Harry Redpill

It looks like his latest role really gave him a concentrated dose of red pills? Is he coming around?


>“We like to think of ourselves as being a very, very progressive industry, but we have been lagging behind in all kinds of areas,” Radcliffe said.

>“It’s pretty undeniable,” he added when asked outright if Hollywood is a “racist” industry.

>Radcliffe also criticized Donald Trump in his interview, accusing the Republican presidential candidate of “stirring up” feelings of “fear and hatred.” The actor called Trump a “wealthy, privileged man (who) has somehow managed to convince people he’s not part of the elite and that’s he’s a man of the people.”

> privileged man (who) has somehow managed to convince people he’s not part of the elite and that’s he’s a man of the people.”

Hurr, rich, elite people, fear mongering by calling other rich, elite people fear mongering bullies

Hollywood is all democrats so of course it's racist.

but if Trump wins he's gonna bloodbath other wealthy elites that tried to stop his memery, while Hillary will continue taking loads of saudi money and cum

>reading comprehension skills: non existent

> privileged man (who) has somehow managed to convince people he’s not part of the elite and that’s he’s a man of the people.”

As if being born a child actor isn't privileged. When he gives back all that sweet teenaged puss he can talk about who is and isn't a man of the people.

I guess his career is over now.

>yfw Harry stayed up late doing his research on Cred Forums and started to go deeper down the rabbit hole
Is he the next Mel?


>jumping onto regular regressive left bandwagon
>calling out others on being wealthy and privileged while being a celebrity loaded with cash

Redpilled? OP, you are retarded.

Of course its racist, its full of skypes.

He's saying Hollyjew isn't progressive enough.That's the opposite of redpill.

Never liked that faggot or harry potter

wtf ,i hate harry potter now

he wanted an excuse to link his shitty article


>only famous because Halle Joel Osmond wasn't british

Listen to Roseanne Barr and her understanding of Hollywood.

It is everything it loves and hates, and that's by design

also potter is just virtue signalling to the #OscarsSoWhite crybaby twitter crowd and not even trying to expose the nose.

>The actor called Trump a “wealthy, privileged man (who) has somehow managed to convince people he’s not part of the elite and that’s he’s a man of the people.”

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