Fuck off if you think I'm talking about breathing techniques you maximum plebs.

Egoloss, enlightenment, nirvana type meditation. As well as psychedelic drugs like DMT and LSD even marijuana to some extent are being pushed by globalists to promote ideas that are destructive to the west.

Yuri Bezmenov has said this, particularly about meditation and yoga these days.

People learn from the internet what to do to meditate or what the point is and then try and make their own minds work that way.

If you think these hand gestures are pure coincidence you're an idiot, just look up meditation hands and satanic hand gestures , see the obvious branding in places like hollywood, politics, music and compare the two.

Just like psych drugs they want you to channel ancient energy or spiritual feelings , and then lie about what it all means to make people act on what they've been taught vs what is natural to them.

Modern "eastern mysticism"(really perverted twisted stuff our occultist elite pushes) is nothing like the original stuff.

This also goes for float tanks, psych drugs, etc

MK ultra used these all as tools in the hippy and beat times, it's just grown more elaborate now.

Don't be naive and think they don't use their tools on us.

If you care or are interested in this look it up.

This is a growing thing with young crowds who more than ever are being sucked Into party culture, every dumb girl I know wants to be enlightened and poi tlessly does everything they've been taught by the media in order to "be a better person "

Other urls found in this thread:

People like the Buddha who are normal good folk never said anything about making your hands do these things and to activate pineal glands, turn Into unattached light bodies, become enlightened ego less whatever

Yet ask a person to meditate like Buddha and they will do pic related while humming

>meditation is MKULTRA!
t. schizo

I agree as you mentioned, Yuri said something about this, how the soviet union loved that "new age" shit and meditation because you're telling people that all their problems will go away if you meditate enough instead of facing problems.

Also this new age garbage it's only hitting us. One human race, spiritualism, etc.


There's fairly little that's less dangerous than meditation and only retards care about posture or hand position.

Yes most people don't even know what meditation is. Great. Simply means they're not doing it. Again, so what? Doing meditation wrong purely means you're wasting your precious time you could 've using to shitpost this thread EVERY FUCKING 3 HOURS.

Sage this shit.

The only thing remotely interesting in your post are Float Tanks. And I bet you don't even know where they come from.

By the way, that's John Lilly with a dolphin in that picture.

People have been meditating for thousands of years retard.


>tfw op is tinfoil

Meditiation helps deepen my breathing user. May not matter much for you but in my line of work shallow breath will bring on fatigue far more quickly

>implying i learn vispassana from globalist

I learn it at the feet of the Awakened One

They want you to be scared of it so you won't reap the benefits and know more about yourself and your inner wisdom and the power that's in all of us.

You know meditation is just being not aware of yourself? That is the total opposite of brainwashing.

I meant more aware, oops

Hello OP.

Depends on the meditation done.

The purpose of meditation is inner reflection and awareness, or aligning an innner spiritual state and mental state, vibratory state of conciseness with something greater.

So yes what Op said is true, the closet ones would be Kabbalah type meditations, and Hindu yoga chaos type meditations. All those could increase leftism.

Really OP is generalizing and most meditations won't be used by the elites. They would fall into more occult type rituals and altered states.

Here is some examples like what OP suggests.

Here's the deal, goy. You have some of the truth but not all.

>Fuck off if you think I'm talking about breathing techniques you maximum plebs.

But there are styles of meditation, like Vaipasana, which really are only about mindfulness with a focus on the breathing. It's not a trance, it's not demonic. It's an exercise in self-control that has many benefits which you can look up on Jewgle.

Meditation is not anti-Christian. Medatatio, the Latin word for it, appears in the bible. It can be a type of prayer with a focus on quiet reflection. Using the breathing techniques of Vaipasana in conjunction with Christian meditation is perfectly fine.

In fact, Vaipasana meditation is very similar to the Eastern Orthodox doctrine of the Hesychasm. The Hesychasm is simply meditation with a recitation of the Jesus prayer. It's practiced by millions of Orthodox Christians. It comes from Jesus' instruction that prayer should be conducted in a room by oneself with the door closed. The Christain meditator achieves a deep state of concentration by means of a focus on the breath, and does not speak the Jesus prayer until he has achieved that deep state. This gives the prayer a significance which will not come from a mindless repetition of the prayer during normal waking hours.

What is to be avoided is the trance. Buddhist texts and the Bible both explicitly warn of trance-like states. Meditating with the intention of entering a trance may open the door to dark forces.

Tantra, Shakti, Ancient Yogic practices, LSD and other hallucinogens may take the practitioner into a trance. Sometimes the very goal of the practice is the achievement of trance. This is extremely dangerous. You are not a member of the priestly caste in ancient Aryan India. The protections they enjoyed no longer exist. This is "The Left-Hand Path," and I recommend you do not involve yourself in it.

Once in a while, I like to lie on my back and submerge into trance while listening to quite ambient sounds or music. It's meant to improve self control.

What da fug, I was OP of last night's thread on this topic and I gotta say this post is making me paranoid as hell.

Mr. Jones you should stick to selling water filters

Oy vey! Evil world is trying to keep the white man down by making him breathe in and out!

Dolphin a cute!

Bullshit. I've been practicing meditation for years and smoke weed regularly, I'm also a christian and right-wing. What you are afraid of is the New Age movement.

Medidation should be fine if you just learn to control your mind and don't go after some jew tutorial shit.

But be cautious with DMT. There are a lot of entitys that could be considered rather demonic. You have to know WHO you are and take everything they say with a grain of salt( like everywhere i guess?) and it should be fine too.

Well retarted lefties are going to get assraped and reprogrammed in dmt-hyperspace. Its nothing for weak minds.

Being in tune with your self is Satanic? Mindlessly following others is enlightenment? Try critical thinking some day my boy.

Alright, anyways, now that I've had a chance to catch up with this thread:

Y'all are all such fucking retards. Can you not read or are you literally JIDF kike shills? Nothing in here implied that meditation is solely a demonic thing or some bullshit that you think I said. The first sentence literally fucking says "I'm not talking about breathing techniques" but you fucking faggots just couldn't listen.

These things are nothing, they are like blank canvases, but your perspective going into them is extremely important- the cabal pushes these things onto you while combining it with all of the other obvious crap they do to us, socially indoctrinating people and giving people completely made up ideas about reality. This way when they try to "become enlightened" they're going into it with all sorts of false ideas in their minds and when you are meditating yes this opens up the door for you to connect to evil things and that's what they are guiding everyone towards.

This is why people like the Buddha will not go into detail about what you should experience while meditating, just the basic foundations of how to do it, because you are not supposed to go into these things with a pre-conceived notion, you're supposed to experience them for yourself.

Take your meds user

>not understandung meditation this hard
>meditation itslef has anything to do with ego loss
You dumb google. If anything meditation is a massive redpill

What do you mean by right wing?

How many Cred Forumsaks activated their pineal gland? You know that third eye bullshit? Is that real?

Also you're on the wrong board

WOW look at all these kikes that can't read, I didn't realize that pol was full of this many idiots.

>it's not for weak minds

Indeed. It's also not for people who have a purely material, non-spiritual conception of existence. This is how smart people who decide to try out practices like Yoga, certain styles of meditation (kundalini, for example), and Tantra get into trouble. Kyle Odom fall into this category.

Massive disinfo campaign to discredit meme magic

Perception is reality

Meditation gives you control over perception

Control your perceptions control your reality

Groups controlling group perception lead to groups controlling group reality

If you control every humans perception, you become god because you control every humans reality

whenever you "plan" on doing mediation and use any kind of autistic hand gestures and "techniques" you are doing it wrong

Float tanks are good for you so is Yoga

No one has these false ideas.

Try reddit

I've felt some light pressure on my forehead. Doubt that's what you mean tho.

your body should be relaxed, as much as possible

WOW look at the massive autist















HURR DURR maybe that's the point inbred retard. Fucking dumb goys don't know this shit, look at this:

This article is telling people to do the "gyan mudra" while they meditate, claiming that you can see the buddha making the exact same hand sign in many works of art but it's bullshit, you can't find any works of art that depict that except modern ones. This symbol, the index finger and thumb closed, is one of the most popular Satanic cabal hand signs. They're teaching the idiots who are "doing it wrong" as you put it to channel fucking Satan. Why can't anyone ever listen like a normal person and make a good argument based off of my actual points instead of their little strawman arguments? Oh right probably because you're literally a shill.

I keep reading on the internet that if you open your third eye you get psyhic powers so I'm wondering if any Cred Forumsak or /x/er can confirm this.

Well you were stupid enough to care to type this bullshit out so you seem like the kind of guy that just likes to waste his own time.

theres..... something on the wing.

Yeah I guess that's why sites like this teach people to use these hand gestures and to mediate in ways that don't have anything to do with anything that Jesus or the Buddha or any other enlightened figure taught?

It's like you've never met a trashy "hippy" girl in your life before.

it's bs
i think your perception can change at most
like seeing things more ''clearly'' and being more ''connected'' to your surroundings
probably having ability to feel danger for instance, and react to it accordingly
because that's what i've heard


sorry i haven't precisely read your points even though you started your post with a clickbait title and then continued to articulate yourself like a "wake up sheeple" tier autist

So it's not worth wasting my time on meditation?

if you have some trouble with stress and anxiety, it's worth it
and it feels nice

i could say its more simple than that

the (((mediation))) drives people away from things that truly matter, so the globalists can do whatever they want while the people stay passive and delusional thanks to the (((life))) the people have been constructed to live in

Just preach what you got OP. Ignore the others.

>know hardcore atheists for their entire lives
>they get into yoga
>immediately starts believing the spirituality bullshit

They were always just rejecting their family upbringing, weren't they?

>feels nice
People are writing they can see extradimensional creatures. Are they just schizos then?

that's astral projection territory you're going into
apparently there's a more complicated protocol than breathing in and out to achieve it
is it bs? dunno lol

Like I said. Try reddit AKA your target audience.

this thread is shit.

>murican monkeys believe in this bezmenov cia shit

Psychedlics made me harcore trump fan.
There is nothing more greater than watching Trump rallies stoned

People have been practicing meditation and yoga with the goal of enlightenment/nirvana/etc since well before the Jews existed as anything but a few scattered tribes in the middle east. Just admit that you have no idea what you're talking about.

Also, look at this sorry pleb replying to his own thread

>What da fug, I was OP of last night's thread on this topic

Yeah, you're OP of this one too you fucking moron.

>inb4 "no, I was talking about the OTHER kind of meditation god you guys are so stupid"

I don't think you have to worry about anyone "meditating". I'm well-learned in the earliest Buddhist sacred texts and "meditation" is intricately bound up with notions of a firm moral basis, intention of renunciation, etc. You basically have to take on the entire Buddhistic perspective of life, death, and rebirth to "meditate" at all; without that philosophical basis, it's just a sensual activity like smoking a cigarette.

I agree re drugs, though. That's a big psyop, marijuana is the most concerning in today's world. Protip: if you're for marijuana and think you're fighting the good fight against the oppressive government, they have you fooled. Anything that intoxicates the mind, accumulates in the brain cells to the extent of exerting a constant influence, etc, cannot be a tool of freedom, only of enslavement. Stop smoking, detoxify.

>meditate enough instead of facing problems.
youre doing it wrong then.
meditation is to quiet your racing mind so when youre done you can think more clearly, to then solve those problems
at least thats how i use it. i dont claim to ascend to different realms and open up shakras or shit. its just nice to relax and not think about anything for a few minutes

My husband made this thread before he left for work, I woke up and found it, didn't realize it was him until I posted and saw the similar IDs.