Woman Calls out Milo for being wrong about the Alt Right


This woman calls out Milo for co-opting the Alt-Right movement and molding it to fit his own view of how the world should be.

She claims the alt-right is a white-centric political movement meant to recognize the accomplishments of whites and fight of liberalism.

Is she right, Cred Forums? Personally I think the term alt-right is just some made-up mumbo jumbo used as a catch-all phrase by lefties so they dont have to actually do any research into conservative political movements. It has no actual core or base, its just a loose collection of people bound by the principal "conservative but not republicans". The fact she is claiming the label as legitimate and not throwing it off and recognizing it for what it really is actually makes me skeptical of her.

inb4 >tfw no qt aryan pride gf

Reality Calls is neat. If she weren't superstitious and gave off "crazy gypsy lady" vibes, I would 9/10 marry that bitch. Plus she's a vegan which is another red flag. I wonder what happened with her and her roided out BF. Also any clue what the whole deal with shutting down most of her vids was?

>a woman
>calling anyone out for manipulating something for their own ends

She's legitimately below average looking

She's actually pretty alright tbqh. Still gives off crazy vibes but she's mature enough not to be like Evajew or similar

>woman argues with a kike about a made up label
there's nothing of value in this thread

we don't have a mailing list or anything what to co-opt

Yeah, so? I'm pretty average myself. She seems like she'd be decent enough to pump out half a dozen little white kids.

The alt right is a meme.

>he's not on the mailing list

sucks 2 b u m80

She is right. Milo is a fucking kike and anyone who openly wears the label "alt-right" will be the first to hang.

fuck racism t.b.h

My favorite thing milo does is say blacks are ONLY 45% of the people shot by cops like they're not 15% of the population,

never trust a britfag

Yes, the reason he's subverting and lying all over the place is because he's British and not because he's a homosexual Jew

Americans are fooled to think an accent from the south of england sounds "smart" so what they're saying must be smart even if they're talking bullshit

>Is she right
No because there is no such thing.

alt right is fine, but Cred Forums isnt alt right. this board has never been about belonging to some special snow flake club. this whore and milo should both fuck off with their club of autism.

seriously. the alt right shit is annoying as hell

virgin neckbeard detected

this girl has admitted to being part jewish

But the so called alt right is just normal conservatives fighting back against a GOP that was taken over by globalists. There was already a word for it, the silent majority.

exactly. the only thing that Cred Forums can agree on is we all hate multicultralism and we like banter

They're not a silent majority if they don't win the election tho, they're just a coalition of idiots and bigger idiots

Eh, she is definitely in the fuckable window.

You fuckers should be glad that there are more women supporting the alt right to challenge the white nationalists are frustrated virgin boys/men meme.

when i think of white, i dont think of women like this. she's hideous and not that intelligent. natural selection should have bred her out of existence, but instead the real master race of Caucasoids has to deal with having inferior members attempt to represent them and their interests.

perhaps its temporarily necessary, and after we purge all the shitskins, we can further purge the Slavs, the inbred southerners, the mutty anglos, and other dregs of the white race.

There are some neo-reactionaries you could arguably place in the alt-right. NRs are different than conservatives in that they usually reject ideas such as equality, freedom, etc. wholesale in favor of actual authoritarianism. Usually more in the Monarchist or techno-capitalist vein than the Fascist or nazi ones

Really though I'm not convinced the 'alt-right' actually even describes a coherent movement or set of people/beliefs at all

Also, Mondays, am I right? LOL

alt-right originally meant conservatives who are anti-zionist, or at least america > israel
this is also where "cuckservative" came from, conservatives who were controlled by AIPAC

now neither of these words mean anything

woman vs fag

holy shit please dont make me choose one ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

alt-right is the equivalent of atheism+

just another dumb meme movement nobody will take seriously ever