
My Hillary-supporting, law-degree possessing sister posted this. What do you think /pol?

Dear Facebook friends and family,
I would like to take a moment to share with you something that happened to me this evening. I warn you this is long, but I feel very strongly that this story needs to be shared.
Tonight, Kurt (my very wonderful boyfriend) drove me to Delta Sonic on Delaware Ave. to pick up my car after having it cleaned. On our way there I made a phone call to UPS and was placed on hold. Kurt dropped me off at my car. I said I would pop into Five Guys to grab burgers for dinner (don't judge) and then meet him at home. I continued to remain on hold. I drove my car to Five Guys (by Target on Delaware). I parked the car. I got out and walked towards the doors. At that moment, customer service picked up. I didn't want to be rude, plus Five Guys is loud, so I stopped to take my call outside. I stood next to the restaurant door, in a well-lit area, on the sidewalk. As I spoke with the a customer service rep. named Christine, I saw a man approaching me from my left. He was older, walking slowly. He was wearing a red shirt. A hat. And sunglasses (at 9 p.m.). I smiled at him politely, then turned in the opposite direction, and continued my conversation.
This man then approached me. He stopped in front of me. He said, "Excuse me miss, can I ask you a question?" I politely told the man I was in the middle of a phone call and couldn't speak to him. He said, "But I just want to talk to you." Again, I shook my head, smiled, and continued my conversation. Again, this man insisted that he talk to me. He walked towards me. I apologized, repeated that I was on the phone, and walked away. I walked into the entryway/foyer of Five Guys. I continued my conversation. I did not want to walk into the restaurant on my cell phone. I didn't want to be rude.

con't below

Two college kids walked in the entryway, past me and into the restaurant. When I looked up, the man was slowly walking in behind them. I tried to ignore him. He cornered me. He insisted that he talk to me. He insisted that I was rude. I was being condescending and judgmental. He told me I had no right to walk away from him. I again said that I was on the phone. I asked him to leave me alone. I asked him to please stop interrupting my conversation. And again he said, "But I just want to talk to you." Only now, he wasn't speaking softly or maintaining his distance. His voice was agitated and he was cornering me.
This entire time I am visible to everyone in the restaurant. I am surrounded by glass. No one realizes what is happening. I move away from the man, and get inside the restaurant.
The customer service rep., Christine, asks me if I'm alright. She asks if I'm in a safe place and if I need help. I assure her that I am inside a restaurant and there are people around me. The man leaves the entryway and I finish my call. I order my food. I text Kurt and tell him what has happened.
As I'm waiting for my food, I realize I have to go back out into the parking lot. And I also realize, I'm afraid. I don't want to walk outside with my hands full. I ask a man waiting for his food if he would be willing to walk me to my car. He is very considerate and obliging. I get into my car and get home safely (the burgers were fine too).
Its not until I get home that I realize just how upset I really am. At first, I assessed my behavior. I blame myself. Its my fault for standing outside. Its my fault for smiling politely. Its my fault for standing in the entryway.

con't below

Now that I have written out this entire encounter though, I realize that none of this was my fault. I was taking a call. This man didn't care. I was in the middle of a conversation, but this man wanted to have a conversation. I politely decline to converse and eventually, after repeatedly, politely declining this man, excused myself to a wholly separate, walled-off area. Still, this man persisted. He followed me. He harassed me. He insisted on speaking with me. He insisted that I was condescending, rude, and cruel because I would not put down my phone and give him my attention. He became agitated with me and cornered me because "He just wanted to talk to me." Even after he left, I was afraid to walk outside to my car and I felt compelled to ask another man to escort me (even though he was also a complete stranger).
I am very blessed to know many good, kind, caring thoughtful men. Men who would walk a woman to her car because she was fearful of who or what might be in the parking lot. Unfortunately, the world I live in is not just composed of those good men. Yes, those good men do outnumber the bad few who refuse to take "no" for an answer. But those other men still exist.
Men & women, I encourage you to learn from my situation. First, be aware of your surroundings, not just for your sake, but for the sake of others, no matter how comfortable you might feel.

con't below

>Hillary-supporting, law-degree possessing


But more importantly, men...and yes, I'm specifically talking to the "not all men"/"rape culture is a myth" men out there...please understand that this was not an unusual occurrence for me, or most women, it was just the most recent. Understand that this man felt entitled to my time and my attention, despite the fact that I was on the phone. Despite the fact that I politely asked him to leave me alone. And despite the fact that I literally walked away from him. And when he realized I was not going to give him what he wanted, he became agitated and physically threatening. All because "He just wanted to talk to me." (Side note: that's like me walking into a bank, holding a gun to the teller and demanding all the money because "I just want a million dollars.")
This is the world that all women live in. Your friends, your sisters, your girlfriends, your wives, your mothers. We exist in a world where (some) men feel entitled to our time, attention, and bodies, just because we are women. We live in a world where, when this kind of encounter happens, we blame ourselves first or look for fault in our behavior first, despite having never encouraged or perpetuated the man's behavior.
The sense of entitlement that man displayed today and his response to being denied what he wanted, is the very essence of rape culture.
For the sake of all women, not just the ones that you love or care for, be aware of this behavior & this attitude, educate yourselves, set an example. Be like the kind, understanding stranger who walked me to my car no questions asked.
But most importantly, hold other men around you to the same standard. Do not tolerate this kind of behavior from your peers. Intervene when you see something like this happening. And when you have sons of your own, raise them to respect all women, raise them to be that kind, understanding stranger, and above all- RAISE THEM TO NOT TOLERATE THIS KIND OF BEHAVIOR UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
Thank you



having a law degree doesn't make you bad though

many lawyers are redpilled. many are liberal jackasses.

t. lawyer

It's always been that way. Men with their tremendous gonad feel the need to breed women.

tl;dr you should fuck your sister to make her mind straight.

tldr an autistic sperg spooked a woman in the middle of the night. Her fear was reasonable and OP IS A FAGGOT

So nothing happened?

I can't read this shit man, every bawww girl story is so insufferably written that I just physically can't do it.


Tell her to learn how to write paragraphs, the slut.

Also, I read all the post. He anecdote's sad, yadda yadda. It is unfortunate she didn't feel safe.

You see, this is the result of men asking women for sex. Women, generally, do not pursue men. Consider: Women wear their spandex and other absurd articles and look ridiculous, but men who do the same are outright outcasts (sagging pants / other equivalent). Men pursue women. As a result, you're going to get this kind of runoff when a fine young woman receives unwanted advances. The bigger picture, outside of your anecdote, is that women should turn the tables if they want this to stop. Women should take men out to dinner, feel proud when their man works at home and raises kids, and make sacrifices for home buying and commutes for the hubby's happiness. What I am saying is not disjointed, but in fact a part of the same system that probably produced this negative event for you.

That's the vibe I got

I study law and you're right it really can go both ways.

All prosecutors are red pilled as fuck. They expect everyone can follow the law and don't care one bit to have sympathy for people being retards. Attorneys that work in civil law know how greedy their field is and don't care to defend businesses against government regulation, no matter if the business can be considered ethical.

The liberals are the fake intellectuals. The oh-so-sophisticated defense or god forbid civil rights lawyers that think just because they're a liberal they know everything about the law and can morally uphold it.

>please understand that this was not an unusual occurrence for me

translation: I am attractive and get a lot of attention a lot of the time

she should either move to a less shady area or grow the fuck up

this was so painful to read, fucking feminism bullshit.

there are a minority of crazy people out there. i've had a woman on drugs masturbate in front of me and some strangers on the train. do i need to go into a facebook ramble about how women need to control their desires ?

Prosecutors are huge faggots who get hard knowing people violate multiple laws daily and consider it some beatific indulgence on their part not to run them in.

The only red pill is the criminal defense bar. It will burn the libshit right out of any candy-ass Ivy grad every time.

t. former libshit who had all compassion and understanding for niggers burnt away by 2L

Sounds like your liberal sister is an attention whore. Literally spent all that time virtue signaling instead of literally telling the guy to fuck off or approaching him with the other man beside her and asking him what he wanted.

Its like she literally expects everything in the world to go her way and when it doesnt, its always not her fault. Gee i wonder if that has ever helped anyone ever.

"bad criminal, bad". This is a garbage post and OP you and your sister are criminally faggot.

I was very tempted to ask her if the man was a chimp but I didn't want to get crucified.




So you essentially became redpilled by practicing law, correct?

Btw, she has been divorced once. Her husband was into trannies.

So, nothing happened. Fucking riveting.

Fuck, I get "harrashed" by junkies and drunks like this all the time, I just tell them to fuck off firmly and they go away. If you cant speak up for yourself as a fucking adult then you are a failure yourself.

A very specific part of it, yes.

Your exceptional kike or bleeding heart will be able to deny the truth their whole lives but I'd say your average person would at least come to realize how much of what they have been told is a complete lie.

Most continue the external charade for personal or professional reasons, only hating niggers on the inside.

Already had quite a few people from my class "pursue J.D. advantage paths" after a few years shoveling nigger shit.

I can tell your sister is fat

literally the exact opposite. thin and aryan.

The problem here is the problem with all feminists,

She is literally taking this situation, something that has nothing to do with her narrative she's pushing and finding a way to complain about how oppressed she is.

Some weird fuck coming up to you and asking you to talk is not equivalent to being raped.

When I was a teenager I used to work at a grocery store in the middle of the city. I would work late into the night pushing carts and in the city, late at night, I would have all types of twilight zone-esque experiences.

One time, some guy came up to me asking me to buy some shrooms off of him and told me he would follow me home if I didn't. That shit was terrifying but I just laughed it off and told him to fuck off before I called the cops.

Still I didn't overthink the situation and freak out about it like this bitch and go on facebook and connect it to the patriarchy or something. She's a nigger.

My gf doesn't need to fear being by herself, she doesn't need a beta to escort her to the car, she doesn't need to make a blogpost about how she was almost raped.

Been dealing with college liberals for the past 6 years, brother. Almost done with it all.

This is great to hear, I fucking hate my law class.

not necessarily. there are lots of lawyers working for internationals/non-profits/do-good organizations that still have their heads in the clouds because - surprise, surprise - they don't actually interact with the people they are "securing justice" for.

but yes it can be a redpill. like user said above, working in either defense or prosecution will automatically redpill because you have to actually deal with googles day in and day out. defense is an even bigger redpill because you have a lot more contact with your clients and all of the bullshit they will throw at you. prosecutors don't.

thats just crim. i imagine being a family lawyer will redpill even the most beta of men.

I think you should replace all mention of women as "white people" and men as "black people or black person."
now it's a story of an incredibly racist white person who just won't give a black person a break.
But, to be honest, some men are shit. Most men are not. A man's duty is to protect good women from bad men. Where was Kurt? Why wasn't he with his gf? Perhaps he trusts his liberated woman to protect herself. Big mistake Kurt.

This part gets you a few thumbs up.

This part gets you hundreds of thousands of upvotes and on television.

Fuck social media. Without it the 4th post wouldnt exist.

Let me take a wild guess, as a knower of black dix and a connosieur of Charchoal dong i call that this "man" just a regular nigger that has no concepts of manners or personal space, migth even be retarded.

Good to hear you're nearly free then.

If you get criminal law/crim pro decently enough, you should try working for a small-to-middle-size firm (not Big Law) for a couple years.

You will be flooded with any and all niggers in your locale, like filings to a fucking magnet.

It's a mentally-healthy profession that prevents burnout because, as long as you can accept that you will get complaints to the Bar (make sure to get a good Teflon Don thing going early so they will automatically assume complaints are bullshit in the future), you can scream at your clients and call them stupid motherfuckers right to their faces. Can't do that at Big Law--they even lojack their manila file folders.

It really does cut down on the burnout.

And younger female attorneys are sexually-depraved so it's important not to be stressed out from work when it's time to have the "I want you to be my daddy this weekend" conversation.

What it seems happened is she irrationally assumed the guy wanted to rape her, despite that never being mentioned by anyone but her in the situation. Dude likely had mental issues or wanted to ask for money (probable scenarios), but her response lept to "i am 100% certain he is trying to rape me" (highly improbable). And apparently this display of illogical thinking is the fault of men, somehow. It's our fault that women jump to insane/highly unreasonable conclusions. The reason some other guy walked her to her car, "no questions asked", was probably because there was nothing to be concerned about in the first place and his mind wasnt clouded by some irrational fear like hers was. This is all taken a few steps further by her feeling some sense of altruistic compulsion to post this online in order "warn" other women of the "danger" they live in every day. But my favorite part was her comparison to walking in a bank, holding a gun to the cashier's head, and demanding money just because she wants it. That comparison is plain fucking stupid.

How does your sister have a law degree when she blathers on pointlessly like a tumblr user?

so, what are the odds he was black?

Every single bit of my this.

>He was older, walking slowly. He was wearing a red shirt. A hat. And sunglasses (at 9 p.m.).

>Law degree

So, she's an idiot who works at Starbucks?

I'll definitely keep this all in mind. Yelling at googles seems like a blast.

Thanks, user

Daddy issues and a divorce?

Ambulance chaser

>asspie spergs out trying to get directions
>whaa I was almost raped
Carry a fucking gun you dumb whore.

Dude was a creep no doubt. Don't even bother starting a conversation if she's on the phone and if she doesn't give the vibe that she wanna talk at all, walk away.

As much as I hate this third wave feminism bullshit and would vote Trump if I could, it's obviously the man who was in the wrong here

autist? this sounds like nigger behavior to me.

she probably looked scared and acted scared and that only made the beast more fired up. turning away multiple times is such a terrible idea. its a form of fear and submission, guys that rape and murder are usually into dominating the individual, showing such weakness, she's lucky he didn't just drag her off.

rape culture though?

Maybe she had a shart stain bleeding through the back of her pants and he was trying to tell her before she went in and ruined everyone's meal.

she has no one to mother so she mother's the entire Anonymous population of the internet with her finger wagging. Also she gets a decent amount of attention from this. This is basically why Islam requires multiple women to corroborate a testimony, because women cannot be trusted for anything. it would be amazing to see the difference between what actually happened and her story here. most of what's related probably happened inside her own mind. who is that one lady who claimed she was thrown to the ground by a trump aid when in reality she was just lightly brushed aside?

>Get approached by some sperg
>Sperg can't take hint
>Get spooked
>Run into store
>Get scared of spergs
>This is men's fault and it's their duty to keep creepers away from me

Fuck off, I get hassled by weirdos too. Don't stutter out some "N-no t-thank you" and hope they go away. Tell them to get lost. Not my job to coddle every paranoid mess of anxiety.

Do what a man would do: bait the google into a confrontation, bait him into pursuing and inflicting a bruise or two, then fill the google's abdomen with hollow-point ammunition in the middle of a Five Guys.

Goddamn non-confrontational roasties. I bet she voted for diversity and welfare benefits too.

If you can't tell a google "no", don't pretend to be equal.

The degenerate should fear the virtuous.

>What do you think /pol?

My response to her is: Brevity is the soul of wit, bitch. Get some.

>raise them to respect all women
> raise them to be that kind, understanding stranger

I tried that.

Made me an incel. Zero sex for years, despite real success.

Raise your daughters to stop giving in to scumbags.

nah i don't believe that shit but i don't blame women for having the impression that many men approach them in a way they feel unsafe about cause i see that shit often. especially by mudshits where i live but also by whites

TIL that robbing a bank and talking to a stranger are synonymous.

So some old guy asked to speak to her, albeit alittle rude, and now she was assaulted? Your sister sounds like a spoiled and coddled attention whore.

I get hassled by people all the time. Everytime I walk into a gas station I get some black guy going "Ayo hol up, you got a dollar manz?"

I either say no, or give a buck if I'm in a good mood. Same with homeless people. 99% of the time if you say no, they take the hint. When they don't you tell them to fuck off.

Basically what your sister is saying is she is incapable of handling any type of social situation. And cry's when something makes her slightly uncomfortable. Jesus christ, buy a gun, grow some balls, and interact with people like a normal human being. If shit goes south, make them know you're not the right person to be hassling.

People are rude and abrasive. It's just part of life.

is there a tldr for this shit?

>Chick goes to overpriced burger joint, guy asks to talk to her whilst she's on the phone she says I'm busy.

>Guy really wants to talk to her, tells her again he wants to have a conversation.

>This is literally the same as someone robbing a bank because they want money.
>It is every guys responsibility to defend her honor so she doesn't ever have to feel uncomfortable.

OP's sister was outside a restaurant on the phone, some old guy asked for a minute of her time, she kept telling him she was on the phone and walking away. He got pissed, she ran into the restaurant, got her burgers, and had some random guy walk her to her car.

She proceeds to make a 10 paragraph blog post on facebook about how all women experience this and this is their constant struggle blah blah blah men wah wah all men I'm a victim.

Tldr: She's a coddled bitch who has a huge victim complex.

Five Guys, you say?

For this shitty blog and wasting countless manhours across the globe, this bitch deserves rape

Why are women so narcissistic?

I can't tell the difference between parody and sincerity anymore with these cunts.

>all men are rapists
good mene

Im not reading that whole thing, just the last part of it.

Cat calling? Yeah that sucks. Very annoying. Happens to men too, but I suppose it's likely scarier for women because they are weak.

My girlfriend and I live in Chicago. She gets cat called often but only by 30-40 year old black men who are fat and stinky and who should be at work or minding their business on the train. They often comment on her ass (and damn does she have a great ass). It's kinda funny. I don't feel a need to speak up or anything because I see how she reacts - she gives them the biggest stink eye and scoffs at them. She'll shut them the fuck down. It's kinda great to see that she is openly disgusted by this behavior.

I dont think it matters who's president, niggers are always going to desperately long for my girlfriend's booty and make dick-headed comments on the train or walk to work about it. Always.

Just over 2% of the US population is currently in jail, in prison, or on parole. Over 90% of these are male, meaning approximately 4% of the US male population is currently in prison or on parole. We can roughly take this to mean that 1 out of every 25 men a woman is exposed to on a daily basis is so incapable of interacting with society in a healthy manner that they are the reason jails and prisons exist.

Considering the number of people a normal female has to interact with in a given week or month, this quickly adds up. Staying away from poor areas helps significantly, but every moderately attractive female has to put up with this shit constantly from the moment they start going out in public alone.

This is why we need Sharia and why women must dress modestly, wear hijabs, and preferably never go in public without a male relative or someone they trust.

>retards that lack critical thinking skills entirely can acquire law degrees
Really makes you drink

You better have replied with tl;dr

that's absolutely fucking absolutely fucking wrong though.

I'm not some MGTOW or r/theredpll faggot by far, but I had a girlfriend smash a beer mug on my leg, sent me to the hospital with 22 stitches. If I had done the same exact thing to her - I'd be doing 5-10 in the state, bare minimum. she literally didn't even get a lecture, much less a slap on the wrist.

fat stinking ass niggers


This is actually almost surreal to me, if this isn't bait.

Absolutely this.

give her a flat tire on election day

I'm a little distressed by the number of Brand Names in this post. But it does convince me that a Hillary voter posted it.

>(Side note: that's like me walking into a bank, holding a gun to the teller and demanding all the money because "I just want a million dollars.")

Your sister is really stupid by the way, OP. Talking to someone is not the same as robbing them.

Judging by this story I can tell that your sister doesn't cook or clean. She also probably values her career over pleasing her man. Soon he will dump her ass and she'll be alone old and miserable wish guys would come up and hit on her. She sounds very narcissistic and naive. Eventually she'll realize she's just another whore in the crowd. Also five guys is greasy garbage. I could make the same shit at home in 5 minutes.

got more of her?

No joke this reminds me of the time a girl asked me to walk her to her house at 2 am because she felt unsafe. It was after a party in the Mexican hood (don't judge)

She was pretty, but definitely psychotic. You can just tell by the crazy eyes. She didn't really seem frightened to walk home it was more like she was trying to manipulate me like "hey can you walk me home pleeease im scared :D" like Spongebob in pic related

I said no. I told her I didn't know her and I'm not going to take any chances. I did this because I heard some news stories about girls luring gullible guys into robberies. The spics do that kind of shit sometimes, and the female gangbangers exist.

But yeah, rape culture and all that etc.

I can't believed I actually read all that bull shit. Of course there are weird fucks out there, and not all of them are interested in sexual harassment. But all weird, aggressive fucks can be dissuaded with the same solution.

Conceal Carry. I do it, my wife does it, my sister does it, both of my wife's parents do it, both of my parents do it. And not one of them has ever felt threatened by others.

What state do they live in?

Kansas. Permit-less CC. That said, several of the group still have permits for interstate travel.

Just tell the bitch to cc a gun. Mofo gets too close, he gets blasted. America, fuck yeah

>It's always been that way. Men with their
Why the fuck is she applying collective guilt?
An old man wanted to talk to her while she was on the phone. Big fucking deal, he was rude. She should deal with it instead of throwing a shitfit.

I fucking wish people had the decency to strike up random conversations in public.

Tell her this is a privilege of a white girl to have people go out of their way to ask her about her well being and whether she feels safe.
Nobody would do that if she was a woman if color.
Also, it's very troubling that she posts about her white girl problems while black people are being shot by the police

>posting about Feminism instead of BLM in the current year

TL;DR one guy wouldn't stop talking to me and another escorted me to my car, hence all men are rapists.

Reminds me of that time a woman was scared of a buncha gypsies and asked to walk besides me. You have to be a bit sheltered to think like that imo. I mean if it was my mom or my sis, I know they would keep their head up and just give a stink eye if people give undesired attention, pretty much like I do because we're used to bad neighborhoods

Tell her to take her responsibility for her own protection seriously and get a concealed carry weapon.
It's not rocket science.