Other urls found in this thread:

its happening when he is out slaying niggers in SS uniform

but that's reddits thing now

oh wait I forgot Cred Forums is reddit now


it was stormfront crossovers before, now it's reddit since moot nuked us
not sure if I should be glad but oh well sure



>a fucking cane toad

i knew it

don't ever touch those things i hunt them weekly

what kind of fucking idiot wants a cane toad for a pet? what the fuck i am literally astounded

also the venom sac is behind the eyelids crows flip them upside down and eat them they're literally the worst fucking amphibian imaginable and eat excusively endangered wildlife

pewdieew never earned my ire before today but this kind of stupidity must be recognized

i still don't get it what the fuck

when i lived in australia my room mate used to use his golf club to whack them from our garden

yeah i do that when i'm in a bad mood

detol kills them within seconds you're better off using it in every situation

the idea that this thing can be a pet is so offensive to me i'm on the verge of vomiting what the fuck

I told you guys.

I fucking told you guys.

>not realizing he's an ironic trump "supporter"

>Ainsley is a 2010 Cred Forums meme
>Pewdiepie kills him (symbolizing leaving Cred Forums)
>Pewdiepie gets a pepe frog
>This symbolizes he has finally made it to Cred Forums


>"Im terrified of this toad, I'm legit scared of it."

What did he mean by this?

Explain. What so bad about them, you triggered cunt?

Sounds Pepe as fuck to me


Stop posting attention whore ecelebs.

They do it for likes, clicks, views and sheckels.


He had made jokes about being "triggered" before, so I'm not surprised if he turns out to be right-leaning.

>tfw when kekism goes mainstream
>in 20 years people will be unironically worshipping frog idols irl
I wasn't ready for this

Best dumb slut triggered video on jewtube

>I fucking toad you guys.

They wrecked Australia's shit.

Is there an animal that doesn't fuck Australia's shit up?

>cane toad
No you cunt it's a kang toad.

there are 2 other threads up about the same thing.
stop spamming fags

Consolidate threads please


It means Kek's power is too strong.

Nice Hitler dubs.

Wow, he said "faggot" also.


dude hes gonna die if he keeps handling that cane toad with bare hands
bufo marinus is TOXIC AS FUCK and hes stressing him out
also pretty sure those animals are illegal to own as pets for 90% of the west so wtf how does he have this

I remember old videos of his, forgot the game, the thing like game, where he probably said nigger like 15 times in one video.

Yesterday Farage fought fo UK and won.
Today Donald Trump is fighting for US and it will win.

And tomorrow, Sweden shall rise up, thanks to this faggot. Rise Sweden, rise and kill that those somalis fucking with your country!

>endangered species
They were probably on their way out anyways. Couple toads won't make a difference.


fuck off underage

wtf i love reddit now

This isn't just any attention whore e-celeb. This is THE attention whore e-celeb. He became a multi millionaire off YouTube. He is more successful and influential than anyone on this board.

And he's a fucking white male. Redpilling him would Redpill an entire generation of underage faggots and finally send the pendulum full swing in the opposite direction.

>Pewdiepie making subtle references in his videos to gain more views by arousing in interest in a particular ideological group.

When did Cred Forums become fucking retarded?

Australian here,

I knew that it was a fucking cane toad, they're poisonous and they piss on you.

Absolutely disgusting, put them in a garbage back by the dozen and pour detol on them like they're jewish

I was kinda skeptic about this, a god damn frog is too damn obvious now

>It's an American doesn't understand satire and ironic joking episode

>Its like holding a cheeseburger

I thought that was funny

>When did Cred Forums become fucking retarded?
influx of 12 year olds who find these facebook grinch memes funny

Fucking Kek

It's kermit you fucking newfag.


His jew handlers disney wont allow that

>some of my aussie friends come to Canada
>go for a drive
>they start taking pictures of the filthy mule deer that hang out in town and eat garbage, basically 4 legged pigeons...they think they're the most beautiful majestic animals.

lol fucking aus

>ya I'll sacrifice followers/subscribers and take less money for irony lol

He actually did it. He actually joined us.
You guys don't realize how big this is.
This is real, we have become a movement, and people are joining us, daily, by the thousands. And now we got this guy on our side, with his 48 millions subscribers. 48 Million people he has influence on, which he can prevent from becoming tumblr-tier millennials.

Felix when you read this (and i know you will) thank you.
I'll even sub your fucking channel now. If the collapse/race war comes sooner than we thought it will, DROP THE RED PILL. Until then just tackle down on political correctness, break their conditioning, when there's a terrorist attack force your audience to discuss it, teach them not to believe what they see on television, be a positive role model (tell them to do sports, attract a partner, to be independent and not to rely on the government), don't push memes/trends that glorify niggers/nigger behaviour and especially NO RACE MIXING!
Keep making jokes about conspiracies/illuminati so your audience might wonder one day "hey what if there actually is a conspiracy" and they start to do their own research. I haven't watched any of your videos so i have no idea what your usual content is but i thought i'd give you some tipps and ideas.

Stay save. The white race will prevail.

>Stay save. The white race will prevail.
Do you realize that not fucking niggers is just 1 step for white ppl to not get wiped out of the face of the Earth, right?

You forgot to add the other two: have lots of children AND stop massive influx of immigration.

Fail to take care of steps 2 and 3, and might as well just put a shotgun on your mouth and pull the trigger.