The Daily Show

Why do the vast majority of people think this cancer is real? Is there definitive proof that this is staged so people on social media can finally stop littering it everywhere? And so we can use it to make them look retarded.

Not an adamant Trump supporter but it made me kind of pissed - not as pissed as I was humoured but yeah.

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Are these bigots making fucking of the mentally handicapped?

The Daily Show

is as desperate as you think!

gas/rape smart people

> "Is that a Jew watch"

wtf i love kike niggers now


>hey look at these people we cherry picked / planted into the group to make the majority seem stupid!

Really though is there any chance these aren't actors? Every single interaction is so consequent that it seems staged to me, but I guess it could just be the result of this showy interviewer + picking out super specific clips.

SPOILER: The Trump hat is fake.

I'd love to see a (((primetime show))) interview a bunch of niggers.

Fake as fuck

You have no idea how fucking retarded rednecks are. Of course it's real. You've let the memes on Cred Forums cloud your perception of reality.

Just link them this

You can just as easily cherry pick idiot liberals as well.

9/11/12 something happened that leftists dont think happened.

Asks Trump guy about 911 and Barack. Literally weeks after 13 Hours comes out displaying Barack and Hillarys major league fuckup.

Make fun of guy who actually remembers Americans dieing in Libya while Barack was golfing or some shit.

Stop using logic and thinking about stuff, you are going to make the rednecks cry

Nobody watches that show now that Trevor Shoa took over. He's just not funny. Stewart was at least sometimes clever.

Paco, you have to go back

The thing about ambush interviews like this is that they are easy to stage. You can't prove if someone is a legitimate supporter of a particular candidate. All you have to do is slap on some campaign gear and pretend to be a supporter of a candidate.

Even if it is real, there are dumb people on both sides. Look back at 2008 with the niggers that had no idea what Obama's policies were but were voting for him because he was black.


Do you ever wonder why we want the wall so badly? Your people are cancer.

I rarely use this site, don't care about 90% of the stubborn politics on here. People who watch these sorts of videos intently without seeing the spuriousness are the types to stare into a TV 3 hours a day, use Facebook in all its surface-level glory, etc. Lowest common denom.

I think you're trolling but you got me, I'll bite once.

>skittles argument doesnt' work for syrians
>skittles argument DOES WORK for trump supporters

No doubt there are braindead Trump supporters and footage to prove it. I just thought this video was sludge either way.

The Daily Show is blatant leftist shilling.

Of course they take the dumbest remarks only.

They will never go to Harlem or Baltimore or Southside LA, and ask the dumb nigs and spics about Hillary, though; because that would harm the narrative.

>Trump supporters are this retarded
That it guys, I'm...I'm with her now.

An user here went to a University and had leftists say retarded shit regarding trannies and another user did the same with Hillary quotes.

You interview enough people, especially people at a fucking political rally who want to talk to the daily show, you'll find some idiots. Then via editing you get a good Dumb Dumb reel.

Who cares? Nobody watches the Daily Show anymore. They are completely irrelevant.

>Where are the black people?

>Black people are walking in the background as question is prompted.

If you talk to enough random people, you're bound to find a dumbass. There was a great story about people setting up a petition outside a gender studies program to end women's suffrage. Lots of people endorsed it.

You could do either thing at Hillary rallies, except nobody shows up.

Daily Show


12 Year Olds

Pig Farmer in Exile

Smoke = Fire

>no african americans around
What about that one?

I can't watch this video in Canada, but check the credits if you can. I heard the interviewee is credited, so you can look up the actor who played him. Also, that hat is obviously fake because they can't use Trump's actual licensed material. You ever see an actual trump supporter wearing a hat that says "Trump"?

>If 80% of Skittles are poison, do you buy a bag?
Only if I'm trying to kill rats in the toolshed.

>If a normal distribution of Skittles are that weird artificial banana flavor, do you buy a bag?

I wish, just one of the uploads of this video to Facebook has 30M views already.


Yeah that is a fucking Chinese hat. You can even tell it from the shitty picture.