Another day in the paradise called the Netherlands

>bald guy screams "cancer nigger" to thuggish nigger
>nigger goes oogabooga
>bald guy gets rekt
>the niggers white trash friend behind the camera talks in dutch ebonics i cant even understand

Other urls found in this thread:

seems totally legit

>dutch ebonics

White guy could have fucked him up if he didn't try to kick back. That's why coach told us never to dive.


Wat een welbespraakte jongeheer

>bald guy screams "cancer nigger" to thuggish nigger
He literally had it coming u dumb nigger, deserved every second of it.

>talk shit
>get hit
These people get no sympathy from me. Barbarians will get fucking gassed, no matter their skin colour or religion. We will all be better off with those welfare leeches.

Dit staat op Facebook:

>Even de context.. (vanaf het moment dat ik aankwam) deze man had een psychose, had al een paar klappen gehad.. ging door met schelden, want ja dat doe je als je een psychose hebt. Gozer keert weer om, om deze kick te geven.. ik trek hem eraf.. de man is naar huis gegaan, heeft zijn complete huisraad naar beneden gegooid, plus de rest van de buurt uitgescholden. Politie kwam, politie ging, nog meer spullen naar buiten en politie kwam weer en hebben de meneer meegenomen..

Shut up nigger.

>words are a valid reason for assault

Nigger-tier logic.

He said negro.
Neger means negro not nigger.

What the fuck, is that the nigger version of Bruce Lee?

>Act like violent nigger
You sure showed him there you fucking google

Yea that's the irony. He showed everybody why he got called a nigger in the first place :'')

Apart from the brave violence, their pathetic little voices annoy me even more. They all talk like retarded moroccans.

>nigger goes oogabooga

They're niggerised cowards. Dhimmis in the truest sense.

The bald guy is fucking retarded as well, don't start a fight you can't win. You don't even need to read the Art of War to know that.

Why are all Dutch swears based on diseases

the link is not working, says the website is offline
is there any alternative viodeo?

I can pretty much guess the timeline of this

>gang of nigs provoking a reaction
>nig feels safe because he is wit a gang of nigs and attacks
>retard films it because raycess n shiet

I gave up on that shit immidiately.

>unironically getting beaten by a fucking nigger

holy shit, why are westerners so fucking beta?

I'm white and I believe certain words are reason for assault. If someone on the street calls you a fuckface they're asking for it.


server him right

Afrikaans I think.

''talk shit, get bang'' Vardy


>be white
>nigger calls you a cracker
>t-thank you sir. May i offer you the virginity of my white daughter as reparations for slavery?

>Be black
>white guy calls you a nigger
>beat the shit out of him

And fags wonder why the white race is dying and white women wont date white "men" anymore


Jesus the lack of fighting skill in this gent is fucking embarrasing.

the dude led with a flying kick for fucks sake, how could he not atleast attempt to block or dodge that shit.

afrikaans klinkt als nederlands met kanker.

Pavel knows his shit

Because all of our curse-words basically comes from Holland (western part of the country) where they were very urbanized and maritime for much of our history. Diseases tend to spread in cities and on boats so they were the worst thing ever. Aside from cancer, we usually insult each other using infectious diseases (cholera, tuberculosis, smallpox).

On Facebook the woman in this video wrote that the guy had some sort of psycho episode and was cursing at people, afte the video he went home and threw all his furniture out of his house, the cops took him

And the plague, typhoid fever...

Niggers, the only race that can use violence against words and always get away with it

Muslims get away with it too, but Muslim isn't a race.

Really activates the almonds, eh?

Muslims get somewhat of a blowback, you'll never see a nigger being punished for violence

can niggers speak any language without using incomplete sentences and not understanding tenses?

That's what too much non-white admixture will do for you

That cameraman should try learning Dutch, because he sounds like a retard.

It used to be if you called someone a cuck you'd wind up in a duel to the death, they did not take that shit period. What the fuck happened?

>be Dutch by birth
>parents are retards that fail to raise me with any culture
>raise me on American movies instead
>go to public school filled with niggers
>have no cultural context so adopt their behaviour
>dying nation!

>words can make people angry
>angry people hit other people
Is this so hard to understand you stinky fat autist? Don't talk shit if you don't want to be hit. Contrary to what you may believe, the world isn't just one big Cred Forums where you can insult and call niggers nigger without reprecussion and consequence.

Nethercucks lmao

>being so mentally weak that you cant control yourself when hearing words

t. Blerim Gashi

Atleast our referendums are binding

>being so physically weak you can't stand up for yourself

He's got a point. The thing is I understand where you're coming from and would like that in an ideal world, but it's a fucking black and most people are instinctual retards anyway, so you DO have to pick your battles.

Like yeah, if the guy was 6' 4" and built like a brick shithouse, go ahead and call whoever you want a nigger, but your average skinny white guy probably shouldn't needlessly risk himself.

props for trying but gym and knowing martial arts are really useful, niggers can't swim and fight in reality they are only dynamic thanks to their ancestors running in the open savanah fields on daily basis

This is why wussy whites talk shit online, because you know it's instant retaliation if you opened mouth irl...

It's like when the omega wolf in the pack starts messing with the alpha wolf, the alpha wolf has to put the omega in his place...

You need to go back.

>This is why wussy whites talk shit online, because you know it's instant retaliation if you opened mouth irl

You're boasting about having no self-control. You're boasting about responding to words through the use of violence and intimidation.

>It's like when the omega wolf in the pack starts messing with the alpha wolf, the alpha wolf has to put the omega in his place...

Apparently the alpha wold's place is in the ghetto or in prison, while the omega wolf is working in an office and living in the suburbs.

Strange how all the alpha wolves want to move to the omega wolves' country.

Control your emotions fuckface

>alpha wolf
Doesn't exist.

The bald guy stuck his leg out in some ugly looking half ass side kick.

>gets called nigger
>"Hey', let's prove he is right"
>physicalls assaults someone because of a word

What a disgusting, animalic race.

Because they always have to fight alone, whites have no ingroup preference like shitskins do.

No, you don't jump into someone with your knee, foot or fist when he calls you a fuckface. You either ignore it or debate him.

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What did he mean by this?

>see pack of dindus
>call them all ape niggers
>they start rushing you
>reveal your brand new 10mm Glock 20 that you bought yesterday from Bud's Gun Shop for $599 plus tax
>fire off some rounds
>all of them scatter, one is on the floor bleeding
>go up to him
>"Sticks and stones, kid"


Dutch websites are required by law to notify that they use cookies, this way the public can opt out. In effect, this means you get an annoying fucking pop-up every time you visit a website for which no cookies are saved and everyone presses okay because nobody really gives a shit.

We need you Chosen One.

This man is right, if someone just calls you some dumb shit and you don't even know him. Show him some respect, beat his ass.

Would you beat up a person with tourette s.?

talk shit get hit.
if you cant defend yourself dont start shit. or bring a gun.

>attempt murder because a stranger insulted you
Google. The appropriate response is to insult him back.

Thats one long leg.

t. cancer nigger

Average white trash kek

Be careful about wanting the 'law of the jungle'. That's how your ancestors got put in chains and thrown in boats. It's only through laws and civility that we don't enslave or eradicate groups based on looking different.

So keep working on breaking down civil society and making comparisons to animals. You won't like what happens when you win your arguement.

>All these happy Aryan children eating Fritz und Mayo at a old open air folk museums with windmills and people in village age appropriate attire



cancer nigger is one of the funniest things I've ever heard, I would laugh so hard, even if I was black, why do black people get so upset over ONE word

assault is the dumbest crime ever, some people deserve an ass kicking, who will administer it if it's a crime to do so

unprovoked assault or against someone who cant defend themselves is lame though

but if they're shouting obscenities, it should be legal to punch them in the face

Dipshits like this are the foot soldiers of the race war. We're the officer corps.

Patatje mayo voor u.

It' the Poles. The Poles are the problem. Get them out. They antagonize the local 'multiculturals' which leads to incidents like this.

No impulse control, like a fucking nigger. Although, I'm always in favour of beating fucking niggers.

They all fucking died in duels like the cucks they are.

assoluto cosmico, regolare realtà
respiro di un immagine, sintonia di civiltà
confusa progenia di cellule ribelli
volo verso l'universo, l'attraverserò
se sei stella fatti vedere, io mi fermerò
oooh oooh

>pol goes outside

If only the whites would go back to the 17th century and play the game that you want to play - and fucking put you fucking niggers in your rightful fucking places. (And when that does happen, you fucking Niggers will play the eternal victim card to no end, which is all you're good for.)
The West should never have opened the doors to you fucking nigs - never.

They kill and rape whites by the thousands in America - a place where there are racial quotas in education, the media, in governmental positions, very favourable to blacks; billions upon billions are spent to alleviate them from 'poverty'; they've made it illegal for anybody to not serve blacks in their own business; you can't talk about the facts about blacks for fear of persecution; television programmes promote blacks, the mixing with such a group, and popularise them despite their huge crime levels in America and around the world; they condemn you as 'wacist!' if you disagree with your own children mixing with them and wanting your children to have at least a much more similar colour to you...

They are given such a leg-up, such a huge artificial headstart, in order to help them compete and live meaningful existences in white society - and they still complain, behave like weak, pathetic and petty victims...

Whites are willing to destroy their culture, heritage, history in order to accommodate the most untermensch of all untermensch.

hahaha oh god how much I hate the duch, this brings me so much joy. Fuck your piece of shit state, go atlantic :^)

No, you're a nigger.

Only niggers think like that.

Faggot nigger.

I'll murder you.

Fucking niggers don't have the wits for that. Why on earth do you think Africa looks like the pitiful pit of shit that it does?

>white faggot starts shit
>gets BTFO
>woman defends him

hahaha ultimate beta

white people are so pathetic

That's the North Sea for you, you failed Turk.

>white people are so pathetic
>polish flag
Is Poland part of Africa? Why are you faggots as bad as kikes and arabs when you post, i thought you guys had your shitskin problem on lockdown?

Must be that one shitskin living in Poland. A western country bringing in people that hate them, as usual; the West has no challengers on this earth, so they got bored and started screwing themselves over...

Oh no, a Bulgarina hates us.
Yeah, don't care desu about your garbage country and muslim population.

If you act like a google you deserve to be called that


I had a white Dutch call me kanker-something after I refused him a cigarette.

Must be the most retarded insult in history. Show me anyone who never had cancer in their family.


Do things like this happens regularly there?


Feels good to be in butthurt belt, instead of the muslim belt.

So, the poorer a country, the fewer Muslims it has?


your post is the gayest thing i've seen today, and that comes from someone who's been on Cred Forums

I would.

maar ja, ik ben ook een mocro ;)

Dutch piss themselves when I speak to them.

kankermarokkaan die zijn handen weer niet kan thuishouden

Burger speaks the truth.
The only thing that protects blacks from getting put in place are the civil laws that protect you and allow you to scream black lives matter.
No white would go out and beat black for saying white trash because no sane white wants to go prison for a shitty black.
On the other hand get rid off these laws and you will have hunts going on across whole world.

Weet je waarom alle nederlandse meisjes worden ingepikt? Omdat "mannen" zoals jij heel de tijd op dumpert huilen. Oh, en ze zijn de makkelijkste te krijgen. Neem maar een golddigger chinees, klootzak.

En met kanker schelden is het meest achterlijke iets wat je nu kan doen.