Here we go again

Here we go again...




She doesn't even really campaign and Trump hasn't made any big gaffs. I'd rather play a slot machine.

>"real" "clear" (((politics)))

>failed to update their polls until he started "losing" again

>Holding on to two 9-day-old polls to drag up the
Hillary average

Not crooked at all

>margin of error

Where should I go instead of rcp?

Trumps next rally.

>Clinton getting BTFO in the polls
>NBC conveniently releases a poll that oversamples Democrats by 20% and undersambles Indpendents by 15%
>Clinton suddenly back on top

Truly a miracle! Praise baby jesus!

>Two NBC (((polls)))
Okie dokie.


Fucking Chile-cuck, go stick your dick in some lame vinegary hot sauce.

Like pottery

Really though where do they get these numbers from? Pulled out of thin air aka analytics?


sorry not everyone is blinded by this trump hugbox known as Cred Forums


it's cuz of the latest nbc/wall st poll. why do the most cancerous polls always come from them?

dude just click on each poll to see the sample sizes. I guarantee you that the polls showing Hillary leading by bigger number are polling democrats higher than republicans.

>Cred Forums

shut up, indio

el peruANO (possible "Frente Amplio" supporter)

Chilean scumbags.

What should they do then, stay home?

How was Trump polling before the first republican primary debates?

You dropped your leaf.

Fuck you, Fujimori is the only way to vanquish those bastards to the south.

muh dik

Fucking Texas flag wanker.

Can you catch me up on the Cred Forums memes? Why were Latin American threads filled with huge CAPS LOCK copypasta that insulted each other?

NBC +7

Are there any polls that explain their polling distribution?

>cancels fundraiser at swing state
>jump in polls

Hahahaha this is pathetic.

Can we get our own news channel? this is childish.


Trump is doing well. Jews came out with NBC poll that skewed results. Trump is locking down swing states one by one, Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Nevada are pretty much on lock. Now he can focus on the others. The debates haven't even started. Clinton is over with and based Trump is going to have a landslide victory. I cannot wait!

i have always wondered how is that poll made, i only see that chart but no link to fill the poll (or a button)

Marginal provincial nobody cucks of the Inka empire there down south. Yupanqui got to about Santiago, realized it was all shit, didn't bother trying to conquer further.

>Would have been easy against the proto-mapaches

>2 polls
>900 sample size around the same days
>one is 7+ Clinton one is 1+ Clinton

There is some oversampling/undersampling here no doubt

You know, I could at least *somewhat* accept this if it was preceded by some good, genuine reason for Trump's drop (for example, a drop following some controversy like we've seen in the past). However, what the fuck could have even possibly caused the sudden drop? Clinton has done absolutely nothing for pretty much a week, and the worst "controversy" Trump's gotten embroiled in is that birther shit the media tried to push so hard, and a recent poll out of Florida (which I'm just going to use as a baseline) shows that an overwhelming majority--something in the range of 85-90% or so--couldn't care less about it. There's really no good reason for a Trump drop or a Clinton rise.

RCP is biased toward Republicans.

Fun fact: in 2000 the creator ran an editorial explaining how Bush would win with 400+ EVs and the only way Dems could win is by committing mass voter fraud, which he predicted was happening.

>Cunton +1.9
>Damn near 4 lines between them

Seems appropriate.


>Trump came out and said profiling was good - the liberal media turned it into a race story against Muslims - despite the fact countries like Israel successfully do it, the media still spinned it.
>Recent cop shooting a black person again
>Shilling in the media for Hillary

The entire election is going to be decided on what occurs a week or two prior to the election. Trump better hope he does well in the debates to pad his support.

Hillary has very little in terms of a hardcore supporter base. What will hurt her campaign the most will be low voter turnout for her.

You would have to be a stupid google to think that those NBC polls are real.

>Eight polls included, including two NBC polls
>Out of the remaining six polls, NBC polls' margin of error only explains one
>NBC literally has to push multiple polls so they don't seem like an outlier

Really makes ya think. Yougov had a good amount of independents surveyed, but Republicans were undersampled by nine percent. Still, the race is probably too close for Clinton to win. She needs a big cushion to account for republican enthusiasm, which I don't think she'll get.

>one poll from NBC skewing the graph
>the same poll that had Cruz ahead of Trump


>You know, I could at least *somewhat* accept this if it was preceded by some good, genuine reason for Trump's dro

drumpf junior oviously : 1. skittles 2. dog whistling about gas chambers