Holy shit this will really make you think

Holy shit this will really make you think

They're economic migrants. They've stopped being in danger from war along time ago.

It didn't the last 50 times you posted it you twat

I love liberal amnesia.

Someone should just make a literal bowl of skittles and coat some of them with poison already.

So he's admitting that immigration is risking human lives but still supports it. Nice. So if I kill a bunch of muslims because it might save a few lives, then it's fine. Okay sweet.

they wouldn't though
that's why he's posting on facebook instead of actually helping people

Man my neurons really got a beating from that pic

Wtf I hate borders and common sense now!

In practice this means

>someone will die because of this but it won't be me :^)

The initial analogy is wrong.

It should be "one of the skittles contains a debliating virus that will pkague your entire community for decades to come"

So he's fine with him or his family being blown the fuck up in an attack?

That's good to know.

Also I fucking hate skittles anyway.

wait, I remember when they made this analogy about men and called it "deep, inspiring, etc."

>i would literally jonestown suicide myself and my whole family for muh sandpeople lives

okay. while absolutely insane, it DOES in fact make me think - what exactly has this faggot actually done for the poor refugees he says he cares so much about? virtue signalling on facebook has never saved lives, and it never will.

you are a fool if you assign the same value to sandpeople lives that you assign to your own countrymen

If we want the analogy to be right, they shouldn't be poison skittles. That would imply a terrorist would kill only her. They should be explosive skittles. Explosive skittles that kill everyone else in a 3 block radius when you eat them.

But hurrr durrr she's being a real hero eating those skittles. Pic related, this is what happens when you eat a poison skittle.

>I would kill myself to safe strangers!

I'm sure you would.

"Okay, by that logic then, would you voluntarily kill yourself if it meant that a refugee would come in to take your place?"

In the land of all junk food, skittles are ranked below deep-fried dog squeeze on a stick rolled in confectioner's sugar. The plastic consistency and flavors that resemble reality in the way that a blind man draws a human face are only overshadowed in the pits of my personal disdain by their unrelenting promotion of sodomy as blessed.

>I'm willing to compromise my standard of living and safety, so you should too.
The problem with these virtue signaling faggots is that they demand of others to mimic their behavoir to make their sacrifices feel validated. They're both insecure and sensitive to power fantasies, they want the sympathy of being a victim but also want to hold the power that comes with being in control. And the reason they're so quick to sacrifice is because they haven't earned anything worth defending. Fuck, I hate these people so much.