Why are women so narcissistic in general?

Why are women so narcissistic in general?

What causes them to believe that the entire universe revolves around them?

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Betamen who cater to their every whim inflate their sense of self worth.

We, men, are not perfect either.



They literally live to attract the attention of men. It's biology.

Except men don't use 'muh evolution' to justify every retarded quirk that can be attributed to their gender, so why do women think they can get away with it?

Imagine every minute of your life you have been pampered. Imagine that whenever you got into an confrontation as a kid your parents where there to defend you. Imagine getting everything everywhere. You feelings are beeing taken seriously no matter how stupid your reasons are.

And all of this just because you happen to be able to bear a child and are a decent looking person. Fuck i cant even blame them for believing that the universe revolves around them.

>What causes them to believe that the entire universe revolves around them?

Well, lots of men DO revolve around them, so.... that is their perspective I guess.


hot chick is easy mode life.

I blame the fact that there are more men in the world then women. It gives women an edge because guys need to fight over them. Causing them to constantly be pampered.

If there were more women in the world, men would have more choices and the the power would shift. It doesn't even make sense from a nature standpoint why there are more guys, more women would make sense since you only need 1 man to impregnate many women.

because they give birth and because mah hormones.


Second Post elaborates on first.

For those that don't get it. Every time a woman should feel like shit, every time their guilt would make them realize a mistake or flaw, some beta orbiter is there to say they are perfect because they want to fuck.

>should feel like shit
says everything about you


men are more narcissistic than women, dingus

stfu cuck

Men, even the "alpha males" are thirsty effeminate queers that worship women and base their entire lives off of getting the approval of women. They want the pussy. Women know this and use it to their advantage.

Luckily for women, western society firmly works in their favor. It's simply undeniable that western society works in the favor of women. People knew this years and years ago. They deny it now and say women are oppressed, I'm not sure why so many people deny that women have the advantage in western society, but oh well.

Women have an in-group preference, the "sisterhood" if you will, and they know that men are thirsty and that men will do anything for them to get laid.

Real men love from afar.

Their worlds revolve around men, so naturally when many men revolve around them it's not hard to see why they're like this.


>See hot girl, daydream about her
>Leave vicinity of girl, "out of sight, out of mind"
>Fap when horny
>Never deal with annoying gf, have plenty of time for leisure, can enjoy every girl you see without actually caring about her life in any way
>Love from afar

But this will change as I get older, I imagine

Hard wired that way so that we will be good providers for their children

Their ego never has to differentiate from their mothers ego with respect to sexual/gender identity, as males do when forming an ego. So major parts of their personalities always remain in normal, undisturbed infantile narcissism.

They lack this existential crisis of separation from infantile narcissism at the root of their egos, unlike men for whom it s a defining psychological feature. This is a major reason there are few, if any, true female artistic geniuses.

They're designed to spit out a kid and take care of it. They're weak. Why does a lion kill antelope. It's meant to.

I'm more narcissistic than any woman I've ever met.

Yeah this seems legit


Should people not feel like shit if they've done something wrong? Faggot.

Women are polygamous in nature so amount of men doesn't matter to them, at least as long as they have state to take care of them witch they have and it won't change until western countries finally become third world and are unable to support their welfare systems.

The culture has made everyone more narcissistic

Ken Wilber is an author who developed a model of human development that makes sense of all of the disparate findings better than anyone I've seen.
People go from egocentric to group-centric to universalist - both men and women

Men tend to focus on objectivity like rights and justice, whereas women focus on subjective things - care and concern

If you judge women by the male measures, then women will look deficient bc the women will be making exceptions based on relationships, feelings, etc... which shouldn't have a place in objectivity. However when you judge men on female measures, the same is true (they look heartless, cruel)

Nature did not design one sex to be horrible and the other perfect even though people are constantly trying to cast one sex or the other in just this way.

Men and women complement each other and each have an important role to play. Both sexes are subject to pitfalls in their development but these will look different bc of the different natures of masculinity and femininity.

Spoken like true cucks.
Men have a far easier time now more than ever due to hook up culture. Men won't date good girls who don't put out. Biological ticking time bomb pressures faster sex just to DATE.

25% of millennial won't even marry cuz guys don't want to, less husbands for women. The older the woman gets the less chance to find someone to marry as well since they don't marry younger

>The culture has made everyone more narcissistic
Fucking this. Have you ever used Instagram or snapchat? It's just people taking selfies and pretending others actually care.

It's all about looking good to others all the time, for both men and women. They get so wrapped up in this fantasy world that they truly believe they are the most amazing people ever. When in reality they are vain, self centered, boring people who can not exist without others approval.

Just one more thing that we have to fight against. Hookups have become so much easier but lead to spiritual emptiness and potential unwanted pregnancies and diseases and a life lacking in stability and the slower satisfaction of sticking with one person and working on building something strong.
Just about every movie, TV show, advertisement, app, porno site is pressuring us in the direction of instant gratification, superficiality, novelty, risk-taking. Not to mention the ease with with people can get divorced. All the odds are against us. Only people who focus on the spiritual truth of existence will thrive.

Well said
I've never used them and I stopped using Facebook years.

Men give them special treatment because they have vaginas and let them get away with bullshit instead of slapping them around.

We allowed women to usurp the place of children in society.

For instance, marriage, the union of a man and a woman to better care for children: do you think any woman would define it that way today?

They think it's just for them. They get to be Princess for a Day. They get attention and approval. They get children as accessories. They get to destroy a man if they get bored with it.

The idea of making a marriage work for the sake of children is completely alien to them. They think that they must do what makes them feel good at all times and that somehow children will become worse off if sacrifices are made for them.

It seems unlikely. Men, who are less likely to be social, should be more narcissistic. It's not really a bad thing, provided you don't lose yourself in a mirror.

Ah the female,
It's like a blue pill that I chronically swallow.
I was easily red pilled on the falsehood of religion and the corruption of politics and media but, women I see their degeneracy, their utter absence of honor their greed.

I find myself thinking maybe I'll find one that doesn't fit the mold or follow the trends of whores but, I can't.
yet I hold out.

It has been shown to me time and again.
They are tampon chutes with a lust for loot.
but, I can't get myself to stay awake from the delusion for long.

Also I repotted this thread, faggot. Stop ruining this board.

>Men, who are less likely to be social, should be more narcissistic.

The exact opposite 'should' be true, and is true.

I don't how the fuck anyone can actually believe men are more narcissistic than women. Have you ever spoken to a female before?

Lack of people to tell them otherwise.

This thread is politically incorrect.

Eat a dick, whore.

>Except men don't use 'muh evolution' to justify every retarded quirk that can be attributed to their gender
Yes they do.
>men can sleep around and women can't because evolution
>men should be in charge all the time because evolution
>men should rule over women because evolution
You see it all the time in Cred Forums. You must be new though.

Their parents literally call them princesses.

It's not their fault really.

They can call you sexist and misogynist and blah blah blah and get you fired for having a different opinion.

A minority of users on an Internet imageboards does not account for all men, you spastic.

>Women are polygamous in nature
No, that's men. Male leaders always have harems (history has proven this) while female leaders don't nearly as often.

woman detected

Nice semantics, faggot. I can easily make up a vidya thread about some random bullshit and call it politically correct. You want a slippery slope, do ya? You want threads here that should be on Cred Forums? Or in /mlp/? Is that what you want?

You're on Cred Forums. So yes, your fellow Cred Forumsacks speak on your behalf in this case. Dumbass.

You wish.

>You're on Cred Forums. So yes, your fellow Cred Forumsacks speak on your behalf in this case.

No, I speak on my behalf.

It seems you have nothing to add to this thread. You've already reported it, so why not leave and stop making pathetically shallow generalisations that most people ITT will see through instantly?

You're kidding, right? This whole thread is a shallow generalisation and you pick on me instead of the entire thread?


I think it's time for you to leave roastie.


the gender invested with a womb and being vulnerable when raising a baby demands protection and attention

why did you make this thread, it's a dumb question

>losing an argument
>wants to just walk away from it
Seems like you're the woman here.

>get BTFO
>'hmm I know, I'll claim I've won a non-existent 'argument', that will nourish my wounded ego'


Oh and thanks for the bumps

Typical Cuckalt-right post

1) wishes for a collapse so woman come running back (men will always suffer more when things go to shit)

2) thinks women are capable of gratitude and will express remorse for being indoctrinated by Karl Marx and his crew of Frankfurt supper baddie jews

3) insecure ego can't deal with the fact men have it better than ever, no wars & conscription, no working hours outside breaking our backs, endless leisure options and travel opportunities, any short or long term relationship with a woman is socially acceptable now the church has fucked off

>doesn't know about sage
>thinks he's won any semblance of argument
So you're both dumb and new. Got it.