Well, Cred Forums ?

Food for thought.

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off texas or else we'll overthrow your government again


It is not about whether he has a right to do that, to which actually is dictated by the NFL not the government. Government cannot prevent him from doing his "protest" but the NFL can say if they do not wish to have none of that shit.

It is actually about what his protest for. To which in America at this moment is both culturally and statistically wrong.




googles have the same property rights as well as firearms rights as well as access to health services as any other person in America.

Occupy Democrats BTFO

People need to stop being such pussies about it. Who cares if they don't stand, christ people keep looking for things to get triggered about.

2/3? Who is the real racist?

>Lets take a very complex subject, create rash generalizations that follow our narrative in order to make a point that doesn't represent facts. Then lets make a meme of it for our non-critically thinking followers that allows them to justify their actions.. good job.

>*smacks lips*
>*breathes heavily through teeth gap*
>*snorts through massive nostrils*

At some point you have to ask : what do they want ?

I love you, Finland. We'll never annex, enslave or cuck you again.

We expect a certain type of behavior from people doing a job. We (people that watch sports) pay to watch these athletes entertain us. As soon as they step on the field they are representatives of the team, franchise and NFL that pays them to do a job. It is in this why the players taking a knee are wrong in their stance. It would be like someone at McDonalds who is vegan not serving burgers. That person is there to do a job, serve customers burgers, not push a political agenda. This is why these players are in the wrong, if the players want to take a knee on their own time, that is their right, but as an employee of the NFL a certain standard should be followed just like at any other business. We have seen how this played out for Sony with Ghostbusters and the ensuing backlash from Leslie "Google" Jones and losing over $70mil. NFL don't let your players control the business model, you will lose viewership and money.

TL;DR: Athletes are employed to entertain not push political agendas.

> oppressed
> mega millions yearly to play a game
> fuck you, whitey, everything is fucked
> except my nearly perfect, rich, famous life

> fuck whitey

Cancer on society.

Shit bait is shit

>Occupy Democrats

Every time I see that yellow/white text on a black background, I instinctively know not to read

>Put criminals into jail
>Blame white people that criminals commit crime
>It's 2016

No. But Colin's a fucking hypocrite considering that he has a $144 million contract, more that most white people or anyone can obtain.

Hard to be sympathetic to the plight of America's googles when they're their own worst enemy. I don't see them protesting inner city slums infested with gang violence, now do I?

>Sooo lemme get this straight

Well I mean... they're more than welcome to return to their homeland any time they like.

>You enslave
Arabs and Dutch jews.
>Ban from privileges
What privileges? Yes we fucked up by not immediately shipping blacks back to Africa.
>Put 2/3 of blacks in prison
They fid that themselves when they committed 50% of all crimes while being 13% of the population.

>Food for thought.

wtf, I'm malnourished now

Please do it, save us big brother

>america is 400 years old
u wot

Fucking Christ. This was okay until the jail bit. DONT CHIMP AND GET SENT TO JAIL THEN.


If they don't feel American, they can always leave.
Aren't these players enjoying the easy cash they get for playing hand-egg for however long a game lasts?


Come on, it's 2215




Wtf wtf ??
That's all I can say. Except maybe, America hasn't been here 400years. Slavery however has been around (and still is) since before people took the time to track Time.

This. My issue isn't with him protesting the country. My issue is with him protesting for an absolutely horseshit reason that has no basis in reality.


>fill tow thirds of your prison cells with them


Bahahahahaha! Yes!

They act like we force them to stay here. They are free to GTFO anytime.

They made racist laws like no robbing

Our tax dollars fund the prisons.

>"waaah muh privileges muh privilages, the privilages where is muh privilages I can't live or breathe without muh privilages treat me like a king muh fucka muh privilages!"

Shut the fuck up.
Shut the fuck up forever. Nigger.

>fill two-thirds of your prisons prison cells with them until today

Gee I wonder why that is

then the families of those white men who fought to free them should get paid back for disability, deaths, and work lost that set their ancestors behind.


They actually think we just fill up prisons of them. The think white people actually want to spend that much tax payer money on them to a point that it's a conspiracy that we lock them up on purpose

shows how whipped they are. they think they have entire prisons full of wrongfully imprisoned niggers and not once has BLM tried to break them out.

how did the name googles happen?

>white people living in America today are the same "America" that enslaved black people 150 years ago
>white people are privileged because they keep their household intact and impart strong values on their children that gives them a greater chance at economic well-being
>black people have no agency, they cannot be blamed for their behavior

>Americans took them from their own countries where they were already enslaved
>Americans treat them considerably better than their former masters, because their lives were worth at least as much as they paid for them
>Americans eventually fought a civil war over their rights, being the only country in history to engage in a civil war over the rights of slaves
>Americans eventually released them from their slavery, upon which they became free individuals in the richest, most prosperous nation on Earth
>For those who didn't want to stay in America, we gave them their own country in Africa, which they promptly turned into a war-torn shithole
>Not a day goes by when blacks berate white people for removing their ancestors from a country where their lives meant literally nothing, and they were beholden to slave masters who would torture and kill them for fun

you got the medschool acceptance rate chart?

man the number of years america had slaves seems to keep going up.

The Jews who own the teams don't care, they are probably supporting it and laughing about it

> gets paid millions of dollars every year to bench warm.
Still complains he's disadvantaged.

True Google logic


Anyone watch Kill the Messenger?
Drugs pumped into black neighborhoods to fuel wars in South America is a real thing. White people getting lesser sentences for identical crimes is a real thing(rand Paul spoke up on the statistics). I have a white friend who's brother in law stole from his gf, stole all of his parents money so they couldn't pay their mortgage, stole a car all to pay his drug habit. He keeps getting bailed out and light sentences from judges( in NC). I have a black friend in MD who was caught with some marijuana in his car and got two years. So yes it's a racist problem just like all the others that blacks don't completely have control over but everyone pretends it's all their fault. There blame to share.