Serious Question

If Jews infiltrate governments, what's to stop them from eventually invading a fascist one? Killing all the jews just doesn't seem like a valid argument. A lot of them could just denounce their religion if it becomes necessary.
History has shown that complacency has always lead to more internalized corruption. When there's no one left to fight things will devolve into a corporatocracy that the jews will eventually control. If we abolish these means of control or reduce their powers to be willed directly by the people, we cannot be used by crony scum skypes.
The end game to futile extermination seems to be eventual decay of fervor and bringing about decadency. Which historically destroys nations.
This is a fact.
So my question to Cred Forums is, why not gas the corporate skypes, then establish socialism that rewards you based on effort?
You can be wealthy is socialism. Or you can live off minimum wage. But socialism is about how much you put in.
Yes, there may not be anymore millionaires or billionaire celebrities. But god forbid what will we do without the ultra rich using their influence to shill for a literal criminal.
In socialism you keep your guns.
No more corporate skypes.
No more wage slavery.
You can still make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year if you are educated and there is a demand for you.
Complete transparency of spending.

A lot of the anti socialism propaganda is just memes. The founding fathers would be appalled at how people glorify their corrupt overlords these days.

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I'm not shilling by the way.
I'm pro Trump. I just believe that inevitably we will need to transition les we be consumed by the soft totalitarianism that rules us now.
Even counter-currents agrees that no matter what is elected it's liberal jewish soft totalitarianism. They are all cheating you.


that's why nazism incorporates jew-hatred

If you want to think of it philosophically, there's a reason that Cred Forums calls every exploitative official a jew. The anger is directed towards a false flag. We can't just pick out jews exclusively. We need to target all corruption and form a firing line.

Hatred of those that would rob us of what we earn would INCLUDE jews.

Everyone can be brainwashed. We just have to extra nationalize the Jews

This still doesn't address those that are puppets for the jews. Hillary Clinton is clearly not a jew but she's owned by Isreal just like Obama. But even if we eradicate the country there's still the jewish bankers. When it come down to it pol just wants to destroy the hidden agenda. But when the agenda is the same one socialists fight against it's suddenly wrong.

We must be as ruthless in our defense as they are in their incursion.

The only consistent difference between what pol wants to exterminate and what socialists want to exterminate is minorities.
I agree this is a tough to argue subject as niggers keep nogging in the streets. But hear me out.
The main issue with blacks is that they (falsely) perceive the white population exploiting them or excluding them. I used to work as an assistant in the white house. Nobody there, including blacks, give half a shit about the poor minorities. They openly acknowledge that they are simply a votebank for the democratic party. It is THEM who are responsible for the false flag that whites oppress them. In reality the officials in government NEGLECT them.
They are 100% self interested in keeping their jobs while desensitizing the public to not care which shitty candidate they promote.
The entire political system has devolved into which banks back which candidate and who you as a people "decide". As long as this continues the people will keep playing themselves.

We must be on the OFFENSE. We cannot keep allowing the enemy to incur in their own game. This is as folly as defending in a guerrilla resistance against your own country. You need to ATTACK. You NEED to make them play by your rules. Fascism always leads to corporations that eventually seize power indirectly.


A. It's not the religion it's the ethnicity
B. Nothing's to stop them
C. Only a religion will save us

A. The ethnicity is typically white-ish
B. Defeatist attitudes is what they want. That's half their game plan and something I've already mentioned.
C. Cultures can be just as powerful as religions. See asians and blacks.

Jews could absolutely infiltrate the totalitarian government that true National Socialist authoritarians dream of or the monarchy that pretentious "Dark Enlightenment" faggots always fantasize about.

That's why creating (or preserving, depending on the way you look at things) a system of government that respects and protects individual rights and liberties in the United States is so important. Libertarianism is cancerous Jew filth, but some of the principles of classical liberalism---a Bill of Rights (so that no one can be killed unjustifiably), regular elections, etc.---would be necessary so that the hypothetical far-right authoritarian government that some anime Nazis wish to establish simply won't be infiltrated from within by corrupt, money-grubbing, power-hungry scum (as all dictatorships eventually are) and end up acting against the interests of the people it is supposed to serve.

Only faggot cuckolds and non-whites want to be ruled over and told what to do by strongmen. Only idiots think that an authoritarian government will remain pure and uncorrupt for generations, never turning against its own supporters.

A government is only legitimate if it receives the consent of the governed. I understand tolerating dictatorships in low-IQ, barbaric, sandnigger shitholes like Syria, but authoritarianism is inherently Third Worldish and dehumanizing for whites.

Combine a democracy that protects individual rights with a mixed economy and a nationalist border and immigration policy and you have the perfect system of government.

>you can be wealthy in socialism
Big fucking lie.
t. country with 40+ years of socialism

It's the Jesuits goyim =^]

Passing criticism over Jews with a picture implying you can't criticize Jews

Your country was modeled and influenced by Stalinism.
Even nazis would agree that it isn't the same thing.
That being said, Capitalism, like socialism, relies on other entities and governments to make up for what is deficient. The jews in the western states started planting liberal lobbyists, the fascists that remained in Hungary were campaigning and causing all sorts of issues, and in 1956 your government regected the policies of Stalin who was essentially the only person keeping the idea afloat. It's no wonder the economy crashed. You had three penises in you from start to finish.

Lenin's seizing of the means of production was the only legitimate attempt at true socialism/communism. That started to diminish once the bankers and fatcats started to spread propaganda about how authoritarian Russia was. Fearing his work being undone by the lobbying jews to brainwash the masses that they needed Sears catologs or whatever, he halted the open media. It was never automatic. It only happened after the huge influx of criticism by people who weren't even russian. After which he managed to achieve stability by died shortly after. Stalin, his successor, started to seize the assets that Lenin left for the working class to maintain power. His ideology was so abrasive and authoritarian that it became it's own legitimate ideology separate from lenin's Marxism. After the fall of the soviet union the current government started to drift towards capitalism. Today, most would call Russia an illiberal democracy. And as far detached from communism as the USA.
