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screenshot this post

CO is going red..+5

Yes, screencap this so you will never forget how wrong you were.

You're forgetting about Maine's 2nd district.

Other than that, your map looks like the unfortunate reality.

New Hampshire looks increasingly blue, and I'm unsure of what ground game, if any, Trump has in Colorado.

It's looking like a narrow Hillary win.


Probably the most realistic one I've seen on this board so far. Good job user.

Maine might split, but it's gone straight blue since 1992

Not one poll has shown Trump within 3 points, so I'm guessing it will be a clear win



This is the ticket.

screencap this


>nueva mexico
>going for trump

whatever you say man


Why are you going to HaX/Hlig?


Nope. New Hampshire is +9 in yesterday's Monmouth poll...

Conducted entirely after the fainting disaster, too

>Blue PA
>Blue VA

Is this some kind of meme?

texas will be red for like another 20 years


switch NH w/ CO


Pennsylvania has not gone red since 1988. Clinton leads in every poll taken since the GOP convention. It's possible for Trump to win PA, but it's delusional to assume he will.

Tim Kaine is a god in Virginia, Bernie-levels of liberal devotion. The constant influx of left-wing educated whites into Northern Virginia's DC suburbs is also a huge blow against Trump.

This might be correct. Recent polling does suggest CO is likelier to flip than NH.

my guess

Best chance

Is this

>the whole election is decided by CA, FL and PA

underrated post

California getting 55 is fucking bullshit. Reduce it to 5 and split the rest among the states.

This NH and PA are possible depending on the debates.

New Mexico may be going red this yeear

Are you retarded? Trump is up 10 in Maine's second district.



About as solidly liberal as DC, m8

But he has more states?

CA, FL and PA will be blue and that'll be the election.

But trump would still have more states? this dosn't make any fuckin sense.

Where's the ME split vote, nigger?

the system is fucking broken

I can't see Florida going blue this go-around.

If shillary wins america becomes a monarchy
>Bush,Clinton,Bush,Black Guy,Clinton...Bush?

California, Texas and NY fuck it up massively

You know if this happened some asshole in the electoral college would switch her vote and give it to Hillary and there is nothing we could do to stop it.

What did texas do?

Damn canadians are trying to mess with our minds so we wont invade.

Why is it bullshit? It's the biggest state

How the fuck will Trump win the "dooode weeed" crowd?

I know this is a population thing, but every time I see a graph like this it bothers me that red isn't winning despite covering more ground.

And full of jew slaves whose messages and spirits are controlled via corporate subversion

Trump is winning in CO idiot

Polls are made up by the main stream media, there is no way Trump is winning CO.

No one is going to believe that map. If that happens, over 60% of the US will know it was rigged.

And they will know that everyone else knew.

It'll be good for the upcoming civil war.
Less to conquer.

Gotta make sure those dirty southerners dont influence anything

corn doesn't get a vote

>tfw my state basically decides the election

I wouldn't underestimate Bernouts if I were you. Most are voting third party or not at all just to spite her.

see all those states with the minimum 3? that's bullshit. cali has 39 million people and gets 55, wyoming has under 600k and gets three. A vote in cali literally has less than a third the say of a vote in wyoming. That is the bullshit. fuck the EC

Neither do starving libs.

that's not how this works user