India now has the largest solar power plant

India now has the largest solar power plant.

Hurr durr poo in looo India

You fags better catch up

Other urls found in this thread:

>Had largest solar plant
>Still no proper defecation stations.

Out of curiosity, what's the output of that compared to the world's smallest nuclear power plant?

Outputs 0% chance of a nuclear meltdown, I can tell you that much.


Did they just put solar panels on people's backs when they went to poo? Doesn't count, lad

Poo in loo
you are 50 payet

And that's why no one likes lame clean energy. No risk! No fun at all.

Large scale solar panels are fucking retarded


Then why does more than half the country still suffer from power cuts, low voltage and exorbitant tariffs? Hell some villages haven't even seen power in the 21st century. The fuck you on about nigger? Solar is not going to help. We need nuclear power. This is a fucking shit thread inviting pity and ridicule.

Solar is absolutely useless tho, nuclear is lyf

good, coal plants in your country would be deadly for such big population

Actually, producing solar panels has a horribly toxic byproducts which ruin entire regions

How will you store spent nuclear waste if you can't even dispose of your poo?

You know what you must do Rajput. Bury him in your torrent of disdain. Hold nothing back. Cut loose the curry juice.

>slow pollution
>a nuclear meltdown

To me one of those definitely sounds more fun than the other.

>Makes sense, you guys have a negative view on the religion of peace.
>Perfectly reasonable.
>An you guys don't want to rely on the petrol dollar which will profit the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
>So you became Solarfags.

Good for you user, hopefully the India super power meme will become reality one day an people will realize Islam is cancer an finally start a new crusade that I'll gladly invite Hindus an Sikhs to.

Good luck with your solar panels user.

fuck i hate you

How do you think your countrymen will handle nuclear power? needs a lot of safegaurds and not cutting corners, which inda is famous for doing

They already exist there. Besides they already have a deadly source of energy, its called poo power.

poo in the loo

Can figure out solar panels but toilets are alien technology to them

>This is a fucking shit thread inviting pity and ridicule.

Sums up your country pretty well.

They'll do what the US did with the early test generators - burn them.

Clean energy.

Dirty assholes.

Clean energy

Still smells like shit

Solar farms tend to use sheep to keep the grass short.
Being India, they'll allow cattle to graze in this solar farm.
What happens if the cattle stampede?

the amount of methane in the air will increase the ultraviolet rays' effectiveness. Genius idea by the poo in loos but they still don't have toilets so lmao git gud


You should of spent that money on toilets

About a 10 % of India renewable energy is based literaly in the cow shit.

Hows the space program going?

>India fell for the solar meme
How long until they are to covered in poo to function?
In all seriousness though, solar is absolute shit unless you are a libertarian who refuses to buy from the power companies, considering your population and poverty level, can you guys really afford to be so inefficient instead of using nuclear? Might as well keep using coal over solar anyways, fusion is projected to be viable by the 2030s

>just watering my solar plant

Tbqh, I smell a kickback being received by the company that received that contract.

That said, Poos really need to get their hands on the nukes, the talks of which just fell through last month if they don't want to deprive the next generation of a ventilator.

You forgot to had
> India already has the largest toilet in the world


daily reminder that solar energy, as it is right now, is a complete fucking waste of money ESPECIALLY when you try and get lots of it like this. although in a third world country like india they can probably pay literal peanuts to have the panels maintained for ages

solar power plants blow compare to other systems, thorium nuclear is the best faggots

Same as modern nuclear plants. Guess that makes the solar panels worthless and environmentally ruinous.

Do they think solar panels grow from the ground? How can they be so stupid?


nah we have nuclear power, we're good.


>still believing the solar and wind plant hippies

Nuclear energy is the greenest of them all. Solar plants can't compete with the power of nuclear energy and the only downside is some nuclear waste (which could be used for nuclear fusion in the near future).

Greenfags can suck a dick if they think I'm placing solar panels and wind mills all across the country just because they don't a few nuclear plants. Seriously tho, if every roof had solar panels, we'd still have an energy shortage.

Come back when we get the nuclear plants constructed. Solar is a meme

Ironic, isn't it? That "green" energy isn't really green. That said, i'm quite for personal solar panels. But national grid ones are deplorable.

>cut down all trees for fuel
>countryside is now bare
>poollute the entire countryside
>countryside is now unlivable
>tons of empty space, no fuel
>what ever will we do??????
Yeah, not impressed. Producing solar panels is an extremely polluting activity, which I'm assuming is why they were willing to do it. Can't get much worse than it already is.

Unfortunately, solar panels require a lot of care and maintenance to be efficient and they can be destroyed if they get too dirty. With Indians in charge, expect this whole thing to fail within 20 years. It's just going to be a big waste of money and it will eventually turn into a big toilet.

Ouch. But yeah, I agree. This is no accomplishment, it's just a distraction from real issues. It's going to trick a lucky few into thinking India is a great country, and for the rest of us it's merely a reminder of the average Indian's temperament and living conditions.

>20 years
I'll give it 7 and even that is an optimistic estimation. They're almost as bad as negros.

I'm from Poona and we have load shedding every Thursday. Power's been gone the whole day today
>A 2010 study by the Food and Agriculture Organisation ranks India amongst the 10 countries with the largest forest area coverage in the world (the other nine being Russian Federation, Brazil, Canada, United States of America, China, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Australia, Indonesia and Sudan).[12] India is also one of the top 10 countries with the largest primary forest coverage in the world, according to this study.

>From 1990 to 2000, FAO finds India was the fifth largest gainer in forest coverage in the world; while from 2000 to 2010, FAO considers India as the third largest gainer in forest coverage.[12]

>Some 500,000 square kilometres, about 17% of India's land area, were regarded as Forest Area in the early 1990s. In FY 1987, however, actual forest cover was 640,000 square kilometres. Some claim, that because more than 50% of this land was barren or bushland, the area under productive forest was actually less than 350,000 square kilometres, or approximately 10% of the country's land area.

>India's 0.6% average annual rate of deforestation for agricultural and non-lumbering land uses in the decade beginning in 1981 was one of the lowest in the world and on a par with Brazil.

India also buys mostly US solar panels which in turn helps US economy primarily in making panels cheaper (more competitive in the international market) and employing thousands of US citizens.

India is also purchasing 6 nuclear reactors from Westinghouse, in a 9 billion dollar deal.

Of course you won't care about facts etc.

A fitting name for a place in the pooinlooland

>Then why does more than half the country still suffer from power cuts
Hey doofus. If you weren't already aware, solar panels only produce power during the day.

Having a big array means jack shit if it doesn't have an energy storage system to go with it.

Too bad it's covered in shit and no longer works.

Man would you guys quit whinging. Poo in the loo is just our friendly insult that allows you to be one of us.

Don't be a fuckin whiny SJW cunt who gets offended by a god damn word.

Stop shitting in the street you sub human.


>falling for the solar meme
>watering solar collectors like they were plants
>still shit in streets
>pay people to poo in loo
>they wont

I swear you guys do this to yourselves
"Hey guys, we're not poo in loos, see? Solar power!"
> lives in a fucking place called Poona
> solar power still doesn't change the fact that you guys shit in the streets

We've already caught up - by using plants that generate more energy than your solar plant in a space less than the volume occupied by your tiny weeny wiener when it's fully erect.

they added their apparently non-thermal plant to the thermal plant list.

this triggers my autism.

>india is literally poo powered

all of my kek

What does the west do for energy when traditionally poor nations can get all their power from solar power as well as having most of the oil and gas?

They'll be drying clothes on that shit in no time.

>30% Capacity Factor

Doesn't answer the question

Why are you so Defensive already?

Integral fast reactor
Short of an earthquake of greater magnitude than any recorded or a direct nuclear strike, it's fool proof. Plus, as a bonus, it uses waste product from previous generation's reactors, greatly reducing our storage of radioactive waste, a good thing.

Solar is a waste of money at this point and that's not going to change by throwing money at it. We are several generations of technology away from approaching anything near the kind of energy produced by the photosynthesis of plants. Panels are simply not efficient enough for large scale power production, but work better in overcast weather than solar plants do. Solar plants are inherently unreliable, whether that's because of cloud cover, bird excrement, dust, algae or just plain old equipment failure.

Solar is not as clean as you think either. The panels themselves are toxic, but putting that aside because the devices do remain in service for very long periods of time. Maintenance of the mirrors or panels requires large amounts of fungicides, pesticides and herbicides to be used to preserve the efficiency of the devices

Let India piss its money away if it wants to, but don't try to make solar sound like anything other than a pipe dream, it's not.

>Of course you won't care about facts etc.
More like the details aren't the point. A lot of rural India (village people) have deforested their immediate area and are very, very slowly running out of resources. Obviously the uninhabited parts are going to be wooded like Russia.

These rural communities are slowly grazing their environment to death and dumping trash all around. The lack of lumber has caused a lot of notoriety because they rely on dried feces for fuel. This was already mentioned ITT, but "of course you won't care about facts etc."

My post was meant to represent, not necessary describe exactly, some problems facing India. My actual point was that they are very bad at maintaining their infrastructure in the long term and they solve a lot of their problems by building shit that doesn't even address the problem.

Pic related is another serious problem with a non-solution. All Indian villages may not worship their toilets instead of using them, but it's illustrative nonetheless. You have to understand their mindset to understand their problems. I'm not just picking on India, I'm trying to cut to the actual issue.

That pollution isn't slow. They just take and dump it in China, which just destroys everything in it's path. Besides, nuclear meltdowns don't happen anymore, and there was a whopping 2 in the entirety of history, both would have been avoidable easily

Wow street shitters built the largest of the most inefficient type of power plant you can built. I am so impressed.

Solar power is bullshit.

Arcovoltaic panels are very inneficient and solar power plants that uses mirrors kill the wild life aruond it because of the intense sunray beemed towards the central watercore.

Go nuclear or go home.

Americans will NEVER catch up.

Solar energy sucks power from the sun.

if India was so smart then why did they build a Solar power plant instead of a methane power plant.
think of all that energy

Solar power, even in a desert, requires vast amounts of land space. No problem, unless you live in a densely populated country.

Solar: 10 W/m2 (only works during the day)
Nuclear: 100 to 1000 W/m2 (works 24-7)

Mostly there is limited need for power in the middle of a barren desert.

People also confuse individual solar cell efficiency with solar power plant efficiently. The 2 are not the same, a power plant needs gaps between the cells.