If Politics was an RPG, who would be the final boss? Who would be the single most powerful man in world or U.S politics...

If Politics was an RPG, who would be the final boss? Who would be the single most powerful man in world or U.S politics? Obama is not a valid answer, he has no real power.



Soros would be the hardest boss fight but the Rothschild family would be the final one.

The demiurge

The Jew

George Soros fused with David Rockefeller piloting a mech built by Google.

The 13 family's are the final bosses user.


>If politics was an RPG, who would be the final boss? Who would be the single most powerful...

This is a really fucking stupid way to think about politics.

Find a new conceptual model to work with.


Bonus Optional Boss is Kek

or maybe

Obama would be the boss on easy mode

Don't be so coy.

>Hillary is The Boss
man that's just disrespectful to the character.

u have to fight a brainwashed populous, the media and the leader they take orders from

Xi Jinping, the president of China

Depends on which path you take and what factions you side with

Hillary Clinton would be the main villain for all of disc 1. George Soros would be the main villain in disks 2 and 3. Disc 4 is only the final dungeon where you go to the Bohemian Grove to defeat Moloch. The boss kills you in the first battle but then there's a 20 minute cutscene where you get the ability to summon Kek to defeat Moloch.

ganondorf from zelda

Google is an important boss near the end of disk 2.

whoever has the most money

Politics is based on people's perception, no one views themselves as a villain

The final boss is the embodiment of

But it keeps repeating endlessly as time moves forward

The real final boss is yourself

They'll be related to the world bank or possibly IMF.
That's my educated guess at least, the ol' power level is still a little to low to discern who the final boss is.

both are traitors

Fair enough, but there are certainly those who are more motivated by selfishness, greed, spite, outright hatred et cetera.
Moral relativism is for limpwristed, nu-male, (buzzword) fuckboys.
Nothing may be absolute, but there is no shame in having enemies. It's healthy, even. Sure you end up tilting at windmills sometimes but that's life.

Sam Hyde

They called him "low energy," little did they know he was saving it until that battle...

You defeat the Rothschild Pressence and resist the Hebrew corruption only to be reborn a Jew....

This is how it would end....



Fuck user
It's hard to sleep when my mind is blown

He would be a clueless rival that realizes the truth about his own weakness mid-adventure.

That is one slightly nervous looking doggo.

The final boss would have to be Kek.

(((They))) are among us

> a 3v1 fight with a second stage fight after you kill all of them within 3 seconds, were they are all conjoined with a short enrage timer. And whilst you are fighting them they continuously spawn puppets and MC important players and cleanse your buffs. Don't get me started on the attune meant needed to fight them.


Correct answer was "Satan/Moloch's unfathomable 10-dimensional avatar as it spills forth from the Saturn Vortex in the shattered core of the CERN blacksite."

Please see attached answer key.

The final boss would just be the mob of humanity, survival mode.

It would be boring and easy like every final boss.

The secret boas on the other hand...

hilary clinton is the chaacter in the 1st game that you think is the main villain but turns out she was MKUltra'd as a child and turns good after u defeat her right before she dies and tells u about the main boss soros. In the second game u have to track down and kill various rothschild minibosses to get more info on soros, culminating with you tracking down and killing alex soros in a ploy to get george soros to come after you. at the end of the game you have to choose between letting the usa get nuked and ensuring the soros NWA defeat, or saving the usa from nukes and letting soros complete his globalist plan of world domination

Shit nigga I wanna play this now.

>even comparable to The Boss
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