What's with people saying google lives matter? What did google do?

What's with people saying google lives matter? What did google do?

google = nigger

For instance Seth Rogen hates googles.




Browse the Google pay the rouble

It would be a serious accomplishment if we could meme calling niggers googles to the point that twitter understands it.

That's like fighting back against the stupidity of PC, are they just gonna ban every word we switch to?

All I have to do is call that google Cosby a rapist on Mahers show and you will give me a movie role?

Just say "niggers"

This meme is beyond stupid

op is a skype

they're working on a new ai project that will filter 2 million racist/harrassing/etc posts a second, some brilliant user figured we should replace slurs with brands to trip it up

found the google

It's preparation for Google's "auto-delete hatespeech AI". It's the one word we're certain that they won't flag.


Google is responsible for half of the murders in the USA but is only 12% of the population.

whoa now, it's black lives matter..

no, op is a skittle
op is always a skittle


>op is a skype



Imagine for a moment it does flag it. Every instance or the word Google being blocked.

google has made it their mission to find "hate speech" and censor it but what if that hate speech was subverted into the name of companies. how do they react.

choose to play along, this could trigger the googles to double down and actually spin this as some kind of branding win yet the common people aren't that dumb. be what libs call a social experiment.

Meme wars 2: electric boogaloo

It's a DoD study on host-immune response to memetic threats in a prototypical self-organizing hivemind (aka "Cred Forums")

Google bans words from searches.
Google = nigger
Google might have a hard time banning google.

we've all got to get onto the same page to figure out what the code words are

so nigger word filters to Google but what are the rest ? kike, coal burner , Indian , cuck etc

or also can we trip the system up by typing like we do to get around chinkmoots word filters ? like typing TB.H to avoid getting filtered to desu

Fucking googles

Why stop at googles?
Coca-cola is know to fuck around with ownership of water in about everywhere - first world, industrial countries, third wirld shitholes. They buy the water, bottle it, and sell it high - even going so far as to damage those water supplies, that they can't get access to.

They, are the ultimate (((Coca-Colas)))


Is this going to be our greatest accomplishment? Could we possibly do more with memes than this?

Guys if you turn the name of one of the most powerful companies in world history into a racial slur you could up-end a lot of shit

I normally wouldn't think this would be any big deal but I literally saw a mugshot of pepe the frog on national cable networks not too long ago

I mean it'll be funny as fuck, but you guys sure you wanna go down this rabbit hole?

going down the rabbit holes is the entire fucking point of this board

we haven't even begun
enjoy the ride

From now on, it's nose google, google burner, curry google, Trudeau google, etc..

Coca-Colas = Coal Burners?

Accidental link at the end there.., nm it

I hate Googles

t. Tim Horton

literal fucking thick lipped criminal googles

Google gave me herpes

googles are useful tools of the skype

skypes don't care about google lives


>on Cred Forums

>not already lost in a giant rabbit warren somewhen.