Is browsing Cred Forums in public degenerate?

Is browsing Cred Forums in public degenerate?

At a bar on my lunch break.

Better than browsing official (((news))) website don't worry about it burger. Nice dubs btw


Drinking while working is degenerate
well, drinking at all is degenerate

very good showmanship... very good...


>he goes to bars during lunch break

fuck your dubs, you degenerates need to hang

I browse Cred Forums at work on my phone.

Don't tell me what to do.

How do you expect me to operate on people when my hands won't stop shaking?

I shitpost on pol during lectures

Not really, apparently more people get their news by looking at the front page of Google

I only do it if no one can see my screen. I don't want a bunch of people to see me scrolling through anime and porn

I do it senpai

>working at publix
You better be under 18 or a minority

I do it on my Liberal Arts college campus; I'm pretty sure you can do it in public.

>Not having a drink during lunch

You normies are the worst I swear.

I do it all the time because Japanese wouldn't recognize it but I close it if other gaijin are around because people see pink background and prob assume you're looking for cheddar pastrami on Cred Forums

Publix is the GOAT and no supermarket can compare.
Too bad there aren't any in the North

Will you fuck off you fucking annoying cunt? Alway trying to fit in no one loves you on this site and their a huge fucking why fuck off (((leaf))) from a another leaf sick of your shit!

ikr I'm stuck with Giant fucking Eagle which is basically the sixth circle of hell

Do you think OP could just be grabbing some food? Most bars in my area even have a restaurant section for families

Yes he probably is, most bars around here also
have a restaurant section reserved for eating.
