Good point 2bh

Good point 2bh

no it isnt you stupid stupid nig nog. Blacks are being shot because they are being criminals. If you fuck with the police, expect to get fucked by the police.

What do boots taste like?

im pretty sure most americans would really like it if we WEREN'T in a war in the middle east

why do liberals always do this? make up something someone never said and then criticize it as being evil

glorious, what does grape soda taste like?

what does shoe polish taste like

>black community *speaks out
>* attack innocent people, riot, loot local businesses, and block traffic and endanger innocent lives

Until you use your brain and realise that black on black crime CAUSES more confrontations with police, it's their fucking job to make sure their hoods aren't fucking warzones

>when Americans kill more Americans than ISIS ever will?
Not Americans. BLACK Americans. YOU are the problem in your own example. YOU murder more of us than ISIS. That's why it's a little bit disingenuous to hear YOU bitching about the police shooting criminals.

>google logic

How do you even convince them?

Because over 2x more whites die to cops than blacks

Wheres the outcry over blacks killing whites at 10X rate whites kill blacks

>implying they're mutually exclusive
Can't I be outraged about ISIS and homegrown violence? I'd actually prefer it if nigs and all violent offenders were deported along with muzzies

Maybe its because ISIS very rarely actually kills americans while on the other hand nig-nogs off each other in record numbers literally every day.


it is a good point.

it seems that killing is only okay if it happens inside homogenous groups of people. but when a member of one tribe attacks another, then it means war.

humans are an interesting group of animals. we see this reasoning as okay and acceptable because of our tribal mentality, but it is obviously silly and stupid. yet it will continue to happen because humans are flawed. until we condition out the primitive attributes that allow for this us vs them thinking, the same problems will keep happening.

hitler was right, eugenics is the way to go. too bad the jews made it evil.

also Cred Forumsacks will have a hard time admitting this person has a good point because he's considered part of the "them" tribe. please realize that we're all the same and everytime you divide us you only make more problems.

Because the vast majority of Americans killing Americans is black on black crime.

We're actively trying to stop ISIS
They're not doing shit to stop black on black crime

The comparisson is not equal.

In order for it to be equal it would have to be why are isis members mad that we kill them when there is more mudslime on mudslime killing going on

purple is the correct answer

I live in carrollton.

I will find this cunt.

... but it's not a good point.

They don't get mad at "another tribe" attacking them. They get mad because they're told to get mad, because they're paid to get mad, because they can use "being mad" as an excuse to loot, and they get mad because it helps their narrative of "the man" keeping them down instead of fucked up ghetto culture.

> negligible, exaggerated threat to america
> police brutality
>negligible, exaggerated threat to blacks
its a good point desu

1. People are outrage when they hear about murders.

2. If there was a movement that was called "American lives matter", there would be a glaring issue with them only caring about American lives lost do to terrorism.

Don't name your movement "black lives matter" if you are going to ignore much greater causes for the lost of black lives. Be honest and call it something like "black lives only matter when taken by cops".

>what are statistics?
only a small percentage of Americans kill Americans, while every single ISIS fighter wants everyone else dead.

also, ISIS kills people because they will only stop when everyone who isn't them is dead, Americans kill people because... idk why, but they usually stop after one criminal.

Wouldn't blacks get killed by police less if they weren't so often armed with illegal weapons and ready to fire them? But they can't disarm because then other blacks will kill them. It seems to be a cycle from which nobody can escape without being killed. Police have to shoot blacks or blacks will shoot them, but blacks have to shoot anybody they see or else they will be killed by other blacks. So what is the solution?

The solution is always to move the fuck out of the ghetto.

But they're too retarded to move to rural (white) America, thank god.

Except ISIS isn't killing Americans. It's just babble from a moron that has no clue what's going on outside his Facebook feed.

Usefull idiot

Really causes my neural cells to depolarize by opening gated channels in the membrane and passively diffusing potassium ions out of the cytoplasm down its concentration gradient leading to a sequence of action potentials to stimulate in accord with long term potentiation pathways developed through the release of seratonin at key moments of sensory input while also really fires up my electric pulse that travels down the axon until it reaches the synapses, where it then causes the release of neurotransmitters. The synapses are extremely close to the dendrites of the target neuron. This allows the neurotransmitters to diffuse across the intervening space and fit into the receptors that are located on the target neuron. This causes some action to take place in that neuron that will either decrease or increase the membrane potential of the neuron. If it increases the membrane potential (makes it more positive, or depolarizes it.) then it is exciting the neuron, and if it decreases the membrane potential (makes it more negative, or hyper-polarizes it.) then it is inhibiting the neuron. If it causes the membrane potential to pass the firing threshold then it will activate an action potential in the target neuron and send it down its axon.

A sizeable portion of those American vs American crimes were black on black violence.

Ah damn, you beat me to it
Well done.

>white carries a gun?
>He's exercising his Second Amendment rights! He's protecting America!
>black carries a gun?

>>Worthless nigger carries an illegally obtained firearm used in multiple felonies?


>see white man
It's a never ending circle of faulty logic on both sides.

...and Blacks kill most Americans.

They don't kill the most, but they're 13% of the population and are responsible for around half.

Oops, I meant they do kill the most but not by much.

Is he comparing the police to ISIS?

blacks kill more than twice as many whites as vice versa


and ISIS has acquired WMDs


thats what happens when 12% of the population commits 50% of the murders

Strawman argument, they use it all the time but lose their minds if anyone uses it on them.