet on a daily basis. Instead of getting yourself and your kids hooked on medication at early age, on a developing brain mind you, read and learn to meditate. This is the one true natural redpill that's right there inside you to take, you just have to calm yourself and find it. Once ingested, it provides extraordinary brain function and a happy existence.

fuck you, degenerate.
adderall is basically cocaine/crystal meth in legal form

>People need stimulants to be productive

Coffee in the morning, espresso if you're a nigger. A shot of whiskey when you come home, and one before bed is all you really need

If you need to be doped up on speed to make rational decisions to go about your day to day you need to seek professional help.

Addictions, like all drugs, make you depend on them once you forget what being sober feels like. All the adderal junkies I've met are notoriously weak willed due to their inability to cope and adapt. Its like taking creatine when you workout, ya you'll see improvement in your reps, you'll do more, but your results will be lackluster once outside of practice.

If you need adderal to get past the school jew fine, but if you're not studying or in lecture stay off the stuff.


because its shit
there is a combination of a legal drug and a prescriptionn that is 1000x stronger than addy and stronger than meth depending on your dose,cheaper than red bull that has no negative side effects apart from death if you fuck up dosage and a few other things and no dependance, tolerance or withdrawal symptoms

Perhaps I'm old-school, but for some reason the whole nootropic shindig seems to be a little risky.

>no pharmaceutical standard to compare any nootropic against, due to lack of research/never been widely used
>phenibut in particular has research done in USSR-era Russia

Strikes me as too dangerous. Only substances I use are the classics, the ones that all the cards are down on the table!

This, I enjoy work and studying on adderall. Adderall should be legalized before weed.

>basically cocaine/crystal meth
You have no idea what you are talking about. Just because they are all uppers, doesn't mean they are equatable. "Coffee is literally cocaine"

amphetamines fucking wreck your brain in the long term, m80

what is it

You have no idea how chemistry works.

Yeah sure cause meditation is going to raise my dopamine levels to that of a normal person, ok m8

No one in the nootropic community considers phenibut a nootropic. I think it's only classified like that to help avoid the FDA banhammer

Phenibut isn't dangerous at all if you dose smartly, and it has a hell of an effect.

The problem with adderall is that it increases your heart rate from long term use.

Adderall is ingested orally, while Meth is often smoked or injected.

Modafinil is probally best for normies without self-control

Say you do a complicated problem-solving task like math, will you be able to actually learn anything and remember it when on adderal?

NO because we don't have a way to know what they are focusing their increased thoughts on. They could be plotting genius plans to commit genocide.

>basically cocaine/crystal meth

For future reference, when trying to call someone a degenerate for using substances, please don't come off as an ignoramus.

You just compared cocaine to amphetamines. Two completely different groups. That's elementary knowledge.

You're trying to talk down to people, but you don't seem to be the brightest crayon in the box, yourself.

something you dont share with plebs for obvious reasons

go study the catecholaminergic system

This x1000. How are people this stupid? "they're literally the same except for the structure which makes them completely different chemical compounds"

they prescribe meth to niggers who have narcolepsy its called desoxyn

awful post 2bh

t. chemistry expert

All it does is make you focus better and get less distracted. It means you'd be less likely to make a mistake for instance. As a prior user said, it won't make you smarter, but it helps you pay better attention.

Why do people think that having increased activity helps the brain?

Do they also mash their faces on the keyboard to write stuff?

This. modafinil is for long term improvements, while adderall is for those of us who need improvements right now due to being unable to function like normies.

>crystal meth
no its one hydrogen shift away from being crystal meth though. Operates nothing like meth though

So having it on a written exam is smart?

I took three 20mg pills yesterday. I still feel it today a little. I haven't eaten since yesterday morning right after i took it.

>Dumb junkies who don't have the capability to have self control will be weeded out, and those who can exercise discretion and function will not be penalized for their dim-witted counterparts.

weeded out? these people will be robbing you blind and raping your daughters long before they ever get "weeded out".

try not being a myopic dumbass.

NOPE. Former meth addict here who has taken tons of addy. These drugs are extremely different even at small dosages.

You do not know what you are talking about. Huge difference.

Shit I need that to finish my backlog. I'd be so productive.

Right right, though when people talk about it they generally mean illegally produced meth.

you arent even white
get off my dick

Methyl shift, woops

I majored in organic chem, and am currently a field researcher for a small pharmaceutical company.

I simplified my answer to the user by only illustrating the structural similarity, but if you'd care to elaborate on how the two are different, I'm all ears!

This is one of the reasons why phenibut and adderall work so well together. Phenibut requires a totally empty stomach and adderall discourages eating.

Oh for sure. I had a few yesterday when I took a licensing exam. I literally read a whole textbook the morning before.

>structural similarity
but they have completely different properties with how they interact with the neuron's receptors. That extra methyl group makes a big difference

True. They have different ROA's, but that doesn't change the fact they are similar in both effect and makeup.

top kek

You should work out your pineal gland sometime and find out first hand user. Dopamine is excreted through meditation at levels you couldn't imagine. Using physical means to get this high damns the body, cost money and you ultimately floats the big pharma jew. To give some insight, when I go in deep meditations, I come out of it literally feeling like I'm rolling balls for days at a time. Routine meditations are extremely awarding as well and gives you incredibly natural energy and clarity.

Most of the reason meth is toxic is because of the nasty ass byproducts. Amphetamines were legal everywhere in the early 1900s and there were few problems. I definitely had ADD as a kid but never got adderall, I got it in my early 20's and my life has gotten a hell of a lot better. I don't have the focus or energy I should without it, and no amount of will or healthy stuff seemed to help. Amphetamines release dopamine(the reward chemical) and some people just have a dopamine deficiency. Might be overprescribed but some people need it, I really wish I had it as a kid.

> Currently studying 8 subjects.

So.. how do u get it? Just fake ADHD?

>Xanax for anxiety
>Adderal/ritalin for concentration
>Melatonin for sleep
>codeines for mood
>heroin for recreation

My god, no wonder everyone's an irresponsible, weak-willed sheep, this entire generations doped up on pharmacy drugs just to function!

I dont get it, can someone explain?
Do you NEED this shit?

Adderall is a mixture of 75% dextroamphetamine and 25% levoamphetamine.
In general people report that dextroamphetamine has a more euphoric high and causes less undesirable side-effects of stimulants (it's less likely to cause muscle spasms, blurred vision, etc.).
Levoamphetamine is still euphoric but has more of the "speedy" quality to it's high and it causes a lot more issues with sleep, hallucinations and other problems because of that.

Street speed varies a lot around the world. Generally street speed contains more levoamphetamine than dextroamphetamine making the high slightly less intense but also increasing other aspects due to the combination of the 2 amphetamine salts (since they hit different subreceptors).

The high can vary a lot between these mixtures depending on the person. Some people prefer the mixture of dextro and levo in adderall, some people prefer pills with only dextroamphetamine (like vyvanse)

>Amphetamines were legal everywhere in the early 1900s and there were few problems.
I doubt they knew of the potential medical hazard that amphetamines are. They didn't document a lot of shit back then

adderall wears off. it's shit

try modafinil, stablon, and seligiline

and cycle them carefully

and remember: due to genetic differences, YMMV

I have no sperg friends. suggestions?
well i have no friends. suggestions?

they were brought up on this shit since they could walk. hell, their parents were probably taking it when they were pregnant. their brains will forever require it to function properly.

adderall is more or less exceptional. side effects will generally occur and it is likely that you will
experience one side effect. do I think that adderall is all that bad? No, it is great for studying and focus during important exams but if you take it everyday you will become worn out and it's effect becomes negligible. consume adderall in moderation.

No, I'm certain I don't need it. When faced with career troubles, or attending family functions, or basically anything else that requires my sobriety, I just don't take anything. It's not really even a question for me, I can't imagine facing my family or my boss under the influence. However, in my free time, if I have the option to use a substance, you bet your ass I'll take it every day of the week and twice on Sundays. Think of a hobby you really enjoy. You can't always do it, but you do it as much as you can!


much of the school system just blames some factor with the kid, medicates them and assume it works when really they're removing everything what makes the kid human

>kid daydreams
>kid forced to injest drugs by helicopter moms or unknowning parents
>kid becomes mentally and emotionally dead, gets fucked up and ruins his personality

Yes and no. You may end up focusing too much on a single problem and lose track of time. It has it's drawbacks.

Not sure how it is in Norway, heard Scandinavia is pretty draconian on drugs. But yeah, fake ADHD symptoms is one way.

I don't know about over there, but here that would be the solution. They give the shit out like candy.

what are the side effects? I presume you'd have trouble sleeping if you took too much

Make up a good story of how you csnt stay still

i've been prescribed vyvance and concerta, the latter being a waste of money. is there anything specific that would make a doctor prescribe adderall? my insurance covers concerta but not vyvance for some reason

It's side-effects are loss of appetite, weight loss, inability to sleep, grinding teeth, dry mouth, hallucinations, symptoms similar to psychosis, physical addiction and withdrawals, stomach pain and nausea, light headedness, dizziness, loss of consciousness, etc.
It has the similar side-effects to methamphetamine.

Is modafinil also given for adhd?

Tell the doctor you often find yourself daydreaming, and that throughout the day 10 minute assignments become hour-long headspace adventures because you can't stop your mind from wandering. Also, it helps to do that little foot-tap idiosyncrasy you see people have sometimes. No erratic or wild movements, and stay completely calm/on point in the conversation, just a slight but rapid tapping of your foot by raising your heel and then repeatedly touching it back to the ground.

Yes. It's most often measure against levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine in terms of effectiveness when they do human studies on it.

True, but in moderation, they really aren't so bad. Shit, one of our gold medal tennis players was eating amphetamines during the Olympics. I think once people start recreationally taking it and chasing the dragon it gets real bad. A fine line, I guess.


I remember my kids school calling me in about my 5 year old, they said she was drifting off during core-lectures and proposed I put her on Adderal.

I accept, just to see how it might help and the first dose
>"Daddy my heads spinning"
>"Daddy I'm trapped"
>Does it hurt at all?
>"No...I just feel stuck"

This stuff turns your brain to mush, you turn into a drone zombie.

I urge all of you to stay away from the stuff if you can, depending on drugs is not the answer. Build your fortitude, Patience and Ambitions without this shit.

Creatine is way more dangerous than adderall, don't even joke about that, bro

>my daughter reacted poorly to a drug therefore everyone will react poorly to that drug

awesome bro

God, I can't imagine how adderall would be as a five year old. They didn't give it to me until I was fifteen and already mildly experienced with drugs.

Hooo boy, if you thought adderall is good, wait till you meet vyvanse.

Yea just tell the school/teacher to fuck off, kids daydream, kids get bored, kids are fucking kids.

...melatonin isn't a drug.

>tfw exam in a week
>year deciding exam
>twf I could really use it
>tfw can't get it

Help me anons
I'm panicking

most drugs should be legal

the war on drugs is a totalitarian move that lead to the militarization of police and the current police state that we live in

Maybe the dosage was to high. I haven't had it for long but if I could go back in time to give it my child self I would. Patience, fortitude, and ambition won't help when the motivation center of your brain isn't working like it should, no amount of determination can fix that.

I think I can work with this, at least so far as to make them consider. Thank you very much.

you can get modafinil with SSRIs if you complain about your head being foggy.

easiest way is go in, pretend to be depressed and anxious. get ssris with a high dose. say you are improved but your head is foggy all the time. get modafinil. never take the ssris.


How do I get access to this?

yes it is

it works pretty well

my main problem is emotional distraction. in other words, either anxiety or some intrusive thoughts makes it impossible for me to think clearly.

after just 15 minutes of meditation, my mind is clear. after 30 i feel so in reality that i feel like a totally different person. after an hour or more i feel like a god.

Fuck you. I have a genius IQ but have trouble with focus. This shit zeroes in my focus and allows my brain to just work. At work when I think of a problem in my head or make a decision, I feel like my brain has already solved it and I'm just tranmitting the information. I think the feeling is called "flow".

This shit lets me actually use my brain for work, otherwise I spend all day writing philosophy notes or playing around with math derivations in my notebook. I run circles around people and it's made my career take off.

I always had day dreaming problems anyway.

Should I get it?

Also does adderall mess with your ability to be creative? When I daydream I'm often very creative.

>otherwise I spend all day writing philosophy notes or playing around with math derivations in my notebook

damn I kinda wish I was like this and didn't instead find my pleasures in base things like porn or cheap entertainment. until they make a genius pill I guess I'm out of luck

the lack of dopamine production in your brain is because your life is shit and nothing to stimulate the dopamine

lmao. they act like its a chemical imbalance for no reason. No your brain is a machine that reacts to its environment

You dont have a chemical imbalance you have a shitty life and we all have shitty lives because the economy and the multiculturalism and the divorce etc

i think youre a retard if you use any sort of anti depressant /anti anxiety or ADHD medication from a man made drug

ur destroying your brain

I'm on 150mg of Zoloft now, think I can still score modafinil?
Also how is Xanax? Never tried it.

Real ADHD patients struggle learning the alphabet and have problems getting past elementary school. Unless norwegian doctors are as retarded as american ones, you wont get anything.

Buddy if our lives are shit because of our society how are we supposed to make them less shitty without the medications?

t. armchair neurologist

I agree.
But taking huge doses should be illegal.
Fucking addicts are disgusting.

>otherwise I spend all day writing philosophy notes or playing around with math derivations in my notebook
Never thought id find someone who literally does the same shit as me. What type of philosophy? Existential? Epistemological? Moral?
Maybe i should get my hands on some, i have a few friends that offered before. I just never bothered to accept.

theres not much you can do this life sucks

"man appointed mortal sorrow"

try to make ur life as happy as you can but you cant really escape it

men are being punished for their sins

if you go to heaven is when you get to have total peace if you believe in god

doctors just trying to kill you faster thats why these pills all cause suicide

before you can get saved

The human brain has got from the wild monkeys and dopamine is good released in time of rape, murder, robbery, fighting for hierarchy, etc. It is better to use Adderall, than to be animal, alcoholic, gambling addiction, colonialists, etc.

adderall fucks with your heart... it increases your heart rate because it's an amphetamine..... that is NOT good for you.

heart attacks ensue, heart problems of other kinds, etc.

>there is a combination of a legal drug and a prescriptionn that is 1000x stronger than addy

anybody have any guesses?

so not only does it help you focus, but it helps you lose fucking weight?!?!? WHY THE FUCK AM I NOT ON ADDERAL.

Molly should be recreational.

Everyone will be happy and no more wars. Wouldn't it be a good thing?

>this gives you schizophrenia

if his doctor started him on 40 mg he should be shot. that is terrible practice

ITT: drug addicts


now user, no need to be so pessimistic

It makes everything feel better because thats what amphetamines do. They royally fuck your dopamine system and overcharge it. Too much use destroys dopamine pathways and reduces your ability to feel pleasure or properly think about risk/reward.

Medication levels are fine when supervised but constant use above that level, especially if you dont actually need dopamine regulation help, straight up ruins you permanently.

heroin addict here

over a year and a half clean

adderalls alright, it's not fixing anything you couldn't fix with your will, unless you are taking super high doses like 120 mg's a day

how do you meditate ?

In theory, yes, but unfortunately people are fucking abysmal when it comes to curbing their own behaviors. 90% of people who used ADHD meds in college did it on trivial tasks that just needed some willpower. Far fewer used it to push themselves past their natural limitations and instead used it to do work they merely didn't want to do.

I'm fairly pro-legalization and making more drugs recreational, but not before a better drug culture is established. I'm fine with drug usage, but the way most people drugs is the reason why more people vote keeping drugs illegal.

I did you lazy faggot. Adderall just made me want to clean my house. I didn't need a pill to study. That's only for the weak minded.

Also, most people have a honeymoon period on every drug and adderall is no different. After a few weeks on taking adderall, most people become insufferable faggots like many TTT

Pol literally believes that drugs are magic.

Mind bogglingly stupid is what most of you are. As in can not tie your shoes stupid.

All of you who swear by Adderall are going to be crippled mentally in 10-20 years. You won't be able to function normally unless you get your fix

Be warned: if you stop using stimulants after being on them for a long period of time you'll crash hard and take months to years to recover your original energy levels (if you ever do).

t. was on ~30mg of Ritalin daily for 5 years

Tell us more

Cant belive no ones mentioned nootropics eg piracetam works wonders for ADHD apparently. And legal and relatively safe compared to speed.

For a full system upgrade (not nootropics) :
